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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259043All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update

The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly.

PSSR-2793632021-22 STAAR EOC Assessment Quick Import Updates

Assessment Quick Import Extract: Version 22.2.2
Updates to support processing of 2021-22 STAAR EOC student test result files provided by Cambium Assessment are now available. The updated extract can be used to prepare the import file for students who took the December 2021 STAAR EOC assessments or EOC assessments to be administered later this spring. Additional updates will be provided later this year to support the STAAR 3-8, STAAR Alt2, and TELPAS assessments once the file formats and student result files have published. The extract continues to support results files assessments administered in prior years as listed on the State Reports page.

  • Summary
    • STAAR EOC test results are available for download from Cambium Assessment in both .txt format and .csv format. You may need to contact Cambium to request the .csv version of the file. While an Excel version is also available from Cambium, that version is not supported. The .csv version is recommended in case any edits to Local Student Numbers need to be made by the district.
    • While the .txt version of the file has been updated for 2021-22, the file positions containing the student test results are essentially unchanged from prior years. This is a 2,000 character fixed record length file. Note that this version is more difficult to work with if student numbers need to be corrected prior to import into PowerSchool.
    • The .csv version of the file is substantially different from prior years. The file format is much simpler and different logic is applied by the Assessment Quick Import Extract logic in order to transform the data into a file suitable for import.
    • Both input files result in the same output file: a .txt tab-delimited file that is pre-formatted for import into the Student Test Results table using the PowerSchool Quick Import function.
  • Running the Assessment Quick Import Extract: This report is located on the State Reports page under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports Category.
    • Locate the EOC Student Test Results file for your district on your computer.
    • To import December 2021 STAAR EOC results, select STAAR EOC in the Assessment Type dropdown list and select 2021-22 as the School Year.
    • Browse to and select your student results file; click Open.
    • Click Create Quick Import File.
    • In the Reports Queue, download the output file.
    • Unzip the file and check the Excluded Students companion file to verify if any records in your file need correction for these errors.
      • Student Number not found in PowerSchool (no match for Local ID): correct the student number in the source file.
      • Duplicate test results in the source file: verify and delete the duplicate record from the file.
      • Duplicates a record for the same test and test date already in PowerSchool: this indicates the import has already been done. If re-importing Test Results, you must first delete existing records for the same test administration using DDA before attempting a new import.
    • After making any corrections to the file, re-run the Assessment Quick Import to produce a clean file formatted for import into PowerSchool. Download and extract the contents from the output file.
    • Navigate to Special Functions > Importing & Exporting > Quick Import, and choose these settings:
      • Table: Test Results
      • Field delimiter: Tab
      • End-of-line marker: CR
      • Character Set: Mac Roman or Windows ANSI
      • File to import: click Choose File and select the test results file to import
      • Suggest field map: checked
      • School: District Office
      • Select STAAR_EOC or EOC (depending on your district’s test setup) and click Submit.
    • The Import Records from ASCII Text File page is displayed along with the required field mapping.
      • Map the Student_Number.
      • Do not map the Student Name fields.
      • Map Test_Date and Grade_Level.
      • Map the test scores. In all cases, there will be three score types for each EOC subject. If a student did not take a particular subject, the columns for those scores will be blank in the import file.
        • Number (Scale Score): score ending in “_1” such as EOC_Algebra_1_1.
        • Percent (Performance Level): score ending in “_2” such as EOC_Algebra_1_2.
        • Alpha (Test Version/Score Code): score ending in “_3” such as such as EOC_Algebra_1_3.
      • Continue mapping all score types for all subjects.
      • Ensure the checkbox for “Check to exclude first row” is selected.
      • Submit the import; when completed, spot check students by navigating to the Test Results page and verify that the test scores imported as expected.
PSSR-275675PEIMS Error Checks: Additions and Improvements

Updates and enhancements are now available for the PEIMS Error Checks. The Error Check tabs have been updated with various improvements along with new Error Checks as described below. In addition,

