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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2357902020-21 Data Collection Updates for Staff Responsibilities, Course, Sections, and Stored Grades
  • Staff Responsibilities Page
    • A new column, E0017_Grade_Level_Code, is added to the Staff Responsibility Record table: S_TX_USR_RESP_C.
    • A new Grade Level Code dropdown list field is added to the Staff Responsibilities page to support new 2020-21 reporting requirements.
      • This field will be automatically populated by the Staff Responsibility Record creation package, and reported for scheduled classes where the Population Served code = 06 Special Education Students for staff with Role ID 047 (Teacher), 047 (Substitute Teacher), or 033 (Educational Aide).
      • If the records are entered manually, a validation takes place to ensure that the Grade Level Code field is populated when Role ID is 033, 047 or 087 and Population Served is 06.
  • Courses, Sections, and Stored Grades
    • The OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator Code (E1597) is obsolete for the 20-21 school year and has been removed from these pages.
  • Re-label "Exclude from 090/Exclude from 415" to "Exclude from PEIMS"
    • The "Exclude from 090 Record Creation" field has been renamed to "Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS" on the Courses and Sections pages to accurately reflect the purpose of the field. When selected, the course or section will be excluded from all PEIMS and TSDS reporting.
    • The "Exclude from 415" field is renamed to "Exclude from PEIMS/TSDS". When selected, the record of the stored grades will be excluded from all PEIMS and TSDS reporting.
    • The "Exclude from TREx" field is relocated and now appears directly below "Exclude from AAR" on the Historical Grades page.
PSSR-237581AAR Updates for Graduation Seals and Digital Signature

AAR: Version 1.0.21
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.17
The AAR reports are updated to optionally support the inclusion of the Graduation Seal for graduated students and the digital signature of the School Registrar or Official. The reports are also updated with improved formatting to the layout.

  • Graduation Seals
    • A new report parameter, “Include Graduation Seals” is now available.
    • This feature applies only to graduates with a value in the Date of Graduation field on the Graduation Information page. The Graduation Seal is always suppressed for non-graduates, regardless of the parameter selection.
    • When this option is set to “Yes”, the digital image of the Texas Graduation Seal corresponding to the student’s assigned Graduation Program Type is displayed in the lower right corner next to the legend.
    • High School Program: 01, 04, 05, 06, 07, 11, 12, 13, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 34, 35, 54, 55, 56, 57
    • Recommended Program: 10, 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31
    • Distinguished Program: 09, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32
  • Digital Signature of School Official
    • A new report parameter, “Include Digital Signature”, is now available.
    • When this option is set to “Yes”, a digital image of the registrar or school official’s signature for the student’s current or most recent school of enrollment displays on the Official Signature line in the upper right corner.
    • A single digital signature file can be uploaded for each school. To take advantage of this feature, follow the instructions provided below to upload the signature(s) into Custom Page Management, and then select the signature file for each school in Schools/School Info.
    • Instructions to Load and Configure Digital Signatures
      • The recommended format for the signature image is .jpg with dimensions of 180 x 30 (width of 180px and height of 30px).
      • Each file should be given a unique name that can be easily recognized such as “HS101_Signature”.
      • The signature files for each school must be uploaded using the Custom Page Management utility.
      • Upload each image separately.
      • Navigate to Start Page > System > Page and Data Management > Custom Page Management
        • In the folder tree directory on the left side of the page, right-click on the “Reporting” folder.
        • Click the “Upload” button.
        • In the Folder input box, copy/paste or input the following path: //reporting/state/images/signatures. The path needs to be set only the initial time you upload.
        • Click “Choose File”; browse to the location of your image and click “Open” to select the image file.
        • Click “Submit” and then verify that the image uploaded successfully to the designated signatures folder.
      • Navigate to District > Schools/School Info > click on the School name.
        • Scroll down to the Registrar Digital Signature.
        • Each signature file uploaded into Custom Page Management in the prior step will be listed.
        • Select the appropriate signature image and click “Submit”.
      • To verify that your signature images display as expected, select a student, and print the AAR by setting the “Include Digital Signature” parameter to Yes.
        • If needed, adjust the size or resolution of the image file, and navigate back to Custom Page Management.
        • In the folder tree directory on the left side of the page, open the Reporting folder, then state, images, and signatures.
        • If the revised signature file is named the same as the original file, right click on the “signatures” folder and choose “Upload”. Browse to the new signature file and click “Open” to select the image file. When prompted, confirm that you wish to overwrite the existing file.
        • If the revised signature file is named differently, first delete the original file, and then load the revised file per the prior step.
PSSR-236975Convert Student Early Reading to Effective Date Model and Add New Fields

