State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-247048 | New Course Sequence Code Verification Report | Course Sequence Code Verification Report: Version 1.0.0 A new Course Sequence Code Verification Report is now available under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports category on the state reports page. The report is designed to assist districts in verifying that correct Course Sequence codes are assigned in Courses and Sections. The report first examines the course type as defined in the TEA C022 Service ID table to determine if the course is eligible for high school credit or is an elementary/middle school non-credit course. The course type and scheduling term assigned to each section at the schools are compared to the assigned Course Sequence code in order to identify invalid combinations of Course Sequence and scheduling term, which may cause the Course Sequence code to be output incorrectly in the TSDS and PEIMS Interchanges. - Record Selection is based on the following conditions in Courses/Sections:
- Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS is not set to "Yes."
- Service ID (Alternate Course Number) does not begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 8, or 9 or is not NULL.
- Explanation Code is not set to "L" (local course).
- Runtime Parameters
- Select Schools: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the schools selected.
- School Year: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the Year selected.
- Output Type
- Report Output
- Error Message
- School ID
- School Name
- Alternate Course Number
- Course Number
- Course Name
- Section Number
- Term
- Course Seq (Course)
- Course Seq (Section override)
- Report Logic - Error messages are generated based on the following rules:
- Elementary/Middle non-credit courses: if the assigned Course Sequence code in Courses is "Use Default Course Setup", classes must be scheduled in the Year term.
- Elementary/Middle non-credit courses: if the assigned Course Sequence code in Sections or Courses is “ Course Seq Code A”, the course must not be a high school credit course based on the TEA C022 Service ID table.
- High school credit courses: if the assigned Course Sequence code in Courses is "Use Default Course Setup", classes must be scheduled in the Semester terms.
- Year-long high school credit courses with the following Course Sequence codes assigned in Courses must be scheduled in the Year term:
- (2) Semesters - HS Credit - Year Long
- (3) Trimesters - HS Credit - Year Long
- (4) Quarters - HS Credit - Year Long
- Single semester high school credit courses with the following Course Sequence codes must not be scheduled in the Year term:
- Courses: (1) One Sem Only - HS Credit - Sem, Tri, Qtr
- Sections: (0) One Sem Only - HS Credit - Sem, Tri, Qtr
- Semester high school credit courses with the following Course Sequence codes must not be scheduled in the Year term:
- Courses: (F) First Half of a Two Semester Course
- Sections: (1) First Half Of A Two Semester Course
- Courses: (S) Second Half Of A Two Semester Course
- Sections: (2) Second Half Of A Two Semester Course
- Trimester high school credit courses with the following Course Sequence codes must be scheduled in the trimester terms:
- Courses or Sections: (3) First Third of a Three Semester Course
- Courses or Sections: (4) Second Third of a Three Semester Course
- Courses or Sections: (5) Last Third of a Three Semester Course
- Four term high school credit courses with the following Course Sequence codes must be scheduled in either the quarter terms (4 quarters in one year) or in the semester terms (4 semesters over 2 years)
- Courses or Sections: (6) First Fourth of a Four Semester Course
- Courses or Sections: (7) Second Fourth of a Four Semester Course
- Courses or Sections: (8) Third Fourth of a Four Semester Course
- Courses or Sections: (9) Last Fourth of a Four Semester Course
- Accelerated Courses (full year curriculum completed in one semester) with the following Course Sequence code must be scheduled in the semester terms:
- Courses or Sections: (X) Accelerated - HS Credit – Semester
- Note that the school must also define quarter-length terms in Years and Terms, which are used by the TSDS and PEIMS Interchanges to report part 1 and part 2 course sequence records for the accelerated course.
PSSR-250884 | New Courses and Sections Verification Report | Courses and Sections Verification Report: Version 1.0.0 A new Courses and Sections Verification Report is now available under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports category on the state reports page to assist districts in verifying all state reporting elements in Courses and Sections at each school. The output includes all Texas-specific data elements and overrides at both the course and section levels. To verify all course and section values regardless of the collection, select the "ALL" option, which also includes courses and sections flagged as "Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS". To verify the course and section values for a specific PEIMS or TSDS Collection, select the corresponding Collection Code. The output includes only those courses and sections that meet the record selection criteria for the collection. - Parameters
- Select Schools: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the schools selected.
- Collection Code: Courses and Sections are output based on the selection criteria applicable to the interchange output for the selected Collection Code. When 'ALL' is selected as the collection code, no filtering is applied.
- School Year: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the Year selected.
- ECDS Limit to Grade KG and/or PK: This parameter is displayed conditionally when the TSDS - ECDS collection code is selected.
- Effective Date: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the Effective Date applicable to the selected collection with the following default Effective Dates
- ALL, SUMR, EXYR or ECDS: default to the current date
- FALL: default to Fall Snapshot Date
- TSDS - Class Roster-Fall: default to Fall Class Roster snapshot date
- TSDS - Class Roster-Winter: default to Winter Class Roster snapshot date
- Output File
- The report produces a CSV file that can be opened and filtered using a spreadsheet application.
- The output file name follows the format of [COLLECTION]_Courses_Sections.csv with the following Collection values.
