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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-281819All States/Provinces: New Office Visit Details Report

Office Visit Details: Version 1.0

A new Office Visit Details report is now available on the System Reports tab and can be run for a specific school and for a specific time frame based on user defined Start and End Date parameters.

The report can be run to include any (or all) of the various data groupings (listed below) within an Office Visit record.

Visit Details

This data grouping displays:

  •   Visit Reason
  •   Vital Signs
  •   Accident Info
  •   Assessment
  •   Outcome & Actions
  •  Change Reason

The report can also be configured to return Office Visit data by student or by date.

Note: At this time, the report will return the results in an HTML format but a PDF output option is being developed and will be released in a future release.

PSSR-292173Child Find Special Program Verification Report Update

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 22.5.3
The PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report for Child Find is updated to include the new calculated and override fields recently added to the Child Find Special Program record.

  • A new runtime parameter for "Included Students" is added with choices of All Students or Child Find Placeholder Students only.
  • Student demographics, school enrollment and Child Find program dates display as before.
  • The additional Child Find data elements now display as follows:
    • Campus ID of Eval: Campus ID of Evaluation
    • Instruc Track – Calc: calculated student Instructional Track at the Campus ID of evaluation.
    • Instruc Track – Ovr: Instructional Track override entered in the record.
    • Student Abs – Calc: calculated student absences during the current year beginning on the calculated Parental Consent Date up through the date before the Initial Evaluation Date.
    • Student Abs – Ovr: student absences override entered in the record.
    • ECI Indicator: ECI Indicator for ECI students only.
    • ECI Notif Date: ECI Notification Date for ECI students only.
    • ECI Trans Conf Date: ECS Transition Conference Date for ECI students only.
    • Parent Consent Date: Date the Parental Consent Form was received by the district.
    • Parent Consent Date: Calculated Parental Consent Date, which is the next instructional day after receipt of the consent form.
    • Init Eval Date: Initial Evaluation Date, which is the date the evaluation was completed.
    • SPED Determ Date: Special Ed Determination Date, which is the date of the ARD Committee meeting to determine the student’s eligibility for special education services.
    • SPED Determ Code: Special Ed Determination Code indicating if the student was determined to be eligible or not for special education services.
    • Eval Delay Reason Code: Evaluation Delay Reason Code refers to the justification of why a student’s evaluation was delayed beyond the 45 day period, or why an ECI student’s eligibility determination was delayed beyond the student’s third birthday.
PSSR-293515Interchange and Verification Report Updates for EOY Reporting

TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 22.5.3
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 22.5.3
Enrollment Withdrawal Verification Report: 22.5.3
The following updates are now available to support the end of year submissions.

  • Student Enrollment
    • All Collections: The output of the Student End Date element in the StudentSection complex is corrected to report the date of the preceding instructional day instead of the Exit Date as entered in PowerSchool.
    • ECDS PK Collection: When a student has two different periods of enrollment in the same ECDS Homeroom section during the school year, two StudentSection records are now reported as expected when the periods of enrollment fall within the ECDS PK Date Ranges specified at runtime.
  • Master Schedule Interchange: Logic is restored to suppress records for parts of a year long course where no students completed the course part.
  • Enrollment Withdrawal Verification Report: The report output is updated to implement double-quote surround characters so that each data element is displayed in the correct column regardless of commas, special characters, or carriage returns within the fields.
PSSR-292791Student Discipline Interchange Update

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 22.5.3
The extract is updated to prevent Oracle single-row subquery errors.

PSSR-290531Texas Year End Process Automation Updates

Updates and enhancements to the Texas Year End Process are now available.
Important: Districts must complete the PEIMS Summer Submission prior to running the End-of-Year Process unless the district is completing the TEA submission on a copy of the production environment.

