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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257368All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preference link Is Visible on Public Portal When Disabled

Digital Equity and Learning Preference public portal data entry has been updated and will no longer be visible when the district-level preference has not been enabled. Additionally, when enabled, the icon in the public portal will display on the left navigation bar as expected.

PSSR-252857AAR and TREx: Updates for "Expired" Contacts

TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.19
TREx Extract: Version 1.0.25
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.21
AAR: Version 1.0.25

The selection criteria in the AAR and TREx reports are now updated to exclude "expired" contacts where an End Date in the past exists in the StudentContactDetail table. This update applies only when Student Contacts is selected as the source for parent and guardian information.

PSSR-255020AAR Updates for New Alternate CDC School Name Field, Schools Awarding Credit, and Course Name Wrapping

AAR: Version 1.0.25
AAR by Number, Grade, Last Initials, or Student Selection: Version 1.0.21

  • A new "Alternate CDC School Name" field is now available on the Historical Grades > New Stored Grade and Historical Grades > Edit Stored Grade pages. The field is positioned directly below the "Alternate CDC Number" field.
    • On-screen text displays the following: "Enter an Alternate CDC Number and School Name only when credit was awarded by a school in a different TX district or charter."
    • A related validation is also added to display a warning message: "If Alternate CDC Number is not blank, Alternate CDC School Name should not be blank."
  • The AAR reports are updated with modified logic for the Schools Awarding Credit Section.
    • If a value exists in the Alternate CDC Number field, the Alternate CDC Number is displayed for the appropriate year.
    • If a value also exists in the Alternate CDC School Name field, the value is displayed after the Alternate CDC.
    • If a value does not exist in the Alternate CDC School Name field, the School Name attached to the Stored Grades record is displayed.
  • The AAR template is also modified to support wrapping to multiple lines for long course names in the Course Information section.
  • The AAR logic related to ACT - English/Writing Test Scores in the Assessments section is also modified.
    • If the ACT assessment date is before June 2015 and a score exists for the "ACT - Eng/Writing" score type, the score is reported on the transcript as before.
    • If the ACT assessment date is after June 2015 when the combined English/Writing score became obsolete, this score type is suppressed and will no longer be displayed.
PSSR-251616All States/Provinces: Clock In / Clock Out Report Completes Successfully

Clock In / Clock Out Report: Version 1.2

The Clock In/Clock Out Report completes successfully for schools with multiple FTE's.

PSSR-254309Attendance Verification Report Updates

Texas Attendance Verification Report: Version 1.0.1

  • The Attendance Verification Report is updated with a new parameter that will allow users to specify the number of previous school days to include so that when scheduling the Attendance Verification Report to run automatically each night the attendance dates will continually adjust.
  • The handling of the ADA period teacher is updated to report only the Lead Teacher.

Additional logic is also added to ensure that the Lead Teacher is selected and reported for the ADA period.

PSSR-242530New Remote Class Enrollments Report

Remote Class Enrollments Verification Report: Version 1.0.0

This new report serves as a verification of remote class enrollments for students who are enrolled at School A but are taking courses at School B.

  • When reported to PEIMS or TSDS, remote class enrollments are automatically reported under the Home School(s) of the student(s) in the class when the Master Schedule, Staff, and Student Enrollment Interchanges are generated.
  • In most cases, the remote class enrollments are valid, and no action is needed.
  • In some cases, if a student is incorrectly transferred between schools, class enrollments can remain attached to the wrong school and will appear as if the student is remotely enrolled in those classes when he/she is not.
  • In this case, the class enrollments must typically be fixed using DDA – either to adjust the school IDs for the classes or to adjust the class entry and exit dates.
  • Report Parameters
    • Select Schools: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the schools selected.
    • Collection Code: Courses and Sections are output based on the selection criteria applicable to the interchange output for the selected Collection Code. When 'ALL' is selected as the collection code, no filtering is applied.
    • School Year: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the Year selected.
    • ECDS Limit to Grade KG and/or PK: This parameter is displayed conditionally when the TSDS - ECDS collection code is selected.
    • Effective Date: Courses and Sections are filtered based on the Effective Date applicable to the selected collection with the following default Effective Dates
      • ALL, SUMR, EXYR, or ECDS: Default to current date
      • FALL: Default to Fall Snapshot Date
      • TSDS - Class Roster-Fall: Default to Fall Class Roster snapshot date
      • TSDS - Class Roster-Winter: Default to Winter Class Roster snapshot date
  • Output File
    • The report produces a CSV file that can be opened and filtered using a spreadsheet application.
    • The output file name follows the format of [COLLECTION]_RemoteClassEnrollments.csv.
  • Report Output
    • School Number
    • Student Number
    • Student Name
    • Unique ID
    • Grade
    • Remote Course School Number
    • Remote Course Number
    • Course Name
    • Section
    • Term
    • Expression
    • Teacher Name
    • Teacher Unique ID
    • Class ID
    • Student Entry Date
    • Student Exit Date
PSSR-254512Student Legal Gender Update for Key TEA Reports

TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.36
TX Interchange Student-Parent: Version 1.0.23
Unique ID Enrollment Event Tracking: Version 1.0.11
Student Unique ID Request: Version 1.0.8

