State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
PSSR-301062 | Fall PEIMS Submission Dates Added to District Year Term | To support consistency in state reporting for both PEIMS legacy xml and Ed-Fi, new fields to capture the Fall PEIMS Submission dates are now available in District > Years and Terms > Year. n subsequent report updates, these parameters will be removed from the various interchanges and reports where they currently appear. The dates are automatically populated by the state reporting installer and should not be changed by the district unless required due to a TEA-declared crisis. - A new S_TX_TRM_X table holds the following dates for each year as displayed in a new PEIMS Fall Submission Dates panel:
- School Start Window End Date (defaulted to last Friday in September)
- Fall Snapshot Date (defaulted to last Friday in October)
- Validations:
- The dates fall within the selected school year.
- School Start Window must be = or < Fall Snapshot
- In addition, the Texas Store Code Mapping panel is removed from the Edit Terms page as mapping is inapplicable to the District Office.
PSSR-299546 | New Student Census Block Import Tool | Student Census Block Import Tool: Version 22.9.1 A new report process to import student census block codes into PowerSchool is now available on the State Reports page. This tool eliminates the need for manual imports and automatically creates records for the PEIMS Fall Submission in the PowerSchool Student Census Block table. The source file is the Student Census Block output CSV file that is generated by the TEA Census Block Group Tool. Follow these instructions to first generate an export file, upload it to the TEA Census Block tool, and then import the resulting census block records into PowerSchool - First run the PowerSchool Student Census Block Export to generate a CSV file with student addresses. Several options for student selections are supported.
- Download the TEA Census Block Group Tool from the TSDS website and open the application.
- Use the File Upload option to select the PowerSchool export file.
- Click the Process File button.
- Click the output file hyperlink to download and save the resulting TEA output file.
- Run the PowerSchool Student Census Block Import Tool to automatically import these records into the PowerSchool Student Census Block table.
- Select the current School Year and click the Submit button.
- In the Report Queue, download the confirmation CSV file.
- This file lists the number of records successfully imported. Any errors due to non-matching Student Numbers are listed. In the case where an invalid file with missing census block records was selected, these errors are also listed.
- In the imported records, the Effective Date is automatically populated as the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date for the current year. The Comment field provides the date/time stamp of the record creation or update.
- If a record already exists with the current year Fall Snapshot date, that record is updated; otherwise, a new record is added.
- Records can be viewed in State/Province – TX > Student Census Block Codes.
- Important: Support for the TEA Census Block Group Calculator API is also planned for a subsequent release ahead of the PEIMS Fall Snapshot. This web service will provide districts the option to have census block codes provisioned automatically without the need for import.
PSSR-219912 | TELPAS Added to the Assessment Quick Import Extract | Assessment Quick Import Extract: Version 22.9.1 The Assessment Quick Import Extract is updated to add support for the TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate assessments for the 2018-19 school year and beyond. The input files for the Assessment Quick Import Extract are the student reporting data files for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate, which are available from the Texas Assessment Management system. Similar to the STAAR EOC and STAAR 3-8 assessments, the extract produces a CSV file that is pre-formatted and ready for import into Student Test Results using the core PowerSchool Quick Import function. - Required Test Setup for TELPAS/TELPAS Alt in District Setup > Grading > Tests
- Test Name: TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate
- Both types of results can be stored under a single "TELPAS" test name.
- Districts can also choose to set up a separate "TELPAS Alternate" test name.
- Test Score Names
- TELPAS Writing or 16_TELPAS Writing
- TELPAS Speaking or 17_TELPAS Speaking
- TELPAS Listening or 18_TELPAS Listening
- TELPAS Reading or 77_TELPAS Reading
- TELPAS Composite or TELPAS Composite Rating or TELPAS_Composite_Rating
- All student TELPAS scores will be stored in the PowerSchool Num Score field.
- Running the Assessment Quick Import Extract
- Select either TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate from the Assessment Type dropdown list.
- In the Administration Date dropdown list, choose the applicable school year.
- Click the Browse link, then navigate to and select your TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate student results file.
- Click the Create Quick Import File button to process the file.
- When complete, download the Assessment Import zip file from the state reporting queue, and unzip the file to a local drive.
- Any records with processing errors appear in the Excluded Students companion file and should be reviewed.
- Invalid Test Administration Date for the selected school year
- Student Number with no match in PowerSchool
- Duplicate test
- Non-scorable test result (Score Code is not “S”)
- Valid records appear within the QuickImport.txt file.
- Import TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate using the PowerSchool Quick Import Function
- Start Page > Functions > Importing and Exporting > Quick Import
- Table: Test Results
- Set your options and choose your TELPAS import file and click Import.
- In the dropdown list, select the TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate assessment and click Submit.
- Map all fields except Student Last Name and First Name (mapping is defaulted based on the field names and should already be correct).
- Student Number
- Test Date
- Grade Level
- Map each of the TELPAS Scores to the corresponding PowerSchool “Num” Score field.
- Ensure “Check to exclude first row” is selected.
- Verify the import completed successfully and spot check imported records on the student Test Results page.