To support ease of import and subsequent record updates for the PEIMS Summer Submission, the data entry model for the Student Early Reading records is converted from a School Year model to an Effective Date model. Additional local use fields to capture optional information about the reading assessments and scores are also added to the Student Early Reading record table and the data entry page.

  • New fields added to the Student Early Reading table (S_TX_STU_EARLY_READING_C) and data entry page
    • Effective Date
      • Required in all records
      • Suggested date for Fall assessments: 10/01/2020, or the actual date the assessment was done
      • Suggested date for EOY assessments: 05/01/2021, or the actual date the assessment was done
      • A new validation requires that the Effective Date to be unique across records.
    • Fall Assessment: optional field to hold the name of the fall assessment used
    • Fall Language: optional field to hold the fall assessment language – either (EN) English or (SP) Spanish
    • Fall Score: optional field to hold the fall assessment score
    • Fall Comment: optional field to hold a comment for the fall assessment
    • EOY Assessment: optional field to hold the name of the EOY assessment used
    • EOY Language: optional field to hold the EOY assessment language – either (EN) English or (SP) Spanish
    • EOY Score: optional field to hold the EOY assessment score
    • EOY Comment: optional field to hold a comment for the EOY assessment
  • Other record updates
    • The school year is removed (replaced by Effective Date)
    • A new validation requires that at least one of the Early Reading Indicator fields be populated (Fall or EOY)
  • Convert existing records from School Year model to Effective Date model
    • A repo schema script automatically converts the data in existing records once the state reporting release is installed.
    • If an existing record for a school year has only the Early Reading Indicator (FALL) populated, the School Year is converted to a fixed Effective Date of October 1 for that year, and the Fall Comment field is populated as “Updated by Early Reading conversion date/timestamp”.
    • If an existing record for a school year has only the Early Reading Indicator (EOY) populated or has both the Fall and EOY Indicators populated, the School Year is converted to a fixed Effective Date of May 1 for that year, and the EOY Comment field is populated as “Updated by Early Reading conversion date/timestamp”.
PSSR-240143CTE Auto-Code Temporarily Deactivated

Career and Tech Verification Report: Version 1.0.4
The nightly CTE Auto-Code that populates the Career Tech Indicator in the Career and Tech Special Program record is temporarily deactivated, along with the Auto-Code option in the Career and Tech Verification Report.

  • For the 2020–21 school year, the E0031 Career and Technical Ed Indicator Code will no longer be reported in the Fall or Summer PEIMS collections; instead, TEA will calculate the indicator based on the current year and historical course completion records after the conclusion of the Summer 2021 PEIMS Submission.
  • Although the CTE Indicator will not be reported in PEIMS, we recognize that districts have a need to track the status of their CTE students and also to continue reporting of other Career and Tech elements in the StudentCTEProgramAssociationExtension record, including Transportation CTE Support Services, Single Parent/Pregnant Teen, and the Displaced Homemaker Code.
  • The StudentCTEProgramAssociationExtension was previously reported in the Fall Submission, but will instead be reported in the Summer Submission for 2020-21 for students enrolled in a CTE class at some point during the year.
  • Given the ongoing needs, PowerSchool will provide a new CTE Auto-Code routine in an upcoming release with new indicators that will consider student CTE course enrollment and course completion.
  • Districts can continue to use the Career and Tech Verification report to review the CTE classes in which a student is enrolled or has been enrolled, along with the V hours calculation for those classes.
PSSR-236312Eduphoria Extract Updates

