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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-231044Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The all-states installer is modified to only allow the state reporting installer to install on a PowerSchool server with a minimum version of

As of September 2, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will be focused solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later.

PSSR-2402112020-21 Fall PEIMS Student Enrollment Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.51

Updates for the Fall PEIMS Submission are now available. All known changes are included except for the new Student Crisis Code reporting. Pending additional TEA clarifications and requirements, support for the new crisis code submissions is planned for the September 16, 2020, state reporting release.

  • New runtime parameters are now available to allow districts to include or exclude students with missing required identifiers:
    • Exclude Students with Missing Unique ID
    • Exclude Students with Missing SSN
  • State Grade Level override logic used in the queries is removed; student grade levels are now based solely on the core Grade Level field
    • Grades 01-12: as entered
    • Grade 0: KG
    • Grade -1: PK (PK4)
    • Grade -2: PK (PK3)
    • Grade -3 or lower: EE
  • The CareerAndTechnicalEducationCourseExtension no longer appears in the output when the interchange is run for the FALL PEIMS collection. For 2020-21, this complex is no longer reported.
PSSR-2385612020-21 PEIMS Fall and Summer Student Interchange Updates

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.30

The Student Interchange is updated for the PEIMS Fall and Summer Submissions. All known changes are included except for the new Student Crisis Code reporting. Pending additional TEA clarifications and requirements, support for the new crisis codes submissions is planned for the September 16, 2020 state reporting release.

  • New runtime parameters are now available to allow districts to include or exclude students with missing required identifiers:
    • Exclude Students with Missing Unique ID
    • Exclude Students with Missing SSN
  • State Grade Level override logic used in the queries is removed; student grade levels are now based solely on the core Grade Level field
    • Grades 01-12: as entered
    • Grade 0: KG
    • Grade -1: PK (PK4)
    • Grade -2: PK (PK3)
    • Grade -3 or lower: EE
  • E1647 NEW-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-NewTechIndicator)
    • The summer collection is updated to ensure that students who have a No Show record at a New-Tech School are reported with an indicator value of 0.
    • A value of 1 is reported for students who are enrolled in a New-Tech School as of the Fall Snapshot date for the Fall collection, and at any point of the year for the Summer collection.
  • E1522 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-EarlyReadingIndicator)
    • Logic is updated to use the new Effective Date model in the Early Reading records for the 2020-21 school year. Records are extracted for students in grades K, 1, and 2 only.
    • For the Fall submission, the Effective Date must fall within the current school year calendar with a date on or before the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date, and the Fall Indicator field must be populated.
    • For the Summer Submission, the most recent record in effect during the current school year is considered.
      • If the student has a record where only the Fall Indicator is populated, that value is extracted.
      • Otherwise, if the student has a record where the EOY Indicator is populated, that value is extracted.
    • The Fall collection is updated to use the new SSI Promotion Retention table (S_TX_STU_SSI_PROM_RET_C) and the new Effective Date model.
    • This element is extracted is only when there is a record with an Effective Date that falls within the current school year calendar with a date on or before the PEIMS Fall Snapshot Date.
    • Important: due to the cancellation of the STAAR assessments last year, TEA is suspending the collection of the SSI Promotion Retention Indicator for the 2020-21 school year. Districts should not enter any records in PowerSchool.
  • E1660 ADULT-PREVIOUS-ATTENDANCE-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-AdultPreviousAttendanceIndicator)
    • This is a new element for 2020-21: Indicates whether an adult student (age 18-25) who is currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program, dropout recovery school or other adult education program (under TEC Section 29.259), has or has not attended school in the previous nine months prior to enrolling.
    • This element is output for students who are currently enrolled, and whose age as of September 1 of the current school year is greater than or equal to 18 and less than 26. The default is 0.
    • The element is suppressed for students who do not meet the above criteria.
  • Industry Certifications (IBC’s): logic related to the certification date is updated as follows.
    • Fall Submission: only those IBC’s earned between 06/01/2020 and 08/31/2020 are reported.
    • Summer Submission: only those IBC's earned between 09/01/2020 and 05/31/2021 are reported.
  • E1654 IBC-EXAM-FEE-AMOUNT (TX-IBCExamFeeAmount) and E1655 IBC-VENDOR-CODE (TX-IBCVendorCode)
    • These new elements now appear in the TX-IndustryCertification Complex Type.
    • TX-IBCExamFeeAmount is collected in the Certification/Licensures record on the Performance Acknowledgement page.
    • This element identifies the amount of money for which the LEA is requesting reimbursement for a student’s industry certification examination.
    • The IBC Exam Fee is a one-time reimbursement per student. If the LEA wishes to claim reimbursement, enter the IBC Exam Fee Amount; otherwise leave blank.
    • A default of 0 is reported for all certifications with no reimbursement amount populated in the Industry Certification record, and for records with 0 populated as the fee amount.
    • TX-IBCVendorCode is also collected in the Certifications/Licensures records and is a required field in all records reported in the 2020-21 school year and beyond.
  • E1648 STUDENT-CENSUS-BLOCK-GROUP (TX-StudentCensusBlockGroup)
    • This element is suppressed if the student is not enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date.
    • Otherwise, the element is reported if the student meets these criteria:
      • The student must be actively enrolled on the Fall Snapshot Date.
      • The student must have an Economic Disadvantaged Code that is not NULL or 00.
      • The student must have a Homeless Status Code that is NULL or 0.
      • The student must have an "eligible" type ADA Eligibility Code of 1, 2, 3, 6, or 7.
      • The student must not have Attribution Code 21 or 23.
    • If the student is required to have a Census Block Code per the TEA edits, but no value is populated, a PEIMS fatal error will be generated.
PSSR-2402902020-21 Student Crisis Code Data Collection Updates

