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School Setup



The following data elements are required for school setup. The first two pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > School Setup.

  1. On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
  2. Choose a school from the pop-up menu. The school start page appears.
  3. Click School. The School Setup page appears.


  • Additional information for setting up sections at the school level follows:
    • The section record can also impact the staff responsibility record if a district chooses to store PEIMS data on this record.
  • Texas State Reporting – PEIMS has a dependency on data from the prior school year for building leavers on the 203 record. For new implementations and new schools being added to PowerSchool, the prior school year Years and Terms must be defined at the school level i.e. if 2015-2016 is the first school year that PowerSchool is being used, set up Years and Terms for 2014-2015 and 2015-2016. At least one valid in-session date must be defined in the calendar setup for the prior year.
  • For more information on code values, see the 2022-09-05_09-25-58_Appendix.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in These Reports

Attendance Codes > [New/Edit] New Attendance Code


Enter the attendance code abbreviation.

For the TSDS Dashboard, every code must have a Code Category checked that is In Attendance, Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence, Tardy or Early departure.




Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Attendance


Enter the attendance code description.




TX Interchange Student Attendance

Presence Status

Select Present or Absent as the presence status.


This code will be used to determine if the student was present or absent for the day in Texas.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

EThis attendance code is considered in ADA calculations

Select whether the attendance code affects attendance calculation.


All codes should be checked as earning ADA credit whether it is an absence or a presence.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

This attendance code counts towards membership

Select whether the attendance code affects membership calculation.


All codes should be checked as earning ADA credit whether it is an absence or a presence.




Sort Order

Choose the sort order from the pop-up menu to determine where the code displays on the page.

It is recommended that a blank code be used for Present and should be the first in the sort order.




Attendance Code Categories > [New/Edit] > Attendance Code Category


Enter the attendance code category.

Valid state categories:

  • Tardy
  • Excused
  • Unexcused
  • Exemptions
  • Funding



TX Interchange Student Attendance


Enter a name of the attendance code category. The code value (above) must be unique but the Name of the code may be used more than once if necessary.

For TSDS Dashboard, this must be (case sensitive):

  • In Attendance
  • Excused Absence
  • Unexcused Absence
  • Tardy
  • Early departure



TX Interchange Student Attendance


Enter the attendance conversion name.

Create Attendance Conversion methods here. You will choose the attendance conversion method on the Bell Schedules page. This must also be completed at the Graduate School.

Typically, each school will have one method defined for each FTE defined for the school.

Note: For Texas, do not define a Half-time FTE for half day students as the ADA eligibility code is used to calculate the half day attendance values.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

Entering Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Attendance Conversions > [None/Defined] > Period-To-Day Attendance Conversion

Day Attendance Value

Enter the day attendance value for the period-to-day attendance conversion for the FTE.

This setup is dependent on the Preferences Count these codes for period conversion set to “Presents”.

For the FTE, 0 periods should be set to 0. All other periods should be set to 1.

Note: For Texas, do not define a Half-time FTE for half day students as the ADA eligibility code is used to calculate the half day attendance values.


[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Conversion_Mode_Code=periodday

[Attendance_Conversion_Items] Attendance_Value


Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Adding Full Time Equivalencies (FTE)

Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE)


Enter the FTE name.

In Texas, one FTE is needed for both Full and Halftime students.

Note: For Texas, do not define a Half-time FTE for half day students as the ADA eligibility code is used to calculate the half day attendance values.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Default Attendance Mode

Choose the default attendance mode for the FTE from the pop-up menu.

This should be set to Meeting.




Default Attendance Conversion

Choose the default attendance conversion for the FTE from the pop-up menu.

This should be set to Period to Day.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Setting Attendance Preferences

Attendance Preferences

Attendance Recording Methods

Select the Meeting checkbox to enable meeting attendance.

Select the Daily checkbox to enable daily attendance.

Meeting is required for teachers to be able to enter attendance through PowerTeacher, for PEIMS and for the Dashboard.

Schools may want to select Daily and Meeting if they want to be able to enter comments for Daily attendance.






Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Attendance

Count these codes for period conversion

Choose Absences or Presents from the count these codes for period conversion pop-up menu. Typically, Texas schools should select Presents.

Note: This option determines whether or not to count present or absent codes for period-to-day attendance conversions.




Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Defining Bell Schedules

Bell Schedules


Enter the bell schedule name.

Create a bell schedule for all periods of the day that you want to see in the schedule. You may have multiple bell schedules.

At the Graduate School, a bell schedule must be defined and assigned a conversion method but it does not need to have any periods or times.




Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion method for the bell schedule from the pop-up menu.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Default Day MinutesEnter the default day minutes for this bell schedule.[S_TX_BSD_X]Default_Day_Minutes11
Default Day Minutes by Track

To define default day minutes by track:

  1. Click New/[Edit Icon]. The Add Default Minutes window appears.
  2. Choose the Track.
  3. Enter the Default Day Minutes.
  4. Click Submit.





Editing Bell Schedule Items

Bell Schedules > Edit Bell Schedule Item

Period (Bell Schedule)

Choose the period from the pop-up menu.




Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Master Schedule Interchange

Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Start time (Bell Schedule)




Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

End time (Bell Schedule)




Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Counts for ADA

Select the checkbox to indicate the period counts towards ADA. Only one period should be coded as counting for ADA.

Example: A school has a 7 period day where attendance only counts in first period. This box would only be checked for first period in that school.

Note: In order to print reports for ADA absences, at School Setup> Attendance Preferences, check Meeting and Daily.




Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Official Attendance Period

Select the checkbox to indicate that this period counts toward the official attendance count.

Note: If selected, Texas attendance reports determine the ADA period based on this flag, rather than the Counts for ADA flag.


Campus Summary

Student Detail Report


Staff Override Minutes

Enter a value for the number of minutes that this period should use when calculating Monthly Minutes for the staff responsibility records.



Interchange Staff Association

Fall Collections

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Setting Up School Calendar Information

Calendar Setup


The date is view-only on this page. The days included in the calendar are determined by the start date and end date of current school year.

At the Graduate school the first in-session date and last in-session date must have the Day, Bell Schedule, In-Session box, and Membership value defined.

Note: This setup impacts the overall data for a campus. Changes should not be made after the school year is active.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

Cycle Day

Choose the appropriate cycle day from the pop-up menu.

For the accurate calculation of monthly minutes for staff responsibilities, any date that is not in-session such as a holiday should have the Day field set to blank.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type:, 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Bell Schedule

Choose the appropriate Bell Schedule for that date from the pop-up menu.

For the accurate calculation of monthly minutes for staff responsibilities, any date that is not in-session such as a holiday should have the Schedule field set to blank.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type:, 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation


Check the appropriate tracks.

For each set of schools that have different six weeks period dates, a new track should be defined for that school.

For schools that have students enrolled on different tracks, select the checkboxes to indicate the days each track is in session.

For TSDS, it is best not to check a track unless the school actually uses the track.

[Calendar_Day]A, B, C, D, E, F


Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection

In Session

Check the checkbox to count the calendar day in attendance calculation.

If the date is not a funded school day for any track, leave the checkbox unchecked.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Fall Collection


Select the membership type for each date from the pop-up menu.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TSDS Collection

Operational Minutes

Enter the number of minutes that the school is in-session on this date if different from the value set on School Setup for the default number of minutes. This value is used for students not assigned to a track (Track 0) and can be between 0 and 600.

Note: If Waiver Type is 02 or 04, this field should be 0. Validations are warnings, and do not prevent page submission.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Waiver Type

Beginning in 2016-2017 the state requires that the calendar be reported in the Summer Collection. Any date for which the LEA has received a waiver from the state must be coded for the particular school and waiver type. This waiver only applies to Track 0.

Validation requires that if this field is populated, the waiver minutes field must be populated.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Waiver Minutes

If the Waiver Type has been populated, enter the number of waiver minutes for this date.

Note: If 01 is chosen for Waiver Type, this value is unlimited. For all other Waiver Types, this field should be a minimum of 1 and a maximum 480. Validations are warnings, and do not prevent page submission.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

If the school has tracks, additional setup is required for any Waiver Day for that track. Click the pencil icon to enter Minutes by Track. Click New to add a Waiver Event for any appropriate track for that Calendar date. To edit a track record, click the pencil icon for Minutes by Track, and then click the pencil icon for the Track record to edit/delete the record.


Select the track. Once the track has been selected it cannot be selected again for that date.



TX Interchange Educational Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Operational Minutes

Enter the number of minutes that the school is in-session on this date if different from the value set on School Setup for the default number of minutes. This value is used for the selected date and track, and can be between 0 and 600.

Note: If Waiver Type is 02 or 04, this field should be 0. Validations are warnings, and do not prevent page submission.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Waiver Type

Beginning in 2016-2017, the state requires that the calendar be reported in the Summer Collection. Any date for which the LEA has received a waiver from the state must be coded for that particular school and waiver type. This waiver only applies to the selected track and date.

Validation requires that if this field is populated, the waiver minutes must be populated.

[S_TX_CLD_C] Waiver_Event_Type_Code


TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Waiver Minutes

If the Waiver Type has been populated, enter the number of waiver minutes for this date and track.