Eduphoria Extract: Version 1.0.2

  • Teacher file (EPTCH.csv)
    • Column 1: SSN replaced by Teacher Number (Users.TeacherNumber)
    • Column 2: SSN replaced by Staff Unique ID (Users.SIF_StatePrid)
  • Course file (EPCRS.csv): SSN is removed from column 1 and replaced with Teacher Number (Users.TeacherNumber)
  • Student file (EPSTU.csv)
    • Column 2: SSN replaced with Student Unique ID (Students.State_StudentNumber)
    • Column 15 - Section 504: new logic now extracts Y or N based on the student's 504 special program record
    • Column 23 - RTI Status
      • New logic now extracts Y or N based on the student's Intervention special program record.
      • A new report parameter allows the user to specify whether Monitored students (code M) should be reported as Y or N.
  • The queries are adjusted to prevent Oracle single-row subquery errors due to duplicate/overlapping special program records.
PSSR-236952Migrate Student SSI Promotion Retention to New Table and Data Collection Page

To standardize data collection and support ease of import for the Fall PEIMS collection, a new SSI Promotion Retention table, and data entry page are now available. Existing records from prior years are also automatically converted from the Student Assessment and Pre-Code record into the new table.

  • New SSI Promotion Retention Table and Data Entry Page
    • A new child table of students, S_TX_STU_SSI_PROM_RET_C, is added and a new “SSI Promotion Retention” page link is added to the State/Province – TX page.
    • Effective Date
      • Required in all records
      • A validation requires that the Effective Date be unique across records.
      • The Effective Date must be a date on or between the first day of school and the Fall PEIMS Snapshot Date in the current school year in order for a record to be extracted in the Fall collection.
      • Suggested date when creating new records for the 2020-21 school year: 10/01/2020
    • SSI Promotion Retention Indicator (E1030): required in all records
    • Comment: optional comment
  • Convert existing records from the Student Assessment table (S_TX_STU_ASSESSMENT_C) to the new SSI Promotion Retention table (S_TX_STU_SSI_PROM_RET_C).
    • A repo schema script automatically migrates the data in the existing Assessment records to the new SSI Promotion Retention table and data collection page once the state reporting release is installed.
    • The SSI Promotion Retention Effective Date is populated using a fixed date of 10/01/YYYY based on the school year in the existing record.
    • The E1030 SSI Promotion Retention Indicator code is migrated as entered.
    • The Comment field is populated as “Created by SSI Prom/Ret conversion date/timestamp."
PSSR-235364New Charter School Waitlist Data Collection

To support the new 2020-21 TSDS Charter School Waitlist Collection, new school and student-level data entry fields are now available.