Data collection updates to support the new 2020-21 student Crisis Codes for COVID-19 are now available.

  • Under the State/Province – TX link, the prior COVID19 Crisis Code page is renamed to "Student Crisis Codes."
  • The existing COVID-19 crisis code field reported in last year’s PEIMS Summer Submission now displays as read-only with a label of “COVID-19 End of Year Code" under a “2019-20 School Year" panel at the bottom of the page.
  • A “2020-21 School Year” panel holds the new crisis code fields for this year, which have been added to the Texas extension table of students:
    • COVID-19 Code 08 09/28/2020
      • This is the student’s crisis code as of September 28, 2020, and will be extracted for the first TEA crisis code submission due on October 5, 2020.
      • Database: S_TX_STU_X.COVID19_CODE08
      • Valid Values
        Select Code (default)
        (8A) On-campus Instruction
        (8B) Remote Synchronous Instruction
        (8C) Remote Asynchronous Instruction
    • COVID-19 Code 09 10/30/2020
      • This is the student’s crisis code as of October 30, 2020, and will be extracted for the second TEA crisis code submission due on November 6, 2020, and Fall PEIMS.
      • Database: S_TX_STU_X.COVID19_CODE09
      • Valid Values
        Select Code (default)
        (9A) On-campus Instruction
        (9B) Remote Synchronous Instruction
        (9C) Remote Asynchronous Instruction
  • The legacy Crisis Code field, which was last used in the 2017-18 school year, is now removed from the PEIMS General record. Any existing codes remain in the database. Any additional future crisis codes will be added to the new Student Crisis Codes page.
  • Important: The related updates to the PEIMS Fall Student and Student Enrollment Interchanges required for the Crisis Code submissions will follow in the next state reporting release, currently planned for September 16, 2020.
PSSR-2424592020-21 Updates to TEA C022 Service ID Table

The PEIMS C022 table containing the valid Service ID's for the 2020-21 school year is now available in the PowerSchool S_TX_SERVICE_ID_S table. This table is used by state reporting to identify valid Service ID's for the TSDS and PEIMS collections, and can also be used by districts for local reporting purposes. 2020-21 records are identified by a YearID of "30." The table is current as of the August 2020 2021.2.1 version of the TSDS Data Standards and will be updated if additional changes are published by TEA.

