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TREx Extract



The TREx Extract is used to transmit records to the student's next district, or to submit transcripts to colleges and universities. TREx Extract is PowerSchool report TX24.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records. 


  • The student must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
  • The student's school must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
    • Exception: If the school is closed but was previously reportable, the Closed Campus field must be set to Yes to override the Exclude from State Reporting setting in order for the enrollment to be reported. 
    • Summer school and pre-registration enrollments are not reported.


  • The course must not be marked as Exclude from TREx. 
  • The stored grade must not be marked as Exclude from TREx
  • The section must not be marked as Exclude from TREx.
  • Current Coursework Selection
  • Only non-completed courses or course parts are reported. This includes courses or course parts where the student does not have a Store Grades record with Store Code that is flagged as "Final Grade" on the TX Store Code Mapping page. 
  • Active students: All current CC records, including those for additional class enrollments at other schools, are reported.
  • Inactive students withdrawn during the current year: All CC records that were active in the student's schedule on the student's final day of enrollment in the school are reported.
  • Inactive students withdrawn in a prior year: Current Coursework is suppressed.
  • Academic Session Selection
  • If "All" is selected in the Historical Courses runtime parameter then all courses are reported.
  • If "High School Credit Courses"" is selected in the Historical Courses runtime parameter then only courses where [StoredGrades]Grade_Level = 9 – 12 OR [StoredGrades]GPA_Custom1 = J or LJ, OR [S_TX_SGR_X]Additional_Explain_Code = J or LJ are reported.


  • Current Coursework Selection
  • Marking Period Grades: Course grades from the Stored Grades table flagged as Marking Period Grades in TX Store Code Mapping are reported. If no Marking Period grades exist in Stored Grades, the Course Grade Element is suppressed. If no PG Final Grades exist, the Course Grade element is suppressed, but the Course record is reported.
  • Withdrawal Grade: If a PG Final Grade exists for a store code whose dates encompass the student's Exit Date from the section, this grade is reported as the Withdrawal Grade.
    This is in addition to any Marking Period Grades that may exist (and precede) the Withdrawal Grade.
  • Academic Session Selection
  • Course grades from the Stored Grades table that are flagged as Final Grades in the Texas Store Code Mapping table are reported.

TELPAS Assessments

  • The most recent assessment result by Administration Date for each of the assessment categories is reported. The assessment categories currently include:
  • 16_TELPAS Writing
  • 17_TELPAS Speaking
  • 18_TELPAS Listening
  • 77_TELPAS Reading
  • Assessment results are reported for students in grades K- 12.

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STAAR 03-08 Assessments

  • Grades 03 - 08
  • The most recent assessment result by Administration Date for each of the assessment categories is reported. The assessment categories include:
  • English Mathematics
  • Spanish Mathematics
  • English Reading
  • Spanish Reading
  • English Writing
  • Spanish Writing
  • English Science
  • Spanish Science
  • Social Studies

Note: The categories are grouped by the subject area without regard to the English or Spanish versions

  • Grade 09
  • Only assessment results for STAAR tests taken in Grade 8 are reported. The Grade 8 STAAR Assessments include: 
  • English Mathematics, Grade 8 
  • English Reading, Grade 8
  • English Science, Grade 8
  • Social Studies, Grade 8

STARR EOC Assessments

  • A single EOC assessment result representing the best Performance Level result achieved by students in grades 05-12 for each of the assessment categories are reported. The assessment categories include:
  • Algebra_I 
  • Biology
  • English_I 
  • English_I_Rd
  • English_I_Wr
  • English_II
  • English_II_Rd
  • English_II_Wr
  • English_III
  • English_III_Rd
  • English_III_Wr
  • US_History
  • If a student has multiple test results for the same assessment, the best result based on the value for the Performance Level score is reported. If the student has the same Performance Level in both tests, the most recent result by Administration Date is reported.
  • EOC Waivers
    • If a value of "1" exists in the Numeric Score field AND a value of "E" exists in the Alpha Score field, the EOC assessment is waived. The score is reported as Waived and other test score results are suppressed for the same EOC subject.
    • If a student has an Explanation Code of 3 (Credit is awarded based on the district evaluation of the student records) in a stored grade record for an EOC course and the Include EOC Assessment Waivers parameter is set to Yes, the report calculates if the assessment requirement is waived. The requirement is considered Waived if it meets all of the following criteria:
      • The Service ID (Alternate Course Number) is one of the following:
        • Algebra I: 03100500, 03100507
        • Biology: 03010200, 03010207, A3010200
        • English I: 03220100, 03220107, 03200600, 03200607
        • English II: 03220200, 03220207, 03200700, 03200707
        • US History: 03340100, 03340107, A3340100, I3301100, I3301300
      • The Explanation Code 3 is attached to a stored grade record representing the final portion of the EOC course, as determined by the Course Sequence Code (calculated or override).
      • The Store Code is mapped to a Final Grade Type of S2 in Texas Store Code Mapping.

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TAKS Exit Assessment

  • A single TAKS Exit assessment result representing the best Numeric Score achieved by students in grades 09-12 for each assessment is reported. The assessment categories include:
  • 11_EXIT_Mathematics
  • 12_EXIT_Science
  • 13_EXIT_Language Arts
  • 14_EXIT_Social Studies
  • If a value of "1" exists in the Numeric Score field AND a value of "E" exists in the Alpha Score field, the student is exempt from the test. The result is reported as Exempt and other test score results are suppressed for the same assessment.
  • If a student has multiple test results for the same assessment, the best result based on the value for the Performance Level score is reported. 

ACT and SAT Assessments

  • All available test results are reported.

Academic Status Selection

  • Records for students, whether active or inactive, are reported.
  • Grades 07-08
  • FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator Code is the only element reported; all other elements are suppressed.
  • Graduates
  • Graduation Date is reported.
  • Individual Graduation Committee Review Code and Certificate of Course Completion Date are excluded.
  • Non-Graduates
  • Individual Graduation Committee Review Code and Certificate of Coursework Completion Date are reported.
  • Graduation Date is excluded.
  • Grades 09-12 and Graduates where FHSP Participant Code = 1 or 2 and Grad Code = 34, 54, 55, 56 or 57
  • All elements are reported except Texas Grant Indicator, Advanced Measures, and FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator Code.
  • Grades 09-12 and Graduates where FHSP Participant Code = 0 and Grad Code = Not NULL and Not 34, 54, 55, 56, 57
  • The only elements reported are Texas Grant Indicator and Advanced Measures.