  • New School Fields in District > Schools/School Info > Additional Texas Data Collection
    • E1675 Charter Educational Enrollment Capacity
      • Added as S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X.E1675_Charter_Enroll_Capacity.
      • TEA Definition: Indicates the number of students to which the charter school’s campus is able to provide instruction without exceeding staffing and facility limitations and the approved charter holder's maximum enrollment.
      • The new field captures an enrollment capacity of up to 4 digits in length.
      • This element is required for all open-enrollment charter schools, regardless of whether the campus has students on the waitlist or not.
    • E1676 Charter Admission Waitlist Indicator Code
      • Added to the existing Texas Schools extension table as S_TX_SCH_SCHOOLS_X. E1676_Charter_Waitlist_Ind.
      • TEA Definition: Indicates whether the charter school campus uses a waitlist for admission.
      • Implemented as a dropdown list with (0) No and (1) Yes options.
  • New S_TX_STU_CHARTER_WAITLIST_C extension table and fields in State/Province – TX > Charter School Waitlist
    • Charter Waitlist Effective Date
      • Added as S_TX_STU_CHARTER_WAITLIST_C.Waitlist_Effective_Date.
      • Definition: The effective date for the student's charter waitlist status.
      • Required field in all records; the Effective Date must be unique across all records.
    • Charter Waitlist Campus
      • Added as S_TX_STU_CHARTER_WAITLIST_C.Waitlist_Campus_ID.
      • Definition: The nine-digit CDC number of the charter school campus whose waitlist the student is on as of the last Friday in September.
      • Implemented as a dropdown list containing the district’s reportable schools.
      • Required field unless “Exclude from Waitlist” = Yes.
    • Exclude from Waitlist
      • Added as S_TX_STU_CHARTER_WAITLIST_C.Exclude_Waitlist.
      • Definition: Indicates that the student and record should be excluded from the charter school waitlist. This field is initially provided as a placeholder and may not be needed pending clarification of the TEA reporting requirements.
      • Implemented as a dropdown list with (0) No and (1) Yes options.
    • Charter Waitlist Comment
      • New column: Waitlist_Comment
      • Added as S_TX_STU_CHARTER_WAITLIST_C.Waitlist_Comment.
      • Definition: Optional, local use field for comments pertaining to the record.
        Important: The Charter School Waitlist reporting requirements remain under review; additional guidance will be provided to the districts pending TEA clarifications.
PSSR-235141New Special Ed Language Acquisition (SELA) Data Collection

Additional Reference: PSSR-239900  
A new SELA tab is now available in Special Programs to support the TSDS Special Ed Language Acquisition (SELA) Collection for the 2020-21 school year.

  • The SELA record captures information about the language acquisition services a student has received, hearing amplification used, and the results obtained from these services.
  • Records are required for special education students who are eight years of age or younger with a disability of ’02’ Deaf-Blindness (Deaf-Blind) or ‘06’ Hearing/Auditory Impairment (Auditory Impairment).
  • Database Information: The SELA elements are captured in a new Texas extension to the SpEnrollments table. Refer to the S_TX_SEN_SELA_X Data Dictionary for details on the field properties.
  • SELA Special Program Record
    • In addition to the standard Entry Date and Exit Date fields, Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary disabilities, and Instructional Setting from the student’s Special Education record are displayed in read-only format. The displayed values are sourced from the SPED record in effect based on the SELA record dates.
    • Preferred Home Communication (E1661): required field with the following options:
      (01) Visual
      (02) Auditory
      (03) Tactile
      (04) Multiple/Total
      (98) Parent or Guardian did not Respond
      (99) Parent or Guardian was not able to be Reached
    • Language Acquisition Services Panel
      • Language Acquisition Services Provided (E1662) must be specified.
        • If the student did not receive services, the “Services Not Provided” box should be selected, and no further data entry is required in this panel.
        • Otherwise, select all Language Acquisition Services that apply: Direct, Indirect, and/or Consultative
      • For each selected service type other than “Services Not Provided”, the Frequency of Services (E1663) must be specified:
        (01) Daily
        (02) Weekly
        (03) Monthly
        (04) < Monthly
      • For each selected service type, Hours Spent Receiving Services (E1664) must also be specified:
        (01) < 1 Hr
        (02) 1 to 3 Hrs
        (03) > 3 to 5 Hrs
        (04) > 5 Hrs
    • Hearing Amplification Panel
      • Hearing Amplification Type(s) (E1665) must be specified.
        • If the student does not use Hearing Amplification, the “Not Applicable” box should be selected, and no further data entry is required in this panel.
        • Otherwise, select all Hearing Amplification Types that apply: Hearing Aids, Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA), Implants, and/or Supplementals.
      • For each Hearing Amplification type other than “Not Applicable”, Hearing Amplification Access (E1666) must be specified:
        (01) Full Day
        (02) Partial Day
      • If the Access is Full Day, no further data entry is required in this panel.
      • If the Access is Partial Day, Hearing Amplification Average Daily Use must be specified for each amplification type:
        (01) < 1 Hr
        (02) 1 to 3 Hrs
        (03) > 3 Hrs
    • Language Acquisition Assessment Panel
      • Language Acquisition Tool(s) or Assessment(s) Used (E1668) must be specified.
        • If the student was not assessed, the “Not Applicable” box should be selected, and no further data entry is required in this panel.
        • Otherwise, select all tools or assessment types that apply: Proficiency, Diagnostic, Achievement, Rubric, and/or Other.
      • For each tool or assessment type other than “Not Applicable”, Assessment Results Obtained (E1669) must be specified:
        (01) Far Below Expectations
        (02) Below Expectations
        (03) Meets Expectations
        (04) Above Expectations
        (05) Far Above Expectations
        (06) No Results Obtained
PSSR-239348State Grade Level Now Obsolete: Pre-K Special Program Validation Update

