Student Assessment Registration File
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Student Assessment Registration File: Version
The Student Assessment Pre-Code Registration File has been completely revised to support the updated 2022-23 Cambium registration file format and to implement new source fields and logic based on the new Student Assessment data collection model provided in the previous release. Registration Files can now be generated and loaded to Cambium for the STAAR 3-8, STAAR EOC, STAAR Alternate 2 and TELPAS/TELPAS Alternate assessments.
Data Collection
Most registration records for most students are automatically generated based on grade level, EOC course enrollment, or the EB/EL Special Program records.
Students with exceptions such as STAAR Alternate 2, students taking the EOC’s in the December or June administrations, and students who are not scheduled into EOC courses must be coded on the appropriate assessment tab in State/Province – TX > Student Assessment Precode. Registration records are not automatically generated for these exceptions unless the student is coded.
Coding for student attributes (accommodations) and additional student fields used in the companion Student Attributes and Additional Student Fields Upload Files are also entered on the same tabs. See the separate release notes for those reports.
Registration Record Output
A single record is output in the CSV file for each student who meets the selection criteria for at least one of the Assessment(s) selected at runtime.
If the student meets the selection criteria, the file will contain the six required fields along with all of the optional fields. Optional fields are output with non-blank values based on coding in PowerSchool for the various PEIMS and special program indicators, along with any testing exceptions or eligibility flags entered on the Student Assessment Precode tabs, or in the EB/EL record.
Each time a new file is generated and loaded to Cambium, values in the new file will update the student’s existing record in the Cambium system. All assessments can be selected each time the registration file is run to keep the records in Cambium updated. An option to delete records in Cambium is also available (see Runtime Parameters below).
Attributes and Additional Student Fields as shown on the Student Assessment Precode tabs include accommodations, Retester flags and fields for paper testers.
These are not included in the Registration File format. They are instead reported in the separate Student Attributes and Additional Student Fields Upload Files.
These flags should be set as needed for individual students but are not required to register a student.
Note that students must first be registered for the assessment in Cambium before the related Attributes or Additional Student Fields can be loaded successfully.
Student Selection Criteria Based on Selected Assessments
STAAR 3-8: A record is automatically generated for each student in grades 3-8 when STAAR 3-8 is selected in the Assessments parameter.
If the student will test above grade level, select the grade for each subject on the STAAR/STAAR Alt2 tab; otherwise leave blank.
Cambium automatically flags these students as eligible for the Interim assessments based on the student’s enrolled grade. If a different interim grade level (above or below) is required, select the grade for each subject; otherwise leave blank.
A record is automatically generated for each student enrolled in one or more EOC courses on the current date or scheduled into an EOC course for a future date or term for each EOC subject selected in the Assessments parameter.
EOC courses are identified automatically using the Course Abbreviations in the TEA C022 Service ID table. The Service ID’s for the appropriate courses are compared to the values in the Alternate Course Number field in Courses or Sections for the student’s class enrollments.
Spring EOC Eligibility: These records automatically include a value of Y (Yes) in the Spring EOC Eligibility column for the student’s scheduled EOC courses.
It is not necessary to select the Spring EOC Eligibility boxes unless the student is not currently enrolled in the EOC course or is not scheduled for the course in a future term.
Students who completed the EOC course in a previous term or who are not scheduled for course must have the Spring EOC Eligibility checkbox selected in order to be included for the primary EOC administrations in the spring.
December and June EOC Eligibility: Students who will take one or more EOC assessments in the December or June administrations as Retesters or students New To Texas must be flagged on the Student Assessment Precode page by checking the December Eligibility or June Eligibility boxes for the appropriate EOC subject.
If the student is a Retester, the corresponding December, Spring, or June Retester fields should also be selected. The Retester flags are not reported in the Registration File but are included in the new Additional Student Fields Upload file when selected.
Interim: If the student will take the interim assessment for any EOC subject, select the checkbox for the appropriate subject.
STAAR Alternate 2
Grades 3-8: The STAAR Alternate 2 checkbox must be selected on the STAAR/STAAR Alt2 tab.
