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PEIMS Error Check

On this page:

The Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) tabs contain a series of validations to identify students and staff with missing or invalid values for key data elements that would cause submission issues, result in the student or staff member being excluded from state reporting, or lead to a potential loss of funding to the district. Click the edit icon next to the error message to edit records.

The queries on each tab are collapsed by default. Expand the header to run the query automatically

Student Demographics


Missing or Invalid Unique ID

Identifies students who have a student ID that is blank or does not have 10 numeric characters.

Missing or Invalid SSN

Identifies students who have a blank social security value or an SSN which does not conform to one of the following formats:


Missing Date of Birth

Identifies students who have a blank date of birth.

Missing Hispanic/Latino Code

Identifies students who have a blank Hispanic/Latino code and do not have at least one assigned race code.

Missing Race CodeIdentifies students who do not have at least one assigned race code.
Duplicate Race CodeIdentifies students who have duplicate race codes.
Marked as Exclude from State Reporting

Identifies students who are marked as Exclude from State Reporting.

Student PEIMS

In the report schools set as Exclude from State Reporting is updated to ensure that errors are flagged appropriately for students enrolled in the Child Find and Charter Waitlist placeholder campuses. The Student Demographics error checks apply to students in both the campuses. The FTE error checks apply to Charter Waitlist, but not Child Find. No error checks in any other categories are generated for these placeholder campuses.

Missing PEIMS General Record

Identifies students who have no PEIMS general record or have no record for one more day of student enrollment.

Enrollment Days with no PEIMS General Record

Identifies students who have a PEIMS General record, but where there is a gap of at least one day as compared to student enrollment dates in the current year. The dates included in the message are the first and last orphaned days.

Missing ADA Eligibility Code

Identifies students who have a blank ADA code and a current or previous enrollment in an ADA program.

Ineligible Type ADA Eligibility Code

Identifies students who have an ineligible type ADA Eligibility Code of 0, 4, 5, or 8.

Missing Early Reading Record

Identifies students with no Effective Date record in the current year in the target grade levels. This applies to students enrolled in grades KG, 1, or 2 at any point in the current year.

Missing Pre-K Special Program Record

Identifies students with no Pre-K Special Program record in effect during the current school year in the target grade levels. This applies to students enrolled in grades PK3 (-2) or PK4 (-1) at any point in the current year.

Missing Dyslexia Risk Code

Identifies KG students who have a blank Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) and enrolled in grades KG and 1 at any point in the current year.

Identifies Grade1 students who have a blank Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) and enrolled in grades KG and 1 at any point in the current year.

Missing Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason

Identifies KG students who have Missing Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason.

  • Grade KG student has a value of (03) Not Screened for Grade KG Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) (E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_KG) and the value for Grade KG Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732) (E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_KG) = NULL.

  • Grade 1 student has a value of (03) Not Screened for Grade 01 Dyslexia Risk Code (E1644) (E1644_Dyslexia_Risk_Code_01) and the value for Grade 01 Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (E1732) (E1732_Dys_Screen_Exc_01) = NULL.

Missing Student Census Block

Applies to students:

  • Enrolled on Fall Snapshot Date

  • Student does not have a Census Block record in effect for the Fall Snapshot Date

  • Economic Disadvantaged Code not = 00 or blank

  • Homeless Status Code = 0 or blank

  • ADA Eligibility Code not = 0, 4, 5, or 8

  • Attribution Code not = 21 or 23

Immigrant Missing Date First Enrolled US Schools

Identifies any student where Birth Country on the Other Information page is any value except US (United States), PE (Puerto Rico), or blank and Date First Enrolled in US Schools is blank.

Student Enrollment

Current Enrollment
Missing Track for PK Student

This error displays:

  • If student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment

  • If the Default Instructional Program Type (E1600) for the school does not = 03, 04, 14, or 15.

  • If there is no Track assignment in the enrollment record

Error message details: Student Name (Student Number, Grade, Track)

Invalid Track for PK Student

This error is displayed in the following scenarios:

  • Student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment

  • The Default Instructional Program Type (E1600) for the school does not = 03, 04, 14, or 15

  • The record has a Track assignment, but it is not valid based on the Schools/School Info setup for "School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type by Track" at the school of enrollment in the record

  • The student does not have an assigned Track at the school where Instructional Program Type = 03, 04, 14 or 15.

Invalid Track for Non-PK Student

This error is displayed in the following scenarios:

  • Student grade level = 0-12 (do not include students with grade level 99)

  • The record has a Track assignment, but it is for a Track assigned to PK students based on the Schools/School Info setup for "School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type by Track" at the school of enrollment in the record

  • If the record has a Track, it cannot be for a track at the school where Instructional Program Type = 04, 14 or 15

  • If the record does not have a Track and the Default Instructional Program Code for the school = 04, 14, or 15, the student must have a Track assigned with an Instru Prog Code that is a value other than 04, 14, or 15.

