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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-238748Interchanges and Updates for the Special Education Language Acquisition Collection (SELA)

Additional Reference: PSSR-247053
TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.39
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.20
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.38

The following updates are available:

  • Summary
    • The TSDS Interchanges for the SELA Collection are now available.
    • In the UI, when new SELA Special Program records are created, existing values in the fields are now rolled forward into the new record if the student had a prior SELA record.
    • The SELA collection reports data on the language acquisition services of children eight years of age or younger as of September 1 who are deaf or hard of hearing, and who have been identified with PEIMS Disability Codes (03) Auditory Impairment and/or (05) Deaf-Blind.
    • When generating the SELA interchanges, set the Collection Code to the “TSDS – SELA” option.
  • SELA Record Selection Criteria
    • EdOrg Interchange: All schools not flagged as excluded from state reporting are included.
    • Student-Parent and Student Program Interchanges
      • All students with a SELA Special Program record dated in the current year are included as long as the student or the student’s school of enrollment is not flagged as excluded from PEIMS or state reporting.
      • Note that any student with a SELA record must also have an overlapping SPED Special Program record with a disability code of (03) Auditory Impairment or (05) Deaf-Blind, or TEA errors will be generated. When no corresponding SPED record exists, blank values are output for the required Disability element in the Student-Parent Interchange and for the required Instructional Setting element in the Student Program Interchange.
  • Interchange Output
    • EdOrg Interchange: basic LEA Extension and School Extension records are included with the State Organization IDs. No other elements are reported.
    • Student-Parent Interchange
      • A basic Student Extension record is reported with the student’s identifiers, Name, Gender, Birthdate, Ethnicity, Race, and Limited English Proficiency status.
      • The Disabilities complex type reports the Effective Date and Disability, which is limited to Deaf-Blindness (Deaf-Blind) and/or Hearing/Auditory Impairment (Auditory Impairment). The TSDS output does not distinguish between Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary Disability.
    • Student Program Interchange
      • A single StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension record is reported for each student based on the most recent SELA special program record in effect at runtime.
      • Program Type (E1337) defaults to Special Education in all records.
      • Instructional Setting (E0173) is extracted from the student’s SPED special program record with dates that overlap the SELA special program record dates.
      • Preferred Home Communication Method is extracted from the SELA record: Visual, Auditory, Tactile, or Multiple/Total
      • Three complex types are reported based on the SELA record, and multiple values are reported within each complex when applicable.
        • TX-LanguageAcquisitionServicesProvided
          • E1662 LANG-ACQ-SERVICES-PROVIDED: Direct, Indirect, Consultative, or Services not Provided
          • E1663 FREQUENCY-OF-SERVICES: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Less Than Monthly, or None
          • E1664 HOURS-SPENT-RECEIVING-SERVICES: 0 Hours, Less Than 1 Hour, 1 to 3 Hours, More Than 3 Hours up to 5 Hours, or More Than 5 Hours
        • TX-HearingAmplification
          • E1665 HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-TYPE: Hearing Aids, Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA), Implants (Includes Cochlear and Middle Ear Implants), Supplementals (includes examples such as FM systems, Infrared systems, Induction Loop systems), or Not Applicable
          • E1666 EARING-AMPLIFICATION-ACCESS: Full Day or Partial Day
          • E1667 HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-AVERAGE-DAILY-USE: Less Than 1 Hour, 1 to 3 Hours, or More Than 3 Hours
        • TX-LanguageAcquisitionAssessmentReportingCategory
          • E1668 TOOL-OR-ASSESSMENT-USED: Not Assessed, Proficiency, Diagnostic, Achievement, Rubric, or Other
          • E1669 ASSESSMENT-RESULTS-OBTAINED: Far Below Expectations, Below Expectations, Meets Expectations, Above Expectations, Far Above Expectations, or No Results Obtained

Master Schedule Updates for Class Roster to Remove Service ID

TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.29

The Master Schedule Interchange is updated for the Class Roster Collection to remove the Service ID and Identification System of "State course code" in the Course Offering complex. Only the local course number and Identification System of "LEA course code" are reported.

