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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300225All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - API Updates

Validations to allow alphanumeric characters are added for all Digital Equity and Learning Preference fields, enabling the values inserted via API be visible in the Digital Equity and Learning Preferences UI.

PSSR-3016342022-23 Student Assessment Pre-Code Registration File Updates

Student Assessment Registration File: Version 22.10.3
The Student Assessment Pre-Code Registration File has been completely revised to support the updated 2022-23 Cambium registration file format and to implement new source fields and logic based on the new Student Assessment data collection model provided in the previous release. Registration Files can now be generated and loaded to Cambium for the STAAR 3-8, STAAR EOC, STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate assessments.

  • Data Collection
    • Most registration records for most students are automatically generated based on grade level, EOC course enrollment, or the EB/EL Special Program records.
    • Students with exceptions such as STAAR Alternate 2, students taking the EOC’s in the December or June administrations, and students who are not scheduled into EOC courses must be coded on the appropriate assessment tab in State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Precode. Registration records are not automatically generated for these exceptions unless the student is coded.
    • Coding for student attributes (accommodations) and additional student fields used in the companion Student Attributes and Additional Student Fields Upload Files are also entered on the same tabs. See the separate release notes for those reports.
  • Registration Record Output
    • A single record is output in the CSV file for each student who meets the selection criteria for at least one of the Assessment(s) selected at runtime.
    • If the student meets the selection criteria, the file will contain the six required fields along with all of the optional fields. Optional fields are output with non-blank values based on coding in PowerSchool for the various PEIMS and special program indicators, along with any testing exceptions or eligibility flags entered on the Student Assessment Precode tabs, or in the EB/EL record.
    • Each time a new file is generated and loaded to Cambium, values in the new file will update the student’s existing record in the Cambium system. All assessments can be selected each time the registration file is run to keep the records in Cambium updated. An option to delete records in Cambium is also available (see Runtime Parameters below).
    • Attributes and Additional Student Fields as shown on the Student Assessment Precode tabs include accommodations, Retester flags and fields for paper testers.
      • These are not included in the Registration File format. They are instead reported in the separate Student Attributes and Additional Student Fields Upload Files.
      • These flags should be set as needed for individual students but are not required to register a student.
      • Note that students must first be registered for the assessment in Cambium before the related Attributes or Additional Student Fields can be loaded successfully.
  • Student Selection Criteria Based on Selected Assessments
    • STAAR 3-8: A record is automatically generated for each student in grades 3-8 when STAAR 3-8 is selected in the Assessments parameter.
      • If the student will test above grade level, select the grade for each subject on the STAAR/STAAR Alt2 tab; otherwise leave blank.
      • Cambium automatically flags these students as eligible for the Interim assessments based on the student’s enrolled grade. If a different interim grade level (above or below) is required, select the grade for each subject; otherwise leave blank.
      • A record is automatically generated for each student enrolled in one or more EOC courses on the current date or scheduled into an EOC course for a future date or term for each EOC subject selected in the Assessments parameter.
      • EOC courses are identified automatically using the Course Abbreviations in the TEA C022 Service ID table. The Service ID’s for the appropriate courses are compared to the values in the Alternate Course Number field in Courses or Sections for the student’s class enrollments.
