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Define Payroll and Employment Information

Go to Edit Information, Staff Data (Payroll and Employment)

To add a 050 or 060 record, click Add Payroll/Employment Record. Depending on the record type selected, the appropriate required fields will be editable. To edit a record, click the pencil icon to the right of the record. This data is only used in the TSDS PEIMS Interchanges.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name



Select the year that this record is to be reported.



Record Type

Select the appropriate record type for this record.



Payroll Amount

Enter the salary amount for this particular fund, function, object and organization codes.



Fund Code

Select the appropriate fund code for the particular record type.



Function Code

Select the appropriate function code for the particular record type.



Object Code

Select the appropriate object code for the particular record type.



Organization Code

Enter the appropriate organization code for the particular record type.



Program Intent Code

Select the appropriate program intent code for the particular record type.



Payroll Activity Code

Select the appropriate payroll activity code for the particular record type.



% Day Employed

Enter the percentage of the day the staff is employed.



# Days Employed

Enter the number of days per year the staff is employed.

[S_TX_USR_Fin_C] Number_Days_Employed


Auxiliary Role ID (E1594)

Choose the appropriate auxiliary role for non-professional staff employed by the LEA from the pop-up menu.

Required for 050 records.

Only visible for 2018-19 school year and earlier.


Accessing Staff CRDC Information

Edit Information > Civil Rights Data Collection - See CRDC Staff Setup

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