Academic Summary Selection

  • The student must be in grades 09 - 12, or the student must be a graduate.  

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Report Input

Before running a report, verify that all required setup items are entered for students, schools, district, and staff.

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports. Each of the available run options and data fields for the report is described below.



Select Schools*

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.
  • All Schools (default) – The report includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.
Current Selection Students*

Choose which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If you are running the TREx Extract by Student Number, enter up to ten student numbers for which to run the report.

Current Academic School YearChoose the academic school year.
Historical Grades

Choose an option for which historical grades to include.

  • All (default)
  • High School Credit Courses Only
Grade Type

Choose how to display the grade.

  • Percent (default)
  • Letter
Include ACT/SAT AssessmentsSelect Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include ACT/SAT assessment data.
Include EOC Assessment Waivers*Select Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include EOC Assessment waivers.
Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab

Choose which calculated class rank overrides to use:

  • Graduates Only  (default) – The report outputs the class rank data previously copied to the Graduation Information page for graduated students only.
  • All Students – The report outputs the class rank data previously copied to the Graduation Information page for all students who meet the selection criteria.
  • Do Not Use – The report outputs class rank based on the current values stored in the Class Rank table or, if blank, the report calculates rank at runtime.
Exclude Class Rank

Choose Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to exclude the Class Rank.

Note: If Yes, the Class Size, Class Rank, Class Rank Date, and Quartile are suppressed.

Class Rank/GPA Method

Choose the Class Rank/GPA Method. This list is populated from School > Class Rank > Class Rank Methods.

Use GPA Overrides

Choose Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to use GPA Override.

If No, the GPA from the Class Rank table is used. If Yes, the GPA Override on the Graduation Information page is used. If the GPA Override is blank, the GPA is calculated on the fly using the GPA defined in the Class Rank Method.

Use Class Rank Overrides*

Select Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to use class rank overrides.

Class Rank Date Override

Enter the class rank override date. If populated, this date will override the Class Rank Date stored in the Class Rank table.

Note: This field is required if Use Class Rank Overrides is Yes. 

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Report Output


Extract files are submitted to TREx with the following naming convention: 


  • #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID
  • LastName = student’s last name
  • FirstName = student’s first name
  • Descriptor = stu (student record)

Example: 1234Doe_John_stu

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data ElementXML ElementDescription[Table]FieldName
Student Identification
Local Student IDLocalIDThe student’s local identification number assigned by a district.[Students]Student_Number
(Student) AddressAddressThe student's street address.[Students]Street
(Student) CityCityThe name of the city in which the student resides.[Students]City
(Student) StateStateProvinceThe state in which the student resides.[Students]State
(Student) Zip CodePostalCodeThe zip code for the student's address.[Students]Zip
(Parent) First NameFirstNameThe parent's first name.



(Parent) Middle NameMiddleNameThe parent's middle name.



(Parent) Last NameLastNameThe parent's last name.



(Parent) Generation CodeNot reportedNot reportedNot reported
Student Demographic

Gender Code


The student's gender.


Ethnicity Code


Identifies the student’s ethnic origin. Used only for students prior to the 2010-11 school year.

Note: Required for Students prior to 2010-2011 School Year.


American Indian/Alaska Native


Indicates whether the student's race is identified as American Indian/Alaska Native.




Indicates whether the student's race is identified as Asian.[StudentRace]RaceCD

Black/African American

BlackAfricanAmericanCodeIndicates whether the student's race is identified as Black/African American.[StudentRace]RaceCD

Hispanic/ Latino

HispanicLatinoCodeIndicates whether the student's race is identified as Hispanic/Latino.[Students]FedEthnicity

Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

NativeHawaiianPacificIslanderCodeIndicates whether the student's race is identified as Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.[StudentRace]RaceCD


WhiteCodeIndicates whether the student's race is identified as White.[StudentRace]RaceCD
Date of BirthBirthDateThe student's date of birth.[Students]DOB
Home Language CodeHomeLanguageThe language that is spoken in the student's home most of the time.[StudentCoreFields]PrimaryLanguage
Student Language CodeStudentLanguageThe language that the student speaks most of the time.[StudentCoreFields]SecondaryLanguage, if populated
Home Language Survey Date AdministeredHomeLanguageSurveyDateAdministeredThe date that the original Home Language survey was administered to the student.

[S_TX_STU_X]Home_Language_Survey_Date, if populated

Migrant IndicatorMigrantIndicates whether a student is classified as a migrant.[S_TX_SEN_MIG_X]Migrant
Homeless IndicatorHomelessIndicates whether a student is classified as homeless.[S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1082_Homeless
Dyslexia Indicator CodeDyslexiaIndicates whether a student is identified as having dyslexia or related disorders.[S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1530_Dyslexia
Military ConnectedMilitaryConnectedIndicates whether the student is a dependent of a member of the United States military service in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard on active duty, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military.[S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1529_Military_Connected
Foster Care Indicator CodeFosterCareIndicates whether a student is in foster care.[S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1528_Foster_Care
Unschooled Asylee RefugeeAsyleeRefugeeCodeIndicates whether a student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7 through 12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee.[S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1076_Unschool_Asylee
PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649)PKEligiblePreviousYearIndicates whether the four-year-old student was eligible for enrollment at the age of three in the previous school year.[S_TX_SEN_PREK_X]E1649_PK_Elig_Prev_Year
Campus IDSchoolID

The number for the student's current or most recent school of enrollment.



Campus NameSchoolNameThe name of the student's current or most recent school of enrollment[Schools]Name
District IDDistrictIDThe 6-digit TEA District ID.[Prefs]DistrictNumber
District NameDistrictNameThe full district name.[Prefs]DistrictName
Campus AddressAddressThe address of the student's school.[Schools]SchoolAddress
Campus CityCityThe name of the city in which the school is located.[Schools]SchoolCity
Campus StateStateProvinceThe state in which the school is located.[Schools]SchoolState
Campus Zip CodePostalCodeThe zip code for the school's address.[Schools]SchoolZip 
Campus PhonePhoneNumberThe school's phone number.[Schools]SchoolPhone
Campus FaxFaxThe school's fax number.[Schools]SchoolFax

Grade Level


The student's current grade level.

