Defining Student EB Programs
Navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Special Programs > EB Programs
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table] Field Name | Used in these Reports |
Entry Date | School Entry Date This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school. Format is mm/dd/yyyy Required. | [Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollments]EntryDate | TREx Unique Student ID TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension |
Exit Date | School Exit Date This field must be updated anytime the student changes or re-enters the school. Format is mm/dd/yyyy Required. | [Students]ExitDate or [Reenrollments]ExitDate | TREx Unique Student ID TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension |
Exit Reason | Choose a exit reason code. For a list of acceptable codes, refer to the TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation C162. Required for all withdrawn students. | [Students]Exitcode or [ReEnrollments]Exitcode | Campus Summary TX Interchanges for Students PET Proration Student Detail TREx Graduation Profile |
Grade Level | Grade EE, PK, and KG are recorded numerically in Power School and converted when reported to PEIMS. PowerSchool will use PK=-1 and EE=-2. Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation code table C050. Required. | [Students]Grade_Level | AAR Campus Summary TX Interchanges for Students PET Proration Student Assessment Program Student Detail TREx CRDC Report - Part 1 CRDC Report – Part 2 Unique Student ID Fitnessgram TX Interchange Student Enrollment Extension Graduation Profile |
ESL Program Type (E1043) | Choose an ESL program type. If this code is 2 or 3, then the LEP Indicator is probably 1. If a student is served in the ESL Program but does not qualify for LEP, make sure that the Parental Permission Code is 3, 7, 8, C, G, or H so that the student does not generate funding. I Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C176. Note: If the Parental Permission Code is A or K, this field cannot be 0. This applies for the 2019-20 school year onward. Parental permission codes related to ESL (English as a Second Language) programs:
| [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1043_ESL_Program | TREx CRDC Report - Part 1 CRDC Report – Part 2 TX Interchange Student Program Extension FALL |
Bilingual Program Type (E1042) | Choose a bilingual program type. If this code is 2, 3, 4, or 5, then the LEP Indicator is probably 1. If a student is served in the BIL Program but does not qualify for LEP, make sure that the Parental Permission Code is 3, 7, 8, C, G, or H so that the student does not generate funding. Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C175. Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1042_Bilingual_Program | TREx CRDC Report - Part 1 CRDC Report – Part 2 TX Interchange Student Program Extension FALL |
Alternative Language Program (E1642) | Choose the type of alternative language program in which the student participated. Notes:
| [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1642_Alt_Language_Program | TREx TX Interchange Student Program Extension FALL |
EB Indicator (E0790) | Choose an EB indicator code. Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C061. The default value is 0. Notes:
| [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E0790_EB_Indicator | TREx CRDC Report - Part 1 CRDC Report – Part 2 |
Parental Permission (E0896) | Choose a parental permission code. Reference TX PEIMS Data Standards documentation table code C093. If the student is not LEP but served in the ESL or BIL programs, the parental permission code should be blank, 3, 7, 8, C, G or H so that the student does not generate BIL/ESL funding. Notes:
| [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E0896_Parental_Permission | TX Interchange Student FALL |
Funding Weight | The funding weight for the student based on the assigned Tier. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Funding_Weight | |
Program Type (E1337) | This column calculates values for bilingual, alternate, or ESL programs if the parental permission is C7 or C8. When these conditions are met, the field becomes editable, allowing users to fill in the values. Note: The program type cannot be blank when parental permission is C7 or C8. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1337_PROGRAM_TYPE | |
Bilingual/ESL Summer School (E1028) | Choose the Bilingual/ESL summer school status. C088 either “0” not applicable or “1” applicable. In Submission 4, students that have a value of “1” on the most recent PEIMS info record are selected and reported with a 100/101 record. For a student to report a 408 or Student Transcript Interchange record in Submission 4, this field must be 0 and not blank. It is important to review and maintain the values in this field for current and inactive students before extracting the data for Submission 4. To report students that received Bilingual/ESL Summer School services but were not enrolled in the regular school year, the following steps are required:
Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1028_Bil_ESL_Sumr | TX Interchange Student Program Extension |
Prior Year Bilingual/ESL Summer School (E1708) | Choose the Prior Year Bilingual/ESL Summer School (E1708). either “0” not applicable or “1” applicable | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]PriorYearBilingualESLSummer | |
TELPAS Code | Choose a TELPAS code. Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]TELPAS_Code | Student Assessment Program - TELPAS |
TELPAS Alternate | Choose Yes to code a student for TELPAS Alternate. Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]TELPAS_ALT | Student Assessment Program - TELPAS |
Years in US Schools | Choose a code to denote the number of years an immigrant has been in US schools. This is used to automatically create Immigrant records in special programs. Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Years_US_Schools | Student Assessment Program |
SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education) | Choose Yes if the student is taking the TELPAS test and qualifies as SIFE. Optional. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]SIFE | Student Assessment Program - TELPAS |
Dual Language Immersion Year | Choose the year that the student is participating in a dual language immersion program at the elementary campus. Valid values:
| [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Dual_Lang_Year | TREx |
Dual Language Immersion Language Code | Choose the language, other than English, that the student is studying under the dual language immersion program. Required if Dual Language Immersion Year is not 00 or blank. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Dual_Lang_Language | TREx |
Dual Language Immersion Completion School Year | Choose the school year the student completed the five-year dual language immersion program. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Dual_Lang_Completion_Year | TREx |
Dual Language Immersion Assessment Met Date | Enter the date that the student achieved proficiency in both English and a language other than English as demonstrated by scores of proficient or higher on the reading and speaking domains on language proficiency or achievement tests in both languages. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Dual_Lang_Assmt_Met_Date | TREx |
System Comment | Comments about this special program. This field is read-only and reserved for SRC TX Special Programs automation features. | [SpEnrollments]SP_Comment |