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Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import

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This report extracts Student Portal Access Codes (PAC's) from the Cambium student test score reporting files. The Portal Access Code is required for parents to access their child's test score histories on the Texas Student Assessment Family Portal. A direct link to the Family Portal with single sign-on for parents is available in the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Required Source Files

The input files for the Assessment Portal Extract and Import tool are the same student data reporting files as provided by the state for student test score results. The .txt version files for the following assessments must be used. The PAC import is not supported for the .csv version files.

    • STAAR 3-8
    • STAAR Alternate 2 3-8
    • STAAR EOC Alternate 2
    • TELPAS
    • TELPAS Alternate


    Select one of these two Student Portal Access Code Import Options when running the report. Both options produce a zip file containing two files

    • Manual Import: Output File for Quick Import by District (Quick Import File and Excluded Records File)
    • Auto Import: Automatically Import Student Assessment Portal Codes (List of imported Students and Excluded Records File)


    The Excluded Records file contains records with the following error messages.
    Records flagged with validation errors are excluded from the Quick Import and Auto Import output files unless corrected. As needed, update the records in the source file and re-run the Import Portal Access Code Tool.

    • Student Number not found in PowerSchool
    • Unique ID not found in PowerSchool
    • Duplicate records in file for same student

    Once the PAC’s have been imported, you must enable this preference for each school to activate the single sign-on buttons in the PowerSchool Parent portal.

    • Go to District,  Schools/School Info, Additional Texas Data Collection, and Enable Texas State Assessment Portal Link (S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.ENABLE_ASSESSMENT_PORTAL)

    The report and import process are updated to remove the encryption process for the student portal access codes.

    • Districts can continue to use this state report to import the student PAC’s from the .txt version of the student state assessment data reporting files.

    • Districts now also have the option of doing a direct import into PowerSchool using the Quick Import tool and a district-defined import file. This file must contain the local student number and the student PAC code; no other fields are required.

    • When using the Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import:

      • When the Manual Import option is selected, the CSV Quick Import output file now contains non-encrypted PAC’s as they appear in the state assessment files.

      • When the Auto Import option is selected, the PAC’s are imported into the target field without encryption.

      • Both options also include an Excluded Students file.

    • The Texas Family Portal single sign-on feature in the PowerSchool Parent Portal is also updated to remove the de-encryption routine when the log-on credentials are passed to the state assessment website.

    Report Input

    Choose the assessment type.

    Select the Assessment School Year. 

    Note: December EOC re-tests belong to the prior school year.  If importing results for December 2022, select the 2021-22 school year.

    Student Portal Access Code Import Option
    • Manual Import: Output file for Quick Import by District

    • Auto Import: Automatically import Student Portal Access Codes

    Note: If the Auto Import option was selected, student Portal Access Codes are automatically imported into PowerSchool and a confirmation file of the imported records is produced instead of a Quick Import file.

    Report Output

    For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.

    Quick Import File

    Data Element


    [Table]Field Name

    Data Type

    Student NumberThe local student number. [S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Student_NumberN/A
    Test TypeThe test type. [S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Test_TypeVarChar(15)
    Test DateThe test date.[S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Test_DateDate
    Portal Access CodePortal access code of the student. [S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Portal_Access_CodeVarChar(200)
    Import File Row NumberThe import file row number.[S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Import_File_Row_NumberNumber
    Include In ImportInclude in import. [S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Include_In_ImportBoolean
    Import MessageThe import message.[S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Import_MessageVarChar(4000)
    Import FilenameThe import filename. [S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Import_FilenameVarChar(260)

    Excluded File

    Data Element


    [Table]Field Name

    Data Type

    Student Number

    The local student number. 



    Unique IDThe student's state unique identifier.[Students]State_StudentNumberNumber(10)
    Last NameThe student's last name. [Students]Last_NameVarcha(60)
    First NameThe student's first name. [Students]First_NameVarcha(60)
    Reason for ExclusionReason for Exclusion[S_TX_PAC_IMPORT_S]Reason_For_Exclusion

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