      • Spring EOC Eligibility: These records automatically include a value of Y (Yes) in the Spring EOC Eligibility column for the student’s scheduled EOC courses.
        • It is not necessary to select the Spring EOC Eligibility boxes unless the student is not currently enrolled in the EOC course or is not scheduled for the course in a future term.
        • Students who completed the EOC course in a previous term or who are not scheduled for course must have the Spring EOC Eligibility checkbox selected in order to be included for the primary EOC administrations in the spring.
      • December and June EOC Eligibility: Students who will take one or more EOC assessments in the December or June administrations as Retesters or students New To Texas must be flagged on the Student Assessment Precode page by checking the December Eligibility or June Eligibility boxes for the appropriate EOC subject.
      • If the student is a Retester, the corresponding December, Spring, or June Retester fields should also be selected. The Retester flags are not reported in the Registration File but are included in the new Additional Student Fields Upload file when selected.
      • Interim: If the student will take the interim assessment for any EOC subject, select the checkbox for the appropriate subject.
    • STAAR Alternate 2
      • Grades 3-8: The STAAR Alternate 2 checkbox must be selected on the STAAR/STAAR Alt2 tab.
      • EOC’s: The STAAR EOC Alternate 2 checkbox must be selected for each of the EOC subjects as appropriate on the STAAR EOC/Alt 2 tab. These students do not need to be flagged for any of the EOC Eligibility fields.
    • TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate
      • A record is automatically generated for all students in grades K-12 with an EB/EL Indicator of 1 in the special programs record when TELPAS is selected in the TELPAS parameter.
      • TELPAS Alternate: The TELPAS Alternate field must be selected either on the Student Assessment Precode page or in the EB/EL record.
  • Report Parameters
    • Select Schools: When running from district, select one or more schools.
    • Select Students
      • All students is the recommended option unless a small selection of students is needed for a specific purpose.
      • Student selection criteria is automatically applied based on the selected Assessments parameter.
        • Student records will not be output unless the student meets the criteria for at least one of the selected assessments.
        • Running for a selection of students does not override the basic selection criteria and will not cause a record to be generated if the student does not qualify for the assessment.
    • Assessments: Select one or more assessments. All assessments can be selected.
    • STAAR EOC Test Administrations
      • If any of the EOC subjects are selected in the Assessments parameter, at least one of the test administrations must also be selected or no EOC records will be produced.
      • If the December and/or June administrations are selected, but the Spring administration is not, only those students coded for December or June EOC Eligibility will be included.
      • If the Spring administration is selected, all students who meet the base EOC selection criteria described above will be included. Students not scheduled currently or in the future for the EOC course must be selected for Spring EOC Eligibility in order to be included.
    • Record Action in Cambium
      • This parameter corresponds to the last Action column in the Registration file.
        • Add or Update Student Record (default): Output as blank.
        • Delete Student Record: Output as DELETE.
      • Tip: If you need to delete existing records in Cambium for one or more students, create a selection of those students, select all Assessments, and select the Delete option.
    • Exclude Students with Missing UID or DOB
      • UID and DOB are required fields. Registration records cannot be loaded successfully if these columns are empty.
      • This parameter should normally be set to Yes. In this case, if any qualifying students have missing values, they will be listed in a separate Excluded Student companion file included in the Student Assessment Precode Registration .zip file output.
PSSR-304455New Additional Student Fields Upload File for Student Assessment Pre-Code