Note: If 04 is chosen for Waiver Type, this value should be a minimum of 1 and maximum of 480. For all other Waiver Types, this field should be a minimum of 1 and a maximum 420. Validations are warnings, and do not prevent page submission.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

Summer Collection

Creating Term Bins

Final Grade Setup


Enter the storecode for this final grade.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Grade

Starting Date

Enter the start date of the grading period for this store code.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Grade

Ending Date

Enter the end date of the grading period for this store code.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Grade

Defining Cycle Days

Cycle Days

Day Letter

The day letter is view-only on this page. To edit the number of days associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Day Abbreviation

Enter the day abbreviation.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


Record Type: 400, 405, 410

Day Name

Enter the day name.




Adding Graduation Requirements

Graduation Sets

Note: This setup is required for TSDS Dashboard. Each graduation type that is used by the students must be defined in Graduation Sets. Then the number of credits required to graduate under this plan must be defined for each category within the Graduation Set.


The Graduation Set name must start with the two digit Graduation Diploma Type Code from PEIMS Data Standards Code Table C062. (i.e. 29 Distinguished Achievement Program).



TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension

Subject Area

Enter the name of the subject area for the category of credits.



TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension

Requirement Name

Enter the name of this requirement.



TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension

Prerequisite Hours

Enter the number of credit hours a student must earn to meet the graduation requirement.



TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension

Defining Scheduling Periods


Period Number

The period number is view-only on this page. To edit the number of periods associated to this school year, navigate to School Setup > Years & Terms > Edit School Year.



Campus Summary

PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


TX Master Schedule Interchange

Record Type: 400, 405, 410

TX Interchange Education Organization

TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX Interchange Student Grade

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Period Abbreviation

Enter the period abbreviation.




Period Name

Enter the period name.







For TSDS Collection reporting, room numbers must be unique within each school.

The room number should only have the characters: letters, numbers (0-9), hyphens, underscores, colons, and periods.



TX Interchange Education Organization

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Adding/Editing Course Sections

[Course Name] > Edit Section

Course Number

Enter the course number for this section.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX Interchange Student Attendance


The period that the section meets.

Note: Required for the Master Schedule Interchange.



PEIMS Data Submission (all reports)

TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX Interchange Student Grade

TX Interchange Student Attendance

Class ID/Unique Section Verification


The term that the section is offered.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX Interchange Student Attendance

Class ID/Unique Section Verification

Teacher – Section Lead

The teacher that is the lead teacher for the section.




TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Class ID/Unique Section Verification


Class Role Type

Lead Teacher is the only available role and this will convert to 01 Teacher of Record for the Class Role Type.

If the Lead Teacher changes during the term, click Add to enter a new staff member. The end date is the last date that the teacher taught the class. The start date is the very next date for the new teacher. There cannot be any gap even if the date is a Saturday.

[SectionTeacher]RoleID linked to [RoleDef]Name and [RoleDef]RoleModuleID


TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Start Date

The date the teacher started the assignment as the lead teacher.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

End Date

The date the teacher ended the assignment as the lead teacher.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Role ID (E0721)

Select the appropriate Role ID for this staff person. For Lead Teacher this is typically 087 or 047.

To enter data for this field click on the page icon in the Actions column. Enter the Role ID and click OK.

If this field is left blank it will default to 087.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Teacher/Staff – Additional

Enter any additional staff associated to this section in this area.

Click Add to add a new staff member. Select the name of the staff person.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension


Class Role Type

Co-Teacher is used if the Class Role Type is Assistant Teacher (02). Class Observer is used if the Class Role Type is Support Teacher (03). Teacher’s Aide is used for any aide; however, for PK Aides based on the sevice ID for the course this will transpose to PK Classroom Aide (04) for the Summer Colletion. Job Share Teacher may be used to add a teacher to the section that will not be reported to the state.

[SectionTeacher]RoleID linked to [RoleDef]Name and [RoleDef]RoleModuleID


TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Start Date

The date the teacher started the assignment.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

End Date

The date the teacher ended the assignment.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

Role ID (E0721)

Select the appropriate Role ID for this staff person.

To enter data for this field, click on the page icon in the Actions column. Enter the Role ID and click OK.

A blank Role ID defaults to 087. Thus an aide must be coded as 033.



TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX State Information

Abbreviated Course Name

Enter the abbreviated course name from C022.






TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association Extension

TX Interchange Student Grade

TX Interchange Student Transcript

Interchange Student Enrollment

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Class ID/Unique Section Verification

AAR Subject CategoryChoose the AAR Subject Category for this course. [S_TX_CRS_X]AAR_Subject_Category5



Vocational Contact Hours

This field will be used for the automatic calculation of vocational hours. Select the number of contact hours that a student should receive for each date that they are present and enrolled in this course.