[S_TX_STU_X]State_Grade_Level, if populated

Otherwise: [Students]Grade_Level

If the student is a graduate: '12'

Original Entry DateEntryDate

The student's most recent date of enrollment for the campus that is transferring the TREx record. 


Original Entry Date may be in the current school year or in a prior school year.

No Show records are excluded; the most recent Entry Date in the record that precedes the No Show record is reported.

Last Date of AttendanceExitDate

The final instructional day on which the student attended the campus that is transferring the TREx record.


Last Date of Attendance may be in the current school year or in a prior school year.

The Last Date of Attendance is reported as the date of the student's final instructional day where attendance was recorded.

No Show records are excluded; if the student was actively enrolled at the end of the prior school year, the date corresponding to the last instructional/attendance day for the student is reported.

Last Withdrawal Date


The student’s withdrawal date at the campus that is transferring the TREx record.


Inactive Students: The most recent reportable withdrawal date is reported.

Active Students: WithdrawDate is suppressed.

No Show records are excluded.

Withdrawal Reason


The withdrawal reason for the student's most recent withdrawal. 

If the Local Exit Code is mapped to a State Exit Code, the report outputs the State Exit Code.




Inactive Students: The Exit Code in the most recent withdrawal record is reported using the value in the State Code field (if populated); otherwise, the regular Exit Code is reported. If [Students]ExitCode contains a non-reportable code, then a default TREx code of '99' is reported.

Active Students: WithdrawReason is suppressed

No Show records are excluded.

Grade of Retention

The grade level in which the student was retained at the campus transferring the student record or transcript, if applicable.

Note: Grade of Retention is only reported for students in grades K - 8.



Special Programs
LEP (Limited English Proficiency) IndicatorLEPIndicates whether the student is identified as limited English proficient by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), or is identified as English proficient.


If the student has an LEP Special Programs record in effect on the TREx run date where the state code = 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, F, or S, the code is reported. 

Otherwise: If the student does not have a record in effect, or the state code is any value except 1, F, or S, a default of '0' is reported.

Alternative Language
Program Code

AlternativeLanguageThe type of alternative language program in which the student participated.[S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1642_Alt_Language_Program

Dual Language
Immersion Year

ImmersionYearThe year in which the student is participating in a dual language immersion program at the elementary campus.


If the student is not participating in a Dual Language Immersion program, a value of 00 is reported.

Dual Language
Immersion Language

ImmersionLanguageThe language, other than English, that the student is studying under the dual language immersion program.


If the student is not participating in a Dual Language Immersion program, then ImmersionLanguage is suppressed.

Required if the student is participating in a Dual Language Immersion program.

Dual Language
Immersion Assessment
Met Date

AssessmentMetDateThe date that the student achieved proficiency in both English and a language other than English as demonstrated by scores of proficient or higher on the reading and speaking domains on language proficiency or achievement tests in both languages.


If the student is not participating in a Dual Language Immersion program, then AssessmentMetDate is suppressed.

Dual Language
Immersion Completion
School Year

CompletionSchoolYearThe school year that the student completed the five-year dual language immersion program.


If the student is not participating in a Dual Language Immersion program, then CompletionSchoolYear is suppressed.

Economically Disadvantaged IndicatorEconomicDisadvantaged

Indicates whether the student is identified as having an economically-disadvantaged status.


If the student has an Economic Disadvantage record in effect on the TREx run date where the state code = 00, 01, 02, or 99, the code is reported.

Otherwise: If the student has no record in effect, or the state code is any value except 01, 02, or 99, a default of '0' is reported.

At Risk IndicatorAtRisk

Indicates whether a student is currently identified as at-risk of dropping out of school using state-defined criteria.


If the student has an At-Risk Special Programs record in effect on the TREx run date, and the student's age is less than 20 as of the most recent September 1 date: '1'

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Title I Part A IndicatorTitleIIndicates whether the student is participating in a program authorized under ESEA, Title I, Part A of the Improving America’s Schools Act.

School: [Schools]E0894

If the Title I Designation for the student's current or most recent reportable campus = "Schoolwide program": '6'  


Student: [S_TX_SEN_TTITLE1_X]E0894_Title1_Ind

If the student Title I participation record is in effect on the TREx run date, and if the state short code for Title I Part A Code = A, 6, 7, 8, or 9, the code is reported.

Otherwise: If there is no Title I Participation record in effect, or the state code is any value other than A, 6, 7, 8, or 9, a default of '0' is reported.

Special Education IndicatorSpecialEd

Indicates whether the student is participating in a special education instructional and related services program or a general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements.  

Calculated from [S_TX_SEN_SPD_X]E0173_InstrSetting

If the student has a Special Ed program record in effect on the TREx run date where the Instructional Setting is not "00" or blank: '1'

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

IEP (Individualized Education Program) IndicatorIEP

 Indicates whether the student has an Individual Education Plan on record.  

Calculated from [S_TX_SEN_SPD_X]E0173_InstrSetting 

If the student has a Special Ed program record in effect on the TREx run date where the Instructional Setting is not "00" or blank: '1'

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Bilingual Program Type CodeBilingualIndicates whether the student is participating in a state-approved bilingual education program.


If the student has an LEP Special Programs record in effect on the TREx run date where the Bilingual Program Type state code = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, the code is reported.
Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

ESL Program Type CodeESL

Indicates whether the student is participating in a state-approved English as a Second Language (ESL) program.


If the student has an LEP Special Programs record in effect on the TREx run date where the ESL Program Type state code = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, the code is reported.
Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Gifted/Talented IndicatorGiftedTalented

Indicates whether the student is identified as participating in a state-approved gifted and talented program (as defined in 19 TAC §89.1), or is furloughed from the program.


If the student has a Gifted and Talented Special Programs record in effect on the TREx run date with an Indicator of 1: '1'

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Career Tech Ed IndicatorCTE

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in a state-approved Career and Technical Education course as an elective, as a participant in the district’s career and technical coherent sequence of courses, or as a participant in the district’s technical prep program.

[S_TX_SEN_CTE_X]E0031_CTE_Override, if populated and in effect on the TREx run date.