Additional Student Fields Upload File: Version 22.10.3
A new Additional Student Fields extract is now available under the Assessment Pre-Code Extracts category on the State Reports page. This optional extract can be used to flag students in Cambium for the specific testing exceptions described below.

  • Summary
    • This extract currently supports seven specific fields that are unique to the Additional Student Fields Upload, and which are not already reported in the Cambium Student Registration File.
      • December, Spring and June EOC Retester Flags
      • Test Mode (Paper)
      • Paper Test Format
      • Designated Supports
      • Extra Day
    • Students must be registered for the assessment(s) in Cambium before additional student fields can be loaded. Run and load the Student Registration File extract first, then run the Additional Student Fields extract as needed.
    • Students must be coded for the needed additional fields on the Student Assessment Precode tabs under the State/Province – TX link or records will not be produced.
      • Additional Student Fields values can be manually set on the PowerSchool page, imported using Data Import Manager, or mass-assigned via the Student Field Value function for a selection of students.
      • Data Entry: Select the checkbox or dropdown list value depending on the field.
      • Import: Import Boolean checkbox fields with value of 1 to select that option; import dropdown list fields using the short codes as listed for each field.
      • Student Field Value: Mass-assign Boolean checkbox fields with a value of True to select that option; for dropdown list fields, assign the short codes as listed for the field.
  • Data Collection by Assessment
    • STAAR/STAAR Alt2
      • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper.
        • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.
        • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper to online.
        • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.
      • Paper Test Format
        • (RP) Regular Print
        • (RE) Regular Print Embedded Supports
        • (LP) Large Print
        • (LE) Large Print Embedded Supports
        • (SP) Spanish Regular Print (grades 3-5 Math & Reading, grade 5 Science only)
        • (SL) Spanish Large Print (grades 3-5 Math & Reading, grade 5 Science only)
        • (BC) Braille Contracted
        • (BU Braille Uncontracted
      • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.
      • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.
    • STAAR EOC/EOC Alt2
      • December, Spring and June Retester fields: Select the checkbox(es) if applicable.
      • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper.
        • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.
        • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper to online.
        • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.
      • Paper Test Format
        • (RP) Regular Print
        • (RE) Regular Print Embedded Supports
        • (LP) Large Print
        • (LE) Large Print Embedded Supports
        • (BC) Braille Contracted
        • (BU Braille Uncontracted
      • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.
      • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.
      • TELPAS Reading & Writing
        • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.
        • Test Mode: (O) Online or (P) Paper & Holistic
          • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (P) Paper if applicable.
          • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from paper/holistic to online.
          • After selecting paper, also select a value in the Paper Test Format dropdown list.
        • Paper Test Format
          • (RP) Regular Print
          • (LP) Large Print
          • (BC) Braille Contracted
          • (BU Braille Uncontracted
        • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.
      • TELPAS Listening & Speaking
        • Other Designated Supports: Select the checkbox if applicable.
        • Test Mode: (H) Holistic or (O) Online
          • By default, students are registered for online testing. Select (H) Holistic if applicable.
          • Select (O) Online only if changing a prior record from holistic to online.
        • Extra Day: Select the checkbox if applicable.
  • Generating the Additional Student Fields Upload File
    • Select schools and students (all students is the recommended option).
    • Select one or more Assessments (all assessments can be selected at once)
      • The same student selection criteria as used for the Registration File are first applied to identify students qualifying for records according to the assessments selected.
      • If any EOC subject is selected in Assessments, also select at least one EOC Test Administration.
      • Additional filtering is then applied to identify students coded for one or more Additional Student Fields for each of the selected assessments.
    • Exclude Students with Missing UID or DOB
      • While only the UID is required in the Additional Student Fields file, students with a missing DOB would have previously been excluded from the Registration file.
      • This parameter should normally be set to Yes. In this case, if any qualifying students have missing values, they will be listed in a separate Excluded Student companion file included in file output.
  • Additional Student Fields File Output
    • This CSV file conforms to the layout in the Cambium Additional Student Field Template, and contains four columns: TSDS ID (UID), AttributeName, Subject, and Value.
    • Students who have at least one populated value for an Additional Student Field for the assessments selected at runtime are included.
    • Multiple records for the same student are output if the student has more than one Additional Student Field value selected – either for the same assessment or a different assessment.
PSSR-303174P-EBT Upload File for Summer 2022 Submission

P-EBT Upload File - Summer 2022: Version 22.10.3
An updated version of the P-EBT Upload File is now available to support the Summer 2022 Semester 3 submission to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program.

