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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-223348Education Organization Calendar Updates

Interchange Education Organization Calendar: Version 1.0.9
Education Organization Calendar Verification Report: Version 1.0.4

The EdOrgCalendar Interchange and the Verification report now support new Instructional Program Type Codes 14 and 15. When reporting calendar day minutes, Tracks assigned to Instructional Program Type 14 are reported using the Operational Minutes element and Tracks assigned to Instructional Program Type 15 are reported using the Instructional Minutes element per the TEA Data Standards.

PSSR-228409SPPI-14, TSDS Collections, and LEP Page Updates

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.34
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.13
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.43
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.35
SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report: Version 1.0.1

  • EdOrg Interchange
    • TSDS - SPPI-14 Collection
      • Selection Criteria: Modified to include schools that have students with reportable SPPI-14 students based on a Special Education indicator of 1 at any point during the prior year.
      • Course Complex: The output now matches that of the other TSDS collections where records are limited to courses that are actively assigned to the school in the current school year, and which do not have the Exclude 090 flag set.
      • Performance Tuning: The report has been tuned and now runs significantly faster.
    • All TSDS Collections: For the Location Complex and Classroom Identification Code output, classrooms are extracted from the Sections table at each school. To prevent loader errors for schools with no sections or rooms in the Sections table, a default classroom location of XX is now included.
    • TSDS - Class Roster-Winter
      • Selection Criteria: All schools that are not flagged as Exclude from State Reporting are now included even if the school has no scheduled classes on the Class Roster Snapshot date.
      • Course Complex: Courses with Service ID's beginning in 01 are now included as expected, such as PK Service ID 01010000 or KG Service ID 01020000.
  • StudentParent Interchange: SPPI-14 collection
    • Selection Criteria: modified to include students based on a Special Education indicator of 1 at any point during the prior year, instead of students who were active in Special Education on their final day of enrollment. Criteria related to students with a prior year grade level of 9-12, and students with specific types of Leaver Codes (01, 24, 88, 90, 98) remains unchanged.
    • New Runtime Option: An additional runtime option is provided to allow the user to run for a selection of students who do not meet the normal SPPR-14 criteria: "Override SPPI logic and include selected students." This option should be used in exceptional circumstances only and is provided so that records can be produced for any selected student in case of data anomalies between TEA and PowerSchool.
    • Performance Tuning: The report has been tuned and now runs significantly faster.
  • Staff Interchange - Class Roster: The Staff Extension is modified to output the required Class Roster xml tag of "YearsOfPriorTeachingExperience." The source field, "Total Years Experience (E0130)" from the Staff Information page remains unchanged.
  • Student Enrollment Interchange: For applicable TSDS collections, the Course Completion Indicator element is suppressed in the StudentSectionAssociation complex.
  • SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report: the student selection criteria is updated to match that of the StudentParent Interchange to include students that were active in Special Education at any point during the prior year.
  • LEP/EL Special Program Page: the validations related to the Alternative Language Program are updated to always reference the two character code values for this element.
PSSR-227615STAAR EOC Assessment Quick Export Extract Updates

Assessment Quick Import Extract: Version 1.0.3
The Assessment Quick Export Extract is updated to support processing of STAAR EOC and STAAR Alternate2 EOC test result files from additional years. Import files can now be generated for tests taken in any year beginning in 2012 and beyond, including the current school year.

  • Administration Date: Tests dated 13YY in the file (Fall) are now converted to 12/1/YYYY instead of 10/1/YYYY as Fall EOC testing occurs in December, and not October.
  • Performance Level: Percent Score field
    • Scores in records for the 2017-18 school year and beyond are populated with values of 7, 8, 9, and 10.
    • Scores in records for the 2012-13 to 2016-17 school years are populated with values of 1, 2, and 3.
  • Test Version: first part of the Alpha Score field
    • S = STAAR: populated as S
    • L = STAAR L: populated as L
    • A = STAAR A: populated as ALT
    • T = STAAR Alternate 2: populated as ALT2
    • M = STAAR Modified: populated as MO
  • Score Code: second part of Alpha Score field. Within the Alpha Score field, the Score Code is separated from the Test Version by a "/" character such as S/S for a standard STAAR version with a scoreable record, or ALT2/M for an Alternate2 version with a Medical Exception code. Only the following Score Codes are processed for the import file:
    • G = STAAR Alternate record
    • M = Medical Exception
    • N = No Authentic Academic Response
    • S - Score
  • Scale Score: Numeric Score field. Note that records for Alternate versions of the EOC with Score Codes of G, M, or N may or may not have a populated Scale Score, but will have a Performance Level score. These records will be included in the import file.
PSSR-228026Student Assessment Pre-Code File Report Updates

Student Assessment Pre-Code File: Version 1.0.10

  • The Assessment Pre-Code extract is updated to modify the output of the STAAR 3-8 Test Format elements for the STAAR subjects reported in columns AJ-AN of the file.
  • If a student does not have individual student exceptions entered in State/Province - TX > Student Assessment and Pre-Code, the Test Format output of "O" or "P" is now derived as expected based on the Online or Paper settings assigned to the Section, the Course, the Override Group Name, or to the District Assessment Group Setup.
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