[S_TX_SEN_CTE_X]E0031_CTE_Ind if in effect on the TREx run date.

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Personal Graduation PlanPersonalGradPlan

Indicates whether the student is working under a personal graduation plan. 


If the student is not a graduate and has a value of 1 in the Personal Graduation Plan: '1'

Otherwise: A default of '0' is reported.

Assessment NameTestName

The name of the assessment instrument or test taken by the student.  


  • ACT and SAT assessments are reported under Additional Test Name and Assessment Subtest.
  • If the assessment name is provided, then Additional Test Name is blank within each assessment.
  • TAKS Exit scores are reported for students who will graduate under TAKS.
  • The Test Score Alpha Score field contains the version code for the assessment. This value is examined to determine the appropriate TREx Test Name code.

Derived from:




Additional Test NameAdditionalTestName

The test name for assessments that are not included in the standard assessment code table TC01.


    • ACT and SAT assessments are reported under Additional Test Name and Assessment Subtest.
    • AdditionalTestName is suppressed for TAKS Exit, STAAR, EOC, and TELPAS assessments.



Assessment Grade LevelTestLevel

The grade level associated with the assessment taken by the student.

Note: The Assessment Grade Level is reported for all assessments except ACT and SAT subtests.

Assessment DateTestDate

The date (month and year) on which an assessment instrument or test was taken by the student; also known as the Administration Date.

Note: The Assessment Date is reported for all assessments except ACT and SAT subtests.


Note: STAAR EOC assessment dates are output with the following conventions:
yyyy = test year
mm = testing period where 15 = Spring, 16 = Summer, and 13 = Fall

All other assessments are output in the following format:

yyyy-mm format where mm = the actual month

Assessment Date Exit Requirements MetExitRequirementMetDateThe date (month and year) the student met the graduation requirement on each of the TAKS exit exams.





Assessment ScoreTestScore

The scale score earned by the student on the assessment instrument or test.  

Notes :

  • The Assessment Score is reported for all assessments except ACT and SAT subtests.
  • ACT and SAT composite scores are reported.
    • If there are multiple scores for the same test (ACT or SAT), the highest score is reported.

[StudentTestScore]NumScore, if populated.

Test exemptions for TAKS Exit and STAAR EOC also reference: [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore

Waived EOC assessments also reference:
[S_TX_SGR_X]Explanation_Code_Combined = 3
Refer to STARR EOC Assessments for more information on EOC waiver criteria.

Test Exemptions for TAKS Exit and STAAR EOC
If a value of 1 exists in the Numeric Score field AND a value of E exists in the Alpha Score field, the Assessment Score is reported as 'Exempt' for TAKS and "Waived" for EOC.

Mastery for TAKS Exit Only
If the student has a Numeric Score value for a TAKS Exit test and an Alpha Score value of "+", the + sign is added after the numeric score to indicate Mastery.

STAAR Performance LevelPerformanceLevelThe level that the student achieved on the STAAR® End of Course assessment. 

[StudentTestScore]PercentScore, if populated.

Otherwise: If Numeric Score is populated, but PercentScore is not populated, a default of '0' is reported.

For STAAR & EOC Assessments dated PRIOR to March 2017:
A value of 1, 2, or 3 is reported, as entered in PowerSchool.

For STAAR & EOC Assessments dated AFTER March 2017:
A value of 0-9 or A is reported.
If the Percent Score value = 10: 'A'
All other Percent Scores are reported as entered in PowerSchool.

Assessment SubtestSubTestName

The name of any subtest that is part of an assessment instrument.  

Note: SubtestName is only reported for ACT and SAT subjects.


Where [StudentTestScore]NumScore is not blank or null.

Assessment Subtest ScoreSubTestScore

The scale score earned by the student on any subtest that is part of an assessment instrument.


  • SubtestScore is only reported for ACT and SAT subjects.
  • If there are multiple scores for the same test (ACT or SAT), the highest score is reported.
Total Days PresentDaysAttended

The total number of days the student was present during the current academic year in the student's current or most recent school of enrollment


If the Official Attendance Period checkbox is selected for any period in the student's Bell Schedule, the report determines ADA periods based on this flag; otherwise, the Counts for ADA flag determines the reportable period.

If the normal ADA period is Period 3, attendance is reported based on the class assigned to that period. If a student does not have a class in the normal ADA Period 3, and the school has flagged an additional period as Counts for ADA or Official Attendance Period, the student's attendance is sourced from the class that meets in the additional flagged period.

If the student's ADA Eligibility Code is not 0, any student attendance days with no absence-type Attendance Code are considered days present. Days marked with the Funding Attendance Code Category are also considered present days. Days where the student's ADA Eligibility Code indicates half-day eligibility are calculated as half-days. 

Total Days AbsentDaysAbsentThe total number of days the student was absent during the current academic year.  


If the Official Attendance Period checkbox is selected for any period in the student's Bell Schedule, the report determines ADA periods based on this flag; otherwise, the Counts for ADA flag determines the reportable period.

If the normal ADA period is Period 3, attendance is reported based on the class assigned to that period. If a student does not have a class in the normal ADA Period 3, and the school has flagged an additional period as Counts for ADA or Official Attendance Period, the student's attendance is sourced from the class that meets in the additional flagged period.

DaysAbsent includes in-session, non-ADA 0 days where an Attendance code with an absence-type value has been recorded.

Immunization NameImmunizationCodeThe name or description of the immunization that was given to the student. The following Immunizations are supported:

Table CodeOutput Name
HEPAHepatitis A
HEPBHepatitis B
OtherUser-defined value

Derived from:


Note: Name equals the abbreviation for each immunization name.


If the student has a current Exemption for the immunization (where Exemption Expires > current date), the Immunization Name is reported, with the following appended to the output:
Immunization Name - Exempt - Exemption Reason (Medical or Conscience)

    *  HEPA-Exempt-Conscience
    *  Polio-Exempt-Medical

If the student has both a Dose record & Date of Disease, the Date of Disease ([S_TX_STU_IMM_X]Varicella_Date_Of_Disease) takes precedence.

Output: Varicella-Has had disease

A Test Date and Result are both required to be reported

If the student has a test result, the Test Date is reported in the Immunization Date field:

Output: TB-Result-Text

Immunization DateImmunizationDate

The date on which the student received an immunization.


