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Editing and Deleting Incidents


Editing an Incident

To edit an incident, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student Selection > Incidents or Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management. 
  2. Locate the incident to edit. Refer to Viewing Incidents for more information on locating incidents.
  3. Click on the Incident ID or Incident Title for the incident to be edited. The Incident Details page appears.
  4. After updating the incident, add a description of the changes in the Change Reason box.
  5. Click Submit Incident.

Viewing Changes

To view the audit trail for changes, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student Selection > Incidents or Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management. 
  2. Locate the incident to edit. Refer to Viewing Incidents for more information on locating incidents.
  3. Click on the Incident ID or Incident Title for the incident to be edited. The Incident Details page appears.
  4. Click the View Change History button.
    • Click View Change History. The dates and times the changes have been made appear in ascending order.
    • Click Expand all item to display the user that made the change and the change reason.
    • Click on a specific and time to display the details of the change for that date/time.
    • Click Collapse all items to hide the details of each change.

Deleting an Incident

To delete an incident, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Start Page > Student Selection > Incidents or Start Page > Special Functions > Incident Management. 
  2. Locate the incident to delete. Refer to Viewing Incidents for more information on locating incidents.
  3. Click on the Incident ID or Incident Title to open the incident. The Incident Details page appears.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Delete to confirm that you want to delete the incident. The incident is deleted, and the Incident List appears.
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