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TX Interchange Staff Association



The interchange schema for Staff Association information is used to report staff records for PEIMS, including demographics, employment information, responsibilities, and teaching assignments.

Note:  If the district reports the basic Staff Extension from a Human Resources system instead of from PowerSchool, the file from the Human Resource System must be uploaded to TSDS prior to uploading the PowerSchool file.

For schools marked as a non-reportable campus (NRC) where students are enrolled in remote classes, the report generates separate staff responsibility records for each in-session class that has students assigned to it as of the Fall snapshot date; for each reportable staff member assigned on the Fall snapshot date; and for each reportable campus represented by the students in the class. For students enrolled in classes at an NRC, the staff responsibility records report the Campus ID of the student's home school. Separate staff responsibility records are created for each reportable school, and the number of students in class is apportioned according to the students' home school of enrollment. If additional teachers are assigned to the section at the NRC, multiple staff responsibility records are created for the additional teachers based on the students' home school of enrollment; however, the number of students in class is reported as 000 for the additional teachers.

For example:

  • Cosmetology Section 1 is scheduled at a non-reportable campus with 20 students and teacher Mary Smith:
    • 5 of the students have a reportable home school of enrollment CDC #XXXXXX001
    • 8 of the students have a reportable home school of enrollment CDC #XXXXXX002
    • 7 of the students have a reportable home school of enrollment CDC #XXXXXX003
  • Three separate Staff Responsibility Records are generated for Mary Smith:
    • Campus XXXXXX001: Number of Students in Class = 5
    • Campus XXXXXX002: Number of Students in Class = 8
    • Campus XXXXXX003: Number of Students in Class = 7

Report Input

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report is described below.



Select Schools

At the District Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools not excluded from state reporting and any school that has been defined as 701, 702, 703, 720, 750, 751, 998 or 999.
  • Select Multiple Schools allows the user to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school you want to run the extract.

At the School Level:

  • Select All Schools to run the extract for all schools not excluded from state reporting.
  • Select Current School Only to run the extract just for the current school.

Collection Code

Choose the Collection from the pop-up menu for the report generated. This option controls the naming of the file. 

School Year

Choose the school year from the pop-up menu for the report generated.

October Snapshot Date

Enter the appropriate date for the October Snapshot Date for the year being processed. Typically, this is the last Friday in October.

Only visible for Fall Collection.

Include the Staff Extension Complex Type

Select Yes to include the Staff complex type, which consists of the Staff ID and demographics. Select No if this information is built in the finance or human resource systems.

Include the Staff Responsibilities Complex Type

Select Yes to include Staff Responsibilities complex type, which includes staff assignments and roles. Select No if this information is built in the finance or human resource systems.

Only visible for Fall Collection.

Refresh Staff Responsibility Records

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

  • Report Previously Created Staff Responsibility Records (Default) – Reports Staff Responsibility Records previously generated using the Report and Creation Process, and non-scheduled staff records that were manually entered on the Staff Responsibilities Page.
  • Refresh Staff Responsibility Records – Reports the Record Creation Process directly. Existing records are updated as appropriate and new records are built based on the scheduled class information for teachers and aides. Manually entered records are also included in the output file.

Only visible for Fall Collection.

Include the Contracted Instructional Staff FTE Extension Finance Complex Type

Select Yes to include contracted staff information. Select No if this information is built in the finance or human resource systems.

Only visible for Fall Collection.

Include the Payroll Extension Complex Type

Select Yes to include staff payroll information. Select No if this information is built in the finance or human resource systems.

Only visible for Fall Collection.

Include the Staff EdOrg Employment Association Extension Complex TypeSelect Yes to include staff employment associations. Select No if this information is built in the finance or human resource systems.
Include the Teacher Section Association Complex Type

Select Yes to include teacher course/section associations.

Only visible for Summer Collection.