EOC’s: The STAAR EOC Alternate 2 checkbox must be selected for each of the EOC subjects as appropriate on the STAAR EOC/Alt 2 tab. These students do not need to be flagged for any of the EOC Eligibility fields.
A record is automatically generated for all students in grades K-12 with an EB/EL Indicator of 1 in the special programs record when TELPAS is selected in the TELPAS parameter.
TELPAS Alternate: The TELPAS Alternate field must be selected either on the Student Assessment Precode page or in the EB/EL record.
For 2023-24, the Interim Grade fields will no longer be included in the student registration file. Instead, the Cambium Interim Grades template will now be used to upload or modify the interim grade levels. By default, students are eligible for interim assessments in their enrolled grade.
Interim Test Grade - Algebra I
Interim Test Grade - Biology
Interim Test Grade - English I
Interim Test Grade - English II
Interim Test Grade - U.S. History
Interim Test Grade - Mathematics
Interim Test Grade - Reading
Interim Test Grade - Science
Interim Test Grade - Social Studies
Report Input
Data Element | Description |
Select the schools for which you want to run the report. (To select all schools, hold shift key while selecting. To select multiple schools, hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) key while selecting.) | |
| |
Select one or more assessments. All assessments can be selected.
| |
STAAR EOC Test Administrations |
Record Action in Cambium | This parameter corresponds to the last Action column in the Registration file.
Select this option to exclude students with missing UID or DOB.
Report Output
# | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Required | Length |
1 | TSDS ID | The student number. | [Students]State_StudentNumber | Yes | 10 |
2 | Enrolled District Code | District code where the student is currently enrolled. Indicates the district identification number registered with the Texas Education Agency. | Prefs District Number - left pad | Yes | 6 |
3 | Enrolled Campus Code | County/District/Campus (CDC) number of student's enrolled location. Z | [Students]SchoolID 9 Digit County-District-Campus number - left pad | Yes | 9 |
4 | Testing District Code | District code where the student is currently testing. | Always output blank. Customers with an out-of-district student who needs to test will register them manually in the TX Assessment System. | No | 6 |
5 | Testing Campus Code | County/District/Campus (CDC) number of student's testing location. | Always output blank | No | 9 |
6 | Last Name | Student's Last name | Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0705 [Students]Last_Name | Yes | 60 |
7 | First Name | Student's First name | Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0703 [Students]First_Name | Yes | 60 |
8 | Middle Name | Student's Middle name | Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0704 [Students]Middle_Name | No | 60 |
9 | Gender | Student's gender | [StudentCoreFields]PSCore_Legal_Gender [Students]Gender | No | 1 |
10 | Birthdate | Student's date of birth in MMDDYYYY format | [Students]DOB | Yes | 8 |
11 | Grade Level Code | Student's grade level. | [Students]Grade_Level - Grade -3 or below: EE - Grade -2 or -1: PK - Grade 0: KG - All other grades per standard - Note: Grade 0S is not supported | Yes | 2 |
12 | PEIMS ID | Student's SSN. | [Students]SSN | No | 9 |
13 | Local Student ID | The local student number. | [Students]StudentNumber | No | 9 |
14 | Hispanic Latino Code (ETH) | Student has been identified as Hispanic/Latino. | [Students]FedEthnicity | No | 1 |
15 | American Indian Alaska Native Code (I) | Student has been identified as American Indian or Alaska Native. | [StudentRace]RaceCD = 1 | No | 1 |
16 | Asian Code (A) | Student has been identified as Asian. | [StudentRace]RaceCD = 2 | No | 1 |
17 | Black African American Code (B) | Student has been identified as Black or African American. | [StudentRace]RaceCD = 3 | No | 1 |
18 | Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Code (P) | Student has been identified as Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. | [StudentRace]RaceCD = 4 | No | 1 |
19 | White Code (W) | Student has been identified as White. | [StudentRace]RaceCD = 5 | No | 1 |
20 | Emergent Bilingual Indicator Code (EL) | Student has been identified as limited English proficient by the language proficiency assessment committee (LPAC). | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E0790_LEP_INDICATOR | No | 1 |
21 | Bilingual Program Type Code (B) | For bilingual or ESL students, program information should reflect enrollment in either a bilingual or an ESL program, not both. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1042_BILINGUAL_PROGRAM | No | 1 |
