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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-2851042021-22 P-EBT Upload File and Companion Student Audit File

Additional Reference: PSSR-285881
P-EBT Upload File: Version 22.3.2
P-EBT Student Audit Report Companion File: Version 22.3.2
Updates to support the 2021-22 P-EBT Submission are now available. The 2021-22 Upload File includes records for students enrolled in qualifying schools who meet the eligibility criteria for COVID-related attendance and absences. A companion Student Audit Report is also provided to allow districts to verify the source data for the students’ Number of Days Eligible for P-EBT.

  • Prerequisites
    • Before running the P-EBT Upload File, districts must first complete the setup for COVID closure days in the School Calendar, along with attendance code and attendance code category configurations for COVID-related absences and virtual attendance.
    • The appropriate COVID-19 and Virtual Attendance codes must also be assigned to students in the ADA period at their home schools as applicable.
    • Refer to the Setup Guide for P-EBT COVID Closures, Absences and Virtual Attendance for details.
  • Report Parameters
    • The existing parameters for selection of Schools, Students, School Year, and File Number are retained.
    • The Reporting Period parameter now offers options for Semester 1 (08/01/2021 – 12/31/2021) and Semester 2 (01/01/2022 – end of School Year).
    • A new Change Indicator Output parameter is added to support the ability to flag students whose records have changed since the last file submitted.
      • Blank: This is the default and the normal runtime option. Records for all qualifying students are included and the Change Indicator is reported as blank.
      • (U) Update existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students whose Number of Days Eligible needs to be updated. The Change Indicator is output as U and will serve to update the Number of Days Eligible in the HHS system.
      • (D) Delete existing records: This option would be used when running for a selection of students who were previously reported with Days Eligible, but no longer qualify for P-EBT. The Change Indicator is output as D and will serve to delete the existing records in the HHS system. This option could also be used if the district needs to re-start the collection from scratch. In this case, all schools and students would be selected and every record will be flagged with the D indicator.
    • A new File Output Parameter allows the user to select the output files. Note that in all cases, the file is output as a .zip file, even if it contains only a single file. The file must be unzipped to extract the Submission and/or Student Audit file(s)
      • Submission and Student Audit Files (default)
      • Submission File only
      • Student Audit File only
    • Exclusion Parameters: Unique ID, SSN and Parent Names are required fields in the HHS system
      • Exclude Students with Missing Unique ID
      • Exclude Students with Missing SSN
      • Exclude Students with Missing Parent
  • School Eligibility Logic
    • Before any students enrolled in a particular school can be considered for P-EBT eligibility, the school must first meet the following eligibility requirements.
      • The school must be coded as participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) In Schools/School Info:
        • 01 Yes, NSLP without any Provision or the Community Eligibility Provision (including (SSO)
        • 02 Yes, NSLP under Provision 2 (including SSO)
        • 03 Yes, NSLP under the Community Eligibility Provision (including SSO)
      • The school is closed OR has been operating with reduced attendance or hours for at least five (5) consecutive days due to the COVID-19 emergency in the current school year. This could be a single student at the school with five consecutive days of COVID-19 closures, COVID-19-related absences or virtual attendance consisting of any of the following:
        • School Calendar: COVID closures where Day Type code = CC
        • Student ADA Period Virtual Attendance: ADA period code = CRS or CRA.
        • Student ADA Period COVID Absences: Any ADA period code attached to COVID-19 Absence Code Category = C19
        • Student ADA Period Virtual Absences: Any ADA period code = VAE or VAU
      • If yes, the school is eligible and student eligibility can then be calculated; if no, the school does not qualify and any student enrollments and attendance within that school are ignored.
      • The School Eligibility Date (first day of the first occurrence of five consecutive days) is also calculated and preserved for use in calculating the number of days students in the school are P-EBT eligible.
      • Student days eligible are only those days on or after the School Eligibility Date.
      • The School Eligibility Date is also output as part of the P-EBT Student Audit Report Companion File.
  • Student Eligibility Logic
    • Student must have at least one day of enrollment in a qualifying school on or after the School Eligibility Date where at least one of these conditions is met:
      • Student is enrolled in an NSLP Community Provision School: NSLP Code 3 (regardless of Economic Disadvantage code)
      • Student is enrolled in an NSLP School with Codes 1 or 2 AND has an Eco Dis Special Program record with an indicator of 01 or 02 at any point during the school year. Note that once eligible as Eco Dis 01 or 02, that eligibility applies to the entire year; COVID attendance prior to Eco Dis eligibility is included.
    • Student has qualifying P-EBT attendance on or after the School Eligibility Date
      • School closed due to COVID Closure Day (CC in school calendar)
      • Student has an ADA period COVID-19 absence code
      • Student has an ADA period CRS or CRA Virtual COVID attendance present code
      • Student has an ADA period VAE or VAU virtual absence code
    • Students with qualifying attendance in multiple schools will have multiple records in the file.
  • P-EBT Upload File Output
    • School Year
    • Semester
    • Change_Indicator
    • Student_First_Name
    • Student_Last_Name
    • Student_DOB
    • SSN_or_S_Num
    • Student_ID_or_Local_ID
    • Unique_ID
    • Student_Gender
    • District_ID
    • Campus_ID
    • #_of_days_eligible_for_P-EBT
    • Parent_First_Name
    • Parent_Last_Name
    • Parent_DOB
    • Parent_Email
    • Parent_Ph_Num
    • Address_Line_1
    • Address_Line_2
    • City
    • State
    • Zip5
  • P-EBT Student Audit File Output
    • School Year
    • Semester
    • Student_First_Name
    • Student_Last_Name
    • Local_ID
    • Unique_ID
    • Campus_ID
    • School Eligibility Date
    • #_of_days_eligible_for_P-EBT
    • Date
    • Type (School Closure per Calendar Day Type of CC, COVID Abs or Virtual Att)
    • ADA Per
    • Att Code (blank if school closure; otherwise, the student’s ADA period code for a COVID absence or Virtual Present Attendance code)
PSSR-2732252021-22 Student Attendance Interchange Updates

