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Texas Graduation Profile and Texas Individual Graduation Profile



Use the Texas Graduation Profile verification report to review student graduation status and related data elements as reported in the PEIMS Graduation Program complex, the AAR report, and the TREx Extract. The Texas Individual Graduation Profile is output to a PDF for each selected student.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • The student must be in grades 9-12, or the student must be identified as a graduate.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see Generate Reports.



Select Schools*

Choose which school(s) to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

At the school level:

  • The currently selected school is the default.

At the district level:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

  • All Schools (default) – The report includes all student records on the PowerSchool server that meet the selection criteria.

Current Selection Students*

Choose which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students – Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Only Include Students in Grade Levels

Select the grade levels for which to run the report.

Include Inactive Students?

Choose Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to include inactive students.

Student Type

Choose the student type for which to run the report.

  • Non-Graduates (default)

  • Graduates

Graduation Year

Choose the graduation year.

Note: This field only displays if the selected Student Type is Graduates.

Include non-FHSP Students

Choose Yes or No (default) to indicate whether to include non-FHSP students. If No is selected, the report will only pull FHSP students with a Graduation Type code of 33, 34, 35, 54, 55, 56, 57 or blank.

Include extended Graduation Information

Choose Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include student EOC Assessment Status and Waivers for each of the EOC subjects, along with other graduation requirements and indicators.

Note: Not applicable for the Texas Individual Graduation Profile report. The Texas Individual Graduation Profile report includes available graduation information by default.

Include Performance Acknowledgements

Choose Yes (default) or No to indicate whether to include performance acknowledgments and industry certification/licensures earned by the student.

Note: Not applicable for the Texas Individual Graduation Profile report. The Texas Individual Graduation Profile report includes available performance acknowledgments by default.

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Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Item #

Data Element




School Number

The last three digits of the school number, including leading zeros.

Note: If the student has been moved to the Graduates School, the report extracts the school where the student graduated.



School Name

The name of the school.



Student Name

The student's last, first, and middle names.

Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0705

Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0703

Override:  [S_TX_STU_X]E0704


Student #

The student’s local identification number.



Unique ID

The student's Texas Unique Student ID Number.




The student's grade level.




Enroll Status

The student's enrollment status.

Valid values:

  • Active - The student is actively enrolled.

  • Inactive - The student is not actively enrolled.

  • Graduate - The student is graduated. The student is considered a graduate if the student's Date of Graduation is populated and the student has an Exit Code of 01 or an Exit Code that is mapped to State Exit Code 01.





Grad Date

The student's date of graduation.



Cohort Year

The student's cohort year.



Grad Code

The two-digit graduation type code.



Grad Plan

The graduation type code description.




Indicates if the student is part of SPED program, or has completed the program


Status and Endorsements



Indicates if the student is pursuing the FHSP program, or has completed the program.


0, 1, or 2



Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement.


0, 1, or 2



Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a STEM endorsement.


0, 1, or 2


Bus Ind

Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Business and Industry endorsement.


0, 1, or 2


Public Svcs

Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Public Services endorsement.


0, 1, or 2


Arts Hum

Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for an Arts and Humanities endorsement.


0, 1, or 2



Indicates if the student is pursuing or has completed the requirements for a Multi-Disciplinary Studies endorsement.


0, 1, or 2


First Early HS Completion Program

Indicates if the student demonstrates mastery of and early readiness for college.

[S_TX_STU_X]Texas First Early HS Completion


Associate Degree (E1596)

Indicates that the student earned an associate degree prior to graduation from high school.

  • 2          Associate of Arts (AA)

  • 3          Associate of Applied Arts (AAA)

  • 4          Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

  • 5          Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT)

  • 6          Associate of Science (AS)



State Credits

The student's total number of earned state credits.

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs (calculated)

AAR Subject Category:

Explanation Code:


Local Credits

The student's total number of earned local credits.

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs (calculated)

AAR Subject Category:

Explanation Code:


Total Credits

The student's total earned credits.

