PSSR-246889 | Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting - | As of November 25, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will focus solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later. |
PSSR-247480 | Alternate Course Number Field Validations | Validations for the Alternate Course Number field on the Courses, Sections, and Stored Grades pages are now available. If not blank, the value must be eight alphanumeric characters. |
PSSR-248535 | CDC DTaP Rule Update | The minimum interval between the third and fourth DTaP dose is updated to four months. The interval is now reduced from six months to four months. |
PSSR-244295 | Contact Tracing Report Update - Busing Data | Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.1 The Contact Tracing report is updated and now pulls busing data based on a newly added report parameter. With the busing data parameter checked, the report will pull students that may have shared the bus with the report the student is run for based on the following: Bus Number Route Number Day From/To School
PSSR-241335 | Eduphoria and eSPED Extract Updates | Eduphoria: Version 1.0.3 eSPED Demographics: Version 1.0.3 eSPED Special Education Records: Version 1.0.3 - The Eduphoria and eSPED Demographics Extracts are updated to remove consideration of the obsolete State Grade Level Override. Grade Level is now reported based solely on the core field:
- EE for Grade -3 and below
- PK for Grades -2 and Grade -1
- KG for Grade 0
- 01-12 for Grades 1-12
- The eSPED Special Education Records Extract is updated as follows:
- Student Unique ID is now output instead of SSN in column 3.
- The SSN column is now output as blank.
- A new "Source for Contacts" parameter is added to allow users to select from "Legacy" or "Student Contacts" as already implemented in other Texas reports. Up to two contacts are output for each student.
PSSR-235803 | Incident Management Data Collection and Validation Updates | Updates to the Incident Management Data Collection and Validation are now available. - Data Collection
- The new E1656 Inconsistent Code of Conduct Indicator for the 2020-21 school year is added back to the Action record as an Action Attribute.
- This element appears directly below the Campus of Responsibility as a dropdown list with values of (0) No and (1) Yes.
- TEA Definition: INCONSISTENT-CODE-OF-CONDUCT-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether an out-of-school suspension, disciplinary alternative education program placement, or expulsion action is inconsistent with a local education agency’s student code of conduct.
- Validations
- The validation for TEA Edit 44425-0056 is updated to add Behavior Location Code 03: If Behavior Code is 01 or 59, Location state code must be 01 or 03.
- A new validation for TEA Edit 44425-0018 is added: If Action Code is 27 or 28, Behavior Code must be 02, 04-09, 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 26, 35-37, 46-48, 55, 57, or 60.
- A new validation for TEA Edit 44425-0057 is added: If Behavior Code is 04-07, 27, 28, 49, or 60, Location state code must be 01-03
- A new validation for TEA Edit 44425-0059 is added: If Behavior Code is 11, 12, 14, 16-19, 30-32, or 57, Location state code must be 01, 02, 03, or 05
- A new validation for TEA Edit 44425-0074 is added: If Action Code is 01-05, 07-12, 15, 25, 50-53, 55-59, or 61, Inconsistent Code of Conduct Indicator must not be blank.
PSSR-241489 | New Texas Attendance Verification Report | Texas Attendance Verification Report: Version 1.0.0 A new Attendance Verification Report is now available under the Data Verification and Supporting Reports category on the State Reports page. - Summary
- The report can be run from the district office or from the schools for a single date, a date range, or a reporting period.
- The report output is a CSV file. The spreadsheet layout allows the user to view and filter student attendance codes assigned in the ADA period along with the attendance codes for each of the other periods in the student’s schedule.
- The report is intended as a tool to help districts verify and update ADA period attendance to ensure accuracy for funding, particularly in light of distance learning.
- Review ADA period attendance that may need to be updated to account for remote asynchronous present codes assigned to other periods in the student’s schedule.
- Distinguish between ADA period “blank/default present” attendance and other types of present codes.
- Identify students who are missing an ADA period class, or who have more than one ADA period class in a single day.
- Report Parameters and Options
- Selected Schools
- All Students or Selected Students
- Date Options: Single Date, Date Range, or Reporting Period
- Include Learning Preferences: Yes or No (applies to districts using the Student Learning Preferences page)
- Include Parent/Guardian: Yes or No (includes 1 primary contact and phone number)
- Source for Contacts: Student Contacts or Legacy Contacts
- ADA Period Options
- Attendance to Include: ADA Period only or All Periods
- Limit to students with no ADA Period Absences: Yes or No (supports verification of perfect attendance, including default/blank present attendance in the ADA period)
- ADA Period Attendance Codes
- This is a multi-select list that displays a district-level, deduplicated list of all attendance codes defined across the schools.
