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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


2023-24 ECDS Data Collection Updates

Data collection updates to support the 2023-24 ECDS Collection are now available for the Child Care Operation Number and Program Evaluation Type elements. Related updated for the ECDS Interchanges will be made available in a subsequent release.


  • Previously, in districts using child care partners for their PK programs, the Child Care Operation Number(s) for the partner organizations were collected at the district level and reported in the LEA complex of the EdOrg Interchange.

  • For 2023-24, the Child Care Operation Number will now be reported in the Sections complex of the Master Schedule Interchange for each school and section where a child care partner is used.

  • New Child Care Operation Number (E1726) dropdown list fields are now available on the Sections page and on the Schools/School Info page.

    • Section Override: S_TX_SEC_X.E1726 Child_Care_Operator

    • School Default: S_TX_SCH_X.E1726_Child_Care_Operator)

  • In District Setup > Texas District Management > Child Care Operators, the existing data collection will now be used to populate the selectable values in the new section and school dropdown list fields.

    • Any prior Child Care Operators that will no longer serve the district in the 2023-24 school year must be marked as Inactive with an Inactive Date of 08/01/2023.

    • Any new Child Care Operators that will serve the district in 2023-24 must be added to the list with the 8 digit facility code and an Active Date of 08/01/2023 or later.

  • Required Data Entry

    • If all or most of the PK sections in a school use the same Child Care Operator, select the value on the Schools/School Info page. Repeat for each school with PK sections.

    • If some PK sections at a school use a different Child Care Operator, log into the school and enter the override on the Sections page for the PK section flagged as the Homeroom Section for ECDS reporting.


  • Previously, the ECDS Program Evaluation Type was reported for each Section in the Master Schedule Interchange.

  • For 2023-24, Program Evaluation Type will be reported with a single value for the district in the LEA complex of the EdOrg Interchange.

  • The obsolete Program Evaluation Type fields on the Schools/School Info and Section pages have been removed.

  • Each district should verify that Program Evaluation Type (E1626) is populated in Texas District Management > PEIMS and TSDS Data Collection.


Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report - PEIMS

Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report - PEIMS: Version 23.8.1

The Manual Entry Stored Grades verification report is now revised to better support verification of records for the PEIMS Summer and Extended Year Submissions. This new version is available under the PEIMS/TSDS Supporting Reports category on the State Reports page.

Important! The logic for this report is based on the requirements for manual entry stored grades records for the PEIMS collections only. A separate version of the report to support verification of records for AAR and TREx will be provided in a subsequent release. The prior Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report has been removed from the state reports page.

Record Selection Criteria: All records meeting the criteria below are included

  • Global Criteria

    • The year in record is the year selected in the runtime parameter

      • Summer PEIMS: this will always be the current year

      • Extended Year PEIMS: this will always be the prior school year

    • Section ID = 0 (Associated Section = None)

    • Service ID does not start with SA, SE, SR, SS, or 8

    • Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS does not = 1

    • Special Explanation Code does not = 3 or L

    • The Alternate CDC field is blank or is populated with a school number that belongs to the district.

    • Store Code is mapped fo a Final Grade Type in Texas Store Mapping

  • Additional Criteria for Summer

    • Eligible for HS Credit = true in S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S table

    • Non-Campus Based Instruction Code = 04 or 05. Note that all records for Houston ISD Texas Connections Academy (School ID 101912100) are automatically included and output with a Non-Campus Based Instruction Code of 04 - TxVSN Online School Program.