  • The reports listed above now reference the new Legal Gender field which has been added to the Demographics and Enroll New Student pages. Legal Gender is stored in StudentCoreFields.PSCore_Legal_Gender.
    • If Legal Gender is populated, this value is extracted.
    • If Legal Gender is blank, the value in the standard Gender field is extracted.
  • Districts are now free to add their own "local" codes to the core Gender codeset to accommodate students who prefer a gender designation other than "Male" or "Female".
  • The codeset for the Legal Gender field should not be modified as the code value must be M or F for TEA reporting.
  • In a subsequent release, data entry validations will be added to require a value in the Legal Gender field if the Gender field contains a value other than M or F, and additional Texas state reports will be updated for this change.
  • Districts should also ensure that any customizations on the Demographics or Enroll New Student pages are updated to align with the Texas state reporting logic.
PSSR-255337TREx Version 4.9.1 Updates

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.25
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.19

The TREx Extracts are updated to support the latest TEA version 4.9.1 specifications.

    • This indicator is reported in the PEIMS submissions and is now added to the Student Demographics complex in TREx.
    • If a PK4 student does not qualify for funded PK in the current year, but did qualify as a PK3 student in the prior year, the student is grandfathered in.
    • This element is automatically calculated for all PK4 students who were enrolled in the district in the prior year.
    • For students who transferred in from another district, the indicator must be set in the Pre-K special program record.
  • 2021 Crisis Codes 1A, 1B, 1C and 2A, 2B, 2C
    • The new 2021 crisis codes are now reported if assigned to the student.
    • The prior 2020 crisis codes (8A, 8B, 8C, 9A, 9B, 9C) are also included if coded for the student.
    • The field label for this element on the Graduation Information page is updated to SAT/ACT/TSIA Reimbursement Indicator (TE134) to include TSIA as one of the reimbursable assessments.
    • The database column name and the XML output in the TREx file remain unchanged.
  • xsd Version 1.26
    • The version in the header row now displays TREx:v1.26 to reflect the latest TEA standard.
PSSR-254509TX - Student Legal Gender Field UI Addition

A new Legal Gender field is available on the Student Demographics and New Student Enrollment pages, positioned right below the core Gender field.

  • A "Copy from Student's Gender" button is also available next to the Legal Gender field to copy the core Gender values from the Gender field into the Legal Gender field
  • The code values of Female (F) and Male (M) are sourced from the PS_Common_Code table (LEGAL_GENDER category).
  • The values entered in this field are stored in StudentCoreFields[PSCore_Legal_Gender]
  • In a subsequent release, reports and extracts submitted to TEA will be updated to source the student's gender from the Legal Gender field if populated; otherwise from the core Gender field.
  • Pending the availability of the state report updates, districts should not begin adding new local codes to the core Gender field that are not recognized by TEA.
PSSR-255853Update CTE Reports for Auto-Code Status Field and Section-Level CTE V Hours Exclusion

PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report: Version 1.0.12
Career and Tech Verification Report: Version 1.0.6

The PEIMS Special Programs Verification Report output for the Career and Tech option now includes the new Auto-Code Status field. The report also supports multiple Career and Tech special program records for the selected date, date range, or period regardless of the CTE Indicator value.

The Career and Tech Verification Report is updated with the same changes. In addition, the report now displays the "Exclude CTE Hours Start Date" and "Exclude CTE Hours End Date" fields captured on the Sections page for CTE classes where a certified CTE teacher is not available for a portion of the class term or the entire class term.

PSSR-255678Update EOC and STAAR Assessment Quick Import to Remove CTE Indicator Column

Assessment Quick Import Extract: Version 1.0.5

The Assessment Quick Import Extract has been updated to conform to the 2020-2021 data file format for EOC and STAAR assessment files. The Career Tech Indicator column has been removed.

PSSR-254830View Only Access to Special Programs

Updates to the Texas Special Program pages are now available to address issues encountered by users with view-only permissions.

  • Pages for the following Special Program pages are updated to prevent view-only issues:
    • Career and Tech
    • Economic Disadvantaged
    • Special Education
    • SELA
  • The "New" button is now hidden for all Special Programs for groups with view-only permissions.
  • The remaining "uncaught ajax_errors" are caused by conflicting permissions within the district's security setup, which must be adjusted by the district. Access to the Special Program edit pages for groups with view-only access must be set to "View Only", and not to "None."
PSSR-255019Withdrawal Form Updates for Course Selection Criteria

Withdrawal Form: Version 1.0.4

The Withdrawal Form is now updated with new course selection criteria:

  • Classes that the student has dropped are excluded.
  • Classes that are scheduled to begin after the Exit Date from the school are excluded.
    • If the "Exit Date Override" runtime parameter is populated, all classes with a start date = or > the Exit Date Override date are excluded.
    • If the "Exit Date Override" runtime parameter is not populated, but the student has withdrawn from school, all classes with a start date = or > the student's most recent withdrawal date in Transfer Info are excluded.
    • If the "Exit Date Override" is not populated, and the student remains actively enrolled in school, all courses with a start date = or > the current system date is excluded.
  • Classes where the "Exclude From TREx" flag is set either in Sections[S_TX_SEC_X.ExcludeFromTREx] or Courses[S_TX_CRS.X.ExcludeFromTREx] = Yes (1) are also now excluded.
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