PSSR-274229 | All States/Provinces: Attendance Page Error Logging Update | The meeting, clock-in/clock-out attendance page has been updated and will no longer throw the following error in the system log: ORA-00936: Missing Expression |
PSSR-270907 | All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - Perfect Attendance Update | Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.2 The Attendance Profile report now includes students that have blank attendance. Additionally, these students will display the following message to alert end-users as to why there is no attendance listed. No attendance records have been entered for this student |
PSSR-269245 | All States/Provinces: Preferred Name Fields Needed | Fields have been added to the S_STU_X table to track a student's preferred first, middle, and last names: - Pref_First
- Pref_Middle
- Pref_Last
These fields are currently only exposed in WI but can be added to the UI via page fragments and other supported methods of customization options.
PSSR-272625 | All States/Provinces: Security Updates to Certain HTML tags | It has been identified that certain HTML tags used in common compliance pages are a security vulnerability. Common compliance pages where these tags were used and all have been updated to address the security vulnerability. |
PSSR-272800 | 2021-22 Additional TEA Data Collection Updates | The following data collection updates are now available to support TEA requirements for the 2021-22 school year. New codes are available in records dated 08/01/2021 or later. - PEIMS General: Student > State/Province - TX > PEIMS General Information
- New ADA Eligibility Code: (9) Enrolled, Not In Membership Due to Virtual Learning.
- New Attribution Codes
- (33) Student-Initiated Transfer Due To Remote Learning
- (32) Resource Campus (note: new code not yet in TEA Data Standards)
- Career and Tech Special Program: Student > Special Programs > Career and Tech
- New TEA Calculated CTE Indicator Code (E0031) and CTE Indicator Override (E0031) values
- (4) Not CTE
- (5) CTE Participant
- (E) CTE Explorer
- (6) CTE Concentrator
- (7) CTE Completer
- Updated Field and Code Labels (database column names remain unchanged)
- Displaced Homemaker (E1039) is updated to "Out of Workforce Individual (E1039)."
- Single Parent Pregnant Teen (E0829) is updated to "Single Parent Single Pregnant Woman (E0829)."
- The description for code 7 is updated from Pregnant Teen to "Pregnant Woman."
- Important: In a future release, an import process for the new, calculated TEA CTE code values will be provided along with updates to the Nightly CTE Auto-Code Process. Pending those updates, all districts should disable the existing CTE Auto-Code process by unchecking the box in District Info > Texas Preferences > Enable Daily CTE Auto-Code
- At Risk: Student > Special Programs > At-Risk
- A new column E0919_DropRec_AdultEd is added to the S_TX_SEN_ATRISK_X table.
- A new At Risk Reason of "Dropout Recovery Schl/Adult Ed Prog" is added as the last reason on the page.
- Incident Management: Student > Incidents and Special Functions > Incident Management
- A new Behavior Code of "61c - Cyberbullying" is now available on the Create Detailed Incident and Create Quick Incident pages.
- Code 61c is mapped to state code 61 for TEA Action Reason Code 61 - Bullying and will be reported as code 61 in the Discipline Interchange.
- In the PEIMS Summer Submission, TEA will collect aggregate totals by school for two new elements in the EdOrg School Extension:
- The introduction of new Behavior Code 61c will allow the PowerSchool to calculate both of these totals.
PSSR-267499 | AAR and TREx Updates | Additional References: PSSR-260182 and PSSR-270747 AAR: Version 21.9.2 AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 21.9.2 TREx Extract: Version 21.9.2 TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 21.9.2 The following updates are now available for the AAR and TREx Reports. - AAR
- CPR Instruction Waiver
- Due to COVID, seniors graduating during the 2020-21 school year received an automatic waiver for CPR Instruction if they had not yet completed the training.
- If a student is coded on the Graduation Information for a CPR Waiver (S_TX_STU_X.CPR_Waiver), "Waived" now displays in place of the Met Date in the Other Requirements section of the AAR.
- Financial Aid Application Code, Met Date, and Type
- Prior to graduation, all students must now submit a Financial Aid Application or file an exception.
