State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-279472 | Fall PEIMS Student and Student Enrollment Interchange Updates | TX Interchange Student: Version 21.11.2 TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 21.11.2 - The Student Interchange is updated to only include the TX-StudentCensusBlockGroup element for ADA Eligibility Code 9 students when the student also meets the other Census Block qualifying criteria.
- Economic Disadvantage: not 00
- As of Status Code: B, D, F, or X (enrolled on Fall Snapshot)
- ADA Eligibility: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9
- Homeless Status: 0
- Attribution Code: not 21 or 23
- The Student Enrollment Interchange is updated to automatically output the grade level for all graduates (Leaver Reason Code = 01) as grade 12, regardless of the student’s final grade level of enrollment in the prior year. This addresses the scenario of prior year grade 11 students who completed grad requirements and were summer graduates prior to September 1.
PSSR-275968 | Student Detail and Campus Summary Updates | Student Detail: Version 21.11.2 Campus Summary: Version 21.11.2 Updates to the TEA Audit Reports are now available, including the addition of a new FSP Six-Week Report Detail page to the Campus Summary to support easier data entry of FSP funding elements for charter districts. - Student Detail Report
- Student Detail Pages
- Economic Disadvantaged Code (Eco Dis): added as new element to appear directly after the ADA Code. If a student’s Eco Dis code changes during a report period, the change will appear on a new line.
- LEP: label updated to EL-EB in the header row to conform to the new TEA naming convention.
- K-3 Eco Code Days: label updated to K-3 Eco Days; the days eligible for the Early Childhood Allotment for Eco Dis are displayed without the Economic Disadvantage Code, since this element is now included separately for all students.
- K-3 Bil Days: new element displays the days eligible for the Early Childhood Allotment for Bil/ESL.
- K-3 Eco/Bil Days: new element displays the sum of the student’s K-3 Eco Dis and K-3 Bil days eligible for the Early Childhood Allotment.
- EL/EB records report logic: updated for students with an EL-EB Indicator of 1 who are not served in a funded program due to Parental Permission Code 7, 8, or C. When a student had no prior EB/EL record and was subsequently identified with an EL-EB Indicator of 1, but not served, the detail record now displays an EL-EB indicator of 1; the program and funding codes continue to report as blank/0; a new line is not generated in the report since the funding code did not change.
- Summary by Grade
- Bil Two Way (Non LEP): label updated to Bil Two Way (Non EL-EB).
- Days K-3 Eco Only: label updated to Days K-3 Eco.
- Days K-3 Bil Only: label updated to Days K-3 Bil Days.
- Days K-3 Eco/Bil: calculation updated to be the sum of Days K-3 Eco and Days K-3 Bil.
- Campus Summary Report
- Table 1 – Attendance Totals
- 19. Bilingual One Way: label updated to 19. Bil One Way.
- 20. One Way Ref. ADA: new calculation added.
- 21. Bil Two Way: label updated and renumbered.
- 22. Bil Two Way Ref. ADA: new calculation added.
- 23. Total Bil Dual Lang: new calculation added; this is the sum of the Bil One Way and Bil Two Way days eligible.
- 24. Total Bil Dual Lang Ref ADA: new calculation.
- 25. Bil Two Way (Non EL-EB): label updated and renumbered.
- 26. Bil Two Way (Non EL-EB) Ref. ADA: new calculation added.
- 27. K-3 Eco: label updated and renumbered; this is the total Eco Dis days eligible for K-3 students for the Early Education Allotment.
- 28. K-3 Eco Ref. ADA: label updated and renumbered
- 29. K-3 Bil: renumbered; calculation includes eligible days for students with an EB-EL Indicator of 1 who are served in a Bilingual program.
- 30. K-3 Bil Ref. ADA: renumbered and calculated using the above K-3 Bil days eligible.
- 31. K-3 Eco/Bil: renumbered; calculation updated to include the total eligible days for students who are Eco Dis and/or Bilingual for the Early Education Allotment.
- 32. K-3 Eco/Bil Ref. ADA: renumbered; calculation updated to use the revised K-3 Eco/Bil eligible days.
- 33. Days Res Fac: renumbered.
- 34. Res Fac Ref. ADA: renumbered
- District Summary: New FSP Six-Week Report Detail Page
- This new page presents the District Summary elements in the order in which they appear on the FSP funding site used by charter districts to report attendance data each six weeks.
- A new runtime parameter is now available: Include FSP Six-Week Report Detail Page. When set to Yes, the FSP Six-Week Report Detail Page appears as the last page for each six week period when the District Summary option is selected.
- The FSP field labels appear on the left side of the page along with the attendance totals and ADA calculations to be entered into the FSP web site. The corresponding PowerSchool District Summary Equivalents with reference numbers appear on the right side of the page.
- Important Notes on CTE Attendance
- The prior CTE Attendance/FTE models based on V1-V6 CTE days are temporarily retained on the audit reports but are no longer valid for the 2021-22 school year.
- Based on CTE Course attendance to be reported in the next PEIMS Summer submission, TEA will be calculating funding based on the new CTE Course Weighted Funding Tiers model introduced in House Bill 1525.
- TEA has not yet provided guidance or details in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH) as to how the revised CTE data should be presented in the Audit Reports. Additional updates to the Student Detail and Campus Summary Reports will be provided in a future release once the TEA requirements are known.
- CTE FTE’s for Charter School Six Week Reporting: TEA is advising charters to input estimates from either the HB 1525 State Aid Worksheet or from the district’s own calculations.
- T1 FTE: HB 1525 State Aid worksheet cell E38 or district calculation
- T2 FTE: HB 1525 State Aid worksheet cell E39 or district calculation
- T3 FTE: HB 1525 State Aid worksheet cell E40 or district calculation
- CATE FTE: HB 1525 State Aid worksheet cell E41 or district calculation