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Unique ID Enrollment Event Tracking

Each school district submits the Unique ID with Enrollment Events batch file to the state TSDS system every week. The Unique ID Enrollment Event Tracking reports new and updated student enrollment and withdrawal records, and grade-level assignments.

This extract replaces the previous PET (Pupil Enrollment Tracking) Extract and integrates enrollment tracking with the TSDS Unique ID system.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.

School Selection

The report selects which school records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The school must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting.
  • The school must be associated with a student included in the report.

Student Selection

The report selects which student records to use based on the following criteria:

  • The student must not be marked as Exclude from State Reporting ("Exclude from PEIMS")
  • To be included in the submission file, all required demographics fields must be populated, and the student must have at least one new or updated Entry, Exit, or Grade Level change during the target date range.
    • If “Updates and New Records since Last Submission” is selected in the runtime parameter: a record is output for each new, updated, or deleted Entry, Exit, or Grade Level change occurring since the date specified in the Last Submit Date parameter.
    • If “All Records within Date Range” is selected in the runtime parameter: a record is output for each Entry, Exit, or Grade Level change occurring within the date range encompassed by the Start Date and End Date parameters.
  • Students who have valid records are reported in the in the ET Event submission file.
  • Students who are excluded from the submission file are reported in the companion Excluded Students file if any of the following elements are missing or invalid:
    • Demographics
      • Student Name Fields
      • SSN
      • TX Unique ID
      • Birthdate
      • Hispanic/Latino Code
      • Race Code (at least one is required for all students)
    • Invalid Enrollment or Withdrawal records
      • Exit Date > 1 day after school calendar end date
      • Entry Date before school calendar start date
      • Entry and Exit Dates outside of school calendar
      • Reverse Enrollments
      • Duplicate Entry Dates at same school (except for valid No Show records)
      • Duplicate Entry Dates at different schools (except for valid No Show records)
      • Overlapping Enrollments

Report Input

Each of the available run options and data fields for the report is described below.



Select Schools

The multi-select list allows the user to use the Ctrl or SHIFT key on your keyboard to click each school for which you want to run the extract.

Note: At the school level, only the current school is available.

Current Selection Students

Select one of the following:

  • The Selected [number] Students Only – Run the report for only pre-selected students.
  • All Students – Run the report for all students in the indicated school(s).

School Year

Choose the school year for the student enrollment data you want to include in the report.

Records to Include

Select one of the following:

  • Updates and New Records since the Last Submission – Run the report for only records that are new or updated since the last submission. (Default)
  • All Records within Date Range – Run the report for all records within the reporting period.

Note: Except under special circumstances and unless specifically permitted by TEA, the default option, Updates, and New Records since the Last Submission should always be used.

Last Submit DateFrom the calendar provided, select the most recent date the Unique ID Enrollment Events extract was submitted to the state.

Start Date

Select the first date in the reporting period from the calendar provided.

When generating the ET Enrollment Event Tracking extract, if PowerSchool SIS identifies the following types of records, they will not be considered as an error:

    • Duplicate Entry Dates at same school
    • Duplicate Entry Dates at different schools


      • Duplicate Entry Dates at different schools:
      • The student has a valid no-show record at School A: Entry 09/08/2020 & Exit 09/08/2020
      • The student then enrolls at School B: Entry 09/08/2020 & Exit 11/23/20 (or any other date during the year)
      • Duplicate Entry Dates at same school:
      • The student has a valid no-show record at School A: Entry 09/08/2020 & Exit 09/08/2020
      • Subsequently, the error is identified as the student was present on the first day and a new enrolment at the same school is created: Entry 09/08/2020 & Exit 06/22/2021.

      Most No Show records are dated the first day of school, valid No Show records can also occur during the year at the same school or different schools

          • Entry and Exit on 12/01/2020 at School A and Entry of 12/01/2020 at School B
          • Entry and Exit on 12/01/2020 at School A and Entry of 12/01/2020 at School A

          End Date

          Select the last date in the reporting period from the calendar provided.

          Transmission ID

          Enter a local identifier to include in the file header and trailer records. If left blank, the first 10 characters of the current user's last name outputs on the record.

          This field may not exceed 10 characters.

          Report Output: Unique ID Enrollment Event Batch File

          The report generates a zip file containing the Unique ID Enrollment Events CSV file and an Excluded Students companion file.

          Report Output: CSV

          Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.


          Data Element




          Header Record Layout

          The header record is the first record in the file.


          Record Type

          The record type.



          Extract Date

          The date the extract was run.



          Extract Time

          The time the extract was run.



          Transmission ID

          The identifier of the submitter. Used for auditing.


          The runtime parameter, Transmission ID, if populated. Otherwise, the last name of the user logged into the system.




          The TEDS version.




          The type of file delimiter. Hard-coded as 0X2C to note that the delimiter is a comma.



          Source Name

          The name of the source. Hard-coded as SIS for students.



          Text Qualifier

          The type of text qualifier. Hard-coded as 0X22 to note that the qualifier is a double quote.


          Detail Record Layout

          All fields that are reserved and not used by TEA must be included as blank, separated by a comma, and in double quote. The detailed records represent the individual enrollment event data.


          Record Type

          The record type.



          Current School Code

          The school where the student is enrolled.







          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Last Name

          The student's legal last name.




          First Name

          The student's legal first name.




          Middle Name

          The student's legal middle name.




          Name Suffix

          The student's generational suffix code.




          The student's gender.



          Date of Birth

          The student's birth date.



          Current Grade Level Code

          The student's grade level.







          Local Student ID

          The student's local ID number. This field provides a mechanism to import student data from the TSDS Unique ID system back into local systems.