- These elements have been added to the Other Requirements section of the AAR and display for students who have values for these fields on the Graduation Information page. Otherwise, these elements are suppressed.
- Technical Update for Hosted Districts on a Multi-Node Array: The AAR PDF render class is updated to prevent Oracle error "java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException" and the AAR now completes as expected.
- TREx
- Support for version 5.0 of the TREx Data Standards is now implemented, and xml version in the header row of the file is incremented to version 1.27.
- Financial Aid Application Data
- TE138 FINANCIAL-AID-APPLICATION-CODE is now output in the Academic Status complex type with xml tag TX-FinancialAidApplication if this field is populated on the Graduation Information page.
- 01 - Financial application form completed
- 02 - Exception submitted
- TE139 FINANCIAL-AID-APPLICATION-REQUIREMENT-MET-DATE is also output with xml tag TX-FinancialAidApplicationMetDate.
- Note that both elements are output as a set if both the Code and Met Date are populated in PowerSchool; if neither element is populated, or only one of the two is populated, the Financial Aid elements are suppressed entirely.
- PK Eligible Previous Year
- The logic is updated to match that of the PEIMS Submissions.
- The check for current year funded PK eligibility is first considered before any other criteria. If a PK student PK qualifies for free funded PK in the current year, the output is always 0.
- CTE Indicator Code
- The output of the CTE Indicator in the Special Programs complex type is updated to report the new TEA-calculated values of 4, 5, E, 6, 7 if populated in the Career and Tech special program record, and to suppress this optional element if the student's record is populated with an obsolete code of 0, 1, or 2.
- In a future release, a process will be provided to import the new TEA codes into the Career and Tech special program records.
- Dyslexia Risk Code
- This PEIMS element is now reported in the Student Demographic complex with an xml tag of TX-DyslexiaRiskCode for students in grades KG and 1 if a record exists in PowerSchool. If no record exists, or the student is in any grade level other than KG or 1, the element is suppressed.
- Valid values
- 01 - Screened and determined to be not at risk for dyslexia or related disorders
- 02 - Screened and determined to be at risk for dyslexia or related disorders
- 03 - Not screened for dyslexia or related disorders
- Course Sequence Code Logic
Self-Paced Classes: The Class Roster Interchanges are now updated to support semester-length high school credit classes taught in the Year term. The Course Sequence Code as entered in Courses, Sections or Stored Grades is now output as follows. 0 or D0 is output for 1-semester courses only (Course Sequence = 1 in Courses or Course Sequence = 0 in Sections or Stored Grades) 1 or D1 is output for the First Half of a 2-semester course (Course Sequence = F in Courses or Course Sequence = 1 in Sections or Stored Grades) 2 or D2 is output for the Second Half of a 2-semester course (Course Sequence = S in Courses or Course Sequence = 2 in Sections or Stored Grades)
Course Sequence A: Additionally, updates are made to output non-HS Credit Courses with Course Sequence A regardless of the scheduled term for the section. A Course Sequence override of A in Sections or Stored Grades is no longer required to report non-HS Credit Courses that are not taught in the year term.
