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Historical Grades

New Single Entry/Edit Stored Grade

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Texas Information

Abbreviated Course Name

The abbreviated course name, copied from the same field in Courses, at the time the stored grades process is run.


AAR Subject Category

The subject area for the course; used for TREX and the AAR.


Explanation Code

 (A) H.S. course for which college credit will be awarded at specific college
 (C) Course taken by correspondence from approved institution of higher ed.
 (D) College course taken for which H.S. and college credit is awarded
 (E) Credit by Exam for course with no prior instruction
 (G) Gifted/talented course
 (H) Honors course
 (I) International Baccalaureate course
 (J) H.S. course satisfactorily completed prior to grade 9
 (K) Pre-International Baccalaureate course
 (L) Course taken for local credit only
 (M) Magnet school or course
 (P) College Board Advanced Placement (AP) course
 (Q) Pre-Advanced Placement Course
 (R) Course completed in summer/night school
 (T) Credit by Exam for course with prior instruction
 (V) Special ed services that are state-approved and modified by ARD
 (X) Innovative course approved for state graduation credit
 (Z) Course taken by distance learning
 (3) Credit is awarded based on the district evaluation of the student records
 (7) TEKS course with 100 min. physical activity per week meets PE Requirement for FHSP
 (8) Course other than LOTE satisfies LOTE Requirement for FHSP
 (9) Course taken with parent permission satisfies 4th science for Arts Endorsement FHSP
 (10) Course taken as part of FHSP Endorsement
 (1) PE equivalency credit or PE waiver is awarded through a substitution-Obsolete
 (2) Part of a coherent sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses-Obsolete
 (4) CTE course that satisfies a specific graduation requirement as allowed by law-Obsolete
 (5) Course/Final Grade average includes STAAR EOC results-Obsolete

Credit Recovery

Select Yes/No.


Pass/Fail Indicator Code (E0949 - Calculated)

This is a read only filed and it displays the TEA Pass/Fail Indicator Codes 01-14.

Displays the calculated value upon submission of the Historical Grades page.


Pass/Fail Indicator Code(E0949 - Override)

Enter Pass/Fail Indicator Code (E0949 - Override)


Loss of Credit Caused by Absence

 Select Yes /No

Beginning Date

The begin date for the student's enrollment for this stored grade. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Begining_Date or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Begining_Date].


Ending Date

The end date for the student's enrollment for this stored grade. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ending_Date or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ending_Date].


State Reporting Overrides

Class ID Number

The Class ID Number for this section. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1056 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1056].


Alternate Course Number (Override)

The Alternate Course Number (Override)


Non-campus based instruction code (E1072)

Indicates the non-campus based instruction code for this section. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1072 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1072].


Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Calculated)

  • This is a calculated, read-only field which appears below the existing Class ID Override field.

  • For Ed-Fi reporting, the new 255 character Section Identifier will replace the existing 14 character Class ID (Unique Section Code) field used in the current xml interchange reporting.

  • The Ed-Fi Section Identifiers will be reported in Master Schedule Sections, Staff Sections, Student Sections and Student Transcript records to fulfill a similar purpose as the current Class ID code.

  • The calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier is composed of the following elements, each separated by an underscore character, to allow easy identification of the source PowerSchool section record:

    • Local Student Number

    • School # (such as 001)

    • Course # (such as 4567Alg1A or 8978)

    • Store Code (such as S1, S2, Y1, T1, T2, T3, Q1, Q2, etc.)

    • Grade (Numeric Grade if exists, otherwise Letter Grade)

    • Stored Grades record internal ID


Ed-Fi Section Identifier (E1056- Override)

Select this option to override the calculated Ed-Fi Section Identifier.

  • The existing calculated Class ID and Class ID override fields remain valid for the current xml reporting until the 2024-25 school year.


Course Sequence Code Calculated (E0948)

Select this option to override the course sequence

Calculation and Nightly Process

The Course Sequence Code calculation and nightly process runs for records dated in the 2022-23 school year and beyond for manual entry stored grades with the following properties:

  • Section ID = 0

  • Student Begin Date is not NULL

  • Explanation Code does not include 3

  • Store Code is mapped to a Final Grade type of S1, S2 or AV in Texas Store Code Mapping for the year to which the record belongs.