22 | ESL Program Type Code (ESL) | For bilingual or ESL students, program information should reflect enrollment in either a bilingual or an ESL program, not both. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E1043_ESL_PROGRAM | No | 1 |
23 | Migrant Indicator Code (MS) | Student has been identified as a migrant student. | [S_TX_SEN_MIG_X]E0984_MIGRANT_IND Default = blank | No | 1 |
24 | Years In U.S. Schools | Years In U.S. Schools Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate students. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]Year_US_Schools | No | 1 |
25 | Parental Denial Code | The parent or guardian has denied placement of the student in any special language program. NOTE: Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate only | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]E0896_Parental_Permission TELPAS/TELPASAlt only | No | 1 |
26 | Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Code | NOTE: Applicable for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate only | [S_TX_STU_STATE_GEN_C]E1076_UNSCHOOLED_ASYLEE | No | 1 |
27 | Student with Interrupted Formal Education Code | Indicates student with Interrupted Formal Education Code. | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]SIFE | No | 1 |
28 | High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) | Mark (along with the "O" score code) if a student who is court-ordered to participate in an authorized high school equivalency program qualifies to be and is excused from taking the test. | Not applicable | No | 1 |
29 | Texas Migrant Interstate Program (TMIP) | Must be set to the value of “Yes” for any student testing under the migrant program. | Not applicable | No | 1 |
30 | New To Texas | Any student who transferred from out-of-state or out-of-country directly into the school district or charter school during the current school year (August 1–July 31) is considered “New to Texas”. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]NEW_TX | No | 1 |
31 | Special Ed Indicator Code (SE) | Student is participating in a special education program. | Calculated from [S_TX_SEN_SPD_X]E0173_InstrSetting | No | 1 |
32 | Section 504 Indicator Code | Indicates that a student received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year. | [S_TX_SEN_504_X]E1603_Indicator | No | 1 |
33 | Gifted Talented Indicator Code (G/T) | Student is participating in a state-approved Gifted/Talented program. | [S_TX_SEN_GT_X]E0034_GT | No | 1 |
34 | Economic Disadvantage Code (ED) | The Economic Disadvantage Code | [S_TX_SEN_ECON_X]E0785_Econ_Disadvantaged | No | 1 |
35 | Title I Part A Indicator Code (TIA) | The Title I Part A Indicator Code | School: [Schools]E0894 Student: [S_TX_SEN_TTITLE1_X]E0894_Title1_Ind | No | 1 |
36 | At-Risk Indicator Code (AR) | Student is designated as being at risk of dropping out of school under state-mandated academic criteria only. | [S_TX_SEN_ATRISK_X]E0919_AtRisk_Ind | No | 1 |
37 | TELPAS Alternate | Alternate student for TELPAS | [S_TX_SEN_ESL_X]TELPAS_Alt or [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]TELPAS_ALT | No | 1 |
38 | STAAR Alternate 2 | Alternate student for STAAR | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]STAAR_ALT2 | No | 1 |
39 | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ALG1_ALT2 | No | 1 |
40 | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - Biology | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - Biology | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_BIO_ALT2 | No | 1 |
41 | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - English I | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - English I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG1_ALT2 | No | 1 |
42 | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - English II | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - English II | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG2_ALT2 | No | 1 |
43 | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | STAAR Alternate 2 EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_USH_ALT2 | No | 1 |
44 | STAAR 3-8 Above Grade - Mathematics | Grade for above-grade testing for this subject. One of 5 grades (04, 05, 06, 07, 08) should be selected. Only grades above the student's current enrolled grade are valid. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]MA_ABOVE_GR | No | 2 |
45 | STAAR 3-8 Above Grade - Reading | Grade for above-grade testing for this subject. One of 5 grades (04, 05, 06, 07, 08) should be selected. Only grades above the student's current enrolled grade are valid. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]RE_ABOVE_GR | No | 2 |
