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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-2369922020-21 Updates for TREx Version 4.9

TREx Extract: Version 1.0.18
TREx Extract by Student Number: Version 1.0.12
The extracts now support TREx version 4.9 for the 2020-21 school year.

  • State Grade Level Override: all logic related to the obsolete state grade level field is removed. Student grade level is now reported solely based on the standard grade level field.
    • Grades 1-12: output as 01-12
    • Grade 0: output as KG
    • Grade -1: output as PK
    • Grade -2: output as PK
    • Grade -3 and below: output as EE
  • New elements are added to the Academic Status complex type:
    • SAT/ACT Reimbursement Indicator (TE134) with XML output of "SATACTReimbursement"
    • IBC Reimbursement Indicator (TE135) with XML output of "IBCReimbursement"
  • These elements are entered in the Additional Indicators panel on the Graduation Information page and are reported only when a non/blank value exists in the field.
    • If the student's code is 1 (Yes) or P (Prior District), 1 is reported
    • If the student's code is 0, 0 is reported
    • Otherwise, the element is suppressed entirely.
  • Post-Secondary Certification Licensure Earned (TE133 and PEIMS E1640) is also added to the Academic Status complex type and output in the XML as "IBCEarned"
    • These are the same industry certifications as reported in PEIMS and captured on the Performance Acknowledgements tab on the Graduation Information page.
    • If a student earned multiple certifications, each is output as a separate record.
    • If the student did not earn any certifications, the element is suppressed entirely.
  • EOC Assessment records for Substitution Assessments are now reported in the Assessments complex type with a Performance Level code of 6 (S - Substitute Assessment).
    • The "Include EOC Assessment Waivers/Substitutions" parameter offers these options:
      • Include both Waivers and Substitutions
      • Include Waivers Only
      • Include Substitutions Only
      • Do Not Include Waivers or Substitutions
    • Using similar Substitution Assessments logic as implemented for the AAR, EOC assessment records for students with a qualifying score for a substitution assessment are output as described below
      • When reporting substitutions, the TestName is output as SubXXX where XXX = abbreviation for the substitution assessment the student passed such as "SubACT", "SubSAT", "SubAP", SubIB", "SubTSI".
      • Algebra 1: output as TestName = E6, Test Date = Substitution Assessment Date, TestScore = SubXXX, PerformanceLevel = 6
      • Biology: output as TestName = E9, Test Date = Substitution Assessment Date, TestScore = SubXXX, PerformanceLevel = 6
      • English I: output as TestName = EG, Test Date = Substitution Assessment Date, TestScore = SubXXX, PerformanceLevel = 6
      • English II: output as TestName = EH, Test Date = Substitution Assessment Date, TestScore = SubXXX, PerformanceLevel = 6
      • US History: output as TestName = EC, Test Date = Substitution Assessment Date, TestScore = SubXXX, PerformanceLevel =
    • If the student has any EOC Test Score records for the same EOC assessment where the Performance Level = 7 or 1 (Not Met/Unsatisfactory), those records are suppressed and the Substitutions are reported.
    • If the student is also coded for a COVID-19 EOC waiver for the 2019-20 school year, the waiver will be reported instead of the Substitution Assessment.
    • In addition, in EOC records where the Alpha Score does not conform to the expected values, the TREx TestName code will be reported as the standard version of the test.
PSSR-239513Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report: Validation Mode Updates

Manual Entry Stored Grades Verification Report: Version 1.0.5

When you run the report in Validation Mode, two new parameters are now available. The report selection logic is also modified.

  • Collection Code
    • Options for the PEIMS SUMR or EXYR collections are now provided.
    • When running for the PEIMS Extended Year Submission, additional selection criteria specific to Submission 4 are now considered: records must have an Explanation Code of "R" (summer school) and a Dual Credit Indicator of 1.
  • School Year
    • Options to select either the current year or the previous school year are now provided.
    • This new option ensures that the correct records are selected for the specified collection regardless of the current system date. The primary impact is to the Extended Year Submission when the report is typically run after the year-end process and the applicable records belong to the prior school year.
PSSR-241402PEIMS Extended Year Submission 4 Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-242062

TX Interchange Education Organization: Version 1.0.36
TX Interchange Master Schedule: Version 1.0.27
TX Interchange Student: Version 1.0.29
TX Interchange Student Enrollment: Version 1.0.49
TX Interchange Student Program: Version 1.0.37
TX Interchange Student Transcript: Version 1.0.27

Districts must use these updated versions of the Extended Year Interchanges in order to complete Submission 4.

  • Student Grade Level
    • The logic for the PEIMS Extended Year Submission is updated to account for the elimination of the student State Grade Level Override field. The student selection criteria and output of student grade level is now based solely on the core grade level field. In addition, for ESY SPED records, the Grade Level field in the student ESY record is ignored, and the student's enrollment grade level is reported.
      • Grades 1-12: output as 01-12
      • Grade 0: output as KG
      • Grade -1: output as PK (PK4)
      • Grade -2: output as PK (PK3)
      • Grade -3 and below: output as EE
  • College Prep Courses
    • The selection criteria is updated to include students, courses, and transcript records for College Prep classes taken over the summer per the addition made by TEA in July.
      • Service ID: CP110100 (College Prep English Language Arts)
      • Service ID: CR111200 (College Prep Mathematics)
    • These records will be extracted from manual entry stored grades records entered in the 2019-20 year with an Explanation Code of R (summer school). Note that these classes do not qualify as Dual Credit, and that indicator should not be set.
  • Ed Org Updates
    • The EdOrg Interchange is updated to remove obsolete elements for the 2019-20 year.
    • Submission 4 now also includes records for Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO's) offered over the summer (ELO Type Code (04) Voluntary Expanded Learning - Summer). If the school did not offer summer ELO's, a default of 0 is output for the Expanded Learning Opportunity Indicator Code.
PSSR-240972Student Learning Preferences Page (COVID-19) and Learning Preferences Code Set Page