          Social Security Number or S-#

          The student's social security number.




          The student's race code.

          14TSDS Uniq-IDThe student state-assigned a unique identifier.




          Current District Code

          The district where the student is enrolled.



          Current School Year

          The current school year for the data contained in the extract. This value extracts from the school year runtime parameter selected on the report input.



          Alternate Last Name

          The student's maiden name. This field is not stored in PowerSchool and is an optional field per TEA.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.


          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.


          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.


          Reserved Field

          Not used by TEA. Always blank.



          Ethnicity Indicator

          The student's Hispanic/Latino indicator.

          Valid values:

          • 1 - Hispanic/Latino
          • 0 - Not Hispanic/Latino.


          Race 2 Code

          If the student has multiple race codes, this field contains the second code.




          Race 3 Code

          If the student has multiple race codes, this field contains the third code.



          Race 4 Code

          If the student has multiple race codes, this field contains the fourth code.



          Race 5 Code

          If the student has multiple race codes, this field contains the fifth code.

          36Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo10
          37Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo60
          38Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          39Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo60
          40Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo50
          41Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo50
          42Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo30
          43Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo30
          44Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo2
          45Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo17
          46Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo22
          47Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo20
          48Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANoN/A
          49Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo20
          50Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo20
          51Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo125
          52Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo25
          53Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo20
          54Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo2
          55Submission Purpose

          The type of data in the input file.

          Hard-coded as 002 for Enrollment Events.

          56Person Type

          The type of person on the record.

          Hard-coded as 02 for a student.

          57Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo1
          58Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          59Entry/Exit DateThe date on which the student enrolled or withdrew from the reporting campus.



          60Entry/Exit Type

          Indicates if the date in the Entry/Exit Date field is an enrollment or withdrawal record.

          Entry Date: '01'

          Exit Date: '02'

          61Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          62Entry/Exit Verified Flag

          The status of the enrollment event.

          Valid values:

          • 1 – Verified
          • 2 – Unverified
          • 3 – Calendar
          • 4 – Delete


          Record correction scenarios: a value of “4” (Delete) is output when a previously submitted record needs to be deleted from the Unique ID system. Typically, the deleted record is accompanied by a new, updated record that corrects and replaces the deleted record.

          Values of 1-Verified, 2-Unverified, and 3-Calendar are never published. These fields can be manually edited in the Unique ID system when appropriate.

          63Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANoN/A
          64Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANoN/A
          65Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo25
          66Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          67Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          68Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          69Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo100
          70Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANoN/A
          71Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANoN/A
          72Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo3
          73Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo255
          74Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo255
          75Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo255
          76Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo12
          77Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo50
          78Reserved FieldNot used by TEA. Always blank.N/ANo10

          Trailer Record Layout


          Record Type

          The type of record.



          Transmission ID

          The identifier of the submitter. Used for auditing.


          The runtime parameter, Transmission ID, if populated. Otherwise the last name of the user logged into the system.



          Number of Records

          The number of records in the file, including the header and trailer records.


          Report Output: PDF

          Item # or Position

          Data Element



          Enrollment Events Tracking Report (Student Records Included)

          This section of the PDF output contains a list of student records that were included in the CVS file.

          1School CodeThe school where the student is enrolled.





          2Last NameThe student's legal last name.

          Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0705


          3First NameThe student's legal first name.

          Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0703


          4Middle NameThe student's legal middle name.

          Override: [S_TX_STU_X]E0704



          The student's generational suffix code.

          6GenderThe student's gender.[Students]Gender
          7Date of BirthThe student's birth date.[Students]DOB
          8GradeThe student's grade level.





          9Local ID

          The student's local ID number. This field provides a mechanism to import student data from the TSDS Unique ID system back into local systems.


          The student's social security number.


          The student's race code.

          12TSDS UIDThe student state-assigned unique identifier.



          The student's Hispanic/Latino indicator.

          Valid values:

          • 1 - Hispanic/Latino
          • 0 - Not Hispanic/Latino.
          14ET Date

          The date on which the student enrolled or withdrew from the reporting campus.


          • Entry and exit dates are listed from oldest to newest.
          • Each entry and exit event is listed on a separate line with School ID, Grade Level, and Entry or Exit Date.
          • Entry and exit events that contain a code 4 (Delete) value in the Entry/Exit Verified field are also displayed.



          15ED Type

          Indicates if the date in the Entry/Exit Date field is an enrollment or withdrawal record.

          Entry Date: '01'

          Exit Date: '02'


          The status of the enrollment event.

          Valid values:

          • 1 – Verified
          • 2 – Unverified
          • 3 – Calendar
          • 4 – Delete


          Record correction scenarios: a value of “4” (Delete) is output when a previously submitted record needs to be deleted from the Unique ID system. Typically, the deleted record is accompanied by a new, updated record that corrects and replaces the deleted record.

          Values of 1-Verified, 2-Unverified, and 3-Calendar are never published. These fields can be manually edited in the Unique ID system when appropriate.

          ET Event Error Report (Students Not Included)

          This section of the PDF output contains a list of student records that were not included in the CVS file due to an error.

            • Student Name Fields
            • SSN
            • TX Unique ID
            • Birthdate
            • Hispanic/Latino Code
            • Race Code (at least one is required for all students)


          Local ID

          This column contains the district-assigned student ID.



          Student Name

          This column contains the student's name in last name, first name, middle name format.







          3Error NoteThis column contains the reason the student was not included in the report. Errors may include invalid characters in the student name fields, missing or invalid SSN, missing or invalid TX unique ID, missing birthdate, and missing Hispanic/Latino code or at least one race code.

          'Missing' or 'Invalid' + field

          JavaScript errors detected

          Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

          If this problem persists, please contact our support.