The Pre-K Special Program record validation related to student Grade Level is updated to remove consideration of the obsolete State Grade Level override field in Transfer Info.

  • The validation no longer considers the state grade level and now only considers the student or reenrollment grade level. Grade Levels of -1 (PK4) and -2 (PK3) are both valid for Pre-K Special Program records.
  • Important: For the 2020-21 school year, the State Grade Level field is obsolete and will be removed from the Transfer Info pages in an upcoming release. Only the standard PowerSchool Grade Level field will be used for state reporting in the new year based on the following logic:
    • Grades 1-12: output as 01–12
    • Grade 0: output as KG
    • Grade -1: output as PK
    • Grade -2: output as PK
    • Grade -3 and below: output as EE
PSSR-235409Texas Health Module Seeding for Immunizations

Additional References: PSSR-235437, PSSR-236372, PSSR-238744
Texas Vaccines, Immunization Rules, Exemption Types, and Certificate Types are now seeded into PowerSchool and are available in District > Health Setup, and in Student > Health > Immunizations. The Texas Department of Health rules for grades EE -12 are now seeded into the Immunization Rules Engine so that compliance can be automatically calculated. Student compliance for each required vaccine is automatically calculated during the nightly process, and is updated when dose records are edited. Compliance status is displayed on the Immunization tab in Health. In a future release, Texas Immunization reporting will be made available, but is not currently supported. In order to use the new functionality, immunization dose records and exemption records for students must first be entered or imported into the health module. Note that these differ from the legacy immunization records that display on the Student Immunization page in State/Province - TX, which continue to be used exclusively to transmit vaccine dose records in TREx.

PSSR-231040The 2020–21 Incident Management Data Entry Validations and Data Collection Updates

Incident Management validations are now available at the time of data entry on the Detailed Incident and Quick Incident pages to support accurate data collection for the PEIMS submission. The validations are implemented as hard-stops and errors must be corrected before the record can be successfully submitted.