TX Student Attendance Interchange: Version 22.3.2
Updates to support the TEA changes for the PEIMS Summer Submission are now available.

  • BasicReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension
    • There are no changes to the data elements reported for Basic Attendance.
    • ADA Code 9: New logic for ADA Eligibility Code 9 (Enrolled, Not in Membership due to Virtual Learning) is added to exclude from the attendance calculations any day where ADA Code 9 is in effect for the student.
  • SpecialProgramsReportingPeriodAttendanceExtension
    • ADA Code 9: The same exclusion logic as above is now applied.
    • CTE Attendance: This is the only category of special programs attendance with changes for the current year.
      • The prior model of reporting CTE Attendance with Eligible Days Present V1-V6 is replaced with a new
        multi-record sub-complex type, TX-CTEMultiplier, with the following elements:
        • E0724 SERVICE-ID (ID)
        • E0950 ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV1)
        • E0951 ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV2)
        • E0952 ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (TX-CTEEligibleDaysPresentV3)
        • E1696 RS-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (TX-RSCTEEligibleDaysPresentV1)
        • E1697 RS-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (TX-RSCTEEligibleDaysPresentV2)
        • E1698 RS-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (TX-RSCTEEligibleDaysPresentV3)
        • E1702 RA-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 (TX-RACTEEligibleDaysPresentV1)
        • E1703 RA-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 (TX-RACTEEligibleDaysPresentV2)
        • E1704 RA-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 (TX-RACTEEligibleDaysPresentV3)
      • The sub-complex reports the Service ID for each CTE Course in which the student was enrolled, and the number of V1, V2, or V3 Days Eligible in that course based on the V code assigned to the course in Courses or Sections.
      • TEA will, in turn, apply its own calculations to these records based on the weighted funding tier assigned by TEA to the CTE course in order to calculate funding to the districts.
      • The TX-CTEMultiplier complex applies only to Regular CTE Attendance (Attendance Event Indicator 03). CTE Flex Attendance (Attendance Event Indicator 08) remains unchanged. E1053 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT is reported based on the total minutes spent in CTE classes.
    • The calculation of SPED Excess Hours in Instructional Setting is updated to conform to the new V1-V3 CTE Course model. The rule for Excess Hours has not changed and remains based on a max of 6.0 contact hours per day of combined Regular SPED and CTE attendance.
PSSR-286992Data Collection and Interchange Updates for Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Restraint: Version 22.3.2
Additional Reference: 