PSSR-237995PEIMS Special Program Verification Report Updates

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 1.0.10
PEIMS Economic Disadvantaged Verification Report: Version 1.0.3

The following updates are available:

  • New Report Options
    • A new “Run Report for” parameter offers these new options:
      • Effective Date(Default)
      • Report Period
      • Date Range
    • Report Period
      • After selecting the Report Period option, select a single six week report period, or “All Six Weeks” to include the entire year.
      • Each student with at least one special program record within the period is included.
      • Multiple records are output if a student has multiple special program records within the period.
    • Start Date and End Date
      • After selecting the Date Range option, set the Start Date and the End Date.
      • The output includes all records where the Special Program Entry Date is greater than or equal to the Start Date and where the Special Program Exit Date is less than or equal to the End Date.
      • Multiple records are output if a student has multiple special program records within the date range.
  • Updates to the PDF Report Output:
    • The position of the “Program Entry/Exit Date" elements is adjusted where needed, and gray shading is added to accommodate students with multiple records.
    • The header now displays the following:
      • If the Report is run for Effective Date, the output remains the same.
      • If the Report is run for Report Period, header the displays "YYYY-YYYY Report Period X"
      • If the Report is run for Date Range, the header displays "Date Range: MM/DD/YYYY - MM/DD/YYYY"
  • Other Changes to the PDF/CSV output
    • "Local Student Number" and “Local Student ID” are re-labeled to "Student Number" for consistency across the special programs
    • LEP is re-labeled to LEP/EL
    • A new column for “Incarceration” is added to the At-Risk Special Program.
    • The report is now sorted by School, then by Student Name, then by Special Program Entry Date
  • Student Grade Level
    • The obsolete State Grade Level Override field is removed from the report.
    • Grade Level is now reported based solely on the core grade-level field.
      • Grades 1-12: 01-12
      • Grade 0: KG
      • Grade -1: PK (PK4)
      • Grade -2: PK (PK3)
      • Grade -3 and below: EE
PSSR-242076PEIMS Staff Responsibility Record Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-240817
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.40
Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation: Version 1.0.7

The following updates are available:

  • Records Excluded Based on Non-Campus Based Instruction Code
    • Updated Staff Responsibility record selection criteria now exclude scheduled classes based on the specific E1072 Non-Campus Based Instruction codes entered in Sections (if exists) or Courses (default).
    • Records are now excluded if the Non-Campus Based Instruction code is any value except blank, 00, or 06. Records continue to be extracted for code (06) Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility.
  • Updated Output for Special Education Classes
    • The logic for the output of the Grade Level of the students in the class when the Population Served Code is (06) Special Education Students is updated per the final TEA requirements.
    • The students are separated into two grade-level groups:
      • One group covers students in grades EE-PK (grades -1 and below).
      • One group covers students in grades KG-12 (grades 0-12).
    • If a class contains only students in a single grade level group EE-PK or KG-12, a single record is output, and the grade level will be that of students with the highest grade level in the class.
    • If a class contains some students in grades EE-PK, and other students in grades KG-12, two records for the same class are output, and the normal monthly minutes value is divided in half.
PSSR-235591PEIMS Student Program Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.38

The Student Program Interchange for the PEIMS collections is now updated for the 2020-21 TEA changes.

  • The CTE Indicator (TX-CareerAndTechnologyEd) is removed from the Student Program Extension complex. This element will no longer be reported and will instead be calculated by TEA.
  • The Student CTE Program Association complex is removed from the Fall Submission and added to the Summer Submission.
PSSR-245937Staff Unique ID Request Updates

Staff Unique ID Request: Version 1.0.6

The report is updated to address the incorrect output of records. Staff with valid SSNs are now included in the submission file as expected. Staff with invalid SSNs appear in the companion Excluded Staff error file.

PSSR-247221Title I Targeted Assistance Automation Updates

The Title I Targeted Assistance Automation logic is updated for performance so that the query for these records is only invoked when necessary.

PSSR-239932Updates to Finance Code Tables

The following updates are available:

  • (266) CARES Act is added to PS_Common_Code for Fund Codes and now appears in the drop-down lists on these pages:
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 030 Budget record for the 2019-20 school year
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 032 Actual record for the 2019-20 school year
    • Staff > Staff Information > Staff Data (Payroll and Employment) > 060 Payroll record for the 2020-21 school year
  • (277) Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) of the CARES Act is added to PS_Common_Code for Fund Codes and now appears in the drop-down lists on these pages:
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 030 Budget record for the 2020-21 school year
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 032 Actual record for the 2021-22 school year
  • (43) Dyslexia - Special Education is added to PS_Common_Code for Program Intent Codes and now appears in the drop-down lists on these pages:
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 030 Budget record for the 2020-21 school year
    • District Info > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection > District Finance > 055 Contracted Instructional Staff record for the 2020-21 school year
    • Staff > Staff Information > Staff Data (Payroll and Employment) > 060 Payroll record for the 2020-21 school year
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