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Potential Dropouts



The Potential Dropouts report generates a PDF worksheet report to help identify, research, and resolve students with a dropout status. The report can be run for either the Previous Year or the Current Year, and provides key identifying information for the student, parent/guardian, and the student's dropout withdrawal record, along with an additional section to record information as to the disposition of the dropout.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.


  • The student must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
  • The student's school must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
  • The student must have at least one day of active enrollment in either the current or previous school year (depending on runtime parameter selection) in Grades 7-12.
  • Both active and inactive students are included.
  • Student Contacts excludes prior contacts where an End Date exists in the StudentContactDetail table.

Withdrawal Record

A student is considered a potential dropout if they meet the criteria of any of the following scenarios.

Current Year Potential Dropout

  • The student's exit date is greater than or equal to the first day of the current year term for the student's school of enrollment.
  • The student's exit code has a state code value of 98 (Other); if state code is blank, the student's exit code equals 98 (Other).
  • The student has not re-enrolled in any school in the district within the current year term.

Previous Year Potential Dropout

Enrollment School and Withdrawal School are the Same School - Exit Occurs in Prior Year

  • The student was enrolled in and withdrew from the same school in the prior school year.
  • The student's exit code has a state code value of 98 (Other); if state code is blank, the student's exit code equals 98 (Other).
  • The student's exit date is greater than the first day of the previous year term.
  • The student did not re-enroll at any district school on or before the current year School Start Window (Last Friday in September).

Enrollment School and Withdrawal School are the Same School - No Show Exit Occurs in Current Year

  • The student was enrolled in School A in prior year, and was active in School A on the final day of the prior school year.
  • The student is expected to re-enroll in School A in the current year, but is withdrawn from School A in the current year as a No Show with an exit code of 98.
  • No Show Withdrawal: Entry Date and Exit Date equals the first day of school in the current year.
  • The student's exit code has a state code value of 98 (Other); if state code is blank, the student's exit code equals 98 (Other).
  • The student did not re-enroll at any district school on or before the current year School Start Window (Last Friday in September).

Enrollment School and Withdrawal School are Different Schools - No Show Exit Occurs in Current Year

  • The student enrolled in School A in prior year, and was active in School A on the final day of the prior school year.
  • The student is expected to re-enroll in School A in the current year, but is withdrawn from School A in the current year as a No Show with an exit code of 98.
  • No Show Withdrawal: Entry Date and Exit Date equals the first day of school in the current year.

Note: Although the No Show exit occurs at School B, School A is responsible for the dropout.

  • The student's exit code has a state code value of 98 (Other); if state code is blank, the student's exit code equals 98 (Other).
  • The student did not re-enroll at any district school on or before the current year School Start Window (Last Friday in September).

Report Input

For help with report navigation and generation, see Generate Reports.

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report are described below. 



Select Schools

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select a Single School Click the school for which you want to run the extract.
  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only – Run the report for students in the current selection.
  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Note: If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

Dropout Year

Choose to run the report for the Previous Year or the Current Year.

School Start WindowEnter the school start window.

Run Now

Select this option to run the report immediately.


Select this option to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected the following choices are:

  • Run Once
    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.
  • Repeat
    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.
      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.
      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.
      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.
      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.
  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element


School NameThe name of the school responsible for the potential dropouts.



Total School Potential DropoutsThe total number of reported potential dropouts for the school.Calculated
Last Name, First Name, Middle NameThe student's last, first, and middle names.

[S_TX_STU_X]E0705 or [Students]Last_Name

[S_TX_STU_X]E0703 or [Students]First_Name

[S_TX_STU_X]E0704 or [Students]Middle_Name

IDThe student’s local identification number.


Student Street AddressThe student's address.


Student City


Student State


Student Zip Code


Parent or Guardian Last Name, First Name


The student's parent(s) or guardian.

[Students]Mother, if populated

[Students]Father, if populated




Home Phone (Home)The student's home phone number


Other Phone (Oth)The parent's or guardian's phone number.

[StudentCoreFields]MotherDayPhone, if populated

[StudentCoreFields]FatherDayPhone, if populated

[StudentCoreFields]GuardianDayPhone, if populated

Otherwise: Blank

UIDThe student's Texas Unique Student ID Number.


Gender (Gen)The student's gender.[Students]Gender
Date of Birth (DOB)The student's data of birth.[Students]DOB
Ethnicity/Race (Eth/Race)

The student's ethnicity and race.



Ethnicity: 'H' if Hispanic, 'N' if Non-Hispancic
Race: string of 1 character race codes

Withdrawal Reason (W/D Reason)The student's exit withdrawal reason.



State Code if exists; otherwise the regular code + Description

Withdrawal Date (W/D Date)The date the student withdrew.



Withdrawal School Name (W/D School)The school from which the student withdrew.



Withdrawal Grade Level (W/D Grade)The student's grade level at the time the student withdrew.



State grade level is exists, otherwise regular grade level

New ReasonA data entry space to enter the new reason for the student's withdrawal.N/A
Enroll DateA data entry space to enter the date the student enrolls in school.N/A
New SchoolA data entry space to enter the school of enrollment.N/A
CommentsA data entry space to enter comments.N/A
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