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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-283937CTE Auto-Code Update for Duplicate Records

The CTE Auto-Code process is now updated to prevent the creation of duplicate Career and Tech special program records, which occurred in the days leading up to the start of school and to the start of subsequent scheduling terms. In addition, a script is automatically applied in the state reporting installer to remove the duplicates and retain the most recently updated Career and Tech record.

PSSR-282867New PEIMS Error Check Reports

Staff PEIMS Error Checks: Version 22.3.1
Student PEIMS Error Checks: Version 22.3.1
Two new PEIMS Error Check reports are now available on the State Reports page - one for Staff and one for Students. These reports provide the same information as on the PEIMS Error Check tabs in the UI with options for CSV or PDF output. Each report can be sorted by Staff or Student, then by Error List or by Error List, then by Staff or Student.

PSSR-285626Teacher Portal Home Page Updates for Electronic Attendance

When the Texas Electronic Attendance Plug-in is enabled, the Multi-Day Attendance page is hidden by default as it does not support the required TEA attendance auditing. In core PowerSchool SIS version 21.11.x, column headers were added to the Teacher Portal home page, including a header for the hidden Multi-Day Attendance page. This caused the column layout and icons to display incorrectly. The page is now updated to display the columns and column headers as expected.

PSSR-286868Update Student Enrollment, Master Schedule and Staff to Suppress No-Show Enrollments

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.3.1
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 22.3.1
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 22.3.1
In the scenario where a student had a No Show enrollment on a date that is later than the Entry Date of the student's reportable school of enrollment, section records were incorrectly reported under the No Show campus. The interchanges are updated with logic to exclude no-show enrollment records when determining the school in which to report Section Association records.

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