  • Global Updates
    • Grade Level: The student’s current grade level is now displayed directly after the local student number for all error checks.
    • Students flagged as “Exclude from PEIMS” continue to be excluded from the error checks.
  • Student PEIMS Tab: The following new Error Checks are available:
    • Missing Early Reading Record
      • Applies to students enrolled in grades KG, 1, or 2 at any point in the current year.
      • This error is displayed where there is no Effective Date record in the current year for a student in the target grade levels.
    • Missing Pre-K Special Program Record
      • Applies to students enrolled in grades PK3 (-2) or PK4 (-1) at any point in the current year.
      • This error is displayed if there is no Pre-K Special Program record in effect during the current school year for a student in the target grade levels.
    • Missing Dyslexia Risk Code
      • Applies to students enrolled in grades KG and 1 at any point in the current year.
      • KG students are included in the error check if the Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) field is blank.
      • Grade 1 students are included in the error check if the Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) is blank.
    • Immigrant Missing Date First Enrolled US Schools
      • Applies to any student where Birth Country on the Other Information page is any value except US (United States), PE (Puerto Rico), or blank and Date First Enrolled in US Schools is blank.
  • Student ADA Tab
    • The ADA period number and cycle day is now displayed within the error messages for Missing ADA Period Class and Multiple ADA Period Classes on Same Day.
    • The link from the pencil icon now directs the user to the student’s All Enrollments page instead of the Bell Schedule page.
    • The date logic related to the PEIMS General Exit Date is corrected to interpret the Exit Date as the day after the prior value is in effect.
  • Student FTE Tab
    • The FTE queries are modified to report errors in enrollment and re-enrollment records for missing (NULL) FTE’s and mismatches in the FTE for the school or year for the following types of records:
      • FTE ID in any current enrollment, including No Shows.
      • FTEID in any previous enrollment during the current year, including No Shows.
      • FTE ID in the student’s final enrollment record in the previous year if the student was in grades 7-12
    • The error check messages are also enhanced to better indicate the specific FTE ID issue.
  • Staff Information Tab: Updates for Missing Staff Basic Fields
    • Years Experience in District (E0161): Updated to add the TEA element number.
    • Total Years Experience (E0130): Updated to add the TEA element number.
    • New Error Check: Years of Prior Teaching Experience (E1377) is missing; applies only to Staff Type of Teacher.
    • Highest Degree Level (E0730): Updated to add the TEA element number.
    • Exclude from 040 Record: Label updated to “Exclude from Basic Staff Extension Record.”
    • Exclude from Summer Submission 3: Removed as obsolete.
    • New Error Check: Exclude from Class Roster Winter; message displays to "Verify if Staff member is correctly excluded"; applies only to Staff Type of Teacher.
PSSR-263638PEIMS Incident Management Verification Report Updates

PEIMS Incident Management Verification Report: Version 22.2.2
The following updates are now available to render the report compatible with 2021-22 PEIMS reporting and to improve usability.

  • Various elements such as the Location, Behavior, and Action Comments are removed as they are not needed.
  • The Error Check columns are re-positioned to ensure that each check appears next to its related incident element instead of being displayed in the far right columns at the end of the report.
  • Primary Behavior Flag changes:
    • This field is no longer required for any student who has only one behavior in the incident.
    • If a student has a single behavior, the validation check displays "Pass" regardless of the value for the Primary Flag in the record.
    • If a student has more than one behavior and the Primary Flag is set for one of them, "Pass" is displayed for that behavior and "N/A" is displayed for the other(s).
    • If a student has more than one behavior and the Primary Flag is not set, "Missing" is displayed.
  • A new behavior code 61c Cyberbullying is now included if assigned to a student.
PSSR-284616Remote Class Enrollments Report Update for PK Grade Levels

Remote Class Enrollments Verification Report: Version 22.2.2
The Oracle query related to student grade level is adjusted to handle the three-character PK3 and PK4 grade levels. This ensures that the report now completes as expected for districts with students in these grade levels who are enrolled in remote classes.