  • Summary
    • This is a CSV file extract containing students who were eligible for free or reduced meals in the prior school year, along with students who became newly eligible between July 1 and August 29, 2022.
    • Districts will upload a single file containing all eligible students (prior year and newly eligible).
    • The file serves to initially identify students who are potentially eligible to receive Summer 2022 P-EBT benefits. Additional filtering and qualification will be performed by the Texas HHS to arrive at the final list of eligible students using additional prior year Summer PEIMS data supplied by TEA directly to HHS.
    • This file must be uploaded to the Texas HHS P-EBT portal by each LEA between October 31 and November 11, 2022.
    • The Summer 2022 Semester 3 student selection criteria is not the same as used during the 2021-22 Semester 1 and Semester 2 submissions last year. COVID-19 absences are virtual attendance are not considered.
    • The extract will automatically identify students who meet either the prior year eligibility criteria or the newly eligible criteria as described In the Student Selection Criteria section below.
  • P-EBT Data Collection
    • Schools
      • The extract logic requires identification of schools participating in the National School Lunch Program last year, along with schools that newly began participating as NSLP Type 3 Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) campuses in the current year.
      • A new Prior Year NSLP Type Code (E1581) field is now available in District > Schools/School Info to capture exceptions when the campus NSLP Type Code has changed between the prior year and the current year.
      • Code exceptions only by selecting the school’s prior year NSLP Type Code from the dropdown list. It is not necessary to code a school unless the current and prior year NSLP Type Codes has changed.
    • Students: It is not necessary to flag students as eligible unless the source data is missing in PowerSchool. Code exceptions only.
      • For districts using PowerSchool for the first time this year and for districts that may not yet have all coding in place for newly eligible students, override fields are available in State/Province – TX > P-EBT (Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer).
      • Select the appropriate checkbox field on the P-EBT page or use Student Field Value to mass-assign values of “True” to a selection of students. Students can be flagged for the Eligible Prior Year or as Newly Eligible, but not both.
        • Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals in Prior Year (S_TX_STU_X.PEBT_Summer2022_PY)
        • Newly Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals Summer 2022 (S_TX_STU_X.PEBT_Summer2022_NE)
  • Student Selection Criteria: Any student with prior year or newly eligible override will be automatically included without any further calculation of eligiblity.
    • Set #1: Prior Year Eligible Students: A record is included for each student who has a prior year or newly eligible override or meets the calculated criteria.
      • Manually coded students: "Qualified for Free/Reduced Lunch in Prior Year" override is checked on the student P-EBT page (S_TX_STU_X.PEBT_Summer2022_PY = 1).
      • Calculated students: Otherwise, student was enrolled at some point in the prior year in a campus that participated in the NSLP program and meets one of these additional criteria.
        • NSLP Type 02 or 03 Campus Enrollment: Student has at least one day of active enrollment at some point in the prior year in a school participating as a Provision 2 school (NSLP Code 02) or a Community Eligibility Provision school (NSLP Code 3).
        • Economic Disadvantage: Eco Dis special program record with an Eco Dis code of 01 or 02.
        • Migrant: Migrant Special Program record with a Migrant Indicator of 1.
        • Homeless: PEIMS General Record with a Homeless Status Code of 2, 3, 4 or 5.
        • Foster Care: PEIMS General Record with a Foster Care Code of 1, 2, or 3.
    • Set #2: Newly Eligible Students: A record is included for each student who has an override or meets the calculated criteria.
      • Manually coded students: "Newly Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals Summer 2022" override is checked on the student P-EBT page (S_TX_STU_X.PEBT_Summer2022_NE).
      • Calculated students: Otherwise, student has at least one day of active enrollment between 07/01/2022 - 08/29/2022 where at least one of these conditions is met with a record in effect during the summer date range.
        • Enrolled in a campus that participated as NSLP Type 02 or 03 during the prior year.
        • Economic Disadvantage: Eco Dis special program record with an Eco Dis code of 01 or 02.
        • Migrant: Migrant Special Program record with a Migrant Indicator of 1.
        • Homeless: PEIMS General Record with a Homeless Status Code of 2, 3, 4 or 5.
        • Foster Care: PEIMS General Record with a Foster Care Code of 1, 2, or 3.
  • Report Parameters
    • Standard selection of schools and students
    • School Year: Defaults to 2021-22
    • Reporting Period: Defaults to Semester 3 (Summer 2022)
    • Change Indicator Output parameter
      • Blank: This is the default and the normal runtime option. Records for all qualifying students are included and the Change Indicator is reported as blank.
      • (U) Update existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students whose records need to be updated in the system. The Change Indicator is output as U.
      • (D) Delete existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students who were previously reported in error. The Change Indicator is output as D. This option could also be used if the district needs to re-start the collection from scratch. In this case, all schools and students would be selected and every record would be flagged with the D indicator.
    • Exclusion Parameters: Unique ID, SSN and Parent Names are required fields in the HHS system.
      • Exclude Students with Missing Unique ID.
      • Exclude Students with Missing SSN.
      • Exclude Students with Missing Parent.
  • P-EBT Upload File Output
    • School Year
    • Semester
    • Change_Indicator
    • Student_First_Name
    • Student_Last_Name
    • Student_DOB
    • SSN_or_S_Num
    • Student_ID_or_Local_ID
    • Unique_ID
    • Student_Gender
    • District_ID
    • Campus_ID
    • Parent_First_Name
    • Parent_Last_Name
    • Parent_DOB
    • Parent_Email
    • Parent_Ph_Num
    • Address_Line_1
    • Address_Line_2
    • City
    • State
    • Zip5
PSSR-304393Updated Student Attributes Upload File for Student Assessment Pre-Code

