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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288289All States/Provinces: CRDC - DISC1-b Update

CRDC - School File: Version 1.4

DISC1-b (PK Expulsions) in the template was looking at the incorrect logic (DISC1-c). The report is now updated and DISC1-b and DISC1-c will report as expected.

PSSR-281962All States/Provinces: CRDC - LEA File - Output File Updates

CRDC - LEA File: Version 1.3

The web link for the "Harassment or Bullying Policy" is now a hyperlink. This will prevent longer web addresses from overflowing the text box.

For email elements, a space has been added after each email address so the text wraps properly.

PSSR-284900All States/Provinces: CRDC STAFF FTE Fields Update

On the Edit School page, the CRDC Staff FTE fields are updated and will now store values to the hundredth place.

PSSR-306326All States/Provinces: Jquery Update

The SR installer has been updated to use Jquery version 3.6.

PSSR-305516All States/Provinces: Jquery Version 3.6 Upgrade

Additional Reference: PSSR-306326

The Jquery library in the PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer has been upgraded to version 3.6.

PSSR-280319All States/Provinces: New - Import ID Look-Up Functionality

The Append Import ID functionality allows end users to upload an import file with any of the 4 student ID values (dcid, id, state student number or student number). The end user would then select which ID/foreignkey their file contains and which, of the remaining 3, they want to add. The system would create a new version of their import file with defined columns and data and the additional, indicated ID/foreignkey columns added as additional columns.

This functionality helps the user to import data into PowerSchool without having to go through a great deal of manual manipulation especially while importing into extension tables since they use studentDCID which is not easily accessible in PowerSchool.

Append Student Import ID Functionality would appear on the following pages:

  • Start page> Import & Exporting
  • Start Page> Special Functions> Importing & Exporting
  • Start page> System> Page & Data Management
PSSR-303788All States/Provinces: SRP Startup Optimization

The SRP start-up process (which loads the reports available in PowerSchool) has been optimized to reduce the start-up time needed for PowerSchool.

PSSR-308249Assessment Substitution Logic Updates for SAT and English II EOC

AAR: Version 22.11.3
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 22.11.3
TREx Extract: Version 22.11.3
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 22.11.3
Texas Graduation Profile Report: Version 22.11.3
Texas Individual Graduation Profile Report: Version 22.11.3
The EOC Substitution Logic is updated to include SAT exams taken on or after March 1, 2016 as a substitution for the English II EOC exam. The logic is as follows:

  • If a student attempts the English II EOC at least once and fails, the student can use SAT Reading taken in March 2016 or later as a subtitution assessment with a qualifying score of 480 for either the SAT_Reading score or the SAT_EBRW score.
  • If the student has already used SAT Reading as a substitution for the English I EOC, it cannot be also be used to fulfill the English II EOC requirement. English I would be considered first, then English II.
PSSR-307535CTE Funding Tier and Funding Weight Added to C022 Service ID Table

To support new calculations for CTE courses and FTE's for the Campus Summary and Student Detail reports (planned for subsequent release), two new columns are now available in the C022 Service ID table stored in PowerSchool. The TEA CTE Funding Tier and Funding Weight for each CTE course are now captured in the S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S table.

  • CTE Funding Tier (CTE_FUND_TIER): Value of 1, 2 or 3
  • Funding Weight (CTE_FUND_WEIGHT): Value of 1.1, 1.28 or 1.47
PSSR-300348Discipline Interchange Updates for Safe Supportive School Program Team Review

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 22.11.3
The Discipline Interchange is updated to report the new Safe Supportive School Program Team Review element, which was previously added to the Incident Management data collection as an Action Attribute.

  • TEA definition: SAFE-SUPPORTIVE-SCHOOL-PROGRAM-TEAM-REVIEW indicates whether the Safe and Supportive School Program (SSSP) team conducted a threat assessment related to a reported disciplinary incident.
  • This element applies to disciplinary incidents with a disciplinary action resulting in ISS, OSS, or placement in a DAEP or JJAEP. It does not apply to actions without a placement and does not apply to continuation incidents from the student's former school or district.
  • When applicable, this element is reported in the XML as <TX-SafeSupportiveSchoolProgramTeamReview> within the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation complex type and appears directly after the <TX-BehaviorLocation> element.
  • This element is required if the action code in the record is 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 13, 14, 25, 26, 51, 52, 53, 54, or 60.
    • If coded as Yes within the action record, a value of 1 is reported; if left blank, a default of 0 is reported.
    • The element is suppressed entirely for all other action codes.
PSSR-301543Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report 22.11.3

Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report: Version 22.11.3
The following updates and additions to the validation report are now available to support the Student Discipline Interchange.