Data collection and report updates are now available to support new TEA element E1725 Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator (E1725). This indicator is reported in the Summer PEIMS Student Discipline and Student Restraint Interchanges for Special Education students with ADA Eligibility Code 0 who have a discipline and/or restraint record.

  • Incident Management
    • A new Action Attribute now displays as a read-only, calculated element within the Action record: E1725 Non Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator.
      • If the student was in Special Education with ADA Eligibility Code 0 on Incident Date, the attribute displays as (1) Yes and a value of 1 is reported in the Discipline Interchange.
      • Otherwise, the attribute displays as (0) No and the element is suppressed in the interchange.
  • Student Restraints
    • A new element, Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator (E1725), is added as a read-only, calculated element at the bottom of the Restraints page for School Year 2021-22 and beyond.
      • If the student was in Special Education with ADA Eligibility Code 0 on the Restraint Date, the element displays as (1) Yes and a value of 1 is reported in the Student Restraint Interchange.
      • Otherwise, the attribute displays as (0) No and the element is suppressed in the interchange.
    • A new read-only, auto-calculated element is also now available on the page to indicate if the student was in Special Education on the Restraint Date. This indicator is not dependent on the student’s ADA Eligibility Code.
    • The obsolete read-only elements for Primary Disability (E0041) SPED and Instructional Setting (E0173) no longer display on the page.
PSSR-285135EdOrg Calendar Verification Report Enhancements

Education Organization Calendar Verification Report: Version 22.3.2
The following enhancements are now available to support easier verification of the school calendars and identification of missing or invalid setup.

  • Descriptions are added to the TEA numeric codes in the headers and footers to make the report clearer.
    • Instructional Tracks now include the PowerSchool Track Letter in addition to the TEA code such as Instructional Track: 00 (Blank Track) and Track: 01 (Track A).
    • Instructional Program Type is output with the full description such as Instructional Program Type: (01) Standard Program: 75,600 Operational Minutes (Does not include PK programs/grades).
  • New columns are added to the report body to display each of the elements as they appear on the School Calendar page:
    • Cycle Day
      • Cycle day abbreviation such as "A", "MWF", "TT", etc.
      • Displayed as "Missing" if In Session = 1 and no Cycle Day is selected.
    • Bell Schedule
      • Bell schedule name such as "High School A", "Exam Day 1", etc.
      • Displayed as "Missing" if In Session = 1 and no Bell Schedule is selected.
    • Membership
      • Display the membership value as entered: 0, 1, or blank
      • Displayed as "Missing" if In Session = 1 and Membership Value = 0 or blank
    • Min Source: This new column displays the data source used to output the minutes for the main track and each additional track per the existing report hierarchy:
      • Calendar Override: displayed as "Cal Ovr"
      • Bell Schedule: displayed as "Bell Sch"
      • School Default: displayed as "Default"
PSSR-286953Enhancements for Course Sequence Code and Pass/Fail Indicator Logic for Summer PEIMS

TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 22.3.2
The logic related to Course Sequence Codes, Texas Store Code Mapping and Pass Fail Indicator Codes is enhanced to provide additional flexibility when identifying student completion grades, regardless of the scheduling term for the class or the Term ID in the Historical Grades record.