- CRF (Class Roster Fall)
- CRW (Class Roster Winter)
- Report Output
- Course #
- Course Name
- School #
- CDC #
- Section #
- Section DCID
- Expr
- Term
- Teacher #
- Teacher UID
- Teacher Name
- # Students (calculated as the number of students enrolled as of the Effective Date)
- Class ID – Calc (calculated value)
- Class ID – Ovr (section override)
- Alt Course # – Crs (course default)
- Alt Course # – Sec (section override)
- Crs Seq – Crs (Course Sequence value as entered in courses)
- Crs Seq – Calc (calculated Course Sequence value reported to TEA, such as 1 & 2 for year-long high school courses)
- Crs Seq – Sec (section override)
- Vocational Crs (course default)
- Voc Cont Hrs – Crs (course default)
- Voc Cont Hrs – Sec (section override)
- Expl Code – Crs (course default)
- Expl Code – Sec (section override)
- Pop Served Crs (course default)
- Pop Served – Sec (section override)
- Class Type – Crs (course default)
- Class Type – Sec (section override)
- Non-Campus Based Inst - Crs
- Non-Campus Based Inst – Sec (section override)
- Dual Credit – Crs (course default)
- Dual Credit – Sec (section override)
- College Credit – Crs (course default)
- College Credit – Sec (section override)
- ATC – Crs (course default)
- ATC – Sec (section override)
- HR Section – Crs (course default)
- HR Section – Sec (section override)
- Student Instruction – Sec (section value)
- PK Curricula – Dist (district default)
- PK Curricula – Schl (school override)
- PK Curricula – Crs (course value)
- PK Curricula – Sec (section override)
- HQ PK Prog – Dist (district default)
- HQ PK Prog – Schl (school override)
- HQ PK Prog – Sec (section override)
- Prog Eval Type – Dist (district default)
- Prog Eval Type – Schl (school override)
- Prog Eval Type – Sec (section override)
- Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS – Crs (course default)
- Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS – Sec (section override)
- Exclude from AAR – Crs (course default)
- Exclude from AAR – Sec (section override)
- Exclude from TREx – Crs (course default)
- Exclude from TREx – Sec (section override)
PSSR-239416 | New Optional Fields in Student Census Block Data Collection | The Student Census Block page (State/Province - TX > Student Census Block) is now updated to display two additional, optional fields in the Census Block detail pages. These fields are provided to support funding estimates based on the Tier and Funding Weight values assigned by TEA to each student census block group code. While these fields are not part of the TEA Census Block Calculator tool, data for these elements can be sourced from the documentation on the TEA State Funding website and imported into the Census Block records. - SES Tier
- Field Source: [S_TX_STU_CENSUS_BLOCK_C]SES_Tier
- 7 character text field
- Funding Weight
- Field Source: [S_TX_STU_CENSUS_BLOCK_C]Funding_Weight
- Numeric field with a format of #.####
PSSR-252377 | Staff and Master Schedule Interchange Updates for Class Roster and Summer PEIMS Collections | TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.43 TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.32 New options are provided to allow districts to specify how Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes should be reported for sections taken by students at non-reportable campuses (NRC’s) that do not have an assigned TEA CDC number. - Master Schedule Interchange for TSDS-Class Roster and PEIMS Summer
- A new runtime parameter is available: "Non-Campus Based Instruction Code for Sections at Non-Reportable Campuses (if not assigned in Sections)". The dropdown list offers the following options:
- (00) Not Applicable (default)
- (04) TxVSN Online Schools program (formerly eCP)
- (06) Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility
- (99) Other
- When extracting section records for NRC's, the Non-Campus Based Instruction code is output as selected in the parameter.
- Staff Interchange for TSDS-Class Roster only
- A new runtime parameter is available: "Non-Campus Based Instruction Code for Sections at Non-Reportable Campuses (if not assigned in Sections)". The dropdown list offers the following options:
- (00) Not Applicable (default)
- (04) TxVSN Online Schools program (formerly eCP)
- (06) Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility
- (99) Other
- When extracting section records for NRC's, the Non-Campus Based Instruction code is output as selected in the parameter.
- An additional new runtime parameter is available: "Include Teacher Sections from Non-Reportable Campuses" with options of Yes or No. (default - No)
- This is a conditional parameter that will display only when the selected Non-Campus Based Instruction Code does not = 00.
- For classes at NRC's, Teacher Section records are either reported with the selected Non-Campus Based Instruction Code or suppressed entirely. While teacher section records are not required for the Class Roster collections if the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code is a value other than 00, this option is offered for districts that wish to include these records.
PSSR-255002 | Update CTE Auto-Code for Overlapping Records | An update is now available to adjust exit dates in Career and Tech Special Program records to eliminate overlapping records, which occurred in districts that had not enabled the preference for “Enable Career Tech Record Automation in Year End Process” prior to the summer rollover. A script that runs automatically in the state reporting installer will adjust exit dates in prior year CTE records to close the records with an Exit Date equal to the day after the district term end date for the appropriate year. |
PSSR-253235 | All States/Provinces: Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal | A district-level pref is now available to enable the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry in the Public Portal. The pref is disabled by default. This pref can be found on the following page for all states/provinces. Path: Start Page> District Info > Miscellaneous. |
PSSR-253137 | All States/Provinces: Security Update - Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Public Portal Data Collection | A security update has been made to the Digital Equity & Learning Preference data collection functionality in the public portal and now records can only be seen and modified for the student tied to the guardian that is logged in. |