  • Additional Criteria for Extended Year

    • Special Explanation Code = R

    • Dual Credit Indicator = 1

    • Alternate Course Number = CP110100 or CP111200 (College Prep ELA or Math)

    • Service ID is flagged as a high school CTE Course in the TEA C022 Service ID table

Report Output

  • Last Name

  • First Name

  • Student Number

  • UID

  • Grade Level

  • Hist Grade Level:  From Stored Grades

  • School Year:  From Stored Grades

  • School Name:  From Stored Grades

  • School Number:  From Stored Grades

  • Course Number:  Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Course Name:  Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses

  • Alternate Crs Number:  Override from Stored Grades; else from Courses; "Missing" if blank

  • CTE:  Y or N based on lookup to C022 table ("CTE Course" = H)

  • Store Code:  From Stored Grades

  • Final Grade Type:  S1, S2 or AV

  • Grade:  "Missing" if blank and Percent = 0

  • Percent:  "Missing" if 0 and Grade is also blank

  • Earned Credit:  From Stored Grades


PEIMS Error Check Updates for Missing/Invalid Tracks

Student PEIMS Error Check Report Version:

In the UI and in the report, the logic for schools set as Exclude from State Reporting is updated to ensure that errors are flagged appropriately for students enrolled in the Child Find and Charter Waitlist placeholder campuses. The Student Demographics error checks apply to students in both of those campuses. The FTE error checks apply to Charter Waitlist, but not Child Find. No error checks in any other categories are generated for these placeholder campuses.


Revised Import Process for TEA Calculated Career Tech Indicators

Import Process for TEA Calculated Career Tech Indicators: Version 23.8.1

Updates are now available for the CTE Indicator Code import, which has been significantly revised from the prior version. This report is displayed under the Student Programs category on the State Reports page. The import process automatically creates and/or updates PowerSchool Career and Tech Special Program records with the TEA calculated CTE Indicator Codes contained in your district’s PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation.csv file. TEA makes this file available for download from TSDS after the PEIMS Summer Submission. The file is updated after the Extended Year Submission. Before proceeding, you must first download the TEA report in CSV format.

Supported Import File

  • The import now runs only for the most recent, completed school year (prior school year) and only after the PowerSchool Year End Process is complete.

  • The only supported file is for the prior school year based on the Academic Year element in column A of the TEA file. Academic Year in the most current TEA file is 2023, which includes records for the 2022-23 school year.

  • The PowerSchool database must be in the 2023-24 school year in order for the 2023 import file to be processed. If the Academic Year in the file is not the prior school year, an “Invalid File” error message is displayed.

  • If the file is valid, click Import File to initiate the import. The user is directed to the State Reports Queue.

Import Process

  • Click the Browse button to select the PDM3-404-002_CareerandTechnicalEducation file for the 2023 academic year to launch the import process.

  • Students are matched using the Student Number from the Local ID column in the file. If no matching student number is found, the import matches based on Unique ID.

  • Records for students with no matching PowerSchool Student Number or Unique ID are not imported.  These records appear in the companion Excluded Students file.

  • For students with multiple CTE Indicators in the file, the highest CTE Indicator achieved by the student is extracted based on this hierarchy:

    • 7 CTE Completer

    • 6 CTE Concentrator

    • 5 CTE Participant

    • E CTE Explorer

    • 4 Not CTE

  • Prior Year CTE Records

    • Active students, inactive students and graduates are included in the prior year update.

    • Any open Career and Tech special program records from prior years are closed.

    • The CTE Indicator Code in the student’s final prior year record is updated with the TEA calculated value.

  • Current Year CTE Records

    • The import then identifies students in the file with at least one day of enrollment in the current year

    • The CTE Auto-Code process is invoked to create or update current year Career and Tech program records as needed for students scheduled into at least one CTE class.

    • The CTE Indicator in the current year record is updated with the calculated value from the TEA file.

    • If the student is not scheduled for any CTE classes in the current year, a Career and Tech record is not created and the CTE Indicator is not imported.

Report Output: A zip file is produced containing two csv files. Download and unzip the file, then open the files in Excel or other similar application.

  • CTE Import Confirmation File:  Includes all students for whom a prior year and/or current year CTE Indicator was imported.

    • Year

    • Campus ID

    • Student Name

    • UID

    • Local ID

    • Grade

    • CTE Indicator:  7, 6, 5, E or 4 (highest code achieved by the student)

    • Prior Year CTE Updated:  Y or N  (Y if a prior year record was updated; else N)

    • Current Year CTE Updated:  Y or N (Y if a current year record was updated, else N)

  • Excluded Students File: Includes students that were not processed.