[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _2_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _3_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _4_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _5_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _6_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _7_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _8_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _9_Date

[S_TX_STU_IMM_X]IMM_ Name _10_Date

Note: Name equals the abbreviation for each immunization name.

Exemptions: The Exemption Expiration Date is reported.

Varicella: If the student has had the disease, the Date of Disease ([S_TX_STU_IMM_X]Varicella_Date_Of_Disease) is reported.

TB: The Date of the Test is reported.

Immunization DoseImmunizationDoseThe dose in series of an immunization received by the student.











Note: Name equals the abbreviation for each immunization name.

Disciplinary Action End DateDisciplineActionDateThe date on which the unexpired disciplinary assignment will end. This must be a valid date occurring after the record transfer (in the future). This disciplinary event must be unexpired, i.e., the event must be applicable to the timeframe in which the student record is being transferred to another district/campus.[Incident_Action]Action_Plan_End_DT
Disciplinary Action NumberDisciplineActionNum

The local disciplinary action number used to report an unexpired disciplinary event for a student.

Calculated in sequential order
Disciplinary Action CodeDisciplineActionCode

The type of unexpired disciplinary action taken for a student. 



Disciplinary Action Reason DisciplineActionReason

The reason a student was subject to the unexpired disciplinary action.  

[Incident_Detail]LU_Code_ID where

[Incident_Detail]Primary_Indicator = 1

Academic Status

Graduation DateGraduationDate

The month and year that the student graduated from high school

[S_TX_STU_X]E0791, if populated

Otherwise: GraduationDate is suppressed

Speech Requirement Met DateSpeechMetDate

The month and year that the student met the speech requirement for an FHSP diploma.


Only applies to, and is required for, students participating in the FHSP program where Graduation Program Type = 34.

Otherwise: SpeechMetDate is suppressed.

Graduation Program TypeGraduationDiplomaType

The type of graduation program or plan under which the student graduated or will graduate.

Required in the final transcript (graduates).

[Students]E0806, if populated

Otherwise: GraduationDiplomaType is suppressed.

Certification of Coursework Completion DateCertificateDate

The date on which the district awards a certificate of coursework completion to a student. Districts have the option of awarding a certificate of coursework completion to a student who successfully completes all coursework requirements, but who fails to perform satisfactorily on the statewide exit-level assessment.

Note: CertificateDate is only reported for non-graduates.

[S_TX_STU_X]Cert_Course_Compl_Date, if populated

Otherwise: CertificateDate is suppressed.

Texas Grant IndicatorTexasGrantType

An indicator of whether a student on the Minimum/ Recommended/ Distinguished/ High School Program (RHSP) is on track to graduate by completing the requirements of the State Board of Education.

Note: TexasGrantType is only reported for non-graduates with one of the former Graduation Program types of Minimum, Recommended, or Distinguished.


If Grad Plan =

  • 15, 19, 22, 25, or 28: '1'
  • 20, 23, 26, or 29: '2'
  • 04, 05, 06, 07, 13, 18, 21, 24, or 27: '3'
Advanced MeasuresAdvancedMeasureA code corresponding to one of the six measures described in the 2009-2010 AAR Minimum Standards 1.13(k) and in table TC29. A student must achieve any combination of four advanced measures as defined in TAC §74.13 to be recognized as part of the Distinguished Achievements Program – Advanced High School Program.

Note: AdvancedMeasure is only reported for students with a Graduation Program Type of 29.





If the student is assigned a Graduation Program Type 29, AND their Advanced Measures equals one or more, one record for each achieved Advanced Measure is reported.

FHSP Participant CodeFHSPParticipationCodeIndicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) the Foundation High School Program.

Note: The FHSP Participant Code applies only to students in grades 9-12 and to graduates.

Valid Values:

  • 0 = Not participating (default)
  • 1 = Pursuing
  • 2 = Completed


In all cases, logic for Graduates is applied first.


  • If Graduation Type Code =
    • 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57: ' 2'
    • Otherwise: '0'


  • If Graduation Type Code =
    • 34, 54, 55, 56, or 5: '1'
    • Otherwise: '0'
FHSP Disting Level Achieve Indicator CodeFHSPDistingIndicatorCodeIndicates whether a student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement program under the Foundation High School Program 

Note: FHSPDistingIndicatorCode is only reported for students in grades 9-12 and to FHSP-type graduates. The student must have a value of 1 or 2 for the FHSP Participant Code to have a value of 1 or 2 for the FHSP Distinguished Level Indicator.

 Valid Values:

  • 0 = Not participating (default)
  • 1 = Pursuing
  • 2 = Completed



  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57 AND FHSP Distinguished Level = 2: '2'
  • Otherwise: '0'


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57  AND FHSP Distinguished Level = 1 or 2: '1' or '2' as entered
  • Otherwise: '0'
Arts & Humanities Endorsement Indicator CodeArtsEndorsementCodeIndicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed an Arts and Humanities Endorsement.

Note: ArtsEndorsementCode is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or FHSP Graduates. 



  • If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND one or more endorsements = 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: ArtsEndorsementCode is suppressed.


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, OR FHSP Participant Code =1, AND one or more endorsements = 1 - Student is Pursuing or 2 - Student Has Completed then, each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: ArtsEndorsementCode is suppressed.
Business Endorsement Indicator CodeBusinessEndorsementCode

Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Business and Industry Endorsement.

Note: BusinessEndorsementCode is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or FHSP Graduates. 



  • If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND one or more endorsements = 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: BusinessEndorsementCode is suppressed.


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, OR FHSP Participant Code =1, AND one or more endorsements = 1 - Student is Pursuing or 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: BusinessEndorsementCode is suppressed.
MultiStudies Endorsement Indicator CodeMultiStudiesEndorsementCode

Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement.

Note: MultiStudiesEndorsementCode is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or FHSP Graduates. 




  • If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND one or more endorsements = 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: MultiStudiesEndorsementCode is suppressed.


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, OR FHSP Participant Code =1, AND one or more endorsements = 1 - Student is Pursuing or 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: MultiStudiesEndorsementCode is suppressed.
Public Services Endorsement Indicator CodePublicServicesEndorsementCode

Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Public Services Endorsement.

