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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-242645New C022 Service ID Verification Report

Service ID Verification Report: Version 1.0.0
A new Service ID Verification Report is now available to audit and flag PowerSchool records with obsolete or invalid Service IDs per the TEA C022 Service ID Code Table.

  • School Year Selection: The current year and prior year are available. Choose the current school year to verify records for PEIMS and TSDS reporting this year.
  • The report is output to a CSV file, which can be opened and filtered in Excel.
  • The report compares the values in the PowerSchool Alternate Course Number fields to the valid entries in the TEA C022 Service ID table for the selected year.
  • Selection Criteria
    • For Local Service ID's beginning in "8", only the first five characters of the Service ID are considered; local courses can have any value for the last three characters.
    • Courses are excluded from consideration when the Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS flag is “Yes” in Courses.
    • Sections are excluded from consideration when Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS flag is “Yes” in Sections.
    • Stored Grades records are excluded when the Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS flag is “Yes” in Historical Grades.
  • Error Reporting: Four types of validations are included in the Error Type column of the file:
    • Course Assigned - No Sections: These are records with invalid or obsolete Service IDs in Courses where the course is assigned to one or more schools in the selected year, but no scheduled sections or stored grades for these courses exist at this point. Update the Alternate Course Number in Courses to correct these records.
    • Course Assigned - Sections Exist: These are records with invalid or obsolete Service IDs in Courses where Sections have been scheduled at one or more schools. Update the Alternate Course Number in Courses to correct these records.
    • Invalid Override in Section: These are records where a user has entered an invalid Service ID in the Alternate Course Number override in the section record. Update the Alternate Course Number in Sections to correct these records.
    • Invalid Override in Stored Grades: These are records where a user entered an invalid Service ID in the Alternate Course Number override in Stored Grades. Update the Alternate Course Number in Stored Grades to correct these records.
  • Report Output
    • Error Type: The category of error as described above
    • Alt Course Number: The Alternate Course Number value in PowerSchool
    • Former TEA Abbrev: If a Service ID was valid last year, this is the prior TEA Abbreviated course description
    • Former TEA Desc: If a Service ID was valid last year, this is the prior TEA course description
    • Local Crs Num: Local course number in Courses
    • Local Crs Name: Local course name in Courses
    • Course Units: The number of high school credits per the C022 table.
    • CTE: Indicator of “H” for high school credit CTE courses, or “M” for middle school CTE courses
    • School: The school number attached to the section or stored grades record
    • School Name: The school name attached to the section or stored grades record
    • Section: The section number
    • Term: The term for the section
    • Local ID: The local Student Number; reported only for stored grades
    • Name: The student’s name; reported only for stored grades
    • Year: The historical year for the stored grades record
    • Store Code: The store code for the stored grades record
PSSR-241328Report Updates for Obsolete State Grade Level Override

At-Risk Report and Auto-Code: Version 1.0.8
Campus Summary: Version 1.0.11
Student Assessment Pre-Code File: Version 1.0.11
Student Detail: Version 1.0.12
Student Program Indicator Roster: Version 1.0.3
Student Program Indicator Roster with Eco Dis: Version 1.0.3
Report updates are available to remove consideration of the obsolete State Grade Level Override in Transfer Info, and to report students based only on their core grade-level field.

  • Grades 1-12: 01-12
  • Grade 0: KG
  • Grade -1: PK (PK4)
  • Grade -2: PK (PK3)
  • Grade -3 and below: EE
PSSR-244552Student and Student Enrollment Interchange Updates for Crisis Code and Attribution Code reporting

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.31
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: 1.0.52
Updates are now available to support new requirements for the TEA Crisis Code submissions and the PEIMS Fall Submission.

