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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-311154Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts for Summer PEIMS

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 23.2.1
Updates for the Bullying and Cyberbullying incident counts reported in the Summer PEIMS EdOrg Interchange are now available.

  • Fields Added to Schools/School Info Page
    • A new "Bullying and Cyberbullying Incident Counts" panel is added to display the calculated counts for each reportable school.
      • The number of Bullying Incidents: S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.Bullying_Count
      • The number of Cyberbullying Incidents: S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.Cyberbullying_Count
    • On-screen text: If the "Enable Daily Auto-code for Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts" is selected in District Info > Texas Preferences, these counts are automatically calculated and updated based on Incident Management records.
    • Districts that do not use Incident Management should disable the auto-code. The Bullying and Cyberbullying count for each school can then be entered or imported into the above fields for Summer PEIMS reporting.
  • Summer PEIMS EdOrg Interchange
    • The interchange is updated to no longer calculate the Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts on the fly.
    • Instead, the counts are reported from the calculated fields for each unique TEA CDC number.
    • If the values in the fields are blank, a default of 0 is reported.
    • Note: In the next release, an additional update is planned for schools that share a TEA number.
PSSR-311181Career and Tech Verification Report Updates for CTE Weighted Funding Tiers

Career and Tech Verification Report: Version 23.2.1
New columns to display the weighted funding tier (T1, T2, T3) for each CTE course along with the funding weights (1.1, 1.28, 1.44) are now available. Where needed, column headers and spacing have been modified to accommodate the new columns. Note that the TEA CTE Course Weighted Tiers lookup table has not yet been updated for 2022-23. Any CTE Course Service ID's that do not appear in the TEA table are automatically assigned the lowest funding tier.

PSSR-311893Display Updates for Parameters Based on Collection Code

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 23.2.1
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 23.2.1
Class ID/Unique Section Code Verification Report: Version 23.2.1
Courses and Sections Verification: Version 23.2.1
Report parameters that are inapplicable to the selected Collection Code are now hidden as expected.

PSSR-308106Family Assessment Portal Updates and Enhancements

Additional Reference: PSSR-310472
Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import: Version 23.2.1
Updates for the Texas State Assessment Portal Single Sign-on access feature along with a new extract to populate student Portal Access Codes in PowerSchool are now available

  • Texas Assessment Family Portal Single Sign On Access
    • The assessment single sign-on integration in the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal is updated to conform to the updates introduced by Cambium.
    • The integration now points to the new URL:
    • The single sign-on credentials transmitted are updated to include student's first name in addition to the student's DOB and Portal Access Code (PAC) as before.
    • Once a parent or student clicks either the Texas State Assessment Portal (English) or Texas State Assessment Portal (Spanish) button in the PowerSchool portal, the parent or student is taken directly into the Assessment portal to access the student’s state assessment score histories and details.
    • Important: In order to take advantage of this feature, these prerequisite steps are required.
      • Student PAC’s must be populated in PowerSchool using the new Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import report.
      • Once the PAC’s have been imported, you must enable this preference for each school:
        • District > Schools/School Info > Additional Texas Data Collection > Enable Texas State Assessment Portal Link (S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X. ENABLE_ASSESSMENT_PORTAL)
        • When this preference is enabled, the single sign-on Texas State Assessment Portal buttons display in the PowerSchool parent portal.
  • Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import
    • This new report extracts and encrypts the student PAC’s from the Cambium student assessment score reporting files for STAAR 3-8, STAAR Alt 3-8, STAAR EOC, STAAR Alt EOC and TELPAS/TELPAS Alt.
    • The extract offers two options, similar to the new options introduced for importing Texas assessment scores. Districts may want to select the manual option first in order to review the files before deciding to proceed. If satisfactory, run the extract a second time with the Auto Import option selected.
      • Manual Import: Output CSV file for Quick Import by the district
      • Auto Import: Automatically import the Portal Access Codes
    • Both import options generate a ZIP file output containing a CSV file with student identifiers and the Portal Access Codes along with an Excluded Records file, which flags students who could not be matched to a record in PowerSchool. Students are matched first by local student number; if no match is found, Unique ID is used as a fallback.
    • In order to ensure PAC's are populated for all students, the district may need to run multiple imports using student assessment reporting files from multiple years.
    • To identify students missing a PAC in PowerSchool, this search can be performed from the start page: S_TX_STU_X.PAC=
    • Important – Encrypted PAC’s
      • The six character student portal access codes are encrypted by the extract and are also stored in the PowerSchool database in encrypted format for security reasons.
      • When viewing the CSV files, the codes appear in encrypted format and will not appear to match the actual PAC’s.
      • When the single sign on integration passes the credentials to Cambium, the PAC’s are automatically un-encrypted.
      • The PowerSchool Assessment Portal Access Code Extract and Import must be used to prepare the Quick Import file or to use the Auto-import feature.
        • The PAC codes cannot be imported in any other way as the PowerSchool encryption routine would be bypassed and the single sign on feature will not work.
        • If needed, PAC's can be manually entered in State/Province – TX > Texas State Assessment Portal Access. Once the page is submitted, the PAC displays in plain text, but is stored as an encrypted value in the database.
PSSR-292471PEIMS Summer Student Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student: Version 23.2.1
The following updates are now available to support the PEIMS Summer Submission.