  • Texas Preferences Added to the End-of-Year Process Page
    • In System > Data Management > End-of-Year Process, the same Texas Year End Automation Process Preferences as displayed in District Setup are now also available on the core page to help ensure that the appropriate preferences are selected prior to the rollover process.
    • Before running the PowerSchool End of Year Process, each district should review and enable the appropriate preferences for the handling of Special Programs, PEIMS General, and Staff Records.
  • Updates and Additions for 2022-23
    • The LEP/EL Record Automation in Year End Process is re-labeled as EB/EL Record Automation.
    • New Child Find Automation in Year End Process
      • When enabled, any open Child Find records where the Special Ed Eligibility Determination Date is blank are left intact since these students have not yet completed the evaluation process. The existing record is not closed and a new record is not completed.
      • If the Special Ed Eligibility Determination Date is populated, the open record is closed and a new record is not created.
    • New GEH Automation in Year End Process
      • When enabled, all open General Education Homebound (GEH) records are closed and a new record is not created.
      • If a student enters the homebound program in the new school year, the district must create a new record.
    • New Clear Student Track Assignments Preference
      • When enabled, current year track assignments from the student’s final current year enrollment record are not brought forward in the new enrollment records created for the 2022-23 school year for students returning in the Fall.
      • Existing track assignments from the current school year are preserved.
      • This feature is designed to mitigate EdOrg Calendar and Attendance Interchange issues caused when existing tracks are carried forward to the subsequent year as they may be invalid for the student’s new grade level or school.
      • For any student requiring a next year track assignment other than the blank/default track, new tracks can be mass-assigned to students using the Student Field Value function on the Home Page after the year-end process is complete.
    • Update to Increment Years in Staff Fields
      • When enabled, the value in the Years of Prior Teaching Experience field is now incremented by 1.
      • Existing functionality to increment the values for Years Experience in District and Total Years Experience remains in place as before.
  • Summary of Existing Year End Process Automation
    • All open records are closed.
      • Exit Date = the student’s final school enrollment Exit Date.
      • System Comment: "Closed By Year End Process Automation: date/time stamp.”
    • For most record types, new records are opened for students returning to school in the new year.
      • Entry Date = First Day of School
      • Existing field values are either carried forwarded, incremented or cleared as appropriate. See “Additional Preferences and Special Handling” below.
      • School ID in the Special Programs records is synched to the student’s school of enrollment in the new year.
      • System Comment: "Created By Year End Process Automation: date/time stamp."
    • When the preferences for the following records are enabled, new records are created for the new year for returning students: PEIMS General, EB/EL, Title I, Pre-K, Gifted/Talented, Economic Disadvantage, Special Ed, SELA, Intervention, Section 504, Dyslexia.
    • New records are not created for the following: PRS, GEH, Pre-K records for students promoted to KG, Child Find records for students with completed SPED Determination Date, SELA records for students whose age will be 9 or greater as of September 1.
    • Career and Tech and At Risk: Records for the new year are managed by the auto-coding processes for these features, which are not part of the Year-End-Process.
    • RFT: There is no automation for Residential Facility records. These records must be reviewed and closed by the district. If a student will continue in RFT for the start of school, create a new record for the new year.
  • Additional Preferences and Special Handling
    • PEIMS General
      • ADA Eligibility Codes
        • Students promoted from PK to KG
          • If existing ADA Code = 0, ADA = 1 in the new record
          • If existing ADA Code = 2, ADA = 1 in the new record
          • If existing ADA Code = 6, ADA = 3 in the new record
          • If existing ADA Code = 5, ADA = 4 in the new record
        • All other grade levels: existing ADA code is rolled forward
      • Once the master PEIMS General preference is enabled, two additional preferences can be selected.
        • Override default ADA code to 0 for PK students in Year End Process (otherwise ADA code defaults to 2): Most districts will not select this option; applies only to districts that do not offer a funded PK program.
        • Reset Homeless, Unaccompanied Youth, Foster Care, and Military Connected in Year End Process: this option is recommended for all districts as these fields need to be reevaluated each year.
    • Title I: once the master Title I preference is enabled, two additional preferences can be selected.
      • Create Schoolwide Title I Code 6 records for students enrolling in Schoolwide campuses
      • Create Title I Code 7 records for Targeted Assistance students enrolling in Targeted Assistance campuses
    • EB/EL
      • EB/EL Indicator for monitored students: The indicator value is incremented by 1 (F becomes S, S becomes 3, etc.); any values of 5 for exited/re-classified students are preserved in the existing record; no new record is created.
      • Years in US Schools: Values are incremented by 1; values of 6 are preserved as is.
      • Dual Language Immersion Year: Values are incremented by 1; values of 05 are retained as is.
PSSR-291736TREx Updates

TREx Extract: Version 22.5.3
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 22.5.3
The extracts are updated to suppress course records in the Academic Session complex for additional teachers assigned to the section so that duplicate records are not reported.

PSSR-290952TX - New Bullying and Cyberbullying Verification Report

Incident Management Bullying and Cyberbullying Verification Report: Version 22.5.3
A new Incident Management Bullying and Cyberbullying Verification Report is now available under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports category on the State Reports page.

  • Summary
    • The report includes the Incident Management records that comprise the school-level counts as reported in the Summer PEIMS Education Organization Submission.
    • A single record per incident is reported for each incident where any Behavior Code is mapped to State Aggregate Report Code BUL or CYB.
      • Each incident with Bullying contributes a count of one to the Number of Bullying Incidents.
      • Each incident with Cyberbullying contributes a count of one to the Number of Cyberbullying Incidents and a count of one to the Number of Bullying Incidents.
    • The number of incidents of Bullying and Cyberbullying are reported regardless of the outcome of the incident. It is not necessary for any Action to be assigned to the incident in order for the incident to be included in the campus aggregate counts.
    • Incidents may contain one or more Offenders and/or one or more Victims.
    • For the scenario of multiple PowerSchool schools that share the same CDC number, incidents from multiple PowerSchool campuses are grouped under the single TEA reportable school number (CDC).
  • CSV Report Output
    • CDC #: Alternate School Number if populated, otherwise School Number
    • BUL: Displays a count of 1 for each bullying or cyberbullying incident
    • CYB: Displays a count of 1 for each cyberbullying incident
    • School #: PowerSchool School Number
    • School Name
    • Incident #
    • Incident Date
    • Incident Title
    • Additional columns for each unique Behavior Code in the incident with a mapping to BUL or CYB:
      • Behavior Code1
      • State Code1
      • State Agg Code1
      • Behavior Code2
      • State Code2
      • State Agg Code2
      • Additional rows if applicable for Code3, Code4, etc.
    • Total Line for Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts
      • Bullying and Cyberbullying campus counts are reported for each CDC # in the School Extension of the EdOrg Interchange such as “Total: 043919001 25 7”
      • To hide the incident details and view the totals for each campus, in Excel filter the report on column A, CDC, and select the rows beginning with “Total.”
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