PSSR-248533SFTP Support for Summer PEIMS Interchanges

TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar: Version 22.2.2
TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 22.2.2
TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 22.2.2
TX Interchange Student Restraint: Version 22.2.2
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 22.2.2
A new runtime parameter to support SFTP output for the above Texas interchanges is now available. SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is used to transmit files over the web when sensitive data needs to be protected. Many PowerSchool districts are already using SFTP to transmit files to third party vendors, to send files to a secure folder on the district’s network, or to schedule and run the TSDS and PEIMS Interchanges on a nightly basis.

  • SFTP Connection Setup
    • In order to take advantage of the SFTP option, an SFTP connection must first be configured in PowerSchool. An existing SFTP connection can be used, or a new connection can be defined.
    • The SFTP Setup is performed on the following page in PowerSchool: Start Page> System> System Settings> Plugin Management Configuration> Remote Connection Manager> Remote Connection Manager> Create Connection
      • Name: Define a name for the SFTP connection.
      • Description: Enter a description
      • Protocol: SFTP (default)
      • Host: Enter the IP address of the server that the Texas reports will be sent to
      • Port: Enter the port number for the connection; the default value is 22
      • Username: Enter the username associated with the connection
      • Password: Enter the password associated with the connection
      • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password
      • Finger Print: optional (for additional server authentication)
      • Remote Path: Enter the path to the designated folder such as /TXReports
      • Allow Download: Not Applicable
      • Allow Upload: check this field to allow the scheduled Texas reports to be uploaded from the PowerSchool server to the designated folder.
    • Once all the necessary information has been entered, select the “Test Connection” button to verify that a successful connection can be established. If the Test Connection is unsuccessful, verify that the hostname, port, username, and password are correct.
PSSR-282594Student Enrollment and Master Schedule Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.2.2
TX Master Schedule Interchange: Version 22.2.2

  • Student Enrollment Interchange
    • Fall PEIMS Collection: Leaver Reason Codes (08) Pregnancy and (20) Medical Injury are now reported as expected.
    • ECDS Collection:
      • Student section records are now excluded for students who were No Shows in a section where the Entry/Exit Date falls within the ECDS Assessment date range specified at runtime.
      • Student section records are also excluded for students who dropped the ECDS Homeroom Section class prior to the ECDS Assessment Start Date, or enrolled in the ECDS Homeroom Section class after the ECDS Assessment End Date.
    • RFT Collection: The Prior Instructional Setting element is now reported as expected from the the most recent SPED special program record where the Entry Date is less than the RFT special program Entry Date. If there is no prior SPED record, the Prior Instructional Setting record is suppressed.
  • Master Schedule Interchange - All Collections: Sections with no students to report for the collection are now excluded to prevent TEA warning 50300-0002 - For each Course Section, there must be a corresponding student section association where CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE are the same.
PSSR-282570Texas Data Validation Updates

New data entry validations and updates to existing Texas data validations are now available.

  • New Validatons
    • Career and Tech Special Program
      • If a student is coded as 1 for the Transportation CTE Support Service (E0917) element, a check is now made against the Economic Disadvantaged special program records to determine if the student was identified as Economically Disadvantaged during the same school year.
      • If not, a warning message is displayed. Note that this is a warning only and the CTE record can be saved as coded. Districts must ensure that the correct coding is in place per TEA fatal edit 41169-0003:
    • Other Information Page - Immigrant Coding
      • If the student's Birth Country is a value other than (US) United States, (PR) Puerto Rico, or blank, a warning is displayed if the value in Date First Enrolled in US Schools is blank.
      • Note: While Date First Enrolled US schools is not reported to TEA, this field is used by the Immigrant Auto-Code process to determine if the three year eligibility period for Immigrant status remains in effect or has expired. The Immigrant special program records are opened or closed based on this calculation.
  • Updated Validations
    • College Credit Hours: The validation is updated to allow a value of 1-9 College Credit Hours when the value for Dual Credit is 1. This update applies to Stored Grades, Sections, and Courses.
    • SPED Special Program and PPCD Student Age Logic: The validation for the Pre-School Prog Children w Disabilities (E0899) element is adjusted to ensure that the student's age for the PPCD program is validated as 3, 4, or 5 on the Fall Snapshot Date encompassed by the SPED special program record Entry and Exit Dates.
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