PSSR-251049 | Charter School Waitlist Interchange Updates | TX Interchange Student Enrollment Version: 21.9.2 TX Interchange Student-Parent Version: 21.9.2 The Student Enrollment Interchange for the Charter School Waitlist collection is now updated to correctly consider the "Exclude Students with Missing Unique ID" and "Exclude Students with Missing SSN" parameters. These same parameters are also now available in the Student Parent Interchange. |
PSSR-272160 | Clear Attribution Code Value of "31" in 2021-22 PEIMS General Records | For the 2021-22 school year, Attribution Code 31 (Open Enrollment Charter School: Outside Attendance/Geographic Boundaries) was previously removed from the dropdown list in the PEIMS General record. An automated script will also now run in the State Reporting Installer to clear out any values of 31 that may remain in the database for records dated in the 2021-22 year. |
PSSR-272753 | New Child Find Special Programs Verification Report | PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 21.9.2 A new option to support the Child Find Collection is now available. When Child Find is the selected option, the Special Programs Verification Report includes the following elements in a .zip file containing both a CSV and PDF output. Students with no enrollment in a reportable campus are listed under the Child Find Placeholder Campus. - SchoolID
- Unique ID
- Student Number
- Last Name
- First Name
- Grade Level
- Birth Date
- Enroll Status
- Entry Date
- Exit Date
- Program Entry Date
- Program Exit Date
- ECI Indicator
- Campus ID of Evaluation
- Student Absences Within Timeframe
- ECI Notification Date
- ECI Transition Conf Date
- Parental Consent Date
- Initial Eval Date
- SPED Determination Date
- SPED Determination Code
- Eval Delay Reason Code
PSSR-269088 | Student Detail and Campus Summary Updates: CTE Hours Exclusion and ADA Eligibility Code 9 | Campus Summary Version: 21.9.2 Student Detail Version: 21.9.2 The Student Detail and Campus Summary reports are now updated to support new data collection introduced for the 2021-22 school year. - Exclude CTE Hours: The calculation of student Vocational Contact Hours and CTE Days is updated to consider each period of CTE Hours exclusion recorded in the Section record.
- ADA Eligibility Code 9: This new ADA Eligibility Code is handled in the same manner as ADA Eligibility Code 0. On any instructional day where a student has ADA Code 9, the day does not count as a day in membership and the student cannot earn funding based on attendance. Students with ADA Code 9 for every day of enrollment do not appear on the report.
PSSR-269109 | Updated Data Collection for Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO's) | District > Schools/School Info > Select School > School Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) The school-level data collection for ELO's is now updated to conform to the revised TEA reporting model for the PEIMS Summer and Extended Year Submissions. - Code Table Updates
- Code (03) Voluntary Expanded Learning - Before or After School is now obsolete and is removed from the dropdown list in records for the 2021-22 school year and beyond.
- Two new codes are added:
- (05) Voluntary Expanded Learning - Before School
- (06) Voluntary Expanded Learning - After School
- Revised Data Collection
- E1719 ELO Activity Codes: the existing checkbox fields for each ELO Activity are now displayed in a grid
- 01 Rigorous Coursework
- 02 Mentoring
- 03 Tutoring
- 04 Physical Activity
- 05 Academic Support
- 06 Educational Enrichment
- E1720 Days Per Year: new fields are added to the S_TX_SCH_ELO_C table and to the page for each of the ELO Activity Codes. The range of allowable values is a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 210 days.
- Rigorous Coursework Days: E1720_ELO_RIGCOURSE_DAYS
- Mentoring Days: E1720_ELO_MENTOR_DAYS
- Tutoring Days: E1720_ELO_TUTOR_DAYS
- Physical Activity Days: E1720_ELO_PHYSACT_DAYS
- Academic Support Days: E1720_ELO_ACADSUPP_DAYS
- Educational Enrichment Days: E1720_ELO_EDENRICH_DAYS
- E1621 Avg Minutes Per Day: new fields are added to the S_TX_SCH_ELO_C table and to the page for each of the ELO Activity Codes. The range of allowable values is a minimum of 45 minutes per day and a maximum of 480 minutes.
- Rigorous Course Minutes: E1621_ELO_RIGCOURSE_MIN
- Mentoring Minutes: E1621_ELO_MENTOR_MIN
- Tutoring Minutes: E1621_ELO_TUTOR_MIN
- Physical Activity Minutes: E1621_ELO_PHYSACT_MIN
- Academic Support Minutes: E1621_ELO_ACADSUPP_MIN
- Educational Enrichment Minutes: E1621_ELO_EDENRICH_MIN
- Prior Records from the 2020-21 school year: On the Summary Page, the ELO Activity Type is displayed, but the ELO Minutes have been removed as the prior data collection model is incompatible with the new model.
PSSR-238418 | Performance Tuning for Student Enrollment and Transcript Interchanges | TX Interchange Student Version: 21.9.2 TX Interchange Student Transcript Version: 21.9.2 TX Interchange Student Enrollment Version: 21.9.2 The Student Enrollment and Transcript Interchanges are now updated with optimized queries to improve report performance. |