Note: PublicServicesEndorsementCode is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or FHSP Graduates.   



  • If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND one or more endorsements = 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: PublicServicesEndorsementCode is suppressed.


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, OR FHSP Participant Code =1, AND one or more endorsements = 1 - Student is Pursuing or 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: PublicServicesEndorsementCode is suppressed.
STEM Endorsement Indicator CodeSTEMEndorsementCode

Indicates whether a student is currently enrolled in (pursuing) or has successfully completed a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Endorsement.

Note: STEMEndorsementCode is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or FHSP Graduates.   



  • If the student is a graduate with Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND one or more endorsements = 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: STEMEndorsementCode is suppressed.


  • If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, OR FHSP Participant Code =1, AND one or more endorsements = 1 - Student is Pursuing or 2 - Student Has Completed, then each endorsement is reported on a separate line.
  • Otherwise: STEMEndorsementCode is suppressed.
Performance Acknowledgement Dual CreditDualCreditTypeIndicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance in a dual credit course. 

Note: DualCreditType is only reported for students who are FHSP Participants or Graduates.

If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57 AND Dual Credit Performance Acknowledgement Indicator is populated and does NOT = 0: [S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where
[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Performance_Indicator = DC

Otherwise: DualCreditType is suppressed.

Performance Acknowledgement Met Date (Dual Credit)MetDate

The month and year that the student attained one of the Foundation High School Program Performance Acknowledgements.

Note: MetDate is reported for each Performance Acknowledgement.

Performance Acknowledgement Bilingualism BiliteracyBilingBilitType

Indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance in bilingualism and biliteracy.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where
[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Performance_Indicator = BB

If Graduation Type Code = 34, 54, 55, 56, or 57, AND Bilingualism Biliteracy Indicator Value is populated and does NOT = 0: '1'

Otherwise: BilingBilitType is suppressed.

Performance Acknowledgement Met Date (Bilingual)MetDate

The month and year that the student attained one of the Foundation High School Program Performance Acknowledgements.


Performance Acknowledgement College Readiness Assessments CollegeAssessTypeIndicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance on the PSAT®, the ACT-PLAN®, the SAT®, or the ACT®.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Indicator_Value where
[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Performance_Indicator is CR

If College Readiness Assessments Indicator Value is populated and does NOT = 0, the code as entered in PowerSchool is reported.

Otherwise: CollegeAssessType is suppressed.

Performance Acknowledgement Met Date (College)MetDateThe month and year that the student attained one of the Foundation High School Program Performance Acknowledgements.


Performance Acknowledgement AP IB ExamsApIbType Indicates the student has earned a performance acknowledgment for outstanding performance on a College Board AP test or IB examination.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Indicator_Value where
[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Performance_Indicator is AP or IB

If the AP or IB Exam value is populated and does NOT = 0, the code as entered in PowerSchool is reported.

Otherwise: ApIbType is suppressed.

Performance Acknowledgement Met Date (AP IB)MetDate

The month and year that the student attained one of the Foundation High School Program Performance Acknowledgements.


Performance Acknowledgement Certification LicensuresCertLicTypeIndicates the student has earned a nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification or license.

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Indicator_Code  

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Indicator_Value where
[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C] Performance_Indicator is CL

If the student has one or more of TSDS/PEIMS reportable certifications (per Indicator Code), then each certification is reported on a separate line. If Indicator Code = 000, CertLicType is suppressed.

If the student also has certifications in the original text-based field (Indicator Value) that are different than those reported for PEIMS, then each certification is reported on a separate line.  

If the student has no certifications or has only an indicator value of 000, CertLicType is suppressed.

Performance Acknowledgement Met Date (Certifications)MetDate

The month and year that the student attained one of the Foundation High School Program Performance Acknowledgements.

Note: MetDate is reported for each Performance Acknowledgement.

Individual Graduation Committee Review CodeIGCGradReviewIndicates whether an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) has been established for a student.

Note: IGCGradReview code is only reported for students who are NOT graduates.


If IGC Review Code field = 01: '01'.

Otherwise: IGCGradReview is suppressed.

FHSP College Career Instruction Indicator CodeFHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator

Indicates whether a student in grades seven or eight has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and a career including personal graduation plan, the distinguished level of achievement, endorsements, college readiness standards, and potential career choices and the education needed to enter those careers.

Note: FHSPCollegeCareerInstructionIndicator is only reported for students in grades 7 and 8.


If the student is in grades 7 or 8, AND FHSP College Career Instruction = Yes/1: '1'.

Otherwise: A default value of 0 is reported.

Associate Degree Indicator CodeAssociateDegreeIndicates that the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school.

Note: AssociateDegree is only reported for students in grades 11, 12, or graduates.


If a student is in grade 11, grade 12, or Graduate has a value of Yes/1: ' 1'.

Otherwise: AssociateDegree is suppressed.

OnRamps Dual Credit Indicator CodeOnRampsIndicates that the student has successfully completed an OnRamps dual enrollment course.


If the student has a stored grades record for a course identified as an OnRamps course, and the OnRamps indicator = Yes/1: ' 1'.

Otherwise: OnRamps is suppressed.

Section 504 Indicator CodeSection504 Indicates that the student


If the student is participating in one or more Section 504 program: '1'.

Otherwise: '0'.

Peace Officer Interaction Instruction Met DatePOIIMetDateThe month and year that the student completed Peace office interaction training.


If the Peace officer interaction date is populated and the student is in grades 9-12 the date is populated in YYYY-MM format.

Otherwise: Peace Officer Interaction Instruction Met Date is suppressed.

CPR Instruction Met DateCPRMetDateThe month and year that the student completed CPR training.


If the CPR instruction date is populated and the student is in grades 7-12 the date is populated in YYYY-MM format.

Otherwise: CPR Instruction Met Date is suppressed.

Star of Texas Indicator CodeStarOfTexasIndicates that the PK student successfully met qualifications to be eligible for free public kindergarten.


If the students Star of Texas indicator = 1: ' 1'.

Otherwise: '0'.

Current Coursework

TREx Record Sorting

  • Semester Sequence: Lowest to Highest
  • State Course Number: Lowest to Highest
Course NameCourseTitle

The name of the course (as entered in PS) taken or being taken by the student.