PSSR-242528Charter School Waitlist Setup and Data Collection Updates

The following Charter School Waitlist data collection updates are now available.

  • School-Level Data Collection: District > Schools/School Info > Additional Texas Data Collection
    • The "Charter Waitlist Indicator Code (E1676)" field is removed from the page. This element will now be calculated and automatically reported for each school based on student-level records in effect on the Charter Waitlist Snapshot Date of the last Friday in September.
    • A new Charter School Waitlist Placeholder Campus field is added to the page.
      • This field will identify the placeholder school used to enroll students who are on the waitlist for one or more campuses in the district.
      • Each charter district with any waitlisted students must create a new PowerSchool campus for this purpose and set the value of this field to "Yes".
      • Students who are actively enrolled in the CSW Placeholder Campus on the last Friday of September and who have at least one Charter School Waitlist record with an Effective Date in the current school year on or before the last Friday of September will be reported in the CSW collection.
    • Steps to complete the required setup for the Charter School Waitlist Placeholder Campus
      • Navigate to District > Schools/School Info and click “New” to create a new school.
      • The school number can be any value that is not already used for another school.
      • Configure the grade levels to contain all the grade levels represented by potential wait-listed students in the district.
      • Set the school to “Exclude from State Reporting.”
      • Navigate to System > Security > Users by Group. Set up Admin Access and Roles for staff members who will manage student enrollments in the Charter School Waitlist Placeholder campus.
      • Log out and log back in. Switch to the Placeholder Campus and navigate to School > Years and Terms: create a 2020-21 Year Term; dates can be the same as the district Year Term.
      • School Setup > Attendance > Full-Time Equivalencies (FTE): click “New” to add a “Default” FTE for the Placeholder Campus enrollments.

  • Student-level Data Collection: Student > State/Province – TX > Charter School Waitlist
    • The "Exclude from Waitlist" field is removed from the page and will not be used for the CSW collection. Students who are not actively enrolled in the CSW Placeholder Campus on the last Friday of September will be automatically excluded from the CSW collection.
    • To report a student for the CSW collection, enroll the student in the CSW Placeholder Campus with an Entry Date within the current school year that is on or before the last Friday in September. Assign the student's grade level and FTE.
    • To be reported in the CSW collection, the following demographic fields are required: Gender, Birthdate, Ethnicity, Race, SSN (or S number), and Student Unique ID.
    • Students must also have at least one Charter School Waitlist record.
      • To add a student to the waitlist of a reportable campus, create a record with an Effective Date that falls within the current school year calendar and is dated on or before the last Friday of September.
      • Select the Charter Waitlist Campus from the dropdown list.
      • Create additional records to add the student to the waitlist of other schools.
    • To exclude a student from the CSW collection, transfer the student out of the CSW Placeholder Campus with an Exit Date that is on or before the last Friday in September.
PSSR-239359Interchanges for New Charter School Waitlist Collection

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.38
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.19
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.51

The Education Organization, Student-Parent, and Student Enrollment Interchanges are updated for the new TSDS Charter School Waitlist collection (CSW). When running the interchanges for the CSW collection, choose the TSDS – CSW collection code.

