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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Printing Issue Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.9

The report has been updated and will no longer print blank pages between pages containing student data.


All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report ORA-00904 Error Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report Version: 1.3
The yearly medication inventory report has been updated and will now run (and complete) as expected.


AAR Enhancements

AAR: Version 29.3.3

AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 29.3.3

SSN: The option to include the student SSN has been removed due to data privacy concerns.

Class Rank and GPA Options panel: This panel has been reorganized for clarity and to provide a new option to include Class Rank for a specified top % of the class only.

  • Exclude Class Rank: No or Yes

    • If Yes is selected, rank displays as “DNR.”

  • Display Class Rank For: All Students or Top X % of Class Only

    • If Top X % is selected, specify the percentile to include: 0 for 10%, 15 for 15%, etc.

    • This options uses a similar percentile calculation as in the core Class Ranking Report

      • If 10% is specified: students with a Percentile = or < 10.00 are included.

      • If 15 % is specified: students with a Percentile = of < 15.00 are included.

    • For students whose ranks fall below the specified percentage:

      • Class Rank Date, Quartile and Class Size display as blank.

      • Class Rank displays as “DNR.”

      • High School Official GPA displays with the calculated GPA.

  • Source for Class Rank/Rank GPA

    • Class Rank Table

      • If selected, the Select Class Rank/GPA Method parameter is displayed.

    • Texas Stored Class Rank with these additional options

      • Graduates Only

      • All Students

      • Do Not Use

  • Class Rank Date Override

    •   Leave blank to use Date from Class Rank Table or Texas Stored Rank.

  • Use Texas Class Rank Overrides: No or Yes

  • Use Texas Class Rank GPA Override: No or Yes

  • GPA 2: None or selected GPA method

  • GPA 3:  None or selected GPA method

Additional Options Panel

  • Transcript Date

  • School Official Title

  • Include Digital Signature: No or Yes

  • Include Graduation Seals: No or Yes

New “Y” Code based on PEIMS Pass/Fail Indicator 08 (credit salvaging scenario)

  • Scenario: Student fails one part of a multi-part course, but receives credit for the failing course part based on a passing final average grade.

  • Logic: If the Pass/Fail Indicator Code (E0949 - Override) field in stored grades = 08, “Y” displays in the Code column next to the S1 or S2 stored grade.

  • The AAR Legend at the bottom of the page now includes the new code: “Y=Credit awarded based on final average.”

New “^”Code for Credit Recovery Classes

  • For districts that wish to flag credit recovery classes on the transcript, new “Credit Recovery Course” fields are now available in Courses, Sections, and Stored Grades with options of blank, No and Yes. The default is blank (NULL).

  • If credit recovery applies only to specific students and records, set the Credit Recovery Course flag on the Historical Grades page for the S1 and/or S2 store codes.

  • If credit recovery applies to all students taking a specific course or section, set the Credit Recovery Course flag on the Courses or Sections page as appropriate.

  • The AAR Legend at the bottom of the page now includes the new code: “^=Credit Recovery Course.”

PDF Layout: The PDF template is updated to better accommodate students with a large number of stored grades records to include as many course records as possible on the first page.


Child Find Data Collection and Calculation Updates

Data collection and calculation updates to support the 2023-24 TEA Child Find Collection changes are now available. The corresponding interchange updates will be provided in a subsequent release.

Data Collection/UI Updates

  • “ECI Effective Date Services - Calculated" is re-labeled to "Original ECI Services Date (E1737) - Calculated". The source database field remains unchanged.

  • "ECI Effective Date Services - Override" is re-labeled to "Original ECI Services Date (E1737) - Override". The source database field remains unchanged.

  • "Parental Consent Date (E1714)" is re-labeled to "Consent To Evaluation Received Date (E1738). The source database field remains unchanged.

  • The following elements are now obsolete and are hidden in open records where the Special Ed Eligibility Determination Date (E1716) is blank or is a date greater than 06/30/2023:

    • Calculated Parental Consent Date (E1714)

    • Calculated Parental Consent Date (E1714) - Override

Calculation Updates

These changes apply to the calculations that are executed when the Child Find record is saved, and to the nightly Child Find calculation process.

  • For 2023-24, TEA will now do the calculation for Parental Consent Date instead of the vendors. The calculation for this field has been removed.