Course NumberCourseID

The TEA-assigned Service ID number for a course or a district/campus-assigned number for a locally-developed course. 

Note: The course number in the Stored Grade record overrides the course number in the Section and Course records.

CourseID is reported from the first populated field:





Course AbbreviationAbbreviation

The TEA-assigned course abbreviation as entered on the Courses page.



Course Semester


The semester or academic term in which a course was taken.


Semester is based on Term ID for the class:

  • Semester 1: '1'
  • Semester 2: '2'
  • Trimester 1: '1'
  • Trimester 2: '2'
  • Trimester 3: '3'
  • Quarter 1: '1'
  • Quarter 2: '2'
  • Quarter 3: '3'
  • Quarter 4: '4'

For year-long, non-HS Credit Courses (Course Seq A), Semester is always suppressed.

For courses of any type with a term less than a full year, the semester is reported.

Class PeriodClassPeriodThe class instructional period in which the course was taken by the student.  


Course CategorySubjectAreaThe course category or subject area designated and listed on the transcript. 



Course GradeCourseGrade

The actual or raw grade earned by the student for an academic marking period.

Note: If one or more Stored Grades records exist with a store code that is not a final grade, these grades are reported. 



If the Percent option is selected at runtime, but Percent is not populated or equals zero (0), then the Letter Grade (such as P, F, or I) will be reported if available.

Output Format: Store Code -  Grade Earned

Withdrawal Course GradeWithdrawGrade

The grade earned by the student for the course at the time of withdrawal. 


  • WithdrawGrade is only reported when the student transfers before completing a semester or grade reporting period.
  • WithdrawGrade is sourced from the gradebook final grades based on the student's school exit date.



If the Percent option is selected at runtime, but Percent is not populated or equals zero (0), then the Letter Grade (such as P, F, or I) will be reported if available.

Output Format: Store Code -  Grade Earned

Course Grade AverageGradeAverageAlways suppressed for Current CourseworkSuppressed
Course CreditCourseCreditAlways suppressed for Current CourseworkSuppressed
Pass/Fail Credit IndicatorPassFailCreditAlways suppressed for Current CourseworkSuppressed
ExplanationExplanationAlways suppressed for Current CourseworkSuppressed
Course TeacherCourseTeacher

The name of the teacher of record who provided instruction for the course.

[S_TX_SGR_X]Teacher_Name, if populated

Otherwise: [Sections]Teacher_Name

Campus Awarding CreditCreditCampusAlways suppressed for Current CourseworkSuppressed
Semester SequenceSemesterSeq

A sequence or portion of a course.

SemesterSeq is reported from the first populated field:





If overrides are not populated, the Course Sequence Code logic is calculated based on the value in Courses.

When calculated from the value in Courses, the Semester Sequence logic is as follows:

  • Default (A): 'Non-High School Credit'
  • (1) One Semester: '0'
  • (2) Semester: '1' or '2' based on Section Term ID
  • (3) Trimester: '3', '4', or '5' based on Section Term ID
  • (4) Quarter: '6', '7', '8', or '9' based on Section Term ID
  • (X) Accelerated: '1' or '2' based on Section Term ID
  • (F) First Half Of A Two Semester Course: '1'
  • (S) Second Half Of A Two Semester Course: '2'
Academic YearSchoolYearIndicates the school year, for example, 2017-2018.[Sections]TermID
Grade LevelGradeLevel

The student's current grade level (EE, PK –12).

[S_TX_STU_X]State_Grade_Level, if populated.

Otherwise: [Students]Grade_Level

Academic Session

TREx Record Sorting

  • Academic Year: Earliest to Most Recent
  • Semester Sequence: Lowest to Highest
  • State Course Number: Lowest to Highest
Academic YearSchoolYearIndicates the school year, for example, 2017-2018.[StoredGrades]TermID
Grade LevelGradeLevel

The student's current grade level (EE, PK –12) applicable to coursework completed.

Note: The student's grade level is reported for each academic year included in the report.

Course NameCourseTitleThe name of the course taken or being taken by the student.  [StoredGrades]Course_Name
Course NumberCourseID

The TEA-assigned Service ID number for a course or a district/campus-assigned number for a locally-developed course. 

Note: The course number in the Stored Grade record overrides the course number in the Section and Course records.

CourseID is reported from the first populated field:




Course AbbreviationAbbreviationThe TEA-assigned course abbreviation.




Course SemesterSemesterThe semester or academic term in which a course was taken.


Semester is based on Term ID for the class:

  • Semester 1: '1'
  • Semester 2: '2'
  • Trimester 1: '1'
  • Trimester 2: '2'
  • Trimester 3: '3'
  • Quarter 1: '1'
  • Quarter 2: '2'
  • Quarter 3: '3'
  • Quarter 4: '4'
Course CategorySubjectArea

The course category or subject area designated and listed on the transcript. 




Course GradeCourseGradeAlways suppressed for Academic SessionSuppressed
Course Grade AverageGradeAverageThe final course grade that the student received for a multi-part course (e.g. a year-long course with credit and grades awarded for each of the two semesters).



The grades earned for Store Codes marked as Final Grade and mapped to a Final Grade Type of S1 or S2 on the Texas Store Code Mapping page are reported.

If the Percent option is selected at runtime, but Percent is not populated or equals zero (0), then the Letter Grade (such as P, F, or I) is reported if available.

GradeAverage is suppressed if there is no final grade mapped to S1 or S2 on the TX Store Code Mapping page, or if the student does not have a grade for a mapped store code.

Course CreditCourseCredit

The number of units awarded to the student for completion of a course. 


The credit earned for Store Codes marked as Final Grade and mapped to a Final Grade Type of S1, S2, or AVG on the Texas Store Code Mapping page are reported.

Pass/Fail Credit IndicatorPassFailCreditThe outcome for a course taken by the student.

PassFailCredit is reported from the first populated field:



If overrides are NOT populated, PassFailCredit is calculated based on [StoredGrades]Percent or [StoredGrades]Grade.


The Explanation Code is a description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. 




Course TeacherCourseTeacherThe name of the teacher of record who provided instruction for the course.

[S_TX_SGR_X]Teacher_Name, if populated.

Otherwise: CourseTeacher is suppressed.

