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Texas Truancy Status Report

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The Truancy Status Report identifies students with unexcused days absent according to TEA guidelines. Each time the report is run, unexcused absences and truancy status are recalculated and refreshed based on the most current PowerSchool data. Unexcused Absence Filters allow the user to specify the students who will be reported:

  • Students meeting PEIMS Truancy Extension criteria (10 days unexcused in 6 months or Truancy Prevention Measure assigned)
  • Students with at least 3 unexcused in 4 weeks
  • Students with at least 10 unexcused in 6 months
  • Students with at least X days unexcused

Note: A new nightly process to update Student Truancy Tracking records is now available to support future Ed-Fi reporting. The truancy calculations will be generated every year beginning on September 1 and ending on July 31.

Report Input


Select Schools

If run at the district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select schools to include in the report. To select a single school, click that school. To select multiple schools, use Ctrl+Click and select each school to be included.
  • All Schools – Run the report for the entire district.

If run at the school level, the report includes all records associated with the current school that meet the selection criteria. To change the current school, click School at the top of the page and choose the appropriate school from the list.

  • The Selected Students Only   
  • All Students   
Select the school year for which you want to run the report. 

Select one of the following unexcused absence filters:

  •  Students meeting PEIMS Truancy Extension criteria    
  •  Students with 3 unexcused in 4 weeks   
  •   Students with 10 unexcused in 6 months     
  •  All Students with at least X days unexcused    

 Select unexcused calculation preference:

  • Refresh Records Based on Current Attendance     
  •  Use Existing Records    

Select Run Now and click Submit

Report Output

Data Element


[Table]Field Name

Data Type

Current SchoolThe school ID for the class.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_DETAILS_C]SCHOOLIDNumber(9)
Student NumberThe student number[Student]StudentNumberNumber(9)
Unique ID (UID)The student's state unique identifier.[Students]State_StudentNumberNumber(10)
Last Name The student's last name. [Students]Last_NameVarcha(60)
First NameThe student's first name. [Students]First_NameVarcha(60)
Grade LevelThe grade level of the student.





Enroll StatusStudent's enrollment status.

YTD Days UnExNumber of unexcused absences. 

ThresholdIndicates the truancy threshold met by the student. Calculated element.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]TRUANCY_THRESHOLD_TYPEVarchar2(30)
Threshold DateThe date the student met one of the truancy thresholds: 3 unexcused absences in four weeks or 10 unexcused absences in six months. Calculated element.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]TRUANCY_THRESHOLD_DATEDate
Truancy CampusThe student's campus of enrollment when the student met the TEA truancy threshold. Calculated element.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]E0782_TRUANCY_CAMPUS_IDVarchar2(9)
Truancy Grade LevelThe student's grade level in the current year when the student first met the TEA truancy threshold of 10 unexcused absences in a six month period. Calculated element.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]E0017_TRUANCY_GRADE_LEVELNumber(11,0)
Excessive IndExcessive Indicator.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]Excessive_Ind
Excessive Ind OvrExcessive Indicator Override.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]Excessive_Ind_Ovr
Truancy Prev IndTruancy Prevention Indicator.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]Truancy_Prev_Ind
Truancy Prev CampusThe student's campus of enrollment where a Truancy Prevention Measure was initiated, if the student has not yet met the TEA truancy threshold. Manually entered element.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]E0782_TRU_PREV_CAMPUS_IDVarchar2(9)
ComplaintPEIMS Truancy Complaint Indicator.  [S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]E1659_TRUANCY_COMPLAINT_INDNumber(1,0)
CommentsOptional comments entered by the user for the truancy record.[S_TX_STU_TRUANCY_C]TRUANCY_COMMENTSVarchar2(500)
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