[S_TX_CRS_X]Vocational Contact_Hrs




Explanation Code

Select one or more explanation codes to indicate whether or not the code should be applied to all students enrolled in this course.

For a high school credit course taken at the middle school level to be included on AAR or TREx the Explanation Code must contain a J if all students taking this course receive high school credit.

For Submission 3, any record with a code of L, 3, or R will be excluded from the Student Transcript records.

Courses taken as night school or other instructional settings outside the regular school year and/or day are coded with a code of N. This value is transposed to an R for TREx and AAR. Use this code at the course or section level only if it applies to all students taking the course or the section. If it only applies to particular students, code it on the stored grade.




Campus Summary

Proration Report

Student Detail Report

TX Interchange Student Attendance

Summer Collection

Child Care Operation Number (E1726)Enter the Child Care Operation Number (E1726) [S_TX_SCH_X]E1726_Child_Care_Operator

Child Care Operation Number (E1726) Section OverrideChild Care Operation Number (E1726) Section Override[S_TX_SEC_X]E1726 Child_Care_Operator

Credit RecoveryIndicates if the section was taken as Credit Recovery[S_TX_SEC_X]Credit_Recovery

Course Sequence Code (E0948 - Calculated)The Course Sequence Code (Calculated)[S_TX_SEC_X]E0948_COURSE_SEQ_CALC

Course Sequence Code (E0948 - Override)Select the course sequence code override option. [S_TX_SEC_X]E0948_COURSE_SEQ_OVERRIDE

Population Served (E0747)

Choose a code for the population served from the pop-up menu.

Reference the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C030.

Optional. If this field is left blank, it will default to 01. See the Appendix for a list of valid values.



Student Detail Report

Non-Campus Based Instructional Code (E1072)

Choose a value from the pop-up menu:

  • 00=Not Applicable
  • 01=College Campus Based Course
  • 02=Electronic/Internet Based Course
  • 03=Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services
  • 04=Electronic Course Pilot (eCP)
  • 05=Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Course
  • 06=Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility
  • 07=Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) - TEC 37.011
  • 08=Credit by Exam
  • 99=Other

Reference the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C182.

Optional. If left blank, this will default to 00.





TX Interchange Student Transcript

Summer Collection

Extended Year Collection

Class Type (E1055)

Choose the class type from the pop-up menu.

Valid Values:

  • 01 - Regular
  • 02 - Non-Regular

Reference the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C179.






TX Interchange Student Transcript

TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association

Dual Credit Indicator Code (E1011)

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu to indicate the student's enrollment in a dual credit program:

  • (0) Not Receiving Services
  • (1) Participant In Program Or Service


  • If Dual Credit is 0 or blank, then College Credit (E1081) must also be 0 or blank.
  • If Dual Credit = 1, College Credit (E1081) must be > 0.
  • If Dual Credit = 1, ATC Indicator (E1058) must be blank or 0.



TX Interchange Student Transcript

TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association

College Credit (E1081)

Enter the number of College Credit Hours earned for Dual Credit Courses that applies to all students enrolled in the course.

Acceptable values are blank, 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.



  • If Dual Credit (E1011) is 0 or blank, then College Credit must also be 0 or blank.
  • If Dual Credit (E1011) = 1, College Credit must be > 0.



Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

Interchange Staff Association

OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator Code (E1597)

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu to indicate the OnRamps Dual Enrollment status for students enrolled in this course:

  • (0) Not Receiving Services
  • (1) Participant In Program Or Service

Note: If OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator = 1, Dual Credit (E1011) should also = 1.


TX Interchange Student Transcript

ATC Indicator Code (E1058)

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu to indicate the student's ATC status:

  • (0) Not Receiving Services
  • (1) Participant In Program Or Service


  • If ATC Indicator = 1, Dual Credit (E1011) must be blank or 0.
  • If Dual Credit (E1011) = 1, ATC Indicator must be blank or 0.
Enter the 

TX Interchange Student Transcript

Enter the 

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

TX Interchange Staff Association

TX Interchange Master Schedule


TX Interchange Student Enrollment

TX Interchange Student Transcript


Class ID/Unique Section Verification

PK Curricula Code (E1579)

Indicates the PK Curricula used for all sections of this course (or the majority). An override can be set at the section level if those sections use a different curriculum.



Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

TX Interchange Staff Association

TX Interchange Master Schedule


TX Interchange Student Enrollment

TX Interchange Student Transcript


Include in Fitness Assessment

Choose Yes from the pop-up menu to flag the course for inclusion in the FitnessGram extract.

