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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-306117All States/Provinces: Copyright Year Update

The copyright year has been updated to 2023 on all Compliance pages in the following portal pages

  • Admin portal pages
  • Teachers/Subs portal pages
  • Public/Student portal pages
PSSR-306972All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Link Accessibility

The student Digital Equity & Learning Preferences page will now be visible to users that do (and do not) have access to a student’s Functions page.

PSSR-312370Bug Fix for At-Risk Auto-Code Creating Invalid Records

At-Risk Report and Auto-Code: Version 23.2.2
The logic for processing the Failed 7-12 Course At Risk reason is updated to prevent the creation of invalid records for students who do not meet the grade-level criteria. A clean-up script also executes in the state reporting installer to correct any existing records with this issue.

  • If a student in a grade level below 7 has an At-Risk Reason value of 1 for 7-12 Failed Class, the value is re-set to 0.
  • If the student is At Risk for any other reason, the At-Risk Indicator is left as 1.
  • If the student is not At Risk for any other reason, the At-Risk Indicator is updated to 0.
PSSR-313443Bullying/Cyberbullying School Calculations Updated for Schools Sharing the Same TEA Number

The nightly process to calculate the school-level counts for the number of incidents of bullying and cyberbullying is now updated with additional logic for schools that share the same reportable TEA CDC number.

  • The TEDS School Name field in the database is now considered when identifying the school that "owns" the CDC number for districts with a non-standard setup for Alternate School Number.
  • If TEDS School Name is not blank, that is the owning school, and the Alternate School Number for that campus is used as the reportable CDC. Additional schools that share the CDC also have the same value in the Alternate School Number field.
  • Otherwise, the existing logic remains in effect based on the standard setup: the School Number for the "owning" school is entered as the reportable CDC and any additional schools that share the number enter the reportable CDC in the Alternate School Number field.
  • The counts of bullying and cyberbullying incidents are populated in Schools/School Info only for the school that owns the CDC number; the values are left blank for schools that share the CDC.
PSSR-313247Performance Improvement for Edit School Page

When opening the Edit School page in District > Schools/School Info, performance is now improved. Previously, the page was rendered slowly for districts with a large number of customizations in Custom Page Management.

PSSR-313096Update Handling of Grade Level 99 in Campus Summary and Student Detail

Student Detail: Version 23.2.2
Campus Summary: Version 23.2.2
The Student Detail and Campus Summary reports are updated with logic to display the counts for students in grade level 99 within the single count of Grade 12 students. Previously, in this scenario, two grade 12 counts were output instead of one grand total.

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