    • Districts will now enter the Consent To Evaluation Received Date (E1738). This is the actual date the consent form was received.

    • TEA will calculate the Parental Consent Date as the first instructional day after the date consent was received once the Child Find data is promoted into the collection.

  • Student Absences

    • Similar to last year, absences are calculated for instructional days beginning with the first instructional day after the Consent to Evaluation Received Date and ending with the day before the Initial Evaluation Date.

    • In some cases, the instructional days examined may span multiple school years.

  • Original ECI Services Date

    • This is calculated as the first date where the student has a Special Education special program record with an Early Childhood Intervention Indicator of 1.

    • Students who were not served in the ECI program in the district must be coded using the Original ECI Services Date (E1737) - Override field.

  • Instructional Track is calculated as before: this is the student’s assigned track at the Campus ID of Evaluation during the time the evaluation is being conducted.


Ed-Fi Enrollments Record Creation Script Optimized for Performance

The repo schema script that runs in the state reporting installer and builds intial records in the Ed-Fi Enrollments table has been re-factored to improve performance.


PK Eligibility Fields Now Display in Pre-K Special Program Record

On the Pre-K special program record detail page, new panels now display in read-only format the fields used to determine eligibilty for state-funded PK instruction for the previous and current years for both the PEIMS Fall and Summer Submissions.

PK Eligible Previous Year

  • The PK Eligible Previous Year Indicator Code (E1649) is calculated as 1 when a PK student does not meet the eligibility criteria in the current year, but did meet the criteria in the prior year.

  • PK students are eligible if at least one of the following indicators in not 0 or 00: EB/EL, Eco Dis, Military Connected, Foster Care, Homeless, Star of Texas.

  • The student’s codes for these source fields are now displayed directly below the calculated fields for Fall and Summer PEIMS.

    • For Fall, these are the values in effect on the prior year Fall Snapshot Date

    • For Summer, these are the values in effect at any point during the prior school year.

  • Note that overrides are provided for prior year eligibility, but these should only be used when the student was enrolled in a different district in the prior year and does not have the prior year source data in PowerSchool.

PK Eligible Current Year

  • Similar fields are displayed with current year eligibility values for informational purposes.

  • Note: Current year eligibility is not directly reported to TEA, other than through the transmission of the current year source field indicators, and the student’s ADA Eligibility Code.


Six Week Attendance Roster Enhancements

Six Week Attendance Roster Version:

Updates and enhancements to the Six Week Attendance Roster report are now available.

  • The output of the section expression is updated for classes with multiple cycle days.

  • A Totals line now displays for student Days Mem, Days Pres and Days Abs for all students in the class. If the class wraps to multiple pages, the Totals display once only after the last student and before the Teacher Signature.

  • When logged into a school, the list of teachers displayed now includes only those teachers assigned to that school.

  • Six Week Rosters can now be generated for classes at schools that are set as Exclude from State Reporting, but which offer remote classes to students in reportable schools.

  • Formatting has been updated to eliminate extra white space that sometimes caused the teacher signature line to wrap to a separate page.

  • The timestamp in the report footer is updated so it displays the correct local time based on the LEA’s location as set in District Setup > Attendance > Electronic Attendance Audit Setup.


Student Program Indicator Roster Report Updates

Student Program Indicator Roster - Version :

Student Program Indicator Roster with Eco Dis - Version:

Enhancements are now available for the Student Program Indicator Roster reports.


  • The header row field label is re-labeled from “LEP” to “EB/EL.”

  • Previously, this column displayed as “Y” for students with a EB/EL Indicator of 1. The model is now revised to output the specific codes of 1, F, S, 3, 4, or 5 to identify monitored and reclassifed students.

SELA: This new column displays after Speech Therapy with an output of Y if applicable based on the SELA special program record.

Homeless: This new column column displays aftr At Risk and displays Y based on coding in the PEIMS General record.

Dyslexia (DYS): In some cases, students who had never been identified as Dyslexic appeared as false positives with a Y indicator on the report. This is now corrected.