Invalid Track for School

This error is displayed in the following scenarios:

  • If students assigned a Track in current or previous enrollments for which there is no corresponding setup in School Info.
  • Invalid Track for School is displayed in the following format: Student Last Name, Student First Name (Student Number, Grade, School #, Track)
  • Example: Invalid Track for School - Smith, John (567435, 5, School 101, Track C)

NoteTo address this error, districts need to determine if the student record is incorrect (i.e. remove or modify the Track), or if the Track setup for School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type by Track is missing in School Info (i.e. complete the required setup for each Track in use at the school).

No Scheduled Classes

This error check identifies students with no scheduled classes for one or more days of enrollment during the current year.

  • This check displays directly after the checks for Missing/Invalid Tracks.

  • In the identifying student information, a number of days hyperlink displays the dates with a missing class schedule.

  • The pencil icon takes the user to the All Enrollments page (legacy navigation) or to the Course Registrations page (enhanced navigation)

  • Example: No Scheduled Classes - Alley, Penelope Leslie (300225, Grade 12) - 10 days between 08-21-22 and 09-01-22. The Unscheduled Class date range is 05-02-22 to 06-03-22A.

Previous Enrollment
Missing Track for PK Student

This error displays:

  • If student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment

  • If the Default Instructional Program Type (E1600) for the school does not = 03, 04, 14, or 15.

  • If there is no Track assignment in the enrollment record

Error message details: Student Name (Student Number, Grade, Track)

Invalid Track for PK Student

This error is displayed in the following scenarios:

  • Student grade level = -1 or -2 in the enrollment or previous enrollment

  • The Default Instructional Program Type (E1600) for the school does not = 03, 04, 14, or 15

  • The record has a Track assignment, but it is not valid based on the Schools/School Info setup for "School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type by Track" at the school of enrollment in the record

  • The student does not have an assigned Track at the school where Instructional Program Type = 03, 04, 14 or 15.

Invalid Track for Non-PK Student

This error is displayed in the following scenarios:

  • Student grade level = 0-12 (do not include students with grade level 99)

  • The record has a Track assignment, but it is for a Track assigned to PK students based on the Schools/School Info setup for "School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type by Track" at the school of enrollment in the record

  • If the record has a Track, it cannot be for a track at the school where Instructional Program Type = 04, 14 or 15

  • If the record does not have a Track and the Default Instructional Program Code for the school = 04, 14, or 15, the student must have a Track assigned with an Instru Prog Code that is a value other than 04, 14, or 15.

Student ADA (ADA Eligibility Code)


  • If the Official Attendance Period is selected for at least one period in the bell schedule, the error check process uses the official attendance period to determine if the student is missing an ADA period class or has multiple ADA period classes on the same day. Otherwise, the error check process uses periods marked as Counts for ADA.
  • Only calendar days that have an associated cycle day are considered in the calculation.
  • Student exit dates are excluded from the calculation.
  • Students are excluded from the Student ADA PEIMS Error Checks on any day where the ADA Eligibility Code in the PEIMS General record = NULL, 0, 7, or 8.
  • Students are included in the Student ADA PEIMS Error Checks on any day where the ADA Eligibility Code = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.

Click the hyperlink on the number of days in the message to open a list of the specific dates with missing or multiple ADA classes.

Missing ADA Period Class

Identifies students who have a missing ADA Period Class for one or more days of enrollment. The ADA period number and cycle day are displayed in the error message. 

Multiple ADA Period Classes on Same Day

Identifies students who have multiple ADA Period Classes on the same day.

Student FTE

Missing FTEIdentifies students who have a blank FTE ID on current or previous enrollment.

FTE Mismatch (School)

Identifies students who have an FTE ID that is for another school in the LEA.

FTE Mismatch (Year)

Identifies students who have an FTE ID from one school year when the start and end dates on the enrollment record are for another school year.

FTE Mismatch (School and Year)

Identifies students whose FTE ID is for the incorrect school and the incorrect year.

Staff Information

Missing or Invalid Unique ID

Identifies staff members who have an ID that is either blank or does not have 10 numeric characters.

Missing or Invalid SSN

Identifies staff members who have a blank social security value or an SSN which does not conform to one of the following formats:


Missing Date of Birth

Identifies staff members who have a blank date of birth.

Missing Hispanic/Latino Code

Identifies staff members who have a blank Hispanic/Latino code.

Missing Race Code

Identifies staff members who do not have at least one assigned race code.

Missing Basic Staff Fields

Identifies staff members who have a blank value for Years Experience in District, Total Years Experience, and Highest Degree Level.

Exclude from Basic Staff Extension Record

Identifies staff members who are excluded from the Basic Staff complex in the Staff Interchange.

Exclude from Class Roster Winter

Identifies staff members who are excluded from the Winter Class Roster collection.

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