  • Attribution Codes
    • The description of existing code 01 is updated: (01) Open Enrollment in Charter School: Within Attendance/Geographic Boundaries
    • New code 31 is added: (31) Open Enrollment Charter School: Outside Attendance/Geographic Boundaries
  • Parameters: Fall PEIMS Student and Student Enrollment Interchanges
    • When the FALL collection is selected, an additional "Crisis Code Submission" parameter is displayed as the last parameter on the page with the following options:
      • Not Applicable (default for the regular Fall PEIMS Submission)
      • September Crisis Code Submission (09/28/20 As Of Date – Due to TEA 10/05/20)
      • October Crisis Code Submission (10/30/20 As Of Date – Due to TEA 11/06/20)
    • Student Enrollment Interchange: when either the September or October Crisis Code Submission option is selected, the existing parameters that set the inclusion of the various complex types are ignored. Instead, for the Crisis Code Submissions, only the Student School Association complex is reported.
  • September Crisis Code Submission
    • Student Selection Criteria – September
      • If the September option is selected, all students enrolled on 09/28/2020 are extracted regardless if the student withdrew from school after this date.
      • Students in Grades EE-07 (As of Status X) would normally not be extracted if enrolled on 09/28/20, but then withdrew prior to the Fall Snapshot Date; new logic overrides the normal PEIMS behavior.
      • Students in Grades 08-12 and repeating 7th graders are included if enrolled on 09/28/20.
      • Prior year students with no enrollment in the current year (As of Status A) are suppressed entirely.
    • Crisis Code Output – September
      • A single record is reported in the TX-CrisisImpacts complex type. The value from the student's S_TX_STU_X.COVID19_Code08 field (8A, 8B, or 8C) is extracted as the TX-CrisisIndicator, such as:
      • If the student was enrolled on 09/28/20 but does not have a value entered for the September Crisis Code, the Crisis Indicator element is output with a blank code to generate a loader error.
      • If the student also has a value for the October Crisis Code (9A, 9B, 9C), this is suppressed as TEA edits prevent the October codes from reporting for the September submission.
  • October Crisis Code Submission
    • Student Selection Criteria – October
      • If the October option is selected, only those students enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date of 10/30/20 are included.
      • This includes students with As of Status Codes B, D, F, or X
      • This excludes students with As of Status Codes A, C, E, or G
    • Crisis Code Output – October
      • A single record is reported in the TX-CrisisImpacts complex type. The value from the student's S_TX_STU_X.COVID19_Code09 field (9A, 9B, or 9C) is extracted as the TX-CrisisIndicator, such as:
      • If the student was enrolled on 10/30/20 but does not have a value entered for the October Crisis Code, the Crisis Indicator element is output with a blank code to generate a loader error.
      • If the student also has a value for the September Crisis Code (8A, 8B, 8C), this is suppressed as TEA edits prevent the September codes from reporting for the October submission.
  • Regular PEIMS Fall Submission (Crisis Code Submission = “Not Applicable”)
    • All the normal Fall PEIMS selection criteria and logic apply.
    • Crisis Code Output – FALL PEIMS
      • Students with As of Status Code A (not enrolled in the current year) are reported, and the Crisis Code element is suppressed entirely.
      • Students with As of Status B, D, F, or X (Code 8 is optional, Code 9 is required)
        • If the student has a record for both of the 20-21 Crisis Code fields, both the 08 & 09 series crisis codes are reported
        • If the student has a record only for the September Code 08 field, that record is reported with codes 8A, 8B, or 8C; a record for the October Code 09 field is reported with a blank tag in order to generate a loader error.
        • If the student has no 20-21 crisis code records, a record is output in the crisis complex with a blank tag to generate a loader error.
      • Students with As of Status C, E or G (Code 8 is optional; Code 9 must not be reported)
        • If the student has a record for the September Code 08 field, that record is reported with codes 8A, 8B, or 8C.
        • Regardless of whether the student has an October Code 09 record entered, that record is always suppressed.
PSSR-244359Update AAR, Graduation Profile and EOC Status Record for Explanation Code 3 EOC Waiver

AAR: Version 1.0.22
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.18
Texas Graduation Profile Report: Version 1.0.4
Texas Individual Graduation Profile Report: Version 1.0.3

  • The AAR, Graduation Profile Reports, and EOC Status Record are updated to correctly calculate the EOC Waiver status based on Explanation Code 3 (Credit awarded based on evaluation of records from outside Texas public/charter school system).
    • Waivers are now processed as expected when the student's EOC course completion records for the two course parts are composed of different local course numbers or different Service ID's
    • As long as students have a full 1.0 credit in the corresponding EOC subject (Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, and US History), and have Explanation Code 3 for the final part of the course (mapped to store code S2), the EOC status displays as Waived.
PSSR-244384Update TREx for New 20–21 COVID Crisis Codes, IBC’s, and Stored Grades Query

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.20
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.14

  • The following updates are available for the TREx Extracts.
    • TREx now supports the transmission of the new COVID-19 crisis codes for the 2020-21 school year. If populated on the Student Crisis Codes page, Crisis Codes 8A, 8B, 8C, 9A, 9B, and 9C are included in the file.
    • Additional free-form Certifications and Licensures entered for TREx are now excluded from the IBC complex.
      • Only those certifications with an entry in the PEIMS C214 Industry Certification Licensure code table are included when reporting IBCs.
      • Additional free-form certifications for TREx continue to display within the Performance Acknowledgement section of the file.
    • The query for manual entry stored grades is updated to no longer require a corresponding record in the Texas stored grades extension table in order for the course to be included in the Academic Session complex type.
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