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General Texas Attendance Accounting


Regular Attendance

Texas uses a "snapshot" period for attendance. Basically, a school needs to establish one period used for attendance (TEA Handbook states either the second or fifth instructional hour). If a student is marked absent for that period, they will be considered absent for the entire day. If a student is marked present for that period, they will be considered present for the entire day. Also, the ADA Eligibility Code for a given day indicates whether the student is eligible or ineligible for funding and whether they are considered full or half time.

All students must be enrolled in at least one class that is offered at the period selected to use for ADA whether using Daily or Meeting Attendance. See School Setup for setting up the attendance properly.

Note: Students that are enrolled in one school but taking classes at another campus during the accountability period using the Functions > Enroll in a Class in Another School option in PowerSchool will need to also enroll the student in an attendance section at the home campus. Attendance from the other campus will reflect in Quick Lookup at the home campus; however, the meeting attendance does not automatically get converted into Daily Attendance. Therefore the district must create a process for the attendance to manually be entered at the home campus using PowerTeacher and/or PowerSchool Daily or Meeting attendance.
For TREx, the Days Attended and Days Absent will be calculated from the student attendance.

Special Education

To indicate if a student is in special education, use the Instructional Setting code found on the SpecEd tab of the Texas State Information page. If this field has a value other than null, the Special Ed Indicator Code will be set to 1.


The calculation of vocational contact hours is based on a student's enrollment in sections where the course is flagged as vocational. The vocational hour value must be assigned to the course or section in order for a student to receive the proper vocational contact hours for the enrollment. Both fields must be coded for the student to receive the proper vocational contact hours for the enrollment.

If the course is flagged as vocational, the students enrolled in those sections will also have their CTE Indicator Code set in Special Enrollments through a nightly process. A student must have a schedule before any autocode processes are applied to that student.

Currently, when the process runs in a school year prior to the fall snapshot date:

  • If the student is enrolled in a CTE class and there is an existing open record (exit date is blank) then
    • if the snapshot date is equal to the spenrollment enter date, update the record.
    • if the snapshot date is greater than the spenrollment enter date (most likely from prev year), then close the open record and open a new one.
  • If the student is enrolled in a CTE class and there is no existing open record (exit date is blank) then add one.

When the process is run in a school year after the snapshot date, the same holds as above except that, if the effective date is greater than the spenrollment enter date, the record is only updated if the new CTE Indicator does not equal the current CTE Indicator.

If a student is found not to be a CTE student and there is an open record where the CTE Override is not blank or 0 then the current CTE record is closed with an exit date equal to the effective date.

  • If the effective date is equal to the snapshot and the effective date is equal to the spenrollment enter date, don't close the record and delete it.
  • If the effective date is greater than or equal to the spenrollment enter date and the spenrollment enter date is greater than the snapshot date, don't close the record and delete it.
  • If the CTE Override is set to something other than 0, leave the record alone.

CTE Indicator Codes of 2 must be manually coded.
See the Texas Reports in PowerSchool for information about the Career and Tech Verification Report. This is a report of students that have taken, are taking or are planning to take Career and Tech classes. This report can be used as verification for the PEIMS Career and Tech Indicator reported in PEIMS.

Alternative Assignment of Tracks

If it is not possible to identify students at the beginning of the sixth six weeks for participation in OFSYP and the assignment of tracks must occur at the end of the school year, two tracks must be defined in the school calendar.

It is ideal to assign all students to Track A at the start of the school year if the district knows that they will be participating in OFSYP for the school year. However, if the decision is made after the start of school the following process can be used:

  1. At the school from the start page, select all students.
  2. From Group Functions, select Student Field Value.
  3. Enter Track in the Field To Change field.
  4. Enter A in the New Field Value field.
  5. Deselect Do not overwrite existing data.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Confirm the change and click Submit.
  8. Using DDA, from the Students table confirm that the same students are still selected.
  9. Select the Re-enrollments table from the pop-up menu.
  10. Select all records.
  11. Select Match Selection to limit the re-enrollment records to the students selected.
  12. Verify the Students table is selected in the pop-up menu and click Proceed to match selection.
  13. In the Search ReEnrollments, filter for EntryDate >= first date of school to limit the re-enrollment records to those for the current school year.
  14. Click Search within the current XXX records only.
  15. Modify the Track field to A.
  16. From Student Search, use Select Students by Hand to identify any student that will be participating in OFSYP.
  17. From Group Functions, select Student Field Value.
  18. Enter B in the New Field Value field.
  19. Deselect Do not overwrite existing data.
  20. Click Submit.
  21. Confirm the change and click Submit.
  22. Using DDA, from the Students table confirm that the same students are still selected.
  23. Select the Re-enrollments table from the pop-up menu.
  24. Select all records.
  25. Select Match Selection to limit the re-enrollment records to the students selected.
  26. Verify the Students table is selected in the pop-up menu and click Proceed to match selection.
  27. In the Search ReEnrollments, filter for EntryDate >= first date of school to limit the re-enrollment records to those for the current school year.
  28. Click Search within the current XXX records only.
  29. Modify the Track field to B.
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