  • Behavior and Location Validations
    • 44425-0051 : If Behavior Code is 09 or 10, Location state code must be 04
    • 44425-0056 : If Behavior Code is 01 or 59, Location state code must be 01
    • 44425-0058 : If Behavior Code is 08, Location state code must be 01, 02, 03, or 04
    • 44425-0060 : If Behavior Code is 36 or 37, Location state code must be 01, 03, or 05
  • Action-related Validations
    • 44425-0011 : If Duration Code is 00, Assigned Duration and Actual Duration must not be different.
    • 44425-0012 : If Duration Code is not 00, Assigned Duration and Actual Duration must be different.
    • 44425-0013 : If Action Code is 02-04, 06-08, 10, 12, 13, 26, 51-55, 57, 59, or 60, Campus of Assignment must not be blank.
    • 44425-0017 : If Action Code is 13 or 14, Behavior Code must be 21.
    • 44425-0023 : Only one "mandatory action not taken" Action Code (27 or 28) can be reported for a particular Student and Incident
      Additional Updates
  • The description for Action Code 54 is updated from "Placement Alternative Ed Program SPED^" to "DAEP- On or Off Campus - SPED^"
  • A new Action Attribute Code is added to support the new E1656 Inconsistent Code of Conduct Indicator for the 2020-21 school year.
    • This attribute appears directly below the Campus of Responsibility as a dropdown list with values of (0) No and (1) Yes.
    • TEA Definition: INCONSISTENT-CODE-OF-CONDUCT-INDICATOR-CODE indicates whether an out-of-school suspension, disciplinary alternative education program placement, or expulsion action is inconsistent with a local education agency’s student code of conduct.
      • For DAEP placements and expulsions, Section 37.020 of the Texas Education Code (TEC) requires that any DAEP placement or expulsion, whether mandatory or discretionary, with a length of term inconsistent with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under Section 37.001(a)(5) of the Texas Education Code be reported.
      • For OSS, TEC Section 37.020 requires that a suspension inconsistent with the guidelines included in the student code of conduct under TEC Section 37.001(a)(3) outlining conditions under which a student may be suspended as provided by Section 37.005 be reported.
    • The E1656 Inconsistent Code of Conduct Indicator will be reported for the 2020-21 school year in all records where the action is OSS, DAEP placement, or expulsion. The reporting default will be 0 (No), therefore data entry is only required in records that do not meet the district’s student code of conduct guidelines.
PSSR-238611Update EOC Waiver logic for STAAR Alternate 2

AAR: Version 1.0.21
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.17
Texas Graduation Profile Report: Version 1.0.3
Texas Individual Graduation Profile Report: Version 1.0.2
The EOC Waiver logic for students earning a passing result for the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment based on ARD committee decision is updated to include test score records where the alpha score contains G or the alpha score = "T/M", "T/N", "T/A" or "T/O".

PSSR-236586Update Legacy Contacts Output for AAR, TREx, and the SPPI-14 TSDS Collection

AAR: Version 1.0.21
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.17
TREx Extract: Version 1.0.17
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.11
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.17
SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report: Version 1.0.3
When "Legacy Contacts" is the selected option, the output of contacts sourced from the legacy Guardian, Mother, and Father fields is now standardized across the reports.

  • The AAR and TREX reports now output the Guardian as the sole contact if the Guardian field is populated; otherwise, Mother and Father are output if populated in PowerSchool.
  • For the SPPI-14 Collection, the Student Parent Interchange now outputs the Guardian as the sole contact if the Guardian field is populated.
    • Otherwise, Mother and Father are output if populated: Mother is output as ContactPriority 1, and Father is output as ContactPriority 2.
    • The same changes are implemented in the SPPI-14 Student and Contact Verification Report.
  • Important Note: The newer "Student Contacts" feature is the preferred data source for these reports. Districts are encouraged to complete the transition to Student Contacts during the 2020–21 school year.
PSSR-238001Updated Data Collection for Flexible Attendance

_For the 2020–21 year, PowerSchool will continue to support the manual recording of Flex Attendance records, and will also support a new option for automatic reporting of Flex Attendance based on scheduled classes for the student, and the minutes for those classes as defined in the bell schedule.

  • For districts that prefer to manually record and/or import daily flexible attendance records, the existing data entry page in State/Province - TX, is now named "Manual Flexible Attendance".
    • The Flexible Attendance Program Type codes have been updated to remove the leading zero's per the TEA code table.
    • When entering Flex Attendance ADA Eligibility Codes of 7 or 8 in the PEIMS General record, a new validation now requires that the Flexible Attendance Program Type also be entered in the PEIMS General record.
  • For districts adopting the new, automatic reporting option, students must be coded for the Flexible Attendance Program Type (E1045) in the new field provided in the PEIMS General record.
    • When the student enters the Flex Attendance program, a new PEIMS General record must be created with one of the following Flexible Attendance Codes:
      (1) OFSDP - Optional Flexible School Day Program
      (2) HSEP - High School Equivalency Program
      (3) OFSDP - Credit/Promotion Recovery Program
      (6) OFSDP - Online Dropout Recovery Program
    • The ADA Eligibility Code must be set to either (7) Eligible - Flexible Attendance Program Participation or (8) Ineligible - Flexible Attendance Program Participation.
    • If the student exits the Flex Attendance program, the current PEIMS General record must be closed out and a new record created with the Flexible Attendance Program Type re-set to the NULL default of "Select Code" and the ADA Eligibility Code set to a value other than 7 or 8.
PSSR-236419Updates to Fall PEIMS Staff Responsibility Record Creation and Staff Interchange

Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation: Version 1.0.6
TX Interchange Staff Association: Version 1.0.38
The Staff Responsibility Report and Record Creation and Staff Interchange are updated for the Fall PEIMS Collection.

  • The Staff Responsibility record creation logic is updated to include new default elements at the school level for days and minutes per week for PE classes. The logic checks for values first at the section, then the course, and finally at the school. The first non-blank value identified is output. For schools where all or most of the PE classes follow the same pattern for days taught per week and minutes per day, values can be entered in District > Schools/School Info. If any specific sections need overrides, enter those on the Sections page.
    • E1604_Days_Taught_Week_1
    • E1605_Days_Taught_Week_2
    • E1606_Days_Taught_Week_3
    • E1607_Days_Taught_Week_4
    • E1608_Minutes_Taught_Week_1
    • E1609_Minutes_Taught_Week_2
    • E1610_Minutes_Taught_Week_3
    • E1611_Minutes_Taught_Week_4
  • A new Grade Level element is added to the Staff Responsibility record page, and applies only to records where the staff member has a Role ID of 087 (Teacher), 047 (Substitute) or 033 (Educational Aide) and the population served code for the section is "06" (Special Education Students).
    • The Grade Level element indicates the current grade level of the students served in the class.
    • For scheduled classes, the Grade Level is calculated and populated on the page based on the students enrolled in the section, and no data entry is required.
    • If a class contains students in multiple grade levels, the grade level for the majority of students is reported.
    • If there is an equal number of students in different grade levels, the highest grade level is reported.
  • The Staff Interchange is updated with the following changes:
    • Staff Extension complex type
      • The new E1670 Paraprofessional Certification Indicator Code is reported for Educational Aides (Role ID 033) assigned to at least one section where the population served is "06" (Special Education Students).
      • This element is suppressed for staff records that do not meet these criteria.
      • The Paraprofessional Certification Indicator is entered on the Staff Information page, and is reported with a value of 1 (Yes) or 0 (No). The default is 0.
    • Staff Responsibility complex type
      • The xml output is updated to include the new Grade Level element for staff with a Role ID of 087, 047 or 033 assigned to classes where the population served for the section is "06".
      • The Grade Level element is suppressed in all other records.
PSSR-236780Updates to Graduation Info, Industry Certifications and Performance Acknowledgements
  • Graduation Information Page > New Fields in Additional Indicators Panel
    • Adult Previous Attendance Indicator(E1660)
      • New field: S_TX_STU_X.E1660_Adult_Prev_Att_Ind
      • Definition: This indicates whether an adult student (age 18–25) who is currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program, dropout recovery school or other adult education program (under TEC Section 29.259), has or has not attended school in the previous nine months prior to enrolling.
      • This element will be reported in the Fall and Summer PEIMS Student Interchanges using the C088 code table with an indicator code of 0 or 1.
    • IBC Reimbursement Indicator (TE135)
      • New field: S_TX_STU_X.TE135_IBC_Reimb_Ind
      • Definition: This indicates that a prior or current LEA received the one-time allowed industry-based certification fee reimbursement for the student.
      • The IBC Reimbursement Indicator is implemented as a dropdown list with the following values:
        Select Code (default)
        (1) Yes (indicates that your district has received reimbursement)
        (2) No (indicates that no district has received reimbursement)
        (P) Prior district (indicates that a prior district has already received reimbursement)
      • This element will be reported in TREx v 4.9 using indicator codes of 0 or 1.
        • If the PowerSchool code is 1 or P, a value of 1 will be reported to TREx.
        • If the PowerSchool code is blank or 2, a value of 0 will be reported to TREx.
    • SAT/ACT Reimbursement Indicator (TE134)