In addition, the Ed-Fi Section Identifier Calculated field now saves and displays as expected when a manual entry stored grades record is edited at the District Office. Reminder: Manual Entry stored grades records must first be created at the school level in order to have the correct School ID. Do not create these records while logged into the District Office.


Course Sequence Code (E0948 - Override)

Select this option to override the course sequence

Note: The following reports will display the value from Course Seq Code (E0948 - Override) if populated. If this value is blank, then the reports will display the value from Course Sequence Code (E0948 - Calculated).

  • PEIMS Transcript Records Verification Report: Version 24.4.2

  • Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report - PEIMS: Version 24.4.2

  • Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report - AAR/TREx: Version 24.4.2

  • TREx Extract: Version 24.4.2

  • TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 24.4.2


Alternate Course Number (Manual Entries Only)

Indicates the non-campus based instruction code for this section. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1072 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1072].


Dual Credit Indicator Code (E1011)

Indicates if the course was taken for Dual Credit. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1011 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1011]


College Credit (E1081)

The number of college credit hours earned for this section.  Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1081 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1081].


ATC Indicator Code (E1058)

Indicates the courses was taken as an articulated course. Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1058 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1058].


AAR Average Override

The year long average if not stored in a final store code.


Alternate CDC 

The County District Campus that awarded the credit for this course if different from the school id.

  • Search by CDC Number. The Alternate CDC School Name is automatically populated.

  • If the CDC number or school name is not listed, you can manually enter the values.


Alternate CDC School Name

(Enter an Alternate CDC Number and School Name only when credit was awarded by a school in a different TX district or charter.)

The School Name of the County District Campus that awarded the credit for this course if different from the school id.

  • Search by CDC School Name. The  Alternate CDC number is automatically populated.


Course Completion Indicator

Course completion indicator. 

Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS

Select to Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS


Exclude from AAR

Indicates if the stored grades record should be excluded from the Academic Achievement Record (AAR).


Exclude from TREx

Indicates if the stored grades record should be excluded from TREx.


Academic Record - Entry

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Display on Transcript

The following Texas fields are intended only for manual entry records that do not reference an existing district course number, or which require an override to the district course values.

Choose Yes/No

Alternate Course Number (Override)

The Alternate Course Number (Override)


Abbreviated Course Name

The abbreviated course name, copied from the same field in Courses, at the time the stored grades process is run.


AAR Subject Category

The subject area for the course; used for TREX and the AAR.


Dual Credit Indicator Code (E1011)

College Credit (E1081)

The number of college credit hours earned for this section.  Migrated from Storedgrades.TX_Ovr_E1081 or U_Storedgradesuserfields.TX_Ovr_E1081].


Course Sequence Override

The course sequence override.


Pass/Fail Indicator Code(E0949 - Override)

Enter Pass/Fail Indicator Code (E0949 - Override)


Explanation Code

 (A) H.S. course for which college credit will be awarded at specific college
 (C) Course taken by correspondence from approved institution of higher ed.
 (D) College course taken for which H.S. and college credit is awarded
 (E) Credit by Exam for course with no prior instruction
 (G) Gifted/talented course
 (H) Honors course
 (I) International Baccalaureate course
 (J) H.S. course satisfactorily completed prior to grade 9
 (K) Pre-International Baccalaureate course
 (L) Course taken for local credit only
 (M) Magnet school or course
 (P) College Board Advanced Placement (AP) course
 (Q) Pre-Advanced Placement Course
 (R) Course completed in summer/night school
 (T) Credit by Exam for course with prior instruction
 (V) Special ed services that are state-approved and modified by ARD
 (X) Innovative course approved for state graduation credit
 (Z) Course taken by distance learning
 (3) Credit is awarded based on the district evaluation of the student records
 (7) TEKS course with 100 min. physical activity per week meets PE Requirement for FHSP
 (8) Course other than LOTE satisfies LOTE Requirement for FHSP
 (9) Course taken with parent permission satisfies 4th science for Arts Endorsement FHSP
 (10) Course taken as part of FHSP Endorsement
 (1) PE equivalency credit or PE waiver is awarded through a substitution-Obsolete
 (2) Part of a coherent sequence of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses-Obsolete
 (4) CTE course that satisfies a specific graduation requirement as allowed by law-Obsolete
 (5) Course/Final Grade average includes STAAR EOC results-Obsolete

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