Student Test Attributes Upload File: Version 22.10.3
An updated version of the Student Attributes extract is now available under the Assessment Pre-Code Extracts category on the State Reports page. This optional extract can be used to flag students in Cambium for special attributes and accommodations.

  • Summary
    • This extract supports all the attribute/accommodation fields in the Cambium Student Attributes File template such as Text-to-Speech, Spelling Assistance, etc.
    • Students must be registered for the assessment(s) in Cambium before test attributes can be loaded. Run and load the Student Registration File extract first, then run the Student Attributes extract as needed.
    • Students must be coded for the needed attributes on the Student Assessment Precode tabs under the State/Province – TX link or records will not be produced.
      • Attribute values can be manually set on the PowerSchool page, imported using Data Import Manager, or mass-assigned via the Student Field Value function for a selection of students.
      • Data Entry: Select the checkbox or dropdown list value depending on the field.
      • Import: Import Boolean checkbox fields with value of 1 to select that option; import dropdown list fields using the short codes as listed for each field.
      • Student Field Value: Mass-assign Boolean checkbox fields with a value of True to select that option; for dropdown list fields, assign the short codes as listed for the field.
  • Attributes Data Collection
    • The available attributes for each of the assessments are displayed on the Student Assessment Pre-Code tabs under the State/Province – TX link.
      • Boolean checkbox fields
        • ASL Videos
        • Auto Text-to-Speech
        • Content and Language Supports
        • Permissive Mode
        • Speech-to-Text
        • Spelling Assistance
        • Text-to-Speech
        • Basic TI Calculator
      • Presentation is the only attribute displayed with dropdown lists. Select the applicable code.
        • (B) Braille
        • (E) English
        • (S) Spanish
    • The available attributes vary according to the assessment, subject and grade level. Most attributes are available for all grades and assessments with some exceptions.
      • For example, for the Presentation attribute, English, Braille, Spanish are available for STAAR 3-8 Reading, whereas only English and Braille or English and Spanish are available for other subjects; the dropdown list selections on the PowerSchool tabs reflect these differences.
      • Districts can also consult the Cambium Test Attributes File PDF documentation for a concise list of the valid attributes for each assessment.
  • Generating the Student Attributes Upload File
    • Select schools and students (all students is the recommended option).
    • Select one or more Assessments (all assessments can be selected at once)
      • The same student selection criteria as used for the Registration File are first applied to identify students qualifying for records according to the assessments selected.
      • If any EOC subject is selected in Assessments, also select at least one EOC Test Administration.
      • Additional filtering is then applied to identify students coded for one or more Attributes for each of the selected assessments.
    • Exclude Students with Missing UID or DOB
      • While only the UID is required in the Attributes file, students with a missing DOB would have previously been excluded from the Registration file.
      • This parameter should normally be set to Yes. In this case, if any qualifying students have missing values, they will be listed in a separate Excluded Student companion file included in file output.
  • Student Attributes File Output
    • This CSV file conforms to the layout in the Cambium Student Test Attribute Upload File template, and contains four columns: TSDS ID (UID), Subject, ToolName, and Value.
    • Students who have at least one populated value for an attribute for the assessments selected at runtime are included.
    • Multiple records for the same student are output if the student has more than one attribute value selected – either for the same assessment or a different assessment.
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