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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


TX-Six Week Attendance Roster report is failing

Six Week Attendance Roster: Version

The Six-Week Attendance Roster report has been updated to address the issue causing it to fail.


UI Updates for Student Compliance Menu pages

Final updates for UX consistency are made to the following:

  • Student Special Programs

    • All TX state tabs are updated with new saved and deleted records messages.

  • Student Test Results

    • The student Test Results summary page is updated with new saved and deleted records messages.

    • The Edit Student Test page now displays the enhanced UI “Test Results” back button (breadcrumb) and on delete will now navigate back to the Test Results page rather than the legacy white page.

    • The Enter Test Score(s) page is updated to correct zebra stripes and displays the “Test Results” back button (breadcrumb).

  • Store Code Mapping:

    • The edit button with pencil icon is removed and edit function is added to the Store Code as a link

    • The delete button is updated on the edit page to display the Confirm Delete with red lettering and red frame.

  • Staff:

    • New Enhanced UI Compliance Fly Out entry “Staff Information” displays all the elements that existed under the Texas Staff Information panel in legacy view.

      • In the Enhanced UI, only the Generation Code (E0706) will remain on the Staff Demographics page

      • In both modes, the “*As of 2019-20, TSDS/PEIMS max length for staff name fields is 60 characters each.” text has been updated to display as the blue note.

    • The Staff Responsibility page is updated with the New button centered on the page and the edit button is removed and edit function is added to Year as a link.

      • The Staff Responsibility edit page is updated. The “Select the Lock Record checkbox to preserve existing values.” text is updated to display as the blue note.

    • The Staff Finance page is updated with the New button centered on the page and the edit button is removed and edit function is added to Year as a link.

  • Schools Page:

    • Schools Info page is updated for the School Day Minutes by Track, the Edit button with pencil icon is removed and edit function is added to the Track as a link.

    • The title of the New and Edit button are slightly edited to read: New School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type and Edit School Day Minutes and Instructional Program Type

    • The School Day Minutes by Track edit page is updated to display the Confirm Delete with red lettering and red frame.

    • The ELO’s page is updated with New button centered on page and the edit button with pencil icon is removed and edit function is added to the Year as a link. (Note that records existing prior to yearid 31 (2021) are not editable. The year will display as text and not as an edit link)

    • The ELO page is updated with new saved and deleted records messages.

  • Bell Schedule:

    • Edit School Day Minutes is updated to display the Confirm Delete with red lettering and red frame.

    • The titles on the New button and the Edit link are slightly modified from Add and Edit “Default Minutes” to Add and Edit “Default Day Minutes” for each.

    • The Edit button with pencil icon is removed and edit function is added to the Track as a link.

    • The delete button is updated on the edit page to display the Confirm Delete with red lettering and red frame.

  • Sections: Exclude CTE Hours

    • The titles on the New button and Edit link have been updated to New Exclude CTE Hours and Edit Exclude CTE Hours.

    • The Edit button with pencil icon is removed and edit function is added to the Start Date as a link.

    • Text on the edit page is updated to display as the blue note.


Updates to PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report for addressing the missing values in ethnicity and race on the PDF extract

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report Version:

The PDF extract is updated to accurately report ethnicity and race values when extracting PEIMS General Special Programs.

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