Campus Awarding CreditCreditCampusThe TEA-assigned Campus ID of the Texas public school confirming and awarding credit for coursework completed at a non-public school or a school outside of Texas. 

[StoredGrades]Alternate_CDC, if populated.

Otherwise: [StoredGrades]SchoolID

Semester SequenceSemesterSeq

A sequence or portion of a course.

SemesterSeq is reported from the first populated field





If overrides are not populated, the Course Sequence Code is calculated based on the value in Courses.

When calculated from Courses, the Course Sequence value is reported in combination with the Section Term ID.

Default Course Setup:

  • Year-Long Non-High School Credit: 'A'
  • Courses scheduled as semesters: '1' or '2'
  • Courses scheduled as trimesters: '3', '4', or '5'
  • Courses scheduled as quarters: '6', '7', '8', or '9'

Specific Course Sequence Indicator:

  • (1) One Semester: '0'
  • (2) Semester: '1' or '2'
  • (3) Trimester: '3', '4', or '5'
  • (4) Quarter: '6', '7', '8', or '9'
  • (X) Accelerated: '1' or '2'
  • (F) First Half Of A Two Semester Course: '1'
  • (S) Second Half Of A Two Semester Course: '2'
Final Grade AverageFinalGradeAverageThe average of the grades earned by the student for a year-long course. If the local policy allows schools to average two semesters for a full-year credit, then the final grade average column must be completed. This element, if present, will be sent to SPEEDE in lieu of COURSE-GRADE-AVERAGE.




If [S_TX_SGR_X]AAR_AVG_Override is not populated, the Stored Grade code that is the Final Grade and mapped to Final Grade Type of Average in TX Store Code Mapping is reported.

If the Percent option is selected at runtime, but Percent is not populated or equals zero (0), then the Letter Grade (such as P, F, or I) is reported if available.

Otherwise: FinalGradeAverage is suppressed.

Academic Summary

Academic Summary applies only to students in grades 09 - 12 and graduates. This complex type is suppressed for all other students.

Grade Point AverageGPA

The calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average for all coursework completed to date. The grade point average is a measure of scholastic attainment computed by dividing the total number of grade points received by the total number of credits or hours of course work taken.


  • GPA is reported based on the selection made in the report parameters.
  • If the student does not have a GPA value, this field is not visible in the report.

Based on the values entered at runtime in the Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides, Exclude Class Rank, and Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameters.

If Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameter applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank_GPA

If Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = No:

  • [ClassRank]GPA, if populated.
  • Otherwise: GPA is suppressed.  

If Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = Yes:

  • [S_TX_STU_X]GPA_Override, if populated.
  • Otherwise: GPA is suppressed. 

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = Yes:

  • [S_TX_STU_X]GPA_Override, if populated.
  • Otherwise: GPA is calculated using the Class Rank/GPA Method selected at runtime.   
  • If Class Rank/GPA Method is blank, GPA is suppressed.  

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = No:

  • [ClassRank]GPA, it populated.
  • Otherwise: GPA is calculated using the Class Rank/GPA Method selected at runtime.
  • If Class Rank/GPA Method is blank, GPA is suppressed. 
Number in ClassClassTotalNumber

The total number of students within a grade level that are expected to comprise a graduating class.

Based on the values entered at runtime in the Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides, Exclude Class Rank, and Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameters.

If Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameter applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Size

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = Yes:

  • [S_TX_STU_X]Class_Size, if populated.
  • Otherwise: All Rank elements (ClassTotalNumber, ClassRank, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile) are suppressed.

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = No

  • [ClassRank]OutOf, if populated.
  • Otherwise: All Rank elements (ClassTotalNumber, ClassRank, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile) are suppressed.

If Exclude Class Rank = Yes

  • All Rank elements (ClassTotalNumber, ClassRank, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile) are suppressed.
Class RankClassRank

The academic ranking of the student within his grade level or graduating class. Class ranking is required by Grade 11.

Note: The default value of zero (0) is reported if your campus does not rank students.

Based on the values entered at runtime in the Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides, Exclude Class Rank, and Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameters.

If Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameter applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank

If Class Ranks have not been calculated for the current school year and no value is found in the Class Rank Override field, the report extracts the most recent value in the [ClassRank]Rank field.

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = Yes

  • [S_TX_STU_X]Class_Rank, if populated
  • Otherwise: All Rank elements (ClassTotalNumber, ClassRank, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile) are suppressed.

If Exclude Class Rank = No, and Use Class Rank/GPA Overrides = No:

  • [ClassRank]Rank, if populated
  • Otherwise: A default value of zero (0) is reported, and the ClassTotalNumber, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile are suppressed.

If Exclude Class Rank = Yes

  • All Rank elements (ClassTotalNumber, ClassRank, ClassRankingDate, and Quartile) are suppressed.
Date of RankingClassRankingDate

The date on which the class rank of students was calculated by the campus or district. Date of Ranking is required on the high school transcript by Grade 11.

Based on the value entered at runtime in the Class Rank Date Override parameter, if populated.

Otherwise, if Use Calculated Class Rank Fields from Class Rank Tab parameter applies for this student: [S_TX_STU_X]Calc_Class_Rank_Date

Otherwise: [S_TX_STU_X]Class_Rank_Date_Override, if populated.

Otherwise: [ClassRank]DateRanked

If runtime parameter Exclude Class Rank = Yes, or if Rank is reported with a default value of 0: ClassRankingDate is suppressed.


Indicates a quarter percentage of the total class number in which the student is ranked. Quartiles divide the distribution of the class into four groups having an equal percentage (i.e., top 25%, top 50%, lower 50%, lower 25%). 

Calculated based on Rank/Number in Class

If Class Rank is reported as any value other than 0, the Quartile is calculated and reported as Rank/Number in Class

  • If result is = or < 0.25: '1'
  • If result is 0.26 - 0.50: '2'
  • If result is 0.51 - 0.75: '3'
  • If result is > 0.75: '4'

If runtime parameter Exclude Class Rank = Yes, or if Rank is reported with a default value of 0: Quartile is suppressed.

College Board Campus CodeCollegeCampusCode

The unique, six-digit ID assigned by the College Board to a high school campus.  

[S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X]CBCC_Number, if populated.

Otherwise: CollegeCampusCode is suppressed.

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