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R-PEP Participation

The Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) program is designed to help rural school districts collaborate with each other to create college and career pathways for their students.

The page captures the number of hours a student participates in the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership.

Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Student Programs

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Comments if any.


Entry Date

The date when the student starts participation in the R-PEP program.


Exit Date

The date when the student ends participation in the R-PEP program.



Captures the number of hours a student participates in the R-PEP program during a specific reporting period.


For NumberOfHoursInRPEP (E3090):

a) NumberOfHoursInRPEP captures the number of hours during a particular reporting period a student participates in the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) program.

b) The data type of NumberOfHoursInRPEP should be a Decimal

c) Length of NumberOfHoursInRPEP should be 5


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