46 | STAAR 3-8 Above Grade - Science | Grade for above-grade testing for this subject. One of two grades (05, 08) should be selected. Only grades above the student's current enrolled grade are valid. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]SC_ABOVE_GR | No | 2 |
47 | STAAR 3-8 Above Grade - Social Studies | Enter 8th grade for above-grade testing for this subject. This should only be selected if the student is below 8th grade. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]SS_ABOVE_GR | No | 2 |
48 | December EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | December EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ALG1_DEC | No | 1 |
49 | December EOC Eligibility - Biology | December EOC Eligibility - Biology | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_BIO_DEC Default = blank | No | 1 |
50 | December EOC Eligibility - English I | December EOC Eligibility - English I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG1_DEC | No | 1 |
51 | December EOC Eligibility - English II | December EOC Eligibility - English II | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG2_DEC | No | 1 |
52 | December EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | December EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_USH_DEC | No | 1 |
53 | Spring EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | Spring EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ALG1_SPR | No | 1 |
54 | Spring EOC Eligibility - Biology | Spring EOC Eligibility - Biology | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_BIO_SPR Also include all students enrolled in Biology who are not flagged for EOC_BIO_ALT2 Default = blank | No | 1 |
55 | Spring EOC Eligibility - English I | Spring EOC Eligibility - English I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG1_SPR | No | 1 |
56 | Spring EOC Eligibility - English II | Spring EOC Eligibility - English II | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG2_SPR | No | 1 |
57 | Spring EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | Spring EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_USH_SPR | No | 1 |
58 | June EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | June EOC Eligibility - Algebra I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ALG1_JUN | No | 1 |
59 | June EOC Eligibility - Biology | June EOC Eligibility - Biology | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT.EOC_BIO_JUN | No | 1 |
60 | June EOC Eligibility - English I | June EOC Eligibility - English I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG1_JUN | No | 1 |
61 | June EOC Eligibility - English II | June EOC Eligibility - English II | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG2_JUN | No | 1 |
62 | June EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | June EOC Eligibility - U.S. History | [S_TX_STU_ASSM].EOC_USH_JUN | No | 1 |
63 | Field for Local Use 1 | N/A | N/A | No | 1 |
64 | Field for Local Use 2 | N/A | N/A | No | 1 |
65 | Field for Local Use 3 | N/A | N/A | No | 1 |
66 | Field for Local Use 4 | N/A | N/A | No | 1 |
67 | Interim Test Grade - Algebra I | Interim Test Grade - Algebra I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ALG1_INT | No | 1 |
68 | Interim Test Grade - Biology | Interim Test Grade - Biology | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_BIO_INT | No | 1 |
69 | Interim Test Grade - English I | Interim Test Grade - English I | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG1_INT | No | 1 |
70 | Interim Test Grade - English II | Interim Test Grade - English II | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_ENG2_INT | No | 1 |
71 | Interim Test Grade - U.S. History | Interim Test Grade - U.S. History | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]EOC_USH_INT | No | 1 |
72 | Interim Test Grade - Mathematics | Enter a grade for interim testing for this subject. Valid values are 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08. Zero padding on the left is required. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]MA_INT_GR | No | 2 |
73 | Interim Test Grade - Reading | Enter a grade for interim testing for this subject. Valid values are 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08. Zero padding on the left is required. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]RE_INT_GR | No | 2 |
74 | Interim Test Grade - Science | Enter a grade for interim testing for this subject. Valid values are 05 and 08. Zero padding on the left is required. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]SC_INT_GR | No | 2 |
75 | Interim Test Grade - Social Studies | Enter 08 for above-grade testing for this subject. This should only be selected if the student is below 8th grade. Zero padding on the left is required. | [S_TX_STU_ASSMT]SS_INT_GR | No | 2 |
76 | Action | No | 1 |