Include Staff Missing Unique IDInclude staff members who are missing a unique ID.
Include Staff with Missing SSN

Include staff members who are missing their social security number.

Include District Staff

Select Yes to include staff from the district and all campuses. This will build records for administrative staff at the campuses in the range of 701-999 as well as the student campuses.

ECDS: Limit to Grade K and/or PK

Choose the appropriate filter to limit the report to students enrolled in kindergarten or preschool. Defaults to No.

Note: Only visible for the Summer collection.

Run Now

Select this option to run the report immediately.


Select this option to run this report on a scheduled basis. Once this option is selected, the choices are:

  • Run Once
    • Start Date and Start Time to run the report.
  • Repeat
    • Select Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly for the appropriate re-occurrence for running the report.
      • If Daily is selected, check the Weekdays only box to limit to weekdays.
      • If Weekly is selected, check which weekday to run the report.
      • If Monthly is selected, check the month to run the report.
      • If Yearly is selected, select either the date or the weekday to run the report.
  • Date Range – Select No End Date or a date that the re-occurrence should end.

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Report Output: XML for PEIMS

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Filename for PEIMS:

The filename must be in the following format:

District Code: Position 1-6

Underscore: Position 7, 11, 21 and 34.

Campus ID: Position 8-10 – If the file is generated by a user from the District Office, this value is 000. If the file is generated by a user from a school, this value is the three-digit campus id for that user. This allows partial files to be submitted that contain data only for one school.

Collection Code: Position 12-20. This starts with the ending year of the school year followed by the five characters Collection Code (i.e. FALL1).

Timestamp: Position 22-33 – This is YYYYMMDDHHMM where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, HH is hour, and MM is minute.

Interchange: Position 35 starts the name of the Interchange – InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension.xml

Data Element




Staff Extension Complex Type

TX Unique Staff ID

The staff member’s unique state ID.



Staff Identification Code

Staff Identification System

Hard-coded to State



Staff ID

The staff member's SSN.




First Name

The staff member's first name.



Middle Name

The staff member's middle name. Can be omitted.



Last name

The staff member's last name.



Birth Date

The staff member's date of birth.



TX LEA Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The district number.



TX Generation Code

The staff member's generate code. Can be omitted.



TX Sex

The staff member's gender.



TX Hispanic Latino Ethnicity

Denotes whether the staff member is Hispanic/Latino.



TX Race

TX American Indian Alaska Native

Denotes whether the staff member is American Indian or Alaska Native.



TX Asian

Denotes whether the staff member is Asian.



TX Black African American

Denotes whether the staff member is Black or African American



TX Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander

Denotes whether the staff member is Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander



TX White

Denotes whether the staff member is White



TX Staff Type Code

Denotes whether the staff member is an employee or a contract person.



TX Highest Degree Level

Denotes the staff member’s highest level of education.



TX Years’ Experience in District

Denotes the staff member’s number of years of experience in the current district.



TX Total Years of Professional Experience

Denotes the total number of years of experience for the staff member.



TX-Paraprofessional Certification Indicator

Denotes whether a paraprofessional staff person is certified

  • Reported for Educational Aides (Role ID 033) assigned to at least one section where the population served is "06" (Special Education Students).
  • This element is suppressed for staff records that do not meet these criteria.

Staff Education Org Employment Association Extension Complex Type

Staff Reference

Staff Identity

TX Unique Staff ID

The staff member's unique state ID.



Education Organization Reference – may be repeated if the staff teaches at multiple campuses.

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The district ID.



TX-Percent Day Employed

The percent of the day the staff is employed.



TX-Number Days Employed

The number of days the staff member is employed during the school year.



TX-Auxiliary Role IdThe auxiliary role for non-professional staff employed by the LEA.[S_TX_USR_X]E1594_Auxiliary_Role_IDFALL

Staff Responsibilities Extension Complex Type

TX LEA Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The district number.



Staff Reference

Staff Identity

TX Unique Staff ID

The staff member’s unique state ID.