    • Similar identifying information as above

    • Reason for Exclusion

      • No Matching Local ID or UID

      • No CTE program records (student does not have a current year or prior year Career and Tech record)


Texas Fields Now Available in Historical Grades > Multiple New Entries

In Historical Grades, additional Texas-specific fields are now available on the Multiple New Entries page to support quicker manual input of transcript records for transfer students.

  • These fields are intended only for manual entry records that do not reference an existing district course number, or which require an override to the district course values. If a district course number is used, values entered at the course level are automatically reported and the fields can be left blank unless an override is needed.

  • Fields Added: these appear for each course directly before the existing Explanation Codes panel

    • Alternate Course Number (Override)

    • Abbreviated Course Name

    • AAR Subject Category

    • Dual Credit Indicator Code (E1011)

    • College Credit (E1081)

    • Course Sequence Override

    • Pass/Fail Indicator Code (Override)


TSDS Web Service Integration for Student Unique ID Requests

As an alternative to the Student UID Request report and batch file upload, support for student Unique ID requests is now available through an integration to TEA’s TSDS Web Service. This feature automates the search, retrieval, near-match resolution and assignment of student UID’s from within the PowerSchool UI.

Important! The initial release of this feature supports UID requests for individual students. In a subsequent release, support for UID requests for multiple students will be added.

Getting Started:  TEAL Service Manager Account

In order to use the Unique ID web service, the district must first request and receive Service Account Manager (SAM) credentials through TEAL to enable communication between PowerSchool and the TSDS Unique ID Web Service. Follow the steps in the “TEAL Help” guide or in the “Create and Manage TSDS Web Service Accounts in TEAL” document available from TEA in order to complete these steps:

  • Submit a request in TEAL to have at least one user in your district set up as a Service Account Manager.

  • Request a new service account for the Unique ID web service with permission to assign UID’s.

  • After approval, a web service user name and password is generated (referred to as the “Super User” account), which must be entered in PowerSchool.  

Enter Web Service Credentials in PowerSchool

  • Navigate to District > Texas District Management > Texas Unique ID Credentials.

  • Enter the credentials of the TEAL Service Manager “Super User” account authorized to perform Unique ID assignment operations.

  • Note that the UID Web Service user name and password are not tied to any specific PowerSchool user account, but rather to the PowerSchool application.

Assign Unique ID from TSDS

In this initial release of the UID web services, Unique ID’s are assigned individually to students on the Assign Unique ID from TSDS page. This page is located within the Miscellaneous category under the State/Province – TX link (legacy navigation) or Compliance link (enhanced SIS navigation).

  • Key student demographic and enrollment fields are displayed on the page.

  • In order to qualify for UID assignment, the student must have values in all the TSDS required fields, which include Gender, Birthdate, SSN or S Number, Federal Ethnicity and at least one Race code.

  • Click the Assign Unique ID button to proceed. If the student is missing other required fields, this button is grayed out.

    • If an exact match is found for the student in the TSDS system, the Unique ID is assigned and no further action is required.

    • If no matching record or near match is found, a Unique ID is generated and assigned to the student and no further action is required.

    • If near matches or potential duplicates are found, a Resolve Near Matches button is displayed. Click this button to review the list including the Match Probability as calculated by TSDS.

  • Resolve Near Matches: select an option to proceed

    • Cancel Record: exit and return to the main Assign Unique ID page

    • Assign New Id: reject near matches and request a new UID from TSDS

    • Assign Selected: select the checkbox for the near match and assign the UID from that record

    • Compare Records: click on the last name hyperlink for a potential match to compare the record with the student’s PowerSchool data.

      • Differences display in bold with additional options for Assign Selected, Next Record, Previous Record, or Return to List.

      • Once a UID has been assigned to the student, the Assign Unique ID button on the main page is grayed out.

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