- The user can highlight a single code, multiple codes, or all codes.
- Default/blank present is displayed as the first option in the list.
- The remaining codes and descriptions display in alphabetical order based on the code.
- Additional Attendance Period Options (non ADA)
- If “All Periods” is the selected option, the same district-level list of attendance codes is displayed for selection by the user.
- If “ADA Period only” is the selected option, the additional attendance period codes are de-selected and disabled.
- Report Output
- School and student identifiers including grade level, track, and parent/guardian information
- Date(s)
- Optional learning preference
- Cycle Day
- Student’s ADA period, ADA attendance code, ADA period teacher, course and section number
- Student’s additional scheduled periods and attendance codes
- As the number of additional periods is dynamic and differs by the school, cycle day, and bell schedule configuration, generic header row labels of “Per” and “Code” repeat fifteen times in the header row.
- In many cases, the school will have less actual periods.
- Report Conventions
- The abbreviated attendance code assigned to each period is displayed.
- Default present attendance has no associated code and displays with the word “blank.”
- If a student has no scheduled class in a period, a dash is displayed ("-“) in that period. If the ADA period code is displayed with a dash, this indicates the student is missing an ADA period class for the date.
- If a student is not enrolled in school on a selected date, dashes are displayed for all periods.
- If a student has multiple ADA period classes in a single day, two records for that date are output.
PSSR-248184 | SELA Updates: Data Collection and New Special Programs Verification Report | PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 1.0.11 - Data Collection: The Assessment Codes for (04) Rubric and (05) Other are hidden in the UI and any existing values for those codes are re-set to NULL. TEA has removed these as valid codes for the 2020-21 school year.
- New SELA Special Program Report
- A new option for SELA is now available in the PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report.
- Records are included for students with at least one SELA special program record in effect on the specified Effective Date or during the Date Range or Reporting Period selected at runtime.
- The report displays the same basic student information as the other special program reports along with the data elements captured in the SELA record.
PSSR-248532 | SFTP Output Option Added to Texas Interchanges | TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.41 TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.31 TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.42 TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.55 TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.21 TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.40 The interchanges used for Fall and Winter reporting are updated to add the option for STFP output with the same functionality as previously released for the Student Interchange. Refer to the 20.10.2 Release Notes for details on the required SFTP setup. |
PSSR-250761 | Staff Responsibility Record Updates for Mixed Grade Level Special Education Classes | Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation - Version 1.0.8 TX Interchange Staff Association - Version 1.0.41 The Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation and the Staff Interchange are updated to handle the special scenario of a Special Education class (Population Served = 06) that contains students in grades EE and/or PK along with students in higher grade levels. - In this scenario, two separate Responsibility records must be reported.
- For paraprofessionals assigned as Aides to the class (Role ID 33), the same Class ID can be reported in both records.
- For teachers assigned to the same class (Role ID 087 or 047), a different Class ID must be fabricated to conform to the TEA edits.
- If Teacher Unique ID is not blank, the Teacher Unique ID followed by a left zero-padded four-digit number is reported as the CLASS-ID-NUMBER, such as NNNNNNNNNN0001, NNNNNNNNNN0002, etc.
- If Teacher Unique ID is blank, ten zero's followed by a left zero-padded four-digit number is reported as the CLASS-ID-NUMBER, such as 00000000000001, 00000000000002, etc.
- The four-digit number is incremented for each mixed grade level Special Education class that the Staff member teaches to ensure the CLASS-ID-NUMBER is as unique across records.