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs (calculated)

EOC Status


EOC Alg1

The student's performance level for Algebra I EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = Algebra_I






The student's performance level for Biology EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = Biology





EOC Eng1

The student's performance level for English I EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_I 






The student's performance level for English I Reading EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_I 






The student's performance level for English I Writing EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_I 





EOC Eng2

The student's performance level for English II EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_II 






The student's performance level for English II Reading EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_I 






The student's performance level for English II Writing EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_I 






The student's performance level for US History EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = US_History





EOC English3

The student's performance level for English III EOC.

Valid values:

  • Req Met - The student met the requirement.

  • Not Met - The student did not meet the requirement.

  • Waived - The requirement was waived for the student.

  • [Blank] - N/A

[Test]Code = EOC or STAAR_EOC

[TestScore]Name = English_III





Military Enlistment (E1589)

Indicates if the student has enlisted in the United States Armed Forces after graduation.


0 or 1


FHSP Met Speech Requirement Date 

The month and year that the student met the speech requirement for an FHSP diploma.

Formatted MM/DD/YYYY including leading zeroes.



CPR Instruction Met Date (TE122)

The month and year that the student completed CPR training.

Formatted MM/DD/YYYY including leading zeroes.



Peace Officer Interaction Instruction Met Date (TE123)

The month and year that the student completed peace officer interaction training.

Formatted MM/DD/YYYY including leading zeroes.



IGC Review Code (E1563)

Indicates whether an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) has been established for a student.


00 or 01


IGC Graduate Code (E1562)

The Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) code.


00 or 02


Confirmed Personal Graduation Plan

Indicates whether the student is working under a personal graduation plan. 


0 or 1


Performance Acknowledgment AP Exams

An abbreviated, comma-separated list of the student's AP Exam Acknowledgements.

Example: If the student has an Indicator Value of "1 - Acknowledgement for AP: Art History," the report displays "Art History." If the student has multiple acknowledgments, the report displays all acknowledgments: "Art History, Biology," etc.

These fields are defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = AP


Performance Acknowledgment IB Exams

An abbreviated, comma-separated list of the student's IB Exam Acknowledgements.

Example: If the student has an Indicator Value of "(37) - Acknowledgment for IB: Biology HL," the report displays "Biology HL." If the student has multiple acknowledgments, the report displays all acknowledgments: "Biology HL, Chemistry SL," etc.

These fields are defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = IB


Performance Acknowledgment Bilingualism/Biliteracy

Indicates if the student received a performance acknowledgment for bilingualism/biliteracy.

This field is defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = BB

00 or 01


Performance Acknowledgment College Readiness Assessments

An abbreviated, comma-separated list of the student's College Readiness Acknowledgements.

Example: If the student has an Indicator Value of "(2) - Acknowledgement for PSAT: Commended scholar or higher," the report displays "PSAT." If the student has multiple acknowledgments, the report displays all acknowledgments: "PSAT, SAT," etc.

These fields are defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = CR


Performance Acknowledgment Dual Credit

An abbreviated, comma-separated list of the student's Dual Credit Acknowledgements.

Example: If the student has an Indicator Value of "(2) - Acknowledgment for College credit hours," the report displays "College Credit." If the student has multiple acknowledgments, the report displays all acknowledgments: "College Credit, Associates Degree," etc.

These fields are defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = DC


Performance Acknowledgment Certifications/Licensures

An abbreviated, comma-separated list of the student's Certification/Licensures.

Example: If the student has an Indicator Value of "(590) - Microsoft Technology Associate," the report displays "Microsoft Technology Associate." If the student has multiple acknowledgments, the report displays all acknowledgments: "Microsoft Technology Associate, Certified EKG Technician," etc.

These fields are defined on the student's Performance Acknowledgments tab (Student Selection > State/Province - TX > Performance Acknowledgements).

[S_TX_STU_PERF_ACKN_C]Indicator_Value where Performance_Indicator = CL

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