Import Unique Staff IDs
The following steps are based on the assumption that the file returned from the TSDS system contains the teacher number from PowerSchool. If the staff file was created in PowerSchool, sent to the TSDS system and returned to the district, it will contain the teacher number. However, if the file was created in a finance/human resource system and the Teacher Number is from that system, the following steps will only work if the Teacher Numbers are the same in both systems.
To import the Unique Staff IDs from the file provided by the Texas Student Data System (TSDS):
- Make a copy of the file from the TSDS system to use for the following steps. The file is a .txt file.
- Open Excel.
- Select File > Open and locate the file from the state. You may have to select All Files in the lower right-hand corner to see the file to select.
- Click Open. The Text Import Wizard appears.
- Verify that Delimited is selected and click Next. The Text Import Wizard – Step 2 of 2 appears.
- Change the delimiter to Comma and click Next. The Text Import Wizard – Step 3 of 3 appears.
- In the Data Preview window, select all of the columns and change the Column data format to Text to prevent dropping leading zeroes. You can do each column separately or use the following steps to code all of the columns at one time:
- Select the first column.
- Scroll to the right, hold down the shift key, and select the last column. This highlights all of the columns.
- Change the Column data format to Text.
- Click Finish.
- Delete the first row of the file as it is the header and does not need to be imported.
- Delete the last row of the file as it is the footer and does not need to be imported.
- Insert a new row at the top and label the columns:
- Column D is Last_Name
- Column E is First_Name
- Column K is TeacherNumber
- Column N is SIF_StatePrId
- If you choose to leave the other columns in your file, name them as well.
- The file format has the following columns:
- Record Type – Column A
- Current School Code - Column B
- Reserved Field - Column C
- Last Name - Column D
- First Name- Column E
- Middle Name - Column F
- Name Suffix - Column G
- Gender - Column H
- Date of Birth - Column I
- Value of 00 for all Staff - Column J
- Teacher Number - Column K
- Social Security Number - Column L
- Race - Column M
- TSDS Unique ID - Column N
- Current District Code - Column O
- Current School Year - Column P
- Alternate Last Name - Column Q
- Reserved Field - Column R
- Reserved Field - Column S
- Reserved Field - Column T
- Reserved Field - Column U
- Reserved Field - Column V
- Reserved Field - Column W
- Reserved Field – Column X
- Reserved Field - Column Y
- Reserved Field - Column Z
- Reserved Field3- Column AA
- Record Status - Column AB
- Record Reference Number - Column AC
- Ethnicity Indicator - Column AD
- Race 2 code - Column AE
- Race 3 code - Column AF
- Race 4 code - Column AG
- Race 5 code - Column AH
- Record Update Date - Column AI
The only columns that are needed for importing are Column D, E, K and N. Therefore, delete all columns except D, E, K and N. If you select to leave the columns in the file, make sure that you only map columns D, E, K and N during the import process.
- Save the file as a text tab-delimited file.
- On the start page at the District level, choose Special Functions from the main menu. The Special Functions page appears.
- Click Importing & Exporting. The Importing & Exporting page appears.
- Click Quick Import. The Quick Import page appears.
- Choose Teachers from the Table pop-up menu. Complete the rest of the page as needed making sure that the Field delimiter is set to Tab.
- Click Choose File (or Browse), navigate to the data file created in the earlier steps, and click Open for the File to Import.
- Select the Suggest field map checkbox.
- Click Import.
On the left side of the Import Records from an ASCII Text File page, the "From your file" column displays the fields of the first record in the import file. The To PowerSchool column displays the PowerSchool fields suggested for each piece of data imported. Use the pop-up menu to choose the PowerSchool field into which the system imports the data from the import file. Verify that Last_Name maps to Last_Name, TeacherNumber maps to TeacherNumber and SIF_StatePrID maps to SIF_StatePrID.
Note: The Teacher table requires that either the Last Name, First Name or both Last Name and First Name be mapped during an import. The name that is in the data file will update the name that is in PowerSchool. Thus it is recommended that you only use the Last Name during the mapping process and leave the First_Name field blank on the right. It is also imperative that the data file match the Last Names exactly as in PowerSchool if you do not wish to have them updated during the import process. Since these demographics must match the legal name in the TSDS system, the name in PowerSchool should be the legal name.
- Select the Check to Exclude First Row checkbox.
- Select the option to update the staff member's record with the information from the file being imported.
- Click Submit.
The Import Progress page displays the records that were successfully imported and those that the system could not import because of your specifications. The system imports the data into the Users table. The unique staff identifier is displayed on each staff’s Staff > Select a Staff Member > Edit Information page in the StatePrid field.