      • New field: S_TX_STU_X. TE134_SAT_ACT_Reimb_Ind
      • Definition: This indicates that a prior or current LEA has received the one-time allowed SAT or ACT fee reimbursement for the student.
      • SAT/ACT Reimbursement Indicator is implemented as a dropdown list with the following values:
        Select Code (default)
        (1) Yes (indicates that your district has received reimbursement)
        (2) No (indicates that no district has received reimbursement)
        (P) Prior district (indicates that a prior district has already received reimbursement)
      • This element will be reported in TREx v 4.9 using indicator codes of 0 or 1.
        • If the PowerSchool code is 1 or P, a value of 1 will be reported to TREx.
        • If the PowerSchool code is blank or 2, a value of 0 will be reported to TREx.
  • New Fields and Code Table Updates to Performance Acknowledgements > Certifications/Licensures
    • Industry Certification Licensure Code Table Updates (C214)
      • New code: (931) Medical Laboratory Technician
      • Obsolete code: (400) Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT)
      • Updated code descriptions:
        (360) AWS SENSE Welding Level I: updated to (360) AWS SENSE Welding Level 1
        (480-500) CompTIA certifications: CompTIA now displayed without spaces for each certification
    • IBC Vendor Code (E1655)
      • New field: S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C.E1655_IBC_Vendor_Code
      • Definition: Identifies the organization or company that offered the service. This the vendor or organization that administered the certification exam. The vendor code must be reported for each certification exam taken.
      • The IBC Vendor Code Add is implemented as a dropdown list field referencing TEA Code Table C226. Once the Industry Certification is selected in the Indicator Value field, only the approved IBC Vendors for that certification are displayed in the IBC Vendor Code dropdown list per the Industry-Based Certification Approved Vendor Crosswalk posted on the TEA website.
        • One IBC Vendor only: some certifications have a single approved vendor; in this case, that vendor is displayed and must remain selected in order for the record to be saved.
        • Multiple IBC Vendors: some certifications have multiple approved vendors; in this case, validation requires that one of the valid values be selected in order for the record to be saved.
        • No IBC Vendor: if a certification has no IBC Vendor listed in the crosswalk table (such as the case for the new code 931 Medical Laboratory Technician), a default of IBC Vendor code 650 – Other is displayed and must remain selected in order for the record to be saved.
      • Related TEA Business Rule - 40100-0199: If POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE is not blank, then the IBC-VENDOR-CODE must be one of the approved vendors listed as a Certifying Entity in the Industry-Based Certification Approved Vendor Crosswalk for the particular certification.
    • IBC Exam Fee (E1654)
      • New field: S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C.E1654_IBC_Exam_Fee_Amt
      • Definition: Identifies the amount of money that was paid for a student’s industry certification exam by the local education agency.
      • IBC Exam Fee is implemented as a data entry box supporting whole numbers between 0 and 700.
      • Additional guidance is expected from TEA to clarify how this element will be reported in the Fall and Summer PEIMS Student Interchanges for 2020–21.
  • Updates to TREx Performance Acknowledgement Code Tables for AP & IB Exams
    • AP Exams
      • New code: (130) Acknowledgment for AP: Research
      • Obsolete code: (24) Acknowledgement for AP: Physics B. Note that this code was previously made obsolete and marked as “Do Not Use”; the code will now be hidden in records dated 08/01/2017 and beyond, but available in records with an earlier date.
    • New IB Exam Codes: available for records dated 08/01/2019 and beyond
      (183) Acknowledgment for IB: Analysis and Approaches SL
      (184) Acknowledgment for IB: Analysis and Approaches HL
      (185) Acknowledgment for IB: Applications and Interpretations SL
      (186) Acknowledgment for IB: Applications and Interpretations HL
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