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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-294436Nightly Process for Bullying and Cyberbullying Counts

A new nightly process preference to calculate and store the school-level summary counts for the number of Bullying and Cyberbullying incidents is now available on the District Info page.

  • By default, the preference for "Enable Daily Auto-code for Bullying and Cyberbulling Count" is enabled. The scheduled time can be updated as needed.
  • Districts that do not use Incident Management should clear the checkbox and instead import the incident counts for each school ahead of the Summer PEIMS submission.
  • The calculated counts are held in these fields in the Texas extension table of Schools:
    • S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.Bullying_Count
    • S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.Cyberbullying_Count
  • The auto-code logic is the same as previously implemented in the Summer PEIMS EdOrg Interchange to derive the counts of Bullying and Cyberbullying from Incident Management.
    • Bullying: The total number of incidents for the campus with a Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Report Code = BUL or CYB
    • Cyberbullying: The total number of incidents for the campus with a Behavior Code where the State Aggregate Report Code is CYB. Cyberbullying is a sub-set of Bullying.
PSSR-310075PSAT Substitution Assessments Update

The EOC substitution assessment logic for PSAT/NMSQT is modified to correct an issue related to leading zeroes in the test grade level for the Algebra I and English I EOC substitutions. Tests taken in grade 8 or 9 are now processed as expected.

PSSR-311150Student Parent Interchange Updates for Emergent Bilingual (ECDS and SELA)

TX Interchange Student Parent: Version 23.1.1
The descriptions for Emergent Bilingual codes F and S are updated to conform to the revised values in TEA Code Table DC097 for the ECDS and SELA collections.

  • F: Changed from Emergent Bilingual Monitored 1 to Monitored 1
  • S: Changed from Emergent Bilingual Monitored 2 to Monitored 2
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