  • EdOrg Interchange
    • A record is included for every reportable campus in the district, regardless of whether the school has waitlisted students or not.
    • E1674 NUMBER-CHARTER-STUDENTS-ENROLLED (TX-NumberCharterStudentsEnrolled)
      • Indicates the number of students enrolled at the charter school’s campus as of the last Friday in September.
      • This is calculated and automatically reported; no data entry is required.
    • E1675 CHARTER-EDUCATIONAL-ENROLLMENT-CAPACITY (TX-CharterEducEnrollmentCapacity)
      • Indicates the number of students to which the charter school’s campus can provide instruction without exceeding staffing and facility limitations and the approved charter holder's maximum enrollment.
      • This element is extracted from the value entered in Schools/School Info. For multiple PowerSchool schools reporting under the same TEA CDC #, enter the total capacity only once under the reportable school that owns the TEA CDC number. Input the combined enrollment capacity of all schools that share the same CDC number.
    • E1676 CHARTER-ADMISSION-WAITLIST-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-CharterAdmissionWaitListIndicator)
      • Indicates whether the charter school campus has waitlisted students as of the CSW Snapshot Date.
      • This element is calculated and automatically output as 1 if the school has at least one student on its waitlist; otherwise, the default is 0.
  • Student Selection Criteria: to be included in the Student-Parent and Student Enrollment Interchanges, students must meet the following requirements.
    • The student is actively enrolled in the school designated as the Charter School Waitlist Placeholder Campus on the CSW Snapshot Date (last Friday in September).
    • The student has at least one Charter School Waitlist record in State/Province – TX with an Effective Date that falls within the current school year calendar and is dated on or before the last Friday of September.
    • Students on the waitlist for multiple schools must have a separate record for each unique reportable campus; the Effective Dates can be the same or different across records.
    • Note that due to the special nature of the student queries for the CSW collection and regardless of the schools selected at runtime, the code runs at the district level and outputs all students in the district who are on the waitlist for any school.
  • Student-Parent Interchange
    • Runtime parameters allow the exclusion of students with missing Unique ID or SSN.
    • Only the Student Extension complex is reported, and all students are automatically output with a value of 1 for element E1677 CHARTER-WAITLIST-INDICATOR-CODE (TX-CharterWaitListIndicator).
  • Student Enrollment Interchange
    • Runtime parameters allow the exclusion of students with missing Unique ID or SSN.
    • Only the Student School Association complex is reported.
      • If a student has a single reportable Charter Waitlist record in effect on the CSW Effective Date, one Student School Association record is output.
      • If a student has multiple Charter Waitlist records in effect on the CSW Effective Date, a separate record is output for each school.
PSSR-242169Student and Staff Unique ID Request Updates

Student Unique ID Request: Version 1.0.7
Staff Unique ID Request: Version 1.0.5

The Student Unique ID Request Extract is updated with the following changes to support the Charter School Waitlist Collection.

A new report runtime parameter is added, "Students to include", with following options:

    • Enrolled Students
    • Charter School Waitlist Students
    • Both

When the "Charter School Waitlist Students" or "Both" option is selected, the following logic applies:

    • The "Exclude from State Reporting" flag set at the school level for the school designated as the Charter School Waitlist Placeholder campus is ignored.
    • The reportable school for the student is selected based on the Charter Waitlist record with the latest Effective Date within the current school year on or before the CSW Snapshot Date.
    • If multiple records have the same Effective Date, the record with the highest internal ID is used.
    • If there are no Charter Waitlist records with a valid Effective Date in the current school year on or before CSW Snapshot Date, the student is excluded from the Unique ID submission file, but is reported in the "Excluded Students" companion file with a Reason for Exclusion as "Missing Charter School Waitlist Record."
    • To be included in the Unique ID submission file, the normally required fields apply: Gender, Birthdate, Ethnicity, Race, and SSN (or S number).

Additional updates to the Student and Staff Unique ID Request reports:

  • The Select Schools parameter is updated to display only those schools that are state-reportable.
  • The count of records as included in the trailer record of the submission file is updated to report the correct total, which includes the student or staff records, plus the header and trailer records.
PSSR-243874Student Interchange for PEIMS Extended Year Submission

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.30

The interchange is updated for Submission 4 to suppress the PK Eligible Previous Year element, which is not reported for the Extended Year collection.

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