TX Interchange SSA Organization Association
This interchange includes information for the district shared services arrangements.
Report Input
Each of the available run options and data fields for the report are described below.
Field | Description |
Collection Code | Choose the Collection from the pop-up menu for the report generated. This option controls the naming of the file. FALL1 is for Submission 1, FALL2 is for Re-Submission, and FALL3 is for Working Collection. MDYR1, MDYR2, and MDYR3 are for the Mid-Year collections. |
Run Now | Select this option if the user wants to run the report immediately. |
Schedule | Select this option if the user wants to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:
Report Output: XML for PEIMS
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Filename for PEIMS:
The filename must be in the following format:
District Code: Position 1-6
Underscore: Position 7, 11, 21 and 34.
Campus ID: Position 8-10 – This value is always 000 for this file as it is generated for the district and contains no school information.
Collection Code: Position 12-20. This starts with the ending year of the school year followed by the five characters Collection Code (i.e. 2014FALL1).
Timestamp: Position 22-33 – This is YYYYMMDDHHMM where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, HH is hour, and MM is minute.
Interchange: Position 35 starts the name of the Interchange – InterchangeSSAOrganizationAssociationExtension.xml
Data Element | Description | Collection |
SSA Org Association Extension - This complex type is repeated for each Shared Services Arrangement defined at the district. | ||
| TX Fiscal Agent Education Organization Reference | |
| Educational Org Identity | |
State Organization ID | Fiscal Agent District ID | FALL1, FALL2, FALL3 MIDYR1, MDYR2, MIDYR3 |
| TX LEA Reference | |
| Educational Org Identity | |
State Organization ID | District ID | FALL1, FALL2, FALL3 MIDYR1, MDYR2, MIDYR3 |
TX-Shared Services Arrangement | The Shared Services Arrangement Code | FALL1, FALL2, FALL3 MIDYR1, MDYR2, MIDYR3 |