  • Summary: These updates primarily apply to the handling of trailer courses and self-paced courses, which may be taught in any term including the year term.
    • For classes taught as single semester (Course Sequence 0), First Half (Course Sequence 1), and Second Half (Course Sequence 2), all store codes mapped as final grades in any semester term are now considered.
    • For trimester-length classes (Course Sequences 3-5), all store codes mapped as final grades in any trimester term are now considered.
    • For quarter-length classes (Course Sequences 6-9), all store codes mapped as final grades in any quarter term are now considered.
  • Course Sequence Overrides: Scheduled Classes (with Associated Section)
    • Overrides at the Section and Stored Grades level are supported for the above scenarios, where a specific Course Sequence Code is assigned for single term, semester, trimester, or quarter-length classes.
    • Overrides are not supported for scheduled classes assigned one of the calculated course sequence codes in Courses, where report logic determines the course sequence output:
      • Use Default Course Setup: Sections taught in S1 are always Course Sequence 1; Sections taught in S2 are always Course Sequence 2.
      • (2) Semesters - HS Credit - Year Long: Always reported as Course Sequence 1 for the S1 part of the course and Course Sequence 2 for the S2 part of the course.
      • (3) Trimesters - HS Credit - Year Long: Always reported as Course Sequences 3-6.
      • (4) Quarters - HS Credit - Year Long: Always reported as Course Sequences 7-9.
  • Course Sequence Overrides for Manual Entry Stored Grades (No Associated Section)
    • Course Sequence Overrides are no longer required for any “standard” scenario as long as the stored grades record has a reference to a valid course number with a valid Course Sequence Code and the appropriate and expected Texas Store Code Mapping is configured.
    • If the Course Sequence Override in Historical Grades is populated, the override will be reported, regardless of the Course Sequence Code assigned in Courses.
    • For PEIMS and Class Roster, the Beginning Date and Ending Date of the class must be populated in the manual entry stored grades record.
    • TREx and the AAR do not require student Beginning and Ending Dates.
PSSR-285231Incident Management and EdOrg Interchange Updates for Bullying and Cyberbullying

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 22.3.2
Updates are now available to support the reporting of campus-level Bullying and Cyberbullying incident totals for the PEIMS Summer Submission.

  • Updated Incident Management Code Seeding: District > Discipline and Log Entries > Incident Management > Code & Subcode Setup > Behavior Codes
    • Code 61 – Bullying
      • The code description is updated to add the TEC code reference: 61 - Bullying (TEC 37.0052)^
      • The State Aggregate Report is updated from 61 to “BUL.”
    • Code 61c - Cyberbullying:
      • The code description is updated to add the TEC code reference: 61c - Cyberbullying (TEC 37.0052)^
      • The State Aggregate Report is updated from 61 to “CYB.”
    • Note that each district must also add or edit additional Behavior Codes that map to State Aggregate Report Codes of “BUL” and “CYB” in order to report less severe forms of bullying/cyberbullying that meet the criteria outlined in SB 2050, TEC 37.0832, and the PEIMS Data Standards.
  • Summer PEIMS EdOrg Interchange: In the School Extension complex, selection criteria and logic for the following two mandatory elements is updated:
    • E1727 NUMBER-OF-BULLYING-INCIDENTS: Reported as the total number of incidents in Incident Management for the campus containing a Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Report Code = BUL or CYB.
    • E1728 NUMBER-OF-CYBERBULLYING-INCIDENTS: Reported as the total number of incidents in Incident Management for the campus containing a Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Report Code = CYB.
  • Special Considerations and Scenarios
    • The count of Bullying incidents includes both Bullying and Cyberbullying. The count of Cyberbullying incidents is a subset of Bullying.
    • Incidents of Bullying and Cyberbullying are reported regardless of the outcome of the incident. It is not necessary for any Action to be assigned to the incident in order for the incident to be included in the campus aggregate counts.
    • If an incident has multiple students attached as Offenders and/or Victims and multiple students have a Behavior Code of Bullying or Cyberbullying, the incident is counted only once.
    • In cases of allegations of Bullying/Cyberbullying, the Incident Management record may have only a Victim participant and no Offender participants. In this case, the Behavior Code mapped to BUL or CYB is attached to the Victim. These records are also included in the counts.
    • If an incident contains both a Bullying Behavior code and a Cyberbullying Behavior code, the incident will contribute a count of 1 to the campus Bullying total and also a count of 1 to the campus Cyberbullying total.
PSSR-286098New Extra and Co-Curricular (ECC) Student Data Collection