Valid values:

  • Select Code (Default)
  • No
  • Yes

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

TX Interchange Staff Association

Exclude from AAR
Choose Yes if any stored grade with this course number should be excluded from the AAR report.[S_TX_CRS_X]Exclude_From_AAR1

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Exclude from TREx

Choose Yes if any stored grade with this course number should be excluded from the TREx



TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX State Assessment Information

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Assessments can be assigned once a new course has been saved.

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Staff Responsibility Overrides

Specify the 

TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Student Enrollment

Class ID/Unique Section Verification

TX Interchange Master Schedule

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation

TX Interchange Staff Association

TX Interchange Student Transcript




Number of Days Taught per Week 4 (E1607)

Reported for specific PE classes only.

Enter the number of days the instructor taught during the fourth week of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect days taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 7.

Number of Minutes Taught per Week 1 (E1608)

Reported for specific PE classes only.

Enter the number of minutes the instructor taught during the first week of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect minutes taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 3000.

Number of Minutes Taught per Week 2 (E1609)

Reported for specific PE classes only.

Enter the number of minutes the instructor taught during the second week of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect minutes taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 3000.

Number of Minutes Taught per Week 3 (E1610)

Reported for specific PE classes only.

Enter the number of minutes the instructor taught during the third week of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect minutes taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 3000.

Number of Minutes Taught per Week 4 (E1611)

Reported for specific PE classes only.

Enter the number of minutes the instructor taught during the fourth week of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect minutes taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 3000.

Monthly Minutes (E1057)

Reported for specific PE classes only.\

Enter the total number of minutes the instructor taught during the month of October. This field is required if the school's bell schedules do not accurately reflect minutes taught for the month of October.

This field overrides the value set at the course level.

Note: This value cannot be greater than 12000.


Accessing Section CRDC Information

[Course Name] > Edit Section > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) - See CRDC School Setup

Defining School Years & Terms

Years & Terms > New

Years & Terms > Edit Terms

Note: Set up school year, semesters (if applicable), and 6-week reporting period terms for each school. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.

All schools to be included in the report must have years and terms set up. The Graduate School must have the start and end dates for the year defined for the leaver records to be built accurately. The Graduate School must also be excluded from state reporting.

This setup impacts scheduling and state reporting only. Grading setup is done under Final Grade Setup.


Enter the name of the term.

The name of the year can be like 2013-2014. However, the other terms must exactly like one of the following:

First Six Weeks, Second Six Weeks, Third Six Weeks, Fourth Six Weeks, Fifth Six Weeks, Sixth Six Weeks, First Semester, Second Semester, First Nine Weeks, Second Nine Weeks, Third Nine Weeks, Fourth Nine Weeks, First Trimester, Second Trimester, Third Trimester, or End of Year.



TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar

TX Interchange Student Grade

TX Interchange Student Transcript


Enter an abbreviation for the term.


Note: Abbreviations for 6-week reporting period terms must be unique for each school that uses a unique set of First Day of Term and Last Day of Term dates. Schools that share the same 6-week period term dates should use the same abbreviations.




Campus Summary

Proration Report

Student Detail Report


TX Interchange Master Schedule

TX Interchange Staff Association

TX Interchange Student Transcript

TX Interchange Student Attendance

Defining Store Code Mappings

Texas Store Code Mapping

Existing Texas store codes are automatically copied forward for new school years when

  • the term abbreviation from the previous school year matches the term abbreviation for the new school year, or the term is a full year term,
  • a store code mapping exists for the term in the previous school year, and
  • no store code mapping exists for the term in the new school year.

For example:

  • Store Code values in the 18-19 term are copied forward to the 19-20 term in the 2019-20 year.
  • Store Code values in the 18-19 S1 term are copied forward to the S1 term in the 2019-20 year.
  • Store Code values in the 18-19 S2 term are copied forward to the S2 term in the 2019-20 year.

This automatic process executes when the current date is within seven days prior to the start of the school year.

Store CodeChoose a store code for the term.[S_TX_TRM_C]StoreCode2




Marking Period

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the store code is considered a marking period grade.

Note: Choose No for final grades.

[ S_TX_TRM_C]Marking_Period




Final Grade

Choose Yes or No to indicate if the store code is considered a final grade.

 Note: Choose No for marking period grades.

[ S_TX_TRM_C]Final_Grade1




Final Grade TypeChoose the final grade type (S1, S2 or Average)[ S_TX_TRM_C]AAR_GradeColumn_Mapping 2




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