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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Updates

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.4

Additional Reference: PSSR-314728, PSSR-313105

The following updates have been made to the Incident Profile report:

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct action (or actions) when it is run for specific action(s).

  • The report will now return the expected incidents when it is run for actions that happened during a specific date range.

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct behavior (or behaviors) when it is run for specific behavior(s).


All States/Provinces: The closing Bracket Is Missing In The Name Of Some Downloaded Reports

Section Attendance Status: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.1
Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.3

Section Attendance Statu: Version 1.2
Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.7
Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.5

Attendance All Present Audit Report: Version 1.1.0


Assessment Imports: Updated for Missing Local Student ID

Assessment Import Tool for Texas State Assessments: Version 23.5.2

Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import: Version 23.5.2

In the exception case where the student data reporting files do not contain the local student ID numbers, the fallback to matching students based on Texas Unique ID now works as expected.


Incident Management Validation Update for Assigned Duration

Incident Management TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report: Version 23.5.2

The data entry validation related to duration on both the Quick Incident and Detailed Incident pages is updated to replace Actual Duration with Assigned Duration. The TEA Discipline Edits Validation Report is updated with similar logic.

  • Previousy, this validation displayed when the Actual Duration for an Action Code was 0: “If Actual Duration is 0, Action Code must be 27 or 28”

  • The validation is now corrected: “If Assigned Duration is 0, Action Code must be 27 or 28.”

  • Users can now enter action records where the student was assigned an action for X days, but did not serve any of the days. A Duration Code Difference Reason is also required in this scenario.


New Texas Six Week Attendance Roster Report

Texas Six Week Attendance Roster Report: Version 23.5.2

This new report is now available under the Attendance category on the State Reports page.

Important: This is a school-level report only and cannot be run from the District Office; selections for schools and teachers are disabled.

The report is modeled after the PowerSchool “Class Attendance Audit” system report, but offers an improved layout, various enhancements, and Texas-specific features. The report is designed to be used at the end of each six week reporting period to confirm and report ADA period class attendance and to optionally collect teacher signatures.

  • Report Layout: The PDF layout is optimized to support a single page output for classes with 30 students in a typical report period covering 30 days of attendance. A class with a maximum of 38 students and 32 days can be printed on a single page.

  • Report Header/Title: Six Week Attendance Roster, School Name, Report Period Name, Start Date and End Date, Count of Days in the Report Period or Date Range are included.

  • Report Period: A runtime parameter leverages the existing Texas six week attendance reporting periods in Years and Terms as used for other Texas attendance reports. Override Start Date and End Date can also be specified if needed.

  • Selection Criteria

    • By default, the current school is selected.

    • Teachers: Select all teachers, or a subset of teachers as needed. At least one teacher must be selected.

    • Classes

      • The report automatically filters for ADA period classes only based on the school bell schedule and cycle day configuration.

      • Non-ADA period classes are not included in the report

    • Students flagged as Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS are not included.

  • Student Information

    • Student Name, Student Number, Grade Level, Class Entry and Exit Dates, Days Mem, Days Pres and Days Abs are included.

    • Texas ADA Eligibility Codes are considered when calculating and displaying Days in Membership. On any day where a student has ADA Code 0 or 9, that day does not count as a Day in Membership, but Days Present and Absent are calculated.

  • Signature and Date

    • A teacher signature line and date are provided at the bottom of the attendance roster.

    • While the signature line is optional for districts using the Electronic Attendance Audit plug-in, this feature is provided for schools that wish to retain paper copies of the sign-off sheets.

  • Important: In this initial version, the report cannot be printed for a school set as excluded from state reporting. This feature will be addressed in a future release.


Remote Class Attendance Updates in Texas Attendance Verification Report

Texas Attendance Verification Report : Version 23.5.2

The report is updated with similar remote class logic as already implemented in the Attendance Interchange, Student Detail, and Campus Summary reports.