  • The report has been re-named to better reflect its purpose, which is to replicate the logic enforced by the TEA business rules and fatal edits.
  • New validations
    • 44425-0016: If Action Code is 01, 05, 25, 27, 28, 29 or 50, Campus of Assignment must be blank.
    • 44425-0018: If Action Code is 27 or 28, Behavior Code must be 02, 04-09, 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 26-32, 35-37, 46-48, 55, 57, or 60.
  • Updated validations (adjusted for valid codes)
    • 44425-0013: If Action Code is 02-04, 06-08, 10, 12, 13, 26, 51-55, 57, 59, or 60, Campus of Assignment must not be blank.
    • 44425-0056: If Behavior Code is 01 or 59, Location state code must be 01 or 03.
  • In addition, if no records violate any of the TEA edits, the PDF now displays this message: "No discipline records with TEA Edit violations were found."
PSSR-307570RFT Collection: Summer PEIMS Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student: Version 22.11.3
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 22.11.3
To support the Residential Facility Tracker Collection (RFT), the following updates are now available for two of the Summer PEIMS Interchanges required for this collection. All other interchanges required for RFT already comply with TEA requirements; districts can now proceed to extract and load all of the required RFT interchanges.

  • Student Interchange
    • The Dyslexia Indicator was previously reported only in the Fall PEIMS collection but is now also reported for Summer PEIMS.
    • Per TEA guidance, if a student has ever had a Dyslexia Indicator of 1, the Dyslexia Indicator must continue to be reported as 1 until the student graduates.
    • Logic is added to report the Dyslexia Indicator as 1 if the student has ever had a Dyslexia special program record with this indicator, regardless of the year or exit date in the record. Otherwise, the indicator is reported as 0.
  • Student Program Interchange
    • Dyslexia Services
      • At least one Dyslexia Services record must be reported for any student with a Dyslexia Indicator of 1 in the Student Interchange.
      • If a student with a Dyslexia Indicator of 1 has a current year Dyslexia special program record with Services, the value(s) are reported; otherwise, a default value of 00 is output.
      • If the student has a Dyslexia Indicator of 0, Dyslexia Services are not reported.
    • Special Education Program Association Complex
      • This complex was missing for all Special Education Students, but is now reported as expected.
      • Students with a single Special Education record in the current year are reported with one record.
      • Students with multiple records where values have changed between records are reported with multiple records.
PSSR-305305Student Assessment Enhancements & Pre-Code Validations

Additional Student Fields Upload File: Version 22.11.3
Student Test Attributes Upload File: Version 22.11.3
Student Assessment Registration File: Version 22.11.3
The following new validations and other updates are now available for the Student Assessment Pre-Code data collection and reports.

  • Reports
    • EOC Runtime parameters for all reports: If any EOC subject is selected in the Assessments parameter, validation now requires that at least one value be selected in the EOC Test Administrations parameter.
    • Additional Student Fields File Upload: The output file name for the Excluded Students file is shortened in order to prevent WinZip errors for long file names.
  • Data Entry Validations
    • Test Mode (P) Paper - 504 or SPED: If the student is not a current 504 or SPED participant based on special program records, validation prevents the selection of Paper Test Mode.
    • Test Mode and Paper Test Format fields
      • If (P) Paper (STAAR and EOC) or (P) Paper and Holistic (TELPAS) is selected for Test Mode, Paper Test Format is automatically set to a default value of (RP) Regular Print. Select a different code if appropriate from the dropdown list.
      • If Test Mode is set to Select Code or (O) Online, Paper Test Format is automatically set to blank (Select Code).
    • Eligibility and Retester Fields: STAAR EOC/EOC Alt2 tab
      • If December Eligibility is selected for an EOC subject, but New to Texas or December Retester is not selected for the same subject, a soft warning displays: "For December Eligibility, either New to Texas or December Retester should be selected."
      • If December Retester is selected but December Eligibility is not, a hard-stop warning displays: "If December Retester is selected, December Eligibility must also be selected."
      • The same warnings are also implemented for the June Eligibility fields.
      • For Spring, If Spring Retester is selected but Spring Eligibility is not, a hard-stop warning displays: "If Spring Retester is selected, Spring Eligibility must also be selected."
  • Page Formatting: Column spacing is adjusted on the EOC and TELPAS tabs to improve the presentation.
PSSR-307951Title I Record Cleanup Script

If a district had the Texas Title I Schoolwide Automation preference selected simultaneously with the core PowerSchool SIS feature in Schools/School Info for Auto Enrollment Program in Title I, duplicate Title I records were created. A repo schema script is added to the state reporting installer to remove extraneous records resulting from the competing automation processes.

  • Important: Districts should not configure the Auto Enrollment Program feature for any of the Texas special programs. This feature creates invalid, partial records with program entry and exit dates but no values for the Texas-specific fields in the program records.  Districts can use this feature for local special programs.
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