A new table and data collection page to track student extra and co-curricular activities is now available to support a TEA legislative pilot project. This collection applies only to districts participating in the ECC pilot.

  • A new child table of Students holds the ECC participation records: S_TX_STU_ECC_C.
  • A new link and data collection page are available under the State/Province - TX menu: Student Extra and Co-Curricular Activities (ECC)
    • School Year (YearID): The school year for the record (required).
    • Reporting Period (Reporting_Period): The reporting period such as S1 or S2 (required).
    • Campus ID (Campus_ID): The student's school of enrollment for the ECC activity (required).
    • ECC Indicator (ECC_Indicator): The 3 digit TEA ECC Indicator for the activity (required).
    • Comments: 100 character comment for the record (optional).
  • A new district checkbox preference is available in the Texas Preferences panel on the District Info page: Hide Student Extra and Co-Curricular (ECC) Data Collection.
    • By default, the preference is selected and the page is hidden.
    • Participating ECC pilot districts must de-select the checkbox in order to view ECC records within PowerSchool.
PSSR-249265 SFTP Output Added to Additional Texas Reports

TX Education Organization Calendar Verification Report: Version 22.3.2
TX Incident Management Discipline Interchange Validation Report 22.3.2
TX Incident Management Verification Report: Version 22.3.2
A new runtime parameter to support SFTP output for the above Texas reports is now available. SFTP stands for Secure File Transfer Protocol and is used to transmit files over the web when sensitive data needs to be protected. Many PowerSchool districts are already using SFTP to transmit files to third party vendors, to send files to a secure folder on the district’s network, or to schedule and run the TSDS and PEIMS Interchanges on a nightly basis.

  • SFTP Connection Setup
    • In order to take advantage of the SFTP option, an SFTP connection must first be configured in PowerSchool. An existing SFTP connection can be used, or a new connection can be defined.
    • The SFTP Setup is performed on the following page in PowerSchool: Start Page> System> System Settings> Plugin Management Configuration> Remote Connection Manager> Remote Connection Manager> Create Connection
      • Name: Define a name for the SFTP connection.
      • Description: Enter a description
      • Protocol: SFTP (default)
      • Host: Enter the IP address of the server that the Texas reports will be sent to
      • Port: Enter the port number for the connection; the default value is 22
      • Username: Enter the username associated with the connection
      • Password: Enter the password associated with the connection
      • Confirm Password: Re-enter the password
      • Finger Print: optional (for additional server authentication)
      • Remote Path: Enter the path to the designated folder such as /TXReports
      • Allow Download: Not Applicable
      • Allow Upload: check this field to allow the scheduled Texas reports to be uploaded from the PowerSchool server to the designated folder.
    • Once all the necessary information has been entered, select the “Test Connection” button to verify that a successful connection can be established. If the Test Connection is unsuccessful, verify that the hostname, port, username, and password are correct.
PSSR-287194Staff Interchange Update for Class Roster Winter Collection

TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 22.3.2
Updates are available to streamline the reporting of Staff records for the Winter Class Roster collection.

