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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-259700Winter Class Roster: Course Sequence Code Updates for "Use Default Course Setup"

TX Interchange Master Schedule Version: 1.0.33
TX Interchange Staff Association Version: 1.0.44
TX Interchange Student Enrollment Version: 1.0.57
The Class Roster Interchanges are updated to address an issue identified with the calculation of Course Sequence Codes when the assigned code in Courses is "Use Default Course Setup."

  • For high school credit classes scheduled in the S2 term, the Course Sequence Code was incorrectly output as 1. The calculation is updated to correctly report the Course Sequence Code as 2.
  • Similar updates are provided for the Course Sequence Code calculation for classes scheduled in the trimester or quarter terms.


    • The identified issue and fix impact only some districts. Specifically, the issue occurs only when high school credit courses are assigned the "Use Default Course Setup" option in Courses, and sections at the schools are scheduled in the semester, trimester, or quarter terms. Districts with this scenario must install the state reporting update to accurately report Course Sequence Codes for the Winter Class Roster collection.
    • Districts using the more typical Course Sequence Code options for year-long classes scheduled in the 2020-21 term such as "(2) Semesters - HS Credit - Year Long" or "(3) Trimesters - HS Credit - Year Long" are not impacted. Semester-length courses configured as "(F) First Half Of A Two Semester Course" and "(S) Second Half Of A Two Semester Course" are also not impacted. The state reporting update is not required for these scenarios.
    • Elementary/Middle non-high school credit classes assigned the "Use Default Course Setup" option are also not impacted and report correctly as Course Sequence A.
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