  • Attendance for students taking a remote class during the home school ADA period is now listed as the ADA period attendance in the verification report as long as the “Remote ADA Period Class” flag is set for the remote class in Student > All Enrollments > Edit page.

  • If the “Remote ADA Period Class” flag is not set, the ADA period attendance from the remote class is not attributed to the student.

  • Important: In this version of the report, other remote classes taken by the student in non-ADA periods do not appear unless the the Remote ADA Period Class flag is selected for at least one remote class. Two additional enhancements are planned for the subsequent release:

    • Include all remote classes regardless of the ADA Period Class flag.

    • Add a new “Remote ADA Class” column to the report to clearly identify the remote class used for ADA attendance.


Texas Year End Process Automation Updates and Enhancements

Additional Reference: PSSR-321201

Updates for the Texas Year End Process Automation are now available. Before running the Year End Process, all districts should review and select the desired Texas Year End Process Automation Preferences for Special Programs, PEIMS General, and Staff Records.

Core Year End Process Page UI: On the core Year End Process page (System > Year End Process), the Texas Year End Process Preferences now display by default on this page.

At Risk Records: New Automation: A new preference "Enable At Risk Automation in Year End Process" is now available. This preference is not enabled by default and must be checked in order to activate this feature. When enabled, the following actions are taken:

  • All open At-Risk records from all prior school years for all students (active or inactive) are closed. Exit Date = day after the last day of school.

  • For students returning in the new year, a new At-Risk record dated the first day of school is created.

    • Values in the prior At-Risk record are carried forward except for the K-3 Readiness and Homeless reasons, which must be manually coded each year.

    • If the student’s only At Risk Reasons were K-3 Readiness and/or Homeless, the At Risk Indicator is-reset to 0.

    • If the student had other At Risk Reasons, the At Risk Indicator value of 1 is retained.

  • If the district does not enable the At Risk Automation in the Year End Process, all records are left as is. In this case, the At Risk Auto-Code report can be used next Fall to update the records.

PEIMS General Record: The preference for "Reset Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Foster Care, and Military Connected in Year End Process" is updated with new logic.

  • Foster Care: Previously, all codes were re-set to blank. New logic is implemented for these Grade PK scenarios:

    • PK Student with prior year code of (1) Student currently in the conservatorship of the DFPS

      • If the student’s prior year Foster Care Code = 1 and the student will be enrolled in Grade PK in the new year, the code is incremented to (2) PK Student was previously in the conservatorship of the DFPS.

      • If the student is not enrolled in Grade PK in the new school year, code 1 is re-set to blank.

    • PK Student with prior year code of (3) PK Student residing in TX is/was in Foster Care in another state or territory

      • If the student will be enrolled in Grade PK in the new year, code 3 is retained in the record.

      • If the student will not be enrolled in Grade PK in the new year, code 3 is re-set to blank.

    • For any students enrolled in Grade KG or above in the new year: Existing Foster Care codes are re-set to blank as before.

  • Military Connected

    • Previously, all values for Military Connected were cleared when this preference was enabled.

    • The logic is modified to retain these specific code values in perpetuity:

      • (5) K12 dependent of former US Military, Texas National Guard or Reserves

      • (6) K12 dependent of US Military or Reserves killed in line of duty

    • Other Military Connected code values continue to be re-set to blank.

Career and Tech Records

  • All open records are closed with an exit date = day after the last day of school.

  • No new records are created during the Year End Process.

  • CTE records for the new year will be created by the ongoing nightly CTE Auto-Code process.

  • Important: Districts should verify that the “Enable Daily CTE Auto-Code” checkbox is selected on the Texas Auto-Code and Nightly Process Preferences page in Texas District Management. This automation runs during the regular school year and creates the base required program records for PEIMS reporting based on student enrollments in CTE classes.

District > Years and Terms

  • The PEIMS Fall Submission Dates are automatically populated in the District Year Term.

    • School Start Window End Date: Last Friday in September

    • Fall Snapshot Date: Last Friday in October

    • Do not modify these dates unless directed to do so by the state reporting team.

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