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Student Truancy Tracking

Student Truancy

The main Student Truancy panel on the upper half of the page contains a single record per school year for students that have at least one day with an unexcused absence, and is considered the master truancy record for PEIMS reporting. Unexcused absences occurring in any period or class are included in the Truancy calculations.

Student Truancy Tracking records are created and updated by a nightly process based on unexcused absences in any class. The calculation process runs each year beginning on September 1 and ending on July 31. Each time a user opens the page for an individual student, the calculations are updated on-the-fly to reflect the student’s current attendance records, including any edits or new attendance recorded since the nightly process last ran. The calculations can also be updated for all or selected students on demand by running the Texas Truancy Status Report with the option for “Refresh Records Based on Current Attendance.”

Fields calculated from student attendance records display as read-only and cannot be edited. To update specific fields for PEIMS truancy reporting, click the pencil icon to the right of the Student Truancy record to open the Edit Student Truancy page to access the following editable fields:

  • Excessive UnEx Abs Indicator Override (E1657)

  • Truancy Prevention Measure Indicator (E1658)

  • Truancy Prevention Measure Campus ID (E0782)

  • Truancy Prevention Measure Date

  • Truancy Complaint Filed Indicator (E1659)

  • Truancy Complaint Filed Date

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

School Year

The school year for the record (calculated).


YTD UnEx Absence

The total number of days with an unexcused absence (calculated).

  • Click the YTD UnEx Absence hyperlink to view the Student Truancy Details page and information about each of the contributing absences including: Unexcused Date, School, Course Name, Course Number, Section, Expression, Teacher, Attendance Code.

  • Click the Show All UnEx hyperlink to view additional class details for days when the student had an unexcused absence in more than one class.


Truancy Campus (E0782)

The student’s school of enrollment when the student met the TEA truancy threshold of 10 unexcused absences in 6 months during the current year (calculated).


Truancy Grade Level (E0017)

The student’s grade level when the TEA truancy threshold was met (calculated).


Excessive UnEx Abs Indicator (E1657)

The PEIMS excessive unexcused absence indicator (E1657). Yes is displayed if the student has met the TEA truancy threshold; otherwise No (calculated).


Excessive UnEx Abs Indicator Override (E1657)

Select this option to override the truancy threshold calculation. Students with this override are not reported in PEIMS with an Excessive Unexcused Absence Indicator.


Truancy Prevention Measure Indicator (E1658)

Choose Yes or No to indicate if a Truancy Prevention Measure has been taken or assigned to the student.


Truancy Prevention Measure Campus ID (E0782)

Choose the Truancy Prevention Measure Campus ID where the Truancy Prevention Measure was first taken during the current school year.


Truancy Prevention Measure Date

Enter the date the Truancy Prevention Measure was taken or assigned to the student.

  • Truancy Prevention Date must be within the school year in the record.

  • If Truancy Prevention Measure is not Yes, Truancy Prevention Date must be blank.


Truancy Complaint Filed Indicator (E1659)

Choose Yes or No to indicate whether an attendance officer or other school official has filed a complaint against a student’s parent or legal guardian under TEC 25.093.


Truancy Complaint Filed Date

Enter the date the Truancy Complaint was filed.

  • Truancy Complaint Date must be on or after 08/01/YYYY for the school year within the record and must be before 08/01/YYYY of the following school year.

    • Example for the 23-24 school year: Valid Truancy Complaint Date Range = 08/01/2023 through 07/31/2024.



Enter comments if any. 


Student Truancy Thresholds Met

The Student Truancy Thresholds Met panel in the lower half of the Student Truancy page displays additional records calculated by the Truancy process. The two different types of truancy thresholds that students can meet are displayed along with additional details about the unexcused absences contributing to the thresholds. Student can meet both types of thresholds multiple times during a school year. Each day with an unexcused absence is counted once. Once a threshold is met, the count to the next threshold is restarted. All fields in this panel are read-only.

  • 3 Unexcused Absences in 4 Weeks

  • 10 Unexcused Absences in 6 Months.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

School Year

The school year for the record (calculated).


Threshold Type

3 in 4 weeks or 10 in 6 months (calculated)

  • Click the Threshold Type hyperlink to view the Student Truancy Details page and information about each of the contributing absences including: Unexcused Date, School, Course Name, Course Number, Section, Expression, Teacher, Attendance Code.

  • Click the Show All UnEx hyperlink to view additional class details for days when the student had an unexcused absence in more than one class.


Threshold Date

The date the student met the threshold (calculated)



The student’s school of enrollment when the threshold was met.

Calculated based on student enrollment record and threshold date.

Grade Level

The student’s grade level when the threshold was met.

Calculated based on student enrollment record and threshold date.

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