  • New: Virtual Student Not in Membership (TX-VirtualStudentNotInMembership)
    • TEA Definition: VIRTUAL-STUDENT-NOT-IN-MEMBERSHIP identifies students who spend at least half of their instructional time enrolled in virtual courses without the benefit of funding under ADA.
    • This is a calculated element reported with a value of 1 or 0 for students with ADA Eligibility Code 9 for one or more days during the year.
    • Calculation Logic: processed in the order shown; the first code for which the student qualifies is reported.
      • If the student has any school enrollment where the ADA Code was 9 for all days of enrollment, Virtual Student Not in Membership is reported with a value of 1. Enrollment for all days with ADA 9 can be during a single enrollment at the school or over multiple enrollments at the same school.
      • If the student has ADA Code 9 for more than 50% of the days enrolled in the district during the year across all schools, Virtual Student Not in Membership is reported with a value of 1.
      • If the student has ADA Code 9 for 50% or less of the days enrolled in the district during the year, Virtual Student Not in Membership is reported with a value of 0.
      • Otherwise, the element is suppressed for all other students.
  • Dyslexia Indicator Code (TX-DyslexiaIndicator)
    • This existing Fall Submission element is now also reported for Summer PEIMS.
    • If the student has or has ever had a Dyslexia Special Program Record with a Dyslexia Indicator of 1, a value of 1 is reported regardless of the dates in the record or whether the record is open or closed.
    • A default of 0 is reported if the student has never been identified with Dyslexia.
  • New: Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason (TX-DyslexiaScreeningExceptionReason)
    • TEA Definition: DYSLEXIA-SCREENING-EXCEPTION-REASON indicates the reason a student in kindergarten or first grade was not screened for dyslexia or related disorders.
    • Related TEA Edit: 40100-0234 - If DYSLEXIA-RISK-CODE is "03" (Not Screened), then DYSLEXIA-SCREENING-EXCEPTION-REASON must not be blank.
    • The data collection for this element was previously added to State/Province - TX -> Dyslexia Screenings and Risk Codes. Data entry validations on this page require a Dyslexia Exception Reason when the Dyslexia Risk Code is 03. In the case where records are imported or where the District Preference is selected to automatically report the Dyslexia Risk Code as 03 for non-screened students, districts must ensure the Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason is populated. No default value is applied in the interchange.
    • Reporting Logic
      • If a student has a Dyslexia Risk Code of 03 (either coded in PowerSchool or defaulted via the District Preference), but the Exception Screening Reason is not populated, the Risk Code is reported, but the Exception Reason is suppressed. This will generate TEA fatal 40100-0234 for correction by the district.
      • Valid Values: Must be coded for each applicable student
        01 Grade 1 Withdrew on or Before January 31st
        02 Grade KG Withdrew on or Before Last Day of School
        03 Grade 1 Enrolled after January 31st
        04 Student Currently Identified and Receives Dyslexia Services
        05 Dyslexia Screening Inappropriate (ARD or 504 Committee Doc)
        06 Dyslexia Screening included in SPED or 504 Evaluation (ARD or 504 Committee Doc)
        07 Parent/Child Repeated Refusal for Dyslexia Screening (Doc Required)
        08 Student Absent; No Make-Up Provided (Non-Compliance)
        09 No Qualified Staff to Conduct Dyslexia Screening (Non-Compliance)
        10 Technology Access or Software Failure Prevented Screening (Non-Compliance)
        11 No Dyslexia Screening Instrument (Non-Compliance)
        12 Other Reason (Doc Required, Potential Non-Compliance
PSSR-307663Student Detail Report Updates