Update to Campus ID of Residence for PowerSchool SIS Versions 22.11 or Earlier

This update applies to districts running core PowerSchool SIS versions 22.5 - 22.11. These older versions lack the jQuery library updates released in the core product in version 22.12. As a result, in the PEIMS General record, the Campus ID of Residence lookup to the AskTED Texas school directory table did not function as expected and data was not saved to the field. This is now resolved. To avoid data validation issues when editing the Campus ID of Residence, edit the record in this order:

  1. Verify and update the ADA Eligibility Code if needed

  2. Enter the Attribution Code

  3. Enter the Campus ID of Residence

In addition, in the AskTED school directory table in PowerSchool, ampersand characters (&) in school names are replaced with “AND” to prevent display issues.


Update to Remote ADA Period Class Validation

The validation related to the Remote ADA Period Class field is now updated to consider multiple cycle days. In addition, to support the scenario of a school with a single cycle day but multiple bell schedules, the validation is modified from a hard-stop to a warning: “Verify that this Remote ADA Class is not scheduled on the same date as other selected Remote ADA Class: Course Name.”


Update to Student Unique ID Web Services

Previously, an error message appeared when a user attempted to use the Assign Unique ID from TSDS feature even though the correct TEAL Service Manager credentials had been entered in District Setup. This issue has now been fixed and users can successfully use the web services API feature to assign Student Unique ID’s without using the UID batch upload file process.

Getting Started:  TEAL Service Manager Account

In order to use the Unique ID web service, the district must first request and receive Service Account Manager (SAM) credentials through TEAL to enable communication between PowerSchool and the TSDS Unique ID Web Service. Follow the steps in the “TEAL Help” guide or in the “Create and Manage TSDS Web Service Accounts in TEAL” document available from TEA in order to complete these steps:

  • Submit a request in TEAL to have at least one user in your district set up as a Service Account Manager.

  • Request a new service account for the Unique ID web service with permission to assign UID’s.

  • After approval, a web service user name and password is generated (referred to as the “Super User” account), which must be entered in PowerSchool.  

Enter Web Service Credentials in PowerSchool

  • Navigate to District > Texas District Management > Texas Unique ID Credentials.

  • Enter the credentials of the TEAL Service Manager “Super User” account authorized to perform Unique ID assignment operations.

  • Note that the UID Web Service user name and password are not tied to any specific PowerSchool user account, but rather to the PowerSchool application.

Assign Unique ID from TSDS

In this initial release of the UID web services, Unique ID’s are assigned individually to students on the Assign Unique ID from TSDS page. This page is located within the Miscellaneous category under the State/Province – TX link (legacy navigation) or Compliance link (enhanced SIS navigation).

  • Key student demographic and enrollment fields are displayed on the page.

  • In order to qualify for UID assignment, the student must have values in all the TSDS required fields, which include Gender, Birthdate, SSN or S Number, Federal Ethnicity and at least one Race code.

  • Click the Assign Unique ID button to proceed. If the student is missing other required fields, this button is grayed out.

    • If an exact match is found for the student in the TSDS system, the Unique ID is assigned and no further action is required.

    • If no matching record or near match is found, a Unique ID is generated and assigned to the student and no further action is required.

    • If near matches or potential duplicates are found, a Resolve Near Matches button is displayed. Click this button to review the list including the Match Probability as calculated by TSDS.

  • Resolve Near Matches: select an option to proceed

    • Cancel Record: exit and return to the main Assign Unique ID page

    • Assign New Id: reject near matches and request a new UID from TSDS

    • Assign Selected: select the checkbox for the near match and assign the UID from that record

    • Compare Records: click on the last name hyperlink for a potential match to compare the record with the student’s PowerSchool data.

      • Differences display in bold with additional options for Assign Selected, Next Record, Previous Record, or Return to List.

      • Once a UID has been assigned to the student, the Assign Unique ID button on the main page is grayed out.


C022 Service ID Table Updated in PowerSchool

The C022 Service ID table from the September 1 TSDS Data Standards is now available in PowerSchool in the S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S table. This update resolves an issue with the prior July 1 version of the table where various high school credit courses were misidentified by TEA as not eligible for high school credit.

  • This discrepancy caused Course Sequence Codes for the impacted high school courses to be incorrectly calculated as Course Sequence A (Elem/MS non-credit), which generated fatal errors in the Fall Class Roster Collection.

  • All districts should install this update and regenerate the Master Schedule, Staff, and Student Enrollment Interchanges for Fall Class Roster.

  • Prior to loading the new files to the state, run the Delete Utility to remove prior records from the collection.

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