  • Selection Criteria: When generating the interchange from the District Office for a sub-set of schools, the selection criteria is updated to ensure that records are extracted only for the schools selected by the user. Records for teachers assigned to non-selected schools are no longer included.
  • New "Include District Staff" Parameter: This parameter supports the option of including district-level teachers with no section assignments, but who qualify for the Teacher Incentive Allotment based on a non-blank value in the Teacher Incentive Allotment field on the Staff Information page.
    • TeacherSchoolAssociation records are included for district staff when the parameter is set to Yes and all schools are selected. The Organization ID is output as the district number plus 999 for the campus.
    • These records are not incuded when the parameter is set to No or when only a subset of schools is selected.
PSSR-286047Student UID Request Update for Child Find Placeholder Campus Students

Student UID Request: Version 22.3.2
A new option is now available for the Student UID Request report to include students enrolled at the non-reportable Child Find Placeholder Campus who require a Unique ID.

  • The “Students to Include" report parameter is updated to allow users to select one or more of these options at runtime:
    • Enrolled Students (default)
    • Charter School Waitlist Students
    • Child Find Placeholder Campus Students
  • When the selected option includes Child Find, new logic identifies students enrolled in the non-reportable Child Find campus during the selected School Year or Override Date Range.
    • If a Child Find special program record is in effect for the same school year or date range where the Campus ID of Evaluation is not NULL, the student is included the UID Request file, and the reportable Campus ID of Evaluation is output as the School ID in the request file.
    • If a Child Find special program record is in effect for the same school year or date range, but the Campus ID of Evaluation field is NULL, or there is no Child Find record in effect, the student cannot be included in the request file as the required reportable Campus ID is unknown.
    • If a Child Find student does not meet the required field criteria for the Student UID Request file, the student is included in the Excluded Students file with the applicable error message(s):
      • Enrolled in Child Find Placeholder, but missing Campus ID of Evaluation.
      • Enrolled in Child Find Placeholder, but missing Child Find special program record.
      • Standard error messages for missing required fields such as SSN, Ethnicity, Race, DOB.
PSSR-285118Summer PEIMS and Child Find Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Student Parent: Version 22.3.2
TX Interchange Education Organization Calendar: Version 22.3.2
Updates for the Summer PEIMS and Child Find Submissions are now available.

  • Student Interchange
    • Students with crisis codes 10A or 10B are reported.
    • These crisis codes are auto-calculated based on ADA Code 9 on the target dates of January 14, 2022 (10A) and May 13, 2022 (10B); overrides in the UI are not considered.
    • Students whose only ADA Code during the year was ADA Code 9, but who were not enrolled on at least one of the Crisis Code target dates are excluded.
  • Student Enrollment Interchange
    • In the Student School Association record, students who change grade levels and ADA Codes during the year, and whose final grade level takes effect when the student becomes ADA Code 0 previously triggered fatal errors because the grade level did not match the grade level reported in the Attendance Interchange.
    • The student’s final non-ADA 0 grade level is now reported.
  • Student Program Interchange
    • Title I Records
      • Students with ADA Code 9 or 0 and no reportable attendance are reported with Title I records if the student is also reported with Crisis Codes 10A and/or 10B. Otherwise, Title I records are suppressed.
      • Special Education students with ADA Code 0 and no reportable attendance are reported with Title I records if the student is also reported with discipline or restraint event data where NON-MEMBERSHIP-DISCIPLINE-RESTRAINT-INDICATOR-CODE is 1. Otherwise, Title records are suppressed.
    • Special Education Records: Special Education students with ADA Code 0 and no reportable attendance are reported with SPED program records if the student is also reported with discipline or restraint event data where NON-MEMBERSHIP-DISCIPLINE-RESTRAINT-INDICATOR-CODE is 1. Otherwise, the records are suppressed.
  • Student Parent Interchange: The student race query is updated to ensure the Racial Category element(s) are reported even if the student has a No Show enrollment record.
  • ChildFind EdOrg Calendar Interchange: The output file name is updated to remove the invalid "CF" characters which appeared after "TSDS" in the file name.
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