Student Detail: Version 23.2.1
Campus Summary: Version 23.2.1
Enhancements are now available for the Student Detail Report to add new elements as required by the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH), to provide conformity with the recent updates to the Campus/District Summary, and to improve the overall layout. The Campus Summary is also updated when reporting CTE classes for students in a Flexible Attendance program.

  • New Instructional Methods Report Parameter
    • Users can now select to include separate totals for In-Person (IP), Remote Synchronous (RS) and Remote Asynchronous attendance days by selecting the "Separate" option.
    • When the "Combined" option is selected, attendance types are not differentiated.
  • Student Detail Section
    • Layout
      • The presentation of days in attendance is revised for the "Separate" Instructional Methods option to report subtotals for IP, RS, and RA days on additional lines for both regular and special program attendance.
      • Only the specific types of attendance applicable to each student are included.
      • The top row presents the overall totals for all attendance types.
      • When "Combined" is selected, attendance is presented in a single row as before.
    • Bilingual/ESL Details
      • The presentation of the EL/EB Indicator, Bilingual, ESL, and Alternative Language Program codes, funding codes, and attendance days is reworked to improve legibility.
      • If a student has a change in the Bilingual or ESL Program Code but no change in Funding Code, a new line is now displayed to show the change in the program code.
      • The calculation for students who are both K-3 Economic Disadvantaged and Bilingual is updated to match that of the Campus Summary.
    • CTE Details: The Weighted Funding Tier for each CTE Service ID is now included after the V Hours Eligible Days Present.
  • Summary by Grade Pages
    • When the Instructional Methods parameter is set to “Separate”, subtotals for IP, RS and RA Attendance now display for regular and special program attendance, including breakdowns by Instructional Setting for Special Ed attendance.
    • The Bilingual/ESL data element labels and calculations are updated to match those in the Campus Summary with breakdowns by Funding Code.
      • BE Days Bil/ESL
      • D1 Days Bil Dual Lang
      • D2 (EL) Days Bil Dual Lang
      • D2 (EP) Days Bil Dual Lang
      • The calculation for students who are both K-3 Economic Disadvantaged and Bilingual is updated to match that of the Campus Summary.
    • CTE Attendance is disaggregated by both V Hours and Weighted Funding Tier in a similar manner as in the Campus Summary.
  • Campus Summary
    • The display of Vocational Hours (V Hours) for students in a Flex Attendance program is updated for students scheduled in multiple CTE classes with the same Service ID.
    • The legacy Campus Summary report version is removed from the State Reports page.
PSSR-312601Student Enrollment Interchange Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-312019
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version
The Student Enrollment Interchange for the TSDS Winter Class Roster and other collections is now updated so that it completes as expected. In addition, for the Summer PEIMS collection, when a student attends school in the current year, withdraws prior to the end of school, and now has a pre-registration enrollment for the next school year, the student's pre-registered grade level is ignored.

PSSR-309607Updated Display of Calculated Course Sequence Code in Sections

On the Sections page, the Course Sequence Code (E0948 - Calculated) element now displays both the short code stored in the database as well as the code description.

  • Single-term courses display the actual reportable Course Sequence Code such as (0) Single Term or (D0) Single Term-Dual Credit.
  • Courses with multiple parts display a special code such as (Y2) Full Year: 1, 2. These codes refer to the calculation performed by the state reporting logic when splitting the section into separate records for TEA reporting.
  • In the example of (Y2) Full Year: 1, 2, the section is for a year-long course that is broken into two records for Course Sequence 1 and Course Sequence 2 when reported to TEA.
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