Additional Reference: PSSR-240915

A new Student Learning Preferences page is now available under the State/Province – TX link to capture optional information for local use regarding student learning preferences (instructional models) as requested by the student’s parent/guardian. Additional fields are provided for internet and device access, and to flag students who require paper packets of instructional materials. In addition, a new District Setup page is available to allow districts to customize the Student Learning Preferences code set values available in the dropdown list.

Student records can be manually entered or mass imported into the new S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C child table using Data Import Manager. To import, begin by exporting the Student DCID and basic identifying fields from the Students table, then add the Student Learning Preferences columns. If a student subsequently needs to change instructional models, enter or import a new record with a new Effective Date.

  • Effective Date
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.EffectiveDate
    • Required field in all records
    • Effective Date must be unique across all records
  • Learning Preference
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.LearningPreference
    • Dropdown list with the following default values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (OC) On-campus
      (HY) Hybrid
      (RM) Remote/Virtual
    • Important: Districts can customize the above default Learning Preferences codes to suit local needs by navigating to District Info and selecting the Student Learning Preferences link. We recommend that districts perform any customization prior to importing or entering student-level records.
      • To delete an existing code, click the pencil icon, and then click Delete. Note that any code already in use in a student Learning Preference record cannot be deleted
      • To add a new code, click “New Learning Preference”.
      • To modify the description of an existing code, click the pencil icon, and modify the description.
      • The default short codes for “OC”, “HY”, and “RM” cannot be modified, only the descriptions; dropdown list values for the other fields in the records cannot be customized.
  • Requested Timeframe
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.RequestedTime
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Start of School
      (2) 2nd Six weeks
      (3) 3rd Six Weeks
      (4) 4th Six Weeks
      (5) 5th Six Weeks
      (6) 6th Six Weeks
      (Q2) 2nd Quarter
      (Q3) 3rd Quarter
      (Q4) 4th Quarter
      (T2) 2nd Trimester
      (T3) 3rd Trimester
      (OT) Other (added 07/27/20)
    • Validation warning when "Other" is selected: "Specify other requested timeframe in the Comment field."
  • Requesting Parent/Guardian
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.RequestingParentGuardian
    • 100 character text box
  • Internet in Residence
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.InternetInResidence
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Yes - Internet Access In Residence
      (2) No - Not Available No - Not Available
      (3) No - Not Affordable
      (4) No - Other
  • Internet Access
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.InternetAccess
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Residential Broadband (DSL, Cable, Fiber)
      (2) Cellular Network
      (3) School Provided HotSpot
      (4) Satellite
      (5) Dial-up
      (6) Other
      (7) None
  • Internet Performance
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.InternetPerformance
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Yes - No issues
      (2) Yes - But not consistent
      (3) No
  • Device Access
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C.DeviceAccess
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Personal - Dedicated (one person per machine)
      (2) Personal - Shared (sharing among others in household)
      (3) School Provided - Dedicated
      (4) School Provided - Shared
      (5 None
  • Device Type
    • Dropdown list with the following values:
      Select Code (NULL default)
      (1) Desktop/Laptop
      (2) Tablet
      (3) Chromebook
      (4) SmartPhone
      (5) Other
  • Device Serial Number
    • 100 character text box
  • Paper Learning Packets: Include on Summary Page
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C. PaperLearningPackets
    • Dropdown list with the following values:Select Code (NULL default)
      (M) Mail Home
      (P) Pick Up
  • Comment
    • S_STU_LEARNINGPREF_C. LearningPrefComments
    • 500 character text box
PSSR-240609Updates for IBC & SAT/ACT Reimbursement and IBC Vendor Codes

Start Page > Student Selection > Texas State Information > PEIMS Graduation Information
Start Page > Student Selection > Texas State Information > Performance Acknowledgments > New/Edit Certification/Licensure

  • IBC Reimbursement Indicator and SAT/ACT Reimbursement codes
    • The dropdown list for code (2) No in the IBC Reimbursement Indicator (TE135) and IBC Reimbursement Indicator (TE135) fields is modified to store the data as (0) No instead of (2) No.
    • The updated dropdown list appears as:
      Select Code (default)
      (0) No
      (1) Yes
      (P) Prior District
    • Existing codes of "2" are automatically converted to "0" in a repo schema script.
  • IBC Vendor Code
    • The effective date display for the IBC Vendor Code is modified. This element appears in records dated 08/01/2019 and later and is hidden in records with a date of 07/31/2019 and earlier.
    • The validation related to IBC Vendor Code is modified to be a warning instead of a hard-stop, and the date logic for display of this warning is also modified.
      • In records dated 06/01/2020 or later, the following warning is displayed if a user attempts to save the record without a valid IBC Vendor Code: "Warning: if this certification was earned during the student's enrollment in your district, IBC Vendor Code is required for PEIMS reporting."
      • No warnings will appear for any record dated prior to 06/01/2020.
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