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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-284625All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Links Displaying When not Enabled Causing Excessive Logging

The Clock-In/Clock-Out code is now updated to return a valid studentsdcid and a check has been added. These updates will stop the Clock In/Clock Out links from displaying when it has not been enabled and will no longer cause excessive activity in the logs.

PSSR-279318All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report - Days Count Update

Student Incident Profile Report: Version 1.1

Initially the Student Incident Profile Report has been updated and the Days count will now only factor in in-session days between the action start and end dates.

PSSR-286838New Extra and Co-Curricular (ECC) Extract for TEA Pilot

Extra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract: Version 22.4.2

  • A new report is added to the State Reports page just below the Campus Summary: Extra and Co-curricular Activities (ECC) Extract
  • This report extracts student participation records in extra and co-curricular activities for the TEA ECC pilot project for districts participating in the pilot collection.
  • Report Parameters
    • Standard selection of schools and students
    • School Year
    • Reporting Period: Options for Semester 1, Semester 2, or Both Semesters
    • Sort Options:
      • By School, Student, ECC Indicator (default)
      • By ECC Indicator, School, Student
    • Exclude Students with Missing UID: Options Yes and No.
  • An Excel file is output with the following fields using a naming convention of 'ECC21-22_Form3_DistrictName_DateTimeStamp_v2.xlxs.'
    • Campus ID: 9 digit school ID
    • Student Name (Last)
    • Student Name (First)
    • TX-Student-ID (Student Unique ID)
    • Grade Level: 02-12
    • ECC Indicator: 001 - 038
PSSR-287713New Nightly Auto-Code Process for Non-Membership Discipline Restraint Indicator

TX Interchange Student Discipline: Version 22.4.2
TX Interchange Student Restraint: Version 22.4.2
A new auto-code process is now implemented to automatically update the Non-Membership Displine Restraint Indicator values in Incident Management and Student Restraint records based on changes to student ADA Eligibility Code, and to the Special Education program record.

  • A new preference is added to the Texas Preferences panel in District Setup to allow the district to set the time for the auto-code process. The default is 2:30 am.
  • This indicator applies when a Special Ed student with ADA Code 0 during the entire year has at least one state-reportable discipline or restraint record, which then requires that the student be included in the Summer PEIMS submission.
  • The new auto-code process ensures that the values saved in the database and displayed in the UI remain correct when a student's ADA Eligibility Code or Special Ed status changes, and when new discipline or restraint records are added.
  • Instead of calculating this indicator on the fly, the interchanges now source this data element from the fields saved in the database. The indicator displays as read-only in the Incident Action record and/or in the Student Restraint record.
PSSR-289557Oracle 12.2 Updates for P-EBT and PEIMS Error Checks

P-EBT Upload File: Version 22.4.2
Student PEIMS Error Checks: Version 22.4.2
Updates are now available to provide backward compatibility for Oracle 12.2 for the P-EBT Upload file report and the PEIMS Error Checks.

PSSR-261791Texas Attendance Verification Report: Performance Tuning and Feature Enhancements

Texas Attendance Verification Report: Version 22.4.2
Updates to improve report performance and to provide additional features are now available.

  • Performance Improvements
    • The report now uses the ftl template instead of xsl.
    • The queries are tuned to allow the report to complete as expected for large districts.
    • The report CSV file is now output within a zip file to reduce download time.
  • Report Features
    • A new runtime parameter for Non-Reportable Schools is now available: Include Remote Class Enrollments. This option includes remote class enrollments at both regular and non-reportable campuses.

    • Attendance Code Parameters
      • When run for a single school, the list of attendance codes in the report parameter boxes displays only those codes assigned to that school.
      • When run from the district, the attendance codes for all schools display per the current implementation.
    • Inclusion/Exclusion of Learning Preferences and Parent Information
      • If "Include Learning Preferences" is set to No, the Learning Preference column is not included in the output file.
      • If "Include Parent/Guardian" is set to No, the Parent/Guardian, Relationship and Phone columns are not included in the output file.
    • ADA Period Output for schools with multiple ADA Periods
      • If the student has a scheduled class in just one of the ADA periods, only that period displays.
      • If the student has scheduled classes in more than one ADA period, each one displays.
      • If the student has no scheduled class in any ADA period: all ADA periods display with a dash character to flag this error condition.
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