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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-307729P-EBT Upload File Updated for Students with No Prior Year Enrollment

P-EBT Upload File Summer 2022: Version
The P-EBT Upload File is updated to correct the student selection logic. Qualified students with no prior year enrollment were bypassed by the extract as well as prior year graduates who had been moved to the Graduates School. These categories of students are now included as expected:

  • Students with no prior year enrollment who meet the "Newly Eligible" calculation criteria based on a qualifying enrollment in the current year school on or before 08/29/2022.
  • Students with no prior year enrollment with P-EBT overrides in State/Province - TX > P-EBT (Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer) > P-EBT Summer 2022
    • Override selected for "Newly Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals Summer 2022"
    • Override selected for "Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals in Prior Year"
  • Prior year qualifying graduates (whether by calculation or override) whose current enrollment is in the Graduates School.
  • Additional Note: Students with a prior year eligibility override but no prior year enrollment record in PowerSchool are reported with the Campus ID number for their current year school of enrollment. If needed, edit the Campus ID in column L to reflect the correct prior year school before submitting the file.
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