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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2793742020-21 CRDC Reports and Additional Data Collection Updates

Updates to the 2020-21 Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) reports are now available for Texas districts. Refer to the CRDC Report section in the online documentation located under the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) link for all details. All data are derived from either Texas-specific or common CRDC fields in PowerSchool.

  • CRDC Forms
    • CRDC Report - LEA.pdf: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC Report - Schools.pdf: Version 21.12.3
  • CRDC Submission Files
    • CRDC LEA.csv: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC School 1.csv: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC School 2.csv: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC School 3.csv: Version 21.12.3
  • CRDC Audit Files
    • CRDC Class Audit.csv: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC School Audit.csv: Version 21.12.3
    • CRDC Student Audit.csv: Version 21.12.3
  • Additional CRDC Data Collection Updates
    • For data elements that use Texas-specific state fields as the source data, any existing values in the common CRDC override fields left over from the prior 2017-18 collection are automatically cleared so that the Texas-specific report logic can be applied.
    • District, School, Course, Section and Student Pages
      • DSED-1. Does the LEA have any students enrolled in any distance educational courses?
        Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled at any point in the year in classes with Special Explanation code Z or Non-Campus Based codes 02, 04, 05 or 11.
      • HSEE-1. Did this LEA operate a High School Equivalency Exam preparation program for students aged 16-19?
        Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled with a Flex Attendance Program Type code 2 at any point during the year.
    • Student: ENRL-2b. Enrollment of English Learner Students – EL Students in Programs. Texas-specific: Reported value is calculated based on students enrolled on Snapshot with ESL or Bilingual Indicator code other than 0 or an Alternative Language Program code other than 00.
    • Incident Management
      • Action Attributes > CRDC Offense Category: the following codes are now flagged as obsolete and sorted to the bottom of the list.
        • Obsolete 4 - Robbery w/firearm/explosive^
        • Obsolete 7 - Physical Attack w/firearm/explosive^
        • Obsolete 10 - Threat Phys Attack w/firearm/exp^
      • Participant Attributes > CRDC Victim of Harassment/Bullying: The Participant Attribute Code for existing code F - Victim Religion^ is updated to display a dropdown list containing all of the perceived religion codes for new CRDC school question "HIBS-1c: Allegations of Harassment or Bullying – By Religion Type."
        • Atheism/Agnostic
        • Buddhist
        • Catholic
        • Eastern Orthodox
        • Hindu
        • Islamic (Muslim)
        • Jehovah’s Witness
        • Jewish (Judaism)
        • Mormon (Latter-day Saint)
        • Multiple Religions, Group
        • Other Christian
        • Other Religions
        • Protestant
        • Sikh
      • Any existing values of Code F are converted to "Other Religions". For any records already coded for the 2020-21 school year, districts can update Religion Type to a more specific value as needed.
    • New Calculation: OFFN-1: Offenses - Number of Incidents. When reporting the number of incidents of rape and sexual assault, the total number of offenses is the combined total of the incident counts for "OFFN-4: Offenses - Number of Incidents Committed by Student" plus the incident count of "OFFN-5: Offenses - Number of Incidents Committed by School Staff".
    • Legal Gender: The legal gender field is now examined first. If populated, that value is used; otherwise, the value from the standard gender field is reported.
    • Logic for Algebra Classes: Enrolled and Passed (COUR-1a – COUR-4b and COUR-6a – COUR-7b)
      • The OCR definition of enrolled is based on a single day at the end of the year.
      • The student is considered enrolled if the student has a final grade for the second part of Algebra I (course sequence 2).
      • The student is considered as having passed Algebra I if the second part of the course has an earned credit value > 0. The identification of final grades now references Texas Stored Code Mapping instead of the prior common CRDC store code mapping.
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