TX-School Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The campus ID.

Note: For non-reportable campus records, the Campus ID is pulled from the students' reportable home school of enrollment.



TX-Staff Role

The staff member's role ID.



TX-Service ID

The service ID for the staff responsibility.



TX-Unique Section Code

The class ID number for the section.



TX-Population Served

The population served code for the section.



TX-Grade LevelThe current grade level of the students being served

TX-Number of Students in Class

The number of students in the class on the fall snapshot date.

Note: For classes at a non-reportable campus, the number of students in class is apportioned by the students' reportable home school of enrollment.



TX-Class Type Code

The class type code.



TX-Additional Days Program Teacher IndicatorIndicates if a teacher is teaching prekindergarten through fifth grade students in the Additional Days School Year Program[S_TX_USR_RESP_C]E1673_ADSY_Teacher_IndEXTENDED YEAR

TX-Monthly Minutes

The monthly minutes for this section.

For scheduled classes: The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report looks at the Bell Schedule Staff Override Minutes. If the override field is not populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

For manually entered staff responsibility records for unscheduled assignments: The report pulls the value in the Staff record.

Note: If the staff member's Role ID is 008 - Counselor, this field is required.









TX-Number Days Taught Week 1

The number of PE class days for week one. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Days Taught Week 2

The number of PE class days for week two. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Days Taught Week 3

The number of PE class days for week three. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Days Taught Week 4

The number of PE class days for week four. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Minutes Taught Week 1

The number of PE class minutes for week one. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Minutes Taught Week 2

The number of PE class minutes for week two. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Minutes Taught Week 3

The number of PE class minutes for week three. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX








TX-Number Minutes Taught Week 4

The number of PE class minutes for week four. The report pulls first from the Section record, then the Course record. If no values are populated, the report calculates the value based on bell schedule periods in which the class is scheduled.

This field is only populated for the following service IDs:

  • 02530002
  • 02530003
  • 02850000
  • 03823000
  • PES00052
  • PES00053
  • PES00054
  • PES00055
  • 82200XXX
  • 82930XXX
  • 83200XXX
  • 84200XXX









Teacher Section Association Extension Complex Type

Note: Remote Classes

  • If the teacher section record is associated with a remote class at a reportable campus, the record is reported under the Campus ID of the students' reportable home school of enrollment.
  • If the teacher section record is associated with a remote class at a non-reportable campus, the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code defaults to 06 in the corresponding Master Schedule record; in this scenario, Teacher Section records are not required and are not output.

Teacher Reference

Staff Identity

TX Unique Staff ID

The staff member’s unique state ID.



Section Reference

Section Identity

State Organization ID

The campus ID.



Unique Section Code

The class ID number for the section.



Begin Date

The assignment begin date.



End Date

The assignment end date.



TX-Class Role

The class role.

[S_TX_SEC_ADD_STAFF_C] E1067_Class_Role_ID


TX-Course Sequence

The course sequence code for the section.



TX-Staff Role

The role id of the staff (087 or 047).



Contracted Instructional Staff FTE Extension Complex Type

TX LEA Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The state organization ID.



TX-School Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The campus ID.



TX-School Reference

TX-Program Intent Code

The program intent code for this contracted staff record.



TX-Total Contracted Instruction Staff FTEs

The number of FTEs for this campus.



Payroll Extension Complex Type

TX LEA Reference

Educational Org Identity

State Organization ID

The state organization ID.



Staff Reference

Staff Identity

TX Unique Staff ID

The staff member’s unique state ID.



TX-Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for this record.




The payroll amount for this staff person.



TX-Fund Code

The fund code for this record.



TX-Function Code

The function code for this record.



TX-Object Code

The object code for this record.



TX-Organization Code

The organization code for this record.



TX-Program Intent Code

The program intent code for this record.



TX-Payroll Activity Code

The payroll activity code for this record.



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