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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Lunch History Functionality - Null Value Update

The Lunch History functionality has been updated and now, when a student’s lunch value is set to blank/null, a history record will be created as expected and will not trigger “nullpointerexception” errors in the system log.


AAR and TREx Updates for IBC's

AAR: Version 23.6.1

AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 23.6.1

TREx Extract: Version 23.6.1

TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 23.6.1

The AAR reports are updated to include all Industry Certifications earned by the student. Previously, newer TEA IBC codes beginning with “9” were bypassed on the AAR. TREx is updated to transmit IBC Code 999 if assigned to the student; this specific IBC was previously bypassed.


AskTED CDC Lookup for Campus ID of Residence

A new CDC School Number/School Name lookup is now available in the PEIMS General record for the Campus ID of Residence field.

  • Similar to the Alternate CDC in historical grades, the Campus ID of Residence element is now governed by a lookup to the TEA AskTED school directory.

  • Begin typing a CDC number or School Name in the field and matching values from the current AskTED directory are automatically displayed for selection by the user.

  • The CDC number is followed by the School Name within the Campus ID of Residence dropdown list. Once the page is submitted, the selected 9 digit CDC number displays in the record.


Attendance Interchange Updates for Not Truant Override

TX Interchange Student Attendance: Version 23.6.1

The output of the Excessive Absence Indicator in the Student Attendance Interchange Truancy complex is updated to consider the “Not Truant” user override when a student also has a Truancy Prevention Measure. In this case, the excessive absence indicator is reported as 0 and Truancy Prevention Measure is reported as 1.


Dyslexia Special Program Validation Update

The data entry validation related to the Services Code in the Dyslexia Special Program record is updated to require a Services Code if the Dyslexia Indicator is (1) Yes.


IBC and IBC Vendor Code Updates for Refrigerant Handling (IBC 870)

Updates are now available for IBC Code 870 - Refrigerant Handling on the Performance Acknowledgements page for Industry Certifications.

  • Certification records dated 09/01/2019 and beyond can now be entered and saved for IBC 870 Refrigerant Handling with IBC Vendor Code 1330 (EPA)

  • Three previously deprecated vendor codes for the 870 certification are retained for records dated prior to the current year.

    • Air Conditioning Contrators of America(130)

    • ESCO Group (290)

    • Other (650)


New Student Restraints Verification Report

Student Restraints Verification Report : Version : 23.6.1

A new report to support review of the records entered in State/Province - TX > Student Restraints is now available to support the Summer PEIMS and CRDC submissions.


  • Standard selection of schools and students

  • School Year or Override Start Date and Override End Date

  • Output Type: CSV or PDF (default is CSV)

Report Output

  • SchoolID

  • Unique ID

  • Student Number

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Grade Level

  • Birth Date

  • Student DCID

  • Date of Restraint

  • Restraint Instance Number

  • Campus ID of Restraint

  • Restraint Reason

  • CRDC Restraint Type

  • Restraint Staff Type

  • Exclude from PEIMS

  • SPED Indicator (calculated based on the Restraint Date and SPED special program record)

  • Non Mem Disc Restraint Indicator (calculated based on ADA Eligibility Code 0 for a Special Education student)


PEIMS Special Programs and Verification Report Updates

Additional References: PSSR-316850 , PSSR-321654 , PSSR-322456 .

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 23.6.1

PEIMS Economic Disadvantaged Verification Report: Version 23.6.1

The following updates for Special Programs and the PEIMS Special Program Verification Reports are now available.

Child Find: New elements for 2022-23 reporting are now available in the verification report.

  • Calculated Parental Consent Date (E1714) - Override

  • Eligibility Delay Reason Code (E1731)


  • In records dated 08/01/2023 and beyond, the following obsolete fields are now hidden on the special program page and removed from the verification report.

    • TELPAS Code: Data entry for this element was moved to the ELPAS/TELPAS Alternate page in the Student Assessment Pre-Code data collection earlier this year.

  • Prior Year Bilingual/ESL Summer School (E1708): This field is now obsolete for PEIMS reporting.

SELA: In the Disability column (column N), the updated disability code description for Deaf And Hard Of Hearing now displays on the verification report.

All Special Program Verification Reports

  • For students with a single program enrollment, but multiple school enrollments during the report period or date range selected at runtime, the output of the corresponding special program records is updated to output a single program record per school.

  • New Report Footer

    • The report timestamp and page number are removed from the report header.

    • A new report footer now displays at the bottom of the page.

      • User Name - 03/06/2023 09:31 AM on the left side of the page

      • Page N on the right side of the page


Special Education Program Record Now Displays Date of Birth

The Special Education Program record now displays the student’s date of birth in read-only format within to better support coding of ECI and Pre-School children. On the New and Edit pages, the DOB field is displayed just after Grade Level and just before Instructional Setting.


Student Truancy Tracking Update

The Student Truancy Record is updated so that records display as expected even when the District Term End Date is in the past. Districts that previously extended the final day of the district year term as a workaround can now revert the end date back to its original value.

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