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Accelerated Instruction Verification Report

Accelerated Instruction Verification Report: Version 23.12.1

This report includes records for each accelerated instruction subject assigned to the student along with details for instructional minutes logged by date if applicable.

Report Details

  • Students can have more than one Accelerated Instruction Record if assigned for multiple subjects.

  • If one subject is assigned, the first (master) record for the student displays the Accelerated Instruction fields on the first line.

  • If the student has multiple instructional minutes log records for a subject, each log is displayed on a separate row in chronological order.

Report Input

Data Element


Select Schools

Select the schools for which you want to run the report.
(To select all schools, hold shift key while selecting. To select multiple schools, hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) key while selecting.)

Current Selection Students

  • The current selection of students

  • All Students 


  • All students is the recommended option unless a small selection of students is needed for a specific purpose


School Year

Select School Year

Output Type

Select the output type: CSV (default) or PDF.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School ID

The last three digits of the school number, including leading zeros.

Note: If the student has been moved to the Graduates School, the report extracts the school where the student graduated.


Student Number #

The student’s local identification number.


Unique ID

The student's Texas Unique Student ID Number.


Student Name

The student's last, first, and middle names.



Grade Level

The student's grade level.



Enroll Status

The student’s enroll status.


School Year

School Year.



Subjects such as 01-Reading/English or 05-Algebra I.


Reportable Subject

Indicates the Reportable Subject:

  • (01) Reading/English

  • (02) Math

  • (03) Social Studies

  • (04) Science

  • (05) Algebra I: maps to (02) Math

  • (06) Biology: maps to (04) Science

  • (07) English I: (01) Reading/English

  • (08) English II: (01) Reading/English

  • (09) US History: maps to (03) Social Studies


Participation Code

Participation Code such as 01-Particpates, 02-Does Not Participate - Parent Opt Out, etc.


Parent Opt-Out Date

Parent Opt-Out Date.


Assigned HRS

Assigned hours.



Completed Hours.


Hrs Difference Reason

Reason for difference in hours.

[S_TX_STU_ACCEL_INSTR_LOG_C] Hrs_Difference_Reason


Comments if any.


Time Log Records


Subjects such as 01-Reading/English or 05-Algebra I.



Log Date.



Instructional Minutes.


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