PSSR-240971 | Student Digital Equity and Learning Preference Tracking Available in the Public Portal | A new page is now available (if enabled) in the public portal that will enable parents and guardians to enter learning preference and digital equity data for their student or students. This functionality is disabled by default. To enable, navigate to the following page: If enabled, parents/guardians have the ability to create records and populate the following fields: The Comment field is not visible when a parent/guardian is creating a record but it will the following string will get saved for any record created in the public portal: Additionally, if a parent/guardian has entered a Digital Equity & Learning Preference record previously and they create a new record, the above elements that are marked with an asterisk will be pre-populated based on the values in the existing (previous) record. |
PSSR-247643 | Tune Title I Targeted Assistance Automation for Optimal Performance | The queries used in the Title I Targeted Assistance Automation process and the Title I Special Program page are now optimized to improve performance. |
PSSR-247317 | Updates to C022 Service ID Table | The S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S table is updated to conform to the latest TEA changes to Service IDs. - I3110300 - IB Language Ab Initio Standard Level: updated to Y for "Eligible for State HS Credit"
- The Course Credit columns are updated to 1.0 instead of the prior .5-1.0 values:
- 03580140
- 03580200
- 03580360
- 03580370
- 03580380
- 03580390
- 03580900
- 03581000
- 03581100
- 03581500
- 03581600
- 03581700
PSSR-251745 | Updates to PEIMS Interchanges and Data Collection | TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.34 TX Interchange Student Enrollment: 1.0.55 - Fall PEIMS Student Enrollment Interchange
- If the student's Fall As-of-Status code is A (no enrollment in the current year), the Campus ID of Accountability element is now suppressed.
- If the student's Attribution Code from the final PEIMS General record in the prior year = 02 (JJAEP), that value is suppressed and the student is reported with a default Attribution Code of 00; the Campus ID of Residence element is also suppressed in this scenario.
- Summer and Extended Year PEIMS Student Interchange (required for the RFT Collection)
- To support the Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) Collection, any 2020-21 Crisis Codes assigned to the student are now reported in the PEIMS Summer Student Interchange.
- The PEIMS Extended Year Student Interchange is updated with the same modification.
- If a student has not been assigned any 2020-21 Crisis Codes, the Crisis Impacts complex type is suppressed.
- State Grade Level Override No Longer Considered in Data Entry Validations
- PEIMS General Record: Validation related to Foster Care Code 2, which is valid only for PK students in grades -1 or -2.
- Special Education Special Program Record: Validation related to the Early Childhood Intervention (E0900) element, which is valid only for EE students in grade -3 or lower.
- LEP/EL Special Program Record: Validation related to Bilingual/ESL Summer School, which is valid only for students in grades EE-01.
- Gifted and Talented Special Program Record: Validation for the GT Indicator, which is valid only for students in grades KG-12.
- Missing Role ID Code: Role ID 036 - Certified Interpreter is added to the PS_Common_Code table and to the Role ID dropdown list on the Staff Responsibilities page and to the Teacher/Staff Role ID Override in Sections.
PSSR-245696 | Updates to Potential Dropouts Report | Potential Dropouts: Version 1.0.3 The following updates to the Potential Dropouts report are available: - Consideration of the obsolete State Grade Level Override is removed.
- A new "Source for Contacts" parameter is added to allow users to select from "Legacy" or "Student Contacts" as already implemented in other Texas reports. Up to two contacts are output for each student.
PSSR-247243 | Withdrawal Form Updates | Withdrawal Form: Version 1.0.3 The following updates to the student Withdrawal Form are now available. - Header: “Texas Education Agency” is removed from the report title.
- Demographics/Enrollment
- The demographics and enrollment panels are now combined.
- The “Placed in Grade” and “Promoted to Grade” elements are removed.
- “Newest Entry Date” is re-labeled as “Most Recent Entry Date.”
- “Withdrawal Reason” now appears directly after “Last Withdrawal Date.”
- Race/Ethnicity
- The obsolete “Ethnicity” element is removed.
- Race codes now display with “Y” or “N” indicators.
- “Student Language” is added and appears to the right of “Home Language.”
- Special Programs
- The display order is adjusted to provide a more logical grouping of programs and indicators, and new special programs are added.
- Free/Reduced Lunch is re-labeled as “Eco Dis.”
- Special Education is re-labeled as “SPED.”
- Code table values now display instead of “Y” or “N” to provide more detail for elements including LEP/EL, Bilingual, ESL, and Economic Disadvantage.
- Alternative Language Program (“Alt Lang Prog”), Immigrant, Intervention, 504, and Dyslexia are added as new programs.
- Current Grades
- All courses in the student’s current schedule now display regardless of any grades earned.
- The data source for “Period” is updated to “Period Abbreviation.”
- “Credit Type” is removed and is replaced with “AAR Subject Area.”
- “Course Semester” is re-labeled as “Grade Type” to more accurately capture the final grade type